1. Published by Tourist Information Center of Japan National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2014 Japan National Tourism Organization. 2. Dates and functions are subject to change without notice. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. 3. Events marked with ◎ are the major events. 4. Dates of events marked with ◇ are the same every year. 5. Japanese explanation appearing at the bottom of each entry give the name of the event and the nearest railway station in Japanese. Point to this Japanese when you need help from a Japanese passerby. 6. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event. 7. The Subway Lines and Station Numbers are indicated in parentheses ( ). The Internet Website of Japan National Tourism Organization is available at <http://www.jnto.go.jp>. Calendar Events to be enjoyed in August 2014 TOKYO 東京 Date Jul. 12 ~ Aug. 10 ◇ Ueno Natsu Matsuri or Ueno Summer Festival, on the banks of Shinobazu Pond in Ueno Park, Taito- ku. Various entertainments and Kotto Ichi (antique fair) are scheduled during the festival period. URL http://www.ueno.or.jp/ichioshi/ichioshi_36.html Access The JR Yamanote Line,the Ginza or Hibiya Subway Line to Ueno Sta. (G 16, H 17) 所在地 台東区 上野公園周辺 うえの夏まつり(江戸趣味納涼大会) 最寄駅 JR山手線、地下鉄銀座線又は日比谷線上野駅下車 Date Jul. 27 ~ Aug. 3 Hono Asagao-ten, an exhibition of potted morning glories at Yasukuni Shrine, Chiyoda-ku, is held from 6 am daily during the period. Flowers of morning glories usually can be seen until around 11 am. Access The Tozai, Hanzomon or Toei Shinjuku Subway Line to Kudanshita Sta. (T 07, Z 06, S 05)(No. 1 Exit), and then walk 5 min. 所在地 千代田区 靖国神社 奉納あさがお展 最寄駅 地下鉄東西線、半蔵門線又は都営新宿線九段下駅(1番出口)より徒歩5分 Date Jul. 28 ~ Aug. 3 ◇ Asagao-ten, an exhibition of potted morning glories is held near the tennis courts in Hibiya Park, Chiyoda-ku, from 7 am daily. Flowers of morning glories are in bloom usually in the morning. Access The Hibiya, Chiyoda or Toei Mita Subway Line to Hibiya Sta. (H 07, C 09, I 08) 所在地 千代田区 日比谷公園 朝顔展 最寄駅 地下鉄日比谷線、千代田線又は都営三田線日比谷駅 Date Jul. 30 ~ Aug. 2 ◇ Tsukiji Honganji Noryo Bon Odori Taikai or a folk dancing meet, open to the public at Tsukiji Honganji Temple, Chuo-ku. After Wadaiko drumming performances, Bon Odori folk dancing is held from around 7 pm to 9 pm daily (from 6 pm to 8:30 pm on the 2nd). When it rains, hours of Wadaiko drumming and folk dancing will be subject to change, or will be canceled. URL http://tsukijihongwanji.jp/2014/07/2722?fr=top_info Access The Hibiya Subway Line to Tsukiji Sta. (H 10) 所在地 中央区 築地本願寺 築地本願寺納涼盆踊り大会 最寄駅 日比谷線築地駅 1 Date Aug. 1 ~ Aug. 3 ◎ Hachioji Matsuri Festival, Hachioji in the suburbs of Tokyo, a one-hour train ride from Shinjuku Sta. Major events are as follows: (1) On the 2nd, a demonstration of Kanto-Taiko drumming from 2 pm to 4 pm, Min'yo-nagashi (a folk dancing parade) from 4 pm to 6 pm, and a parade of floats & Mikoshi (portable shrines) from 6 pm to 9:30 pm, all held on Koshu-kaido, old Highway, (2) On the 3rd, Shishi- mai (Lion Dance) on Yu-road from 4 pm to 6 pm, Hachiman Yakumo Shrine's Mikoshi parading from Fudanotsuji intersection to Hachiman Yakumo Shrine from 2 pm to 5 pm, and Taga Shrine's Mikoshi , weighing 4 tons, being carried by people on Koshu-kaido from 3 pm to 5:30 pm. URL http://www.hachiojimatsuri.jp/ Access The JR Chuo Line or the Keio Line to Hachioji Sta. 所在地 八王子市 多賀神社 八幡八雲神社 八王子まつり 最寄駅 JR中央線又は京王線八王子駅 Date Aug. 2 Edogawa Hanabi Taikai (Fireworks Display) is held over the Edogawa River, Edogawa-ku, from 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm (14,000 fireworks). In case of rain or a strong wind, it will be postponed to the 3rd. URL http://www.city.edogawa.tokyo.jp/hanabi/ Access (1) The Toei Shinjuku Subway Line to Shinozaki Sta. (S 20), and then walk 15 min. (2) The JR Sobu Line to Koiwa Sta., and then walk 25 min. 所在地 江戸川区 江戸川河川敷 江戸川区花火大会 最寄駅 (1) 都営新宿線篠崎駅より徒歩15分 (2) JR総武線小岩駅より徒歩25分 Date Aug. 2 Itabashi Hanabi Taikai (Fireworks Display) over the upstream of the Arakawa River near Toda-bashi Bridge, Itabashi-ku, is scheduled from 7 pm to 8:30 pm (11,000 fireworks). In case of rain or a strong wind, it will be postponed to the 3rd. URL http://itabashihanabi.jp/ Access (1) The Toei Mita Subway Line to Nishidai Sta. (I 24), Hasune Sta. (I 23) or Takashimadaira Sta. (I 25), and then walk 30 min. (2) The JR Saikyo Line to Ukima-Funado Sta., and then walk 30 min. 所在地 板橋区 戸田橋上流の荒川 いたばし花火大会 最寄駅 (1) 都営三田線西台駅、蓮根駅又は高島平駅より徒歩30分 (2) JR埼京線浮間船渡駅より徒歩30分 Date Aug. 4 & Aug. 5 ◇ Mitama Matsuri, Soul Festival of Ikegami Honmonji Temple, Ota-ku, features Bon Odori , a folk dancing meet in the precincts, from 7 pm to 9 pm on both days. When it rains, it will be postponed to the 6th. URL http://honmonji.jp/01what/03cal/ca_08.html Access (1) The Toei Asakusa Subway Line to Nishi-Magome Sta. (A 01), and then walk 10 min. (2) The Tokyu Ikegami Line to Ikegami Sta., and then walk 10 min. 所在地 大田区 池上本門寺 みたままつり 最寄駅 (1) 都営浅草線西馬込駅より徒歩10分 (2) 東急池上線池上駅より徒歩10分 Date Aug. 4 ~ Aug. 6 Setomono Ichi, Ceramic Fair is held on Ningyocho O-dori street between Suitengu-mae and Ningyocho intersections, Chuo-ku, from 9 am to 9 pm during the period. URL http://www.ningyocho.or.jp/ Access (1) The Hibiya or Toei Asakusa Subway Line to Ningyocho Sta. (H 13, A 14) (2) The Hanzomon Subway Line to Suitengu-mae Sta. (Z 10) 所在地 中央区 日本橋 人形町大通り せともの市 最寄駅 (1) 日比谷線、都営浅草線人形町駅 (2) 半蔵門線水天宮前駅 2 Date Aug. 7 ~ Aug. 10 Fussa Tanabata Matsuri or Star Festival, Fussa, about a 90-min. train ride from Tokyo Sta., features a parade of Mikoshi (portable shrines) and floats from 3:15 pm to 6 pm, and Min'yo-odori (a folk dancing) from 5:20 pm to 8:40 pm, on the city's main streets on the 8th. Various decorations of colored paper streamers and strips along the shopping streets delight the eyes of people. Some more events are scheduled during the festival period. URL http://www.fussa-tanabata.com/ Access The JR Ome Line to Fussa Sta. 所在地 福生市 福生七夕まつり 最寄駅 JR青梅線福生駅 Date Aug. 10 ◎ Tokyo Bay Hanabi Taikai (Fireworks Display) at Harumi Pier, from 6:50 pm to 8:10 pm (12,000 fireworks). In case of rain or a strong wind, it will be canceled. URL http://www.city.chuo.lg.jp/bunka/event/toukyouwanndaihanabisaimeinn.html Access (1) The Toei Oedo Subway Line to Kachidoki Sta. (E 17) (2) The Yurakucho Subway Line to Tsukishima Sta. (Y 21) or Toyosu Sta. (Y 22) 所在地 中央区 晴海埠頭 東京湾大華火祭 最寄駅 (1) 都営大江戸線勝どき駅 (2) 有楽町線月島駅 又は豊洲駅 Date Aug. 13 ~ Aug. 17 Fukagawa Hachimangu Matsuri or Annual Festival of Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine, Koto-ku. This festival is one of the Tokyo's Three Greatest Summer Festivals and called Mizukake Matsuri , literally meaning a festival in which local people scatter water drops over Mikoshi (portable shrines) carriers. On the 16th, a procession of Horen (sacred palanquins) is held throughout the town from 8 am to 4 pm. On the 17th, the highlight of the festival is a Mikoshi parade in which big 53 Mikoshi are carried by townspeople in the neighborhood from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. Many other events in the precincts are scheduled as follows; (1) On the 14th, Noh (classical Japanese stage art performance) from 4:30 pm, and a folk dance performance from 6:30 pm, (2) On the 15th, Taiko drumming from 2:30 pm, and Koto (Japanese harp) music performance from 5:30 pm, (3) On the 16th, a demonstration of Karate and Shorinji-Kenpo (Japanese martial arts) from 3 pm and 6 pm. URL http://www.tomiokahachimangu.or.jp/ Access The Tozai Subway Line to Monzen-Nakacho Sta. (T 12) 所在地 江東区 富岡八幡宮 富岡八幡宮例大祭(深川八幡宮祭、別名水かけ祭) 最寄駅 東西線門前仲町駅 Date Aug. 16 Jingu Gaien Hanabi Taikai (Fireworks Display) is held at Jingu Kyujo Baseball Stadium, Shibuya-ku, from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm (10,000 fireworks), which is preceded by the music concerts in its vicinty, (1) at Jingu Kyujo Baseball Stadium, (2) at Chichibunomiya Rugby & Football Ground, (3) at Jingu Nanshiki Kyujo Baseball Park, and so on. Tickets are available at Seven-Eleven, Circle K Sunkus, or Ticket Pia counters. In case of rain, it will be postponed to the 17th. URL http://jinguhanabi.com/ Access (1) The Toei Oedo Subway Line to Kokuritsu Kyogijo Sta. (E 25) (2) The JR Sobu Line to Shinanomachi Sta. or Sendagaya Sta. (3) The Ginza Subway Line to Gaien-mae Sta. (G 03) 所在地 新宿区 神宮球場 神宮外苑花火大会 最寄駅 (1) 都営大江戸線国立競技場駅 (2) JR総武線信濃町駅 又は千駄ヶ谷駅 (3) 銀座線外苑前駅 3 Date Aug. 22 ~ Aug. 25 Kameido Tenjin Taisai or Annual Summer Festival of Kameido Tenjin, Koto-ku. Horen , a gorgeous palanquin (cart) is drawn by local people in the neighborhood from 7 am to 5:30 pm on the 23rd. A parade of 25 towns' Mikoshi (portable shrines) goes on Kuramae-dori street from early morning to around 1 pm on the 24th. About 1,000 Kentomyo (lighted lanterns) are lit up in the precincts from around 7 pm, and Takigi-kagura (torch-lighted Shinto dance) is performed to the accompaniment of the music in the precincts of the Shrine from 7 pm on the 25th.
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