Fall 2007 - Fall 2011 Rancho Santiago Community College District Enrollment Trends and Student Characteristics Table of Contents Page I. Enrollment Trends (Credit Students) Enrollment Summary ................................................................................................................... 2 Feeder High Schools Most Attended by New Freshmen 17-19 Years Old.................................. 3 Number of Graduates of RSCCD Feeder High Schools .............................................................. 4 II. Student Characteristics (Credit Students) Rancho Santiago Community College District (all students) ...................................................... 5 Santa Ana College All Students ........................................................................................................................ 7 On-Campus Students (excludes Apprenticeship, Fire Academy, Contract Management, Criminal Justice Academy, Quality Assurance, Distance Education, and Business Seminar) .................................................................... 9 Santiago Canyon College All Students ...................................................................................................................... 11 On-Campus Students (excludes Apprenticeship, Fire Academy, Contract Management, Criminal Justice Academy, Quality Assurance, Distance Education, and Business Seminar) .................................................................. 13 III. Student Characteristics (School of Continuing Education) Santa Ana College (Centennial Education Center) ................................................................... 15 Santiago Canyon College (Orange Education Center) .............................................................. 17 1 H:\\enroll\enrollment trends fall 2011 October 2011 RSCCD HEADCOUNT TRENDS Sources: SR0835 (2007-08) Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall % change Data Warehouse (2009-11) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 ‘10 to ‘11 RSCCD (unduplicated) credit (3rd week) 35789 34699 27989 25024 24900 0% on-campus credit (3rd week)* 25900 29771 25554 22361 23482 5% Santa Ana College all credit (3rd week) 27097 26464 21063 18089 17681 -2% on-campus credit (3rd week)* 18709 22145 18975 16131 15985 -1% All non-credit (7th week) 12794 14112 13818 12696 11565 -9% Santiago Canyon College all credit (3rd week) 10582 10560 9423 8861 9251 4% on-campus credit (3rd week)* 9191 9964 9058 7783 8001 3% All non-credit (7th week) 6216 6456 7908 6387 5571 -13% “On-campus” counts do not include “non-traditional” classes (Apprenticeship, Fire Academy, Contract Management, Criminal Justice Academy, Quality Assurance, Business Seminar, and Distance Education (online and tv) classes). 2 H:\\enroll\enrollment trends fall 2011 October 2011 HIGH SCHOOLS MOST ATTENDED BY NEW RSCCD FRESHMEN IN CREDIT COURSEWORK, FALL 2007-FALL 2011 (17-19 YEARS OF AGE) High School Last Attended by New Freshmen (17-19 years of age) Santa Ana College Santiago Canyon College Feeder High Schools by City 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Anaheim Anaheim High School 80 48 59 44 29 12 8 2 7 5 Esperanza High School 49 45 14 15 22 134 117 107 107 129 Katella High School 50 59 54 26 31 13 19 19 8 13 Orange Canyon High School 34 40 14 12 15 121 119 130 127 134 El Modena High School 49 49 35 0 16 186 191 262 170 225 Lutheran High School 13 15 8 5 4 44 41 43 38 35 Orange High School 99 76 68 64 71 138 156 133 110 103 Richland High School 5 6 5 6 12 15 11 6 12 24 Villa Park High School 50 47 25 31 20 126 182 133 162 137 Fountain Valley Los Amigos High School 43 76 46 31 40 8 14 1 1 2 Garden Grove Bolsa Grande High School 42 46 35 22 29 4 10 1 0 4 Garden Grove High School 70 60 56 32 44 11 15 0 1 3 Santiago High School 127 104 121 74 96 17 19 13 27 48 Placentia El Dorado High School 20 24 11 12 15 29 37 40 56 92 Valencia High School 18 38 16 18 14 43 60 33 37 50 Santa Ana Century High School 124 148 197 113 146 16 24 5 10 3 Cesar E Chavez High School 35 21 25 21 27 4 0 0 1 0 Hector Godinez High School 1 67 62 0 1 3 Lorin Griset Academy 50 38 44 1 0 1 Mater Dei High School 16 20 16 15 16 23 34 21 29 32 Middle College High School 3 10 18 4 6 0 5 5 1 0 O.C. High School of the Arts 7 5 3 4 6 2 9 6 5 7 Saddleback High School 169 136 137 97 94 21 17 1 1 2 Santa Ana High School 314 291 253 239 252 40 30 5 7 6 Segerstrom High School 62 107 100 100 8 5 7 7 Valley High School 168 139 151 87 162 22 15 3 1 4 Tustin Arnold Beckman High School 8 23 12 14 12 19 41 40 80 34 Foothill High School 55 48 41 34 29 94 106 100 81 81 Tustin High School 46 52 30 49 46 59 35 28 28 23 Westminster Westminster High School 21 8 17 14 16 4 3 1 2 0 TOTAL 1715 1696 1625 1288 1476 1205 1326 1144 1117 1207 3 H:\\enroll\enrollment trends fall 2011 October 2011 NUMBER OF GRADUATES OF HIGH SCHOOLS WITHIN RSCCD BOUNDARIES % change RSCCD High Schools 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 from 2010 Anaheim Esperanza 709 741 730 752 747 -1% Garden Grove Garden Grove 475 487 500 493 510 3% Hare 130 110 240 138 148 7% Santiago 351 387 399 410 487 19% Orange Canyon 499 571 575 530 495 -7% El Modena 464 506 464 406 481 18% Lutheran 295 306 290 289 303 5% Orange 420 451 459 477 426 -11% Richland 90 65 90 138 162 17% Villa Park 499 550 534 596 550 -8% Santa Ana Century 303 314 394 447 425 -5% Cesar Chavez 91 88 130 125 130 4% Hector Godinez 242 508 110% Lorin Griset Academy 125 154 214 165 233 41% Mater Dei 525 568 534 525 512 -2% Middle College 61 63 76 70 71 1% O.C. High School of the Arts Charter 221 203 202 247 265 7% Saddleback 485 310 354 425 389 -8% Santa Ana 566 572 535 525 529 1% Segerstrom 307 594 562 524 -7% Valley 363 334 425 332 332 0% Tustin Foothill 390 412 509 489 495 1% TOTAL 7062 7499 8248 8383 8722 4% 4 H:\\enroll\enrollment trends fall 2011 October 2011 RANCHO SANTIAGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT (ALL CREDIT) Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 35789 34699 27989 25024 24900 (census week) SR0835 SR0835 Datatel Datatel Datatel n % n % n % n % n % Ethnicity Native American 294 1% 284 1% 244 1% 202 1% 234 1% African-American 844 2% 732 2% 585 2% 532 2% 531 2% Asian 3669 10% 3576 10% 3194 11% 2866 11% 2691 11% Chinese 365 10% 342 10% 283 9% 261 9% 251 9% Japanese 288 8% 254 7% 175 5% 134 5% 153 6% Korean 267 7% 231 6% 203 6% 200 7% 181 7% Southeast Asian 2294 63% 2364 66% 2045 64% 1861 65% 1689 63% Other Asian 455 12% 385 11% 488 15% 410 14% 417 15% Latino 14781 41% 15030 43% 13074 47% 12494 50% 13201 53% Mexican American 12698 86% 12875 86% 10110 77% 7751 62% 6885 52% Central American 786 5% 791 5% 586 4% 426 3% 350 3% South American 602 4% 640 4% 472 4% 358 3% 269 2% Other Latino 695 5% 724 5% 1906 15% 3959 32% 5697 43% Filipino 530 1% 557 2% 440 2% 433 2% 446 2% Caucasian 12476 35% 11536 33% 7197 26% 6228 25% 5906 24% Pacific Islander 207 1% 217 1% 188 1% 189 1% 169 1% Other 1198 3% 1130 3% 629 2% 401 2% 254 1% Decline to State 1790 5% 1637 5% 2438 9% 1679 7% 1558 6% Age 17 and under 898 3% 889 3% 837 3% 999 4% 1072 4% 18 3108 9% 3308 10% 3042 11% 2777 11% 3037 12% 19 3239 9% 3387 10% 3517 13% 3188 13% 3193 13% 20-21 4693 13% 5073 15% 5029 18% 4748 19% 4862 20% 22-25 5926 17% 5807 17% 5207 19% 4824 19% 4930 20% 26-29 3628 10% 3566 10% 2828 10% 2618 10% 2489 10% 30-39 5901 16% 5413 16% 3552 13% 2981 12% 2778 11% 40-49 4904 14% 4313 12% 2397 9% 1704 7% 1598 6% 50-64 3096 9% 2595 7% 1344 5% 1001 4% 919 4% over 64 391 1% 344 1% 236 1% 177 1% 112 0% Not reported 5 <1% 4 <1% 7 0% 0 0% Day/Night Status Day 21919 61% 19941 57% 10433 42% 10718 43% Night 6823 19% 6724 19% 6090 24% 5730 23% Both 7036 20% 8029 23% 7275 29% 7294 29% Not reported 11 1% 5 1% 1226 5% 1248 5% Gender Male 21034 59% 19992 58% 14129 50% 12530 50% 12398 50% Female 14701 41% 14701 42% 13748 49% 12407 50% 12505 50% Not reported 54 <1% 6 <1% 112 <1% 87 0% 87 0% Enrollment Status Continuing 26805 75% 26513 76% 14807 59% 14501 58% First Time 4803 13% 4800 14% 3769 15% 4302 17% Transfer 2099 6% 1688 5% 2466 10% 2479 10% Returning/Ret.Trans. 2081 6% 1698 5% 3211 13% 3076 12% 5 H:\\enroll\enrollment trends fall 2011 October 2011 RANCHO SANTIAGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT (ALL CREDIT) Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 35789 34699 27989 25024 24900 (census week) SR0835 SR0835 Datatel Datatel Datatel n % n % n % n % n % High school student 517 2% 562 2% Not reported 1 <1% 254 1% 70 0% Citizenship Status U.S. Citizen 30028 84% 29062 84% 20805 83% 21109 85% Immigrant 2963 8% 2911 8% 1958 8% 1832 7% Student visa 260 1% 188 1% Other 2798 8% 2726 8% 1541 6% 1603 6% Not reported 460 2% 258 1% Full/Part-Time Status 12+ units 7710 22% 8516 25% 8218 29% 17043 68% 7419 30% <12 units 28079 78% 26183 75% 19771 71% 7981 32% 17571 71% Educational Objectives Vocational Certificate 2726 8% 2350 7% 1328 5% 993 4% 934 4% Employment Courses 9415 26% 8126 23% 4179 15% 3201 13% 2868 12% career interest 994 11% 961 12% 663 16% 485 15% 440 15% new career 2231 24% 2180 27% 1665 40% 1419 44% 1316 46% career promotion 4622 49% 3660 45% 846 20% 789 25% 653 23% get license 1568 17% 1325 16% 1005 24% 508 16% 459 16% AA Degree 10916 31% 11519 33% 11731 42% 12380 49% 13292 53% no transfer 2088 18% 2053 17% 2063 16% transfer 8863 81% 9358 81% 9495 81% 10134 82% 11003 83% vocational 2053 19% 2161 19% 148 1% 193 2% 226 2% Transfer, no AA 2625 7% 2805 8% 2780 10% 2460 10% 2667 11% Personal develop.
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