*. rUBMTVatl Ten " JUNI 35, I»S» TORRANCI HIRAIG EMPLOYMKNT Offered » BO.U1H FOR SALE (0 HOMBS FOE »ALB J M | HOMKS tTOR SALE '} » APARTMENTS i 1 FUBNrnmiC " H , ' t ",! Mid Appllwww rid AWrttoBMp ^. MPLOYMENT M EMPLOYMENT M f ' Offered, M«i Offered, Women 6.1. Res.le OPEN DA LY 'TIL' DARK AVALON VILLAGE TORRANCE FURNISHED BEAU TIFUL ' Move Right Inl DRIVE RT ISflth and Pennavl *IOUT a-bedroom unlta n APARTMENTf PERSONNEL AGENCY LtlrKe 2 bedroom, hardwood >anla. Nl« 1 bedroom. Call ui good location Hardwoor $56.85 up 1628 Gramercy to ahow floora, garagea. garbage dla- Ncwlv decorated, laundry fa- General neighborhood. Only ft year* poaalt. Somethlnif you'd be clllllea. carport, near achool, i FA 8-5368 to" movTUo'' r"!i*"'p tVe". LARC.E J-REDROOM 0. I proud to 'own. Wl Invite your chopping center land tranapor- * Furniture Returned * reaale. In the hllla. ilardwooi The InapecUon. 1 FROM U OLLTWOOD The Job to Fit the Pinon $11,900, HWO down. floora. flieplacV. natural cah - * CHH.DREN WELCOME ! Petroleum Th. Feraon to Fit lha Job nrta. wall to wall carpeting. 3-BEDROOM .0.1 reeate In 4«> E. 231at Street Excellent Income Property Prjce »lf,«»0. Terma. Weat Torrance. aeparate d n- Wllmlntton TE 4-7271 NATIONAL Ing room, fireplace, large i Newly decorated duplex. Clone 3-BKDROOW BEAUTT rtTRNfSIIBD APARTMENT M6vie & TV Studios Many Jobs In Torrance on cor­ kitchen, doublo garage. Itea 1' with 3 hedioorna ner lot Large kitchen wl h buy at IU.750. Termi. CLOSE IN on earn ulrlc. Hardwood floom. 3117 TORRANCR BLVD. NoW on Sale it Fra ctlon of Origin*! Cost Corporation double eating area, aepamto dining Available carafe. )B50 aq. ft., «rea. Fireplace, double garage IMMACt'LATK 1 bedroom ONB^beitroom. Nicely SUPPLY 68x136' lot. FHA and 0.1. furnlahe<3 Buy tha furniture you ini In h It movlaa and top TV aHowa. loan. Roth aldca rented. Total «-Hh breetnway. Price SI2.9M). Newly decorated. Laundry fa ara in hllla. Large kitchen. Price ollltlea. Adulla. no peta. 81 All plecea filmed In atudloa a«cellent condition and NEEDS BEAUTICIAN. P«rl lime. 3 to Income 1150 per month. 13,000 fully guaranteed. r Company 4 daya l> week. CAll down will handle Ihia. 11250 Terma. Sartorl. Apply Apt. 1.. DAvIa 4-77.11 3-BEDROOM. H4 hatha. O.I. 3-ROOM furhilhed Reaale In North Torrance. MANUFACTURING location apartment SEE OUR ENORMOUS SI OCK OF NlwTuRNITURE G. 1. for machine ahop. /rablnet 1402 Weat 218th Street. Tor Rente Wall lo wall carpeting, flr- *hop ranee Inquire 2310 Parlfl 5 Pioneer Industry of MORTGAGES 44 Large 3 beilroom with hard- place, - double garage, fenced or other lypea of light manu- Coaat Hlway. Lomita it No Money STENOS Trmt Deedi wood floora. wall-to-wall car- yard. Priced I1».BOO Terma. iRcturlng. Ma. 1M foot al . 3-ROOM GROUP Down £ Torrjnce and largest Kel In llvlnr. dlnlni area and metal building with extra TWO 2-rootn apartmenta, utll WE CARRT Otm OWN CON­ ADAMS Induatrlea will buy fin all. Double detached farlte. LOVELY I atowage apace. Haa heavy wtr- Itlea furnlahecT . * $149 * Integrated machinery Near achnoln. )3000 down wll bedroom, hard­ rAlrfax 8-8476 TRACTS NO FINANCE CO. Desire young ladies nd aecomt Iruat deede. C«l wood noon, wall-to-wall car­ OR BANK TO DUAL WITH. manufacturing plant in TKrniltml 4-0,134. peting, fireplace, nice vard. ery. CloM f?o"ror?anoe. Price able to take dictation at which* 'include* taxea and In- 20.000. Terma. TWO * THREE ROOM apart INCLUDES; Divan * chair; Ol'T-OF-8TATB CHBD1T OK th» West double garage. Price 113.9(0 menta. Everything furnllbed 3 end tablaa. coffee tablea. 3 11 .00 HOLDS ANT PURCHASE i average speed and will­ HOMRS FOR SALE fit with I1SOO down. LAROE 9 bedroom and den. children welcome. Normandie table lampa, 8-pc. bedroom aet, NOTE: Thla furniture am be Apartment. 1143 Weat 254th NEEDS YOU ing to do other related Birds-Beet-Chickent Early American. 1400 aq. ft., mirror S-pc. dinette, allrer, purchased aeparafly or by , I-BEDROOU near new Nar- flreplare. hullt-ln range ami Harbor City. dlanea, pMlowa, boudoir office assignments. Three beitmom. full alie clln- bonne Hlrh School, hardwood oven, hreakfaat bar. and wal - TWO-ROOM apartment, utilities ONSfoWNBR 37 TEAR* OPPORTUNITIES Ing room, fireplace ajid large floora, garbage diapoaal, flag- to-wall carpeting. Urge yard. paid. S46 month. 21607 South FRANCES hreakfut nook with large dou­ alone patio Double detached Pc»t location In Torrance. faenlo. Torrance. S ROOAAS^MODERN ' 4 ROOMS^MAPLE NOW OPEN Individuals who are ble garage, workahop and ex- garage. Price til. "SO. Terma. Price 138,800. Tern-. FAlrfax «-038» tra hiilldlnr with plumhlng. interested in a career Real Estate & Insurance Fruit treea on a lot *4xJ89i List with us, a id start Packing CLEAN furnished apartmmitj *$279*. A $3«5* | DRAFTSMAN with us enjoy: In Torrance. near achoola ISO and J6B Utllltlea paid IMMACULATE 2 bedroom atnrea anit (raneportatlon. Full Aditlta. no peta. Martin apart- menta. 1880 Torrance Blvd. IHOLUDB3 BLKC. REFRIO. INCLUDIW BLEC. RBFRIG, atucco, carpeting, hardwood, price (13.500. 12(00 down W II OAS RANftB, maple divan and is ASSEMBLER * Excellent Working natural cabinet* In kitchen, handle. SOUTHERN ItitfwIU abare 3- CA8 RANGE. 2-pc. divan and dlapoaal. 2 car lrara(«. flO.960. Custom F,eal Estate chair. 3 modern tablea. 3 chair. 3 nupla tablea. 9 table Oil Too! Conditions table lampi, 3 bedroom* (1 lampi, 3 mapla bedrooma (1 Rolling Hills ents Realtor twin) 5-pc dinette, diahea, twin). 6-pc dinette. -dl«h«a. W Regular 3.BEDROOM FRAME Floor Beautiful 3 bedroom & Investm - r*nt""rAI?fll» T7344.'" * allver, OPERATORS Salary and den. FA allver, boudoir lampa, pillow*, boudoir lamp*. ^Illowa, ' Reviews car garage, large atorage 3 flrcnlacea. 1"« hatha. 2000 8-1995 2166 Torrance Blvd. NEWLY decorated apartment. electric refrigerator and la* elictrle reh-lfarator and «*a Engine Lathe room. 16000. equare feet of living area, plua «gf!I. t wfll «Sl''ip!'"m'iiiiie< range. ' Turret Lathe i> 40-Hour Week, and tV A Complete Benefit EXECUTIVES ahould aee thla Beautiful view of Catallna anrl paid. 1321 El Prado. Vert. Bor. Mill auperh 2-year-olj) home 5tirround1ng c.oaat line to San­ FAIrfai 8-76)4 Program providing 2- ta Monica. Lot 1IXXI65'. Takea Horizontal Boring Mill 110.000 to handle thlfl. Vets or Non-Vets a ROOMS, milltlfa nnd llnena. \ Julien's Stcan Furniture * for future forred "air "heat large kitchen $13 per week. Alao aleeplng security with natural cabtneta. dlspoaal. room; 18 I72S Abalone Eureka North Redondo IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Hotel .FAIrfai 8-2281. JOOI E. COMPTON BLVD., COMPTON INSPECTORS bath", yard ifencea and' well APPLY landacapcd. NEW 3 hpdroomi. Children wel­ 4 blocks weit of long Beech Blvd. ' » APPLY come - Garbage dlapoaal. TV I Industrial Relations 37950 3-bedroom kitchen with breakfant nook, antenna. 1ROO to 1820 Weat frame In tile In bath. Backyard en­ NEW 255th Street. Lnmlta. OPEN DAILY i SUND/^Y 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. CORNER Department beat aei-tlon of Harbor Cltv. closed with 6' redwood fence. Nice fruit tree... carafe, fenced 11, use In perfect condition - Three-Bedroom Homes APARTMENTS 7» BORDER & CARSON throughout. Well landacaped. 3700 W. 190th St. neac Catholic and nubile For Ront, Unfurnlihed IOUSES FOR RENT 14 1«68 WHIRLPOOL. S e n e V a Since 1912 - 3 HOUSES on Stu 3116 Int. In achoole. Full price (11,900. Furnished Eleo/rk. Norge, Blaekatone. TORRANCE 12000 down will handle. Philco. Hntpolnt automat r A good place to work! NO DOWN PAYMENT NEW DELUXE ARTS. waaher. Rig ahlpment returned »hed. 319.000. ISB.50 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Extra Land Except Costs and Impounds of $295 One bedroom, diapoaal. car- SEE tracla. "still In factory eratea. ARE TO!' Intereatcd In lull P:XTRA LAROE S-bedro,im K6i3S(T with an old hou«e that porte with atorage space, tlla Brand new factory guarantee. MONDAY thru FRIDAY frame. Haa dlnlnit room, haid- la available. Zoned R-3 In Lo- Streets, sewers, curbs pullman bath, large wardrobe. KIFF FIRST They atari at »129.!(l. Only ooit. tile, fireplace, 2-rar fa- mlla. Tdeal for unltn JS.500. Near Shopping Center Rentala or Leaaea J«J» per month. SHE S20 a (lay? Till* nrdara from rare (11.500 12.000 down. Full price. 11000 down wll and sidewalks in. Two bus lines. ette area. Vei v modern kllch- Baughn's Warehouse handle. PM. Phon» and TV jacka. "THE BEST IN TOWN" turlng CENTRAL TORRANCE DU­ 2801 American Ave.. L.B. over 200 hounchnlc) TELLER PLEX Two bedroom each 228th ond Avalon Blvd., Wilmington OR 1-8276 Open S-9 San. 11-6 GA 4-«6l« aide. Hardwood, tile, 3-car la- A Bargain 9000 aq. ft. of parking Srw"Cl*4M*j?Srlli"wnmrn«lJ!l (experienced) OWNER-FR 9-3834 Blvd.' 8 In rat.. J16.600. Three bedroom with hardwood 1I:JO < m. floora. Excellent view. In jood Open Daily from Noon 14828 Halldale, Gardena garage apartment with ga­ FOR OUR TORRA.NCE OPTICS »ax30S' A-l. County. ......»3f>00 neighborhood Ton will have Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 a.m. rage. OAFFER8 * 8ATTLKR EMPLOYMENT 37 50x30S' M-l. County .i...$4500 OA8 RANGE Part-time Monday 1 Acre in Torrance ......1650(1 Priced at only" |10.5<xf TE 4-0669 lit UTILITIES Guaat houae ]"U model. Juat like new. All OfffrwI. Women and Friday SO*13S- R-3. Torrano ..17500 A- NEW DELUXE * for bachelor.
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