THE SARUM RITE Sarum Breviary Noted. Performing Edition VOLUME A. Part . Pages []-[]. Psalter. Penitential Psalms. The Litany. Edited by William Renwick. HAMILTON ONTARIO . THE GREGORIAN INSTITUTE OF CANADA . MMXII. The Sarum Rite is published by The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégoren du Canada, Mercer Street, Dundas, Ontario, Canada LH N. The Gregorian Institute of Canada is affiliated with the School of the Arts, McMaster University. The Sarum Rite is distributed over the internet through .pdf files located at: www.sarum-chant.ca This document first published January , . Revised March , June , November . All rights reserved. This publication may be downloaded and stored on personal computers, and may be printed for purposes of research, study, education, and performance. No part of this publication may be uploaded, printed for sale or distribution, or otherwise transmitted or sold, without the prior permission in writing of the Gregorian Institute of Canada. The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégorien du Canada is a charitable organization registered by the Federal Government of Canada. www.gregorian.ca © The Gregorian Institute of Canada, . Pentiential Psalms. Penitential Psalms. On Wednesday at the beginning of Lent after Sext the Clerks kneel in the Quire before the Altar, together with the Bishop or Officiant, and say the seven Penitential Psalms followed by this Antiphon Remember not, Lord. []. and with Gloria Patri. at the end of each Psalm. Let all this be said without note whether said by the Priest alone or by the whole Choir. Against Wrath. Psalm . Domine ne in furore. vj. Lord, rebuke me not in sake. O thine indignation : * neither For in death no man remem- chasten me in thy bereth thee : * and who will give thee displeasure. thanks in the pit ? Have mercy upon me, O Lord, I am weary of my groaning ; for I am weak : * O Lord, heal me, every night wash I my bed : * and for my bones are vexed. water my couch with my tears. My soul also is sore troubled : * My beauty is gone for very but, Lord, how long wilt thou punish trouble : * and worn away because of me ? all mine enemies. Turn thee, O Lord, and deliver Away from me, all ye that work my soul : * O save me for thy mercy’s vanity : * for the Lord hath heard the [573] Pentiential Psalms. voice of my weeping. confounded, and sore vexed : * they The Lord hath heard my shall be turned back, and put to petition : * the Lord will receive my shame suddenly. prayer. Glory be to the Father. &c. All mine enemies shall be Against Pride. Psalm . Beati quorum. xxxj. Lessed is he whose unright- but in the great water-floods they Beousness is forgiven : * and shall not come nigh him. whose sin is covered. Thou art a place to hide me in, Blessed is the man unto whom thou shalt preserve me from trouble : * the Lord imputeth no sin : * and in thou shalt compass me about with whose spirit there is no guile. songs of deliverance. For while I held my tongue : * I will inform thee, and teach thee my bones consumed away through my in the way wherein thou shalt go : * daily complaining. and I will guide thee with mine eye. For thy hand is heavy upon me Be ye not like to horse and mule, day and night : * and my moisture is which have no understanding : * like the drought in summer. whose mouths must be held with bit I will acknowledge my sin unto and bridle, lest they fall upon thee. thee : * and mine unrighteousness Great plagues remain for the have I not hid. ungodly : * but whoso putteth his I said, I will confess my sins unto trust in the Lord, mercy embraceth the Lord : * and so thou forgavest the him on every side. wickedness of my sin. Be glad, O ye righteous, and For this shall every one that is rejoice in the Lord : * and be joyful, godly make his prayer unto thee, in a all ye that are true of heart. time when thou mayest be found : * Glory be to the Father. &tc . Against Gluttony. Psalm . Domine ne in furore. xxxvij. UT me not to rebuke, O Lord, chasten me in thy heavy displeasure. Pin thine anger : * neither For thine arrows stick fast in me : * [574] Penitential Psalms. and thy hand presseth me sore. of wickedness, and imagined deceit all There is no health in my flesh, the day long. because of thy displeasure : * neither As for me, I was like a deaf man, is there any rest in my bones, by and heard not : * and as one that is reason of my sin. dumb, who doth not open his mouth. For my wickednesses are gone I became even as a man that over my head : * and are like a sore heareth not : * and in whose mouth burden, too heavy for me to bear. are no reproofs. My wounds stink, and are For in thee, O Lord, have I put corrupt : * through my foolishness. my trust : * thou shalt answer for me, I am brought into so great O Lord my God. trouble and misery : * that I go I have required that they, even mourning all the day long. mine enemies, should not triumph For my loins are filled with a sore over me : * for when my foot slipped, disease : * and there is no whole part they rejoiced greatly against me. in my body. And I truly am set in the plague : * I am feeble, and sore smitten : * I and my heaviness is ever in my sight. have roared for the very disquietness For I will confess my wicked- of my heart. ness : * and be sorry for my sin. Lord, thou knowest all my But mine enemies live, and are desire : * and my groaning is not hid mighty : * and they that hate me from thee. wrongfully are many in number. My heart panteth, my strength They also that reward evil for hath failed me : * and the light of good are against me : * because I mine eyes is gone from me. follow the thing that good is. My lovers and my neighbours Forsake me not, O Lord my did stand looking upon my trouble : * God : * be not thou far from me. and my kinsmen stood afar off. Haste thee to help me : * O They also that sought after my Lord God of my salvation. life laid snares for me : * and they Glory be to the Father. &c. that went about to do me evil talked [575] Penitential Psalms. Against Extravagance. Psalm . Miserere mei Deus. l. Ave mercy upon me, O God, Cast me not away from thy Hafter thy great goodness : * presence : * and take not thy holy according to the multitude of thy spirit from me. mercies do away mine offences. O give me the comfort of thy Wash me throughly from my help again : * and stablish me with wickedness : * and cleanse me from thy free Spirit. my sin. Then shall I teach thy ways For I acknowledge my faults : * unto the wicked : * and sinners shall and my sin is ever before me. be converted unto thee. Against thee only have I sinned, Deliver me from blood-guilti- and done this evil in thy sight : * that ness, O God, thou that art the God of thou mightest be justified in thy my health : * and my tongue shall saying, and clear when thou art sing of thy righteousness. judged. Thou shalt open my lips, O Behold, I was shapen in wick- Lord : * and my mouth shall shew edness : * and in sin hath my mother thy praise. conceived me. For thou desirest no sacrifice, But lo, thou requirest truth in else would I give it thee : * but thou the inward parts : * and shalt make delightest not in burnt-offerings. me to understand wisdom secretly. The sacrifice of God is a trou- Thou shalt purge me with bled spirit : * a broken and contrite hyssop, and I shall be clean : * thou heart, O God, shalt thou not despise. shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter O be favourable and gracious than snow. unto Sion : * build thou the walls of Thou shalt make me hear of joy Jerusalem. and gladness : * that the bones which Then shalt thou be pleased with thou hast broken may rejoice. the sacrifice of righteousness, with Turn thy face from my sins : * the burnt-offerings and oblations : * and put out all my misdeeds. then shall they offer young bullocks Make me a clean heart, O God : * upon thine altar. and renew a right spirit within me. Glory be to the Father. &c. [576] Penitential Psalms. Against Avarice. Psalm . Domine exaudi. cj. Ear my prayer, O Lord : * and and I am withered like grass. Hlet my crying come unto thee. But thou, O Lord, shalt endure Hide not thy face from me in the for ever : * and thy remembrance time of my trouble : * incline thine throughout all generations. ear unto me when I call ; O hear me, Thou shalt arise, and have mercy and that right soon. upon Sion : * for it is time that thou For my days are consumed away have mercy upon her, yea, the time is like smoke : * and my bones are burnt come. up as it were a fire-brand. And why ? thy servants think My heart is smitten down, and upon her stones : * and it pitieth withered like grass : * so that I forget them to see her in the dust. to eat my bread. The nations shall fear thy Name, For the voice of my groaning : * O Lord : * and all the kings of the my bones will scarce cleave to my earth thy Majesty ; flesh.
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