& OXFORD Special book offer OxFORD MoDERN AusTRALIAN UsAGE Nicholas Hudson JThe book is a delight, and very useful'. -Frank Jackson, Professor of Philosophy, Institute of Advance Studies, ANU. Whether you use it to solve a Scrabble dispute, to win a fight about spelling or to compose a stinging letter to the editor, Oxford Modern Australian Usage will aid and comfort you. Thanks to Oxford University Press, we have 20 copies, each worth $19.95, to give away. Just put your nam e and address on the back of an envelope and address it to Eurel<a Street/ Oxford Modern A ustralian Usage Giveaway PO Box 553, Richmond Vic 3121. For books on ... AUSTRALIAN * pol itics and social BOOK REVIEW change * gender iss ues * media * environment * fiction , second-hand ... coming up in Nove mbe r: David Malouf on The Ox ford Companion to Australian Music Trish Goddard on Understanding Troubled Min ds Justi ne Ettler on John Birmingham's The New International is a The Tasmanian Babes Fiasco new, co-operatively-owned-and­ run bookshop located in John Marsden on Th e Inn er Principal Melbourne's Trades Hall. Come and try out ou r coffee a symposium on gangsters and gatekeepers shop, pick up information on r program of eve nts, book an essay by lvor lndyk on the role of the critic nches and speake rs, ond ro wse amongst Melbourne's est selection of criti­ al, independent writing. Volume 7 Number 9 EURI:-KA STRI:-Er November 1997 A magazine of public affairs, the arts and theology 32 TRAHISON DES CLERCS Andrew Hamilton charts the growing antipathy to refugees' rights in Howard CoNTENTS government policies. 36 4 BOOKS COMMENT Jim Davidson & Peter Steele on expatriatism in Ian Britain's Once an 7 Australian: Journeys with Barry CAPITAL LETTER Humphries, Clive Jam es, Germaine Greer and Robert Hughes; John Sendy 8 reviews A People's Tragedy: the LETTERS Russian Revolution 1891-1924 (p41); Paul Tankard measures The Size of 10 Thoughts: Essays and Other Lumber by THE MONTH'S TRAFFIC Nicholson Baker (p44); Frank Jackson approves The Oxford Modern 16 Australian Usage while Michael SECRETS AND LIES McGirr reviews Trevor Hay & Fang Margaret Simons on Adelaide's rumours Xiangshu's Black Ice: A Story of and what lies behind them. Modern China (p45) . 19 39 ARCHIMEDES POETRY Leaving Mantua by Peter Porter. 20 THE WEDGE GETS THICKER 46 Managerial culture and political THEATRE expedience are eroding hard-won Geoffrey Milne reviews the Festival of democratic procedures, says Moira Rayner. the Dreaming. Cover: Photograph of 22 48 Hilary Charl esworth ROBBEN ISLAND, ATALE TO TELL FLASH IN THE PAN by Bill Thomas. Mark Thomas visits the site of Nelson Reviews of the films LA Confidential, Mandela's imprisonment. The Last of th e High Kings, The Full Photographs pp3, 10, 24, 3 1, 33 by Monty, The Daytrippers, Hercules and Bill Thomas. Gatta ca . Photographs p13 by Martin West. 23 Graphics pp16- 17, 21, 37, 38, 40 by SUMMA THEOLOGIAE Siobhan Ja ckson. 50 Photograph p22 courtesy of Mark 24 WATCHING BRIEF Thomas. N O PRINCIPLED REASON Eureka Street m agazine Hilary Charlesworth on human rights and 51 Jes uit Publica tions religious traditions. SPECIFIC LEVITY PO Box 553 Richmond VIC 3 12 1 Tel (03) 9427 73 11 Fax (03) 9428 4450 V oLUME 7 NuMBER 9 • EUREKA STREET 3 IN M EMORIAM EURI:-KA STRf • ~~-------, A magazine of public affairs, the art s J ACK W ATERFORD and theology In May 1995, Eureka Street's columnist, and editor of Publisher the Canberra Times, Ta ck Waterford, wrote a long Michael Kelly S/ piece about his friend, Dr Herbert Cole Coombs, the Editor man all Australia lmew as Nugget. We reproduce a Morag Fraser portion of it here, upon his death, as a tribute to the Consulting editor man who lent dignity, excitement and stature to the Michael McGirr SJ idea of public service in Australia. W e have not Production editor changed the tense: the present seem ed appropriate to Lynda McCaffery Nugget Coombs' remarkable legacy. -M.F. Production Manager Sylvana Scannapiego Graphic designer: Siobhan Jackson Sub editor: Juliette Hughes Production assistants: Paul Fyfe SJ, C hris Jenkins SJ, Scott Howard Contributing editors Adelaide: Greg O'Kelly SJ Perth: Dean Moore Sydney: Edmund Campion, Gerard Windsor N uc n CooM"' H" "" the g<e.reet Hving A """lion South East Asian correspondent for so long that he has almost vanished into the scenery, his Jon Greenaway nagging and very modern messages almost taken for granted. If he had died before this writer-grandfather was born, Jesuit Editorial Board his position in the history books would already have been Peter L'Estrange SJ Andrew Bullen SJ, secure. H e is the last of a generation of public servants of Andrew Hamilton SJ enormous intellectual breadth who had seem ed, even then, Peter Steele SJ, Bill Uren SJ to have dabbled in everything. H e had been a school teacher Business manager: Sylvana Scannapiego in rural Western Australia, horrifying school inspectors in Marketing manager: Rosanne Turner the mid-1930s by teaching Th e Wa te Land to his studen ts. Advertising representative: Ken Hea d H e had studied at the London School of Economics, where he was caught up in the ferm ent and excitem ent created by the publication, in 1936, of Keynes' Patrons General Theory of Eurel<a Street gra tefully acknowledges the Employment, Interest and Money-' for m e the most seminal support of Colin and Angela Carter; the intellectual event of our time'. trustees of the estate of Miss M. Condon; For Coombs, Keynes' achievem ent clearly lay not in the W.P. & M.W. Gurry; work's explanations of econ omic activity- indeed later he was to see their limitations, and expand on them- but in its Eureka Street magazine, ISSN 1036-1758, recognition that social, political and other 'non-economic' Australia Post Print Post approved obj ectives could be inserted into the processes of allocating pp349 18 1/003 14 resources and setting priorities. Human communities, is published ten times a yea r Coombs cam e to understand, could consciously shape the by Eureka Street Magazi ne Pty Ltd, context in which the lives of their m embers were led. 300 Vi ctoria Street, Richmond, Victoria 3 121 ... At retirem ent 30 years ago ... he was to play a m ajor Tel: 03 9427 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 role in Commonwealth funding for the arts, and the further e- mail : curcka@werpl c. net.au expansion of universities. And in 1967 he becam e involved Responsibility for editorial content is accepted by in Aboriginal affairs, first as a m ember of the three-man Mi chael Kell y, 300 Victoria Street, Richmond. council to advise Holt on taking up the mandate given by Printed by Doran Printing, the referendum, the n to fi ght a holy war agains t the 46 Industrial Drive, Braes id e VTC 3 195. assimilationist policies and practices then in vogue. © Jesuit Publications 1997. .. His faith in the human spirit, his optimism make som e Unsolicited manuscripts, including poetry and people think him a m ere romantic. But at the core of a man fi cti on, will be returned onl y if accompani ed by a Mick D odson, Aboriginal Social Justice Commissioner, called stamped, self-addressed envelope. Requests for the 'whitefellas' most senior elder' is someone who is ever permission to rep rint material from the magazine practical, talking about real people doing real things down at should be addressed in writing to: T he editor, Eurelw Street magazin e, the ground in real communities. We need a few more public PO Box 553, Richmond VIC 3 12 1. servants like him. - Jack Waterford, May 1995. 4 EUREKA STREET • N OVEMBER 1997 CoMMENT JAMES GRIFFIN Bougainville waits A TRUCE HAS '"N DEccmo on Boug•inville" I will eventually recognise the rebel claim for an act of write, but a final settlement seems a long way off. self-determination. The infamous Leo Nuia, now Brigadier General However, Joseph Kabui, former premier and and CO of the Papua N ew Guinea Defence Force leader of the BIG/BRA delegation to Burnham I, is in (PNGDF)-he, who with a wry smile, owned up on favour of the truce. His supporters are better armed TV in early 1991 to the 'St Valentine's Massacre' of than Ona's and a confrontation will not be a complete the previous year-has declared an end to restrictions surprise as the m ore pragmatic rebels respond t o of movement and access. The terrorist, Sylvester Vane, village war-weariness. Officials on both sides now is tolerated in Sohano hospital after a serious road have to m onitor the truce and plan for a leader's accident, although only last December he was alleged m eeting which Prime Minister Skate seems prepared to be responsible for the deaths of three soldiers at to attend, and which is scheduled for some time be­ Siara near Buka Strait. N o pay-back? Well, not for the fore 3 1 January. moment anyway. N aturally, special emphasis is being given to The N ew Zealand government deserves congrat­ reconciliation and rehabilitation. One of the perennial ulations for sponsoring the two conferences at the grievances in Bougainville has been its alleged neglect austere military camp at Burnham near Christchurch. by central government. The present climate is not The Burnham II Declaration was signed by delegations propitious for remedying that. from the PNG National Government (including the The current famine in the Highlands of PNG is four Bougainville MPs), the Bougainville Transitional the greatest catastrophe in that region in its brief Government (BTG, set up by former Prime Minister recorded history.
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