The Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte The Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis Bishop of Charlotte AUGUST 1, 2021 18TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Very Rev. Christopher A. Roux Rector & Pastor SUNDAY CYCLE: B — WEEKDAY CYCLE: I — PSALTER: WEEK II WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9 am, 11 am and 12:30 pm DAILY MASSES Monday - Friday: 12:10 pm Saturday: 8 am HOLY DAY SCHEDULE 7:30 am, 12:10 pm, 7 pm CONFESSION Thirty minutes before daily Masses Saturday: 7:30 am and 4 - 5 pm Sunday: 10 - 11 am ADORATION Wednesday: 8 am - 6 pm Sunday: 10 - 11 am PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon., Wed., Fri.: 9 am to 5 pm Mission Statement We the members of The Cathedral of St. Patrick, through the mercy of God the Father, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit, seek to grow continually in knowledge of and love for God. We strive to enable ongoing conversion to Christ of our adults, to inspire faith in our children, and to be witnesses of His love in the greater community. Address: 1621 Dilworth Road East, Charlotte, NC 28203 Phone: (704) 334-2283 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.stpatricks.org THIS WEEK AT THE CATHEDRAL DATE MASSES & INTENTIONS EVENTS 8:00 am Joseph Westerhaus & Margaret Dechant 7:30 AM—Confessions Saturday 8:00 AM—Mass Requested by Joseph Westerhaus July 31st 4:00 PM—Confessions 5:30 pm Madelyn Rupar 5:30 PM—Mass Requested by the Rupar Family 7:30 am Pro Populo Sunday 9:00 am Montserrat Garmilla 7:30 AM—Mass Requested by the Garmilla Family 9:00 AM—Mass August 1st 10:00—11:00 AM—Confessions 11:00 am † Juan Gonzalez 10:00—11:00 AM—Adoration 18th Sunday of Requested by the Carrion Family 11:00 AM—Mass Ordinary Time 12:30 pm † The Merrien Family 12:30 PM—Mass Requested by Francois Merrien 11:30 AM—Confession Monday 12:10 pm † Gary Degrange 12:10 PM—Mass August 2nd Requested by Sarah Genter 7:00 PM—Young Adult Core Team Meeting 7:00 PM—Knights of Columbus Meeting 11:30 AM—Confession Tuesday 12:10 pm † Jimmy Seignious 12:10 PM—Mass August 3rd Requested by Jane Duncan 6:15 PM—Rectory Committee Meeting 7:00 PM—Parish Council Meeting 8:00 AM—6:00 PM—Adoration Wednesday 12:10 pm † Mildred Overman 11:30 AM—Confession August 4th Requested by Carol Rains 12:10 PM—Mass 1:00—2:30 PM—Women’s Book Club Thursday 12:10 pm Fr. Carmen Malacari 11:30 AM—Confession 12:10 PM—Mass August 5th Requested by Jane Duncan 6:30 PM—Young Adult Ministry—A.C.T.S. Friday 12:10 pm † Raymond Dennehey 11:30 AM—Confession 12:10 PM—Mass August 6th Requested by Sarah Genter 8:00 PM—8:00 AM—Vigil of the Two Hearts 8:00 am † Celeste Sieracki 7:30 AM—Confessions 8:00 AM—Mass Saturday Requested by the Armijo Family 2:00 PM—Wedding Convalidation August 7th 5:30 pm Debra Lemmon 4:00 PM—Confessions Requested by Mim Hinson 5:30 PM—Mass 7:30 am † Peggy Jenkins 7:30 AM—Mass Requested by the Major Family Sunday 9:00 AM—Mass August 8th 9:00 am Pro Populo 10:00—11:00 AM—Confessions 11:00 am Claire Elizabeth Lietz 10:00—11:00 AM—Adoration 11:00 AM—Mass 19th Sunday of Requested by the Nass Family 12:30 PM—Mass Ordinary Time 12:30 pm † Jeannine Merrien 1:30 PM—Baptism—Van Vooren Requested by Francois Merrien JOB OPPORTUNITIES WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools is hiring After All are welcome as we discuss Robert Hugh Ben- School Assistants for the 2021-22 school year. The son's 1907 futuristic narrative Lord of the World start date is August 18th. Locations: St. Mark Catho- where Benson imagines a world where belief in God lic School, St. Patrick Catholic School, St. Ann has been replaced by secular humanism. Praised by Catholic School, Our Lady of the Assumption Catho- Pope Francis and Pope Benedict, the edition from lic School, St. Matthew Catholic School, Holy Trin- Ave Maria Press includes a new introduction, a bi- ity Middle School and St. Gabriel Catholic School. ography of Benson, and a theological reflection. We Hours are 2:30-6:00 pm from Mondays—Fridays. will meet August 4th in the Family Life Center from Benefits include: No weekends, Sick and vacation 1:00—2:30 pm. Order the book online at: time, Summers off. www.avemariapress.com/products/lord-of-the-world For more information or to RSVP, please contact If you are interested contact: Ellen Buening at Margaret Gustafson at [email protected] [email protected] or 704-370-3268. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY JOB OPPORTUNITIES A.C.T.S.—Thursday, August 5th St. Gabriel Catholic School is hiring a Cafeteria Join us for the next A.C.T.S. at 6:30 pm in the Ca- Manager and Cafeteria Assistant. This is a part-time thedral on Thursday, August 5th. We will have Ado- position which works Mondays—Fridays from Au- ration and Confessions followed by a talk by a gust through June. Sick and vacation time are in- Catholic speaker and a social at Inizio’s. All are wel- cluded. No weekends and summers off! To apply come to attend and no registration is needed! please contact Ellen Buening at eabuen- Facebook: “The Cathedral of St. Patrick - Young Adult Ministry” [email protected] or Mecklenburg Area Catholic Instagram: @stpatricksyam Schools at 704-370-3268. Web: www.stpatricks.org/yam E-mail us at: [email protected] ADORATION Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is PROPER RECEPTION OF offered in the Cathedral every Wednes- HOLY COMMUNION day from 8 am to 6 pm, and on Sundays from 10 to 11 am. To receive Holy Communion worthily, one must be in the proper state of Grace; that is all mortal sins you are aware of have been absolved in the Sacra- ment of Penance prior to receiving Holy Commun- ion. Then there are two, usual, proper ways of receiving the Sacred Host. In both cases, any mask or face covering must be removed prior to approaching the Minister of Holy Communion. 1) On the tongue: to do so one responds “Amen” to the words “the Body of Christ” and then, with open mouth, extends the tongue so that the Minister is able to place the Host on the tongue. 2) In the hand: to do this, one presents two empty hands, flat, one resting on top of the other, and after responding “Amen” the Minister places the Host on the top hand. Then, without moving from their place, the communicant, using the lower hand, takes the Learn more about pro-life efforts at: www.usccb.org/prolife Host and places the it into their mouth. VIGIL OF THE TWO HEARTS FALL SCRIPTURE STUDY The Cathedral hosts the Vigil of the Two Hearts the Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come weekend of August 7th-8th. First Friday Mass will be offered by Fr. Juan Miguel Sanchez on Friday, Au- September 9th - December 9th gust 7th at 8 pm followed by a Holy Hour of Repara- Family Life Center on Thursdays 1:00—2:30 pm tion at 9 pm and then nocturnal Adoration through the night. First Saturday Mass is August 8th at 8 am. Please join us this fall as our Adult Faith Formation group studies Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to ADORERS NEEDED Come. This intriguing eleven-session study program We are in need of additional regular adorers who can shows how the kingdom established by Christ in his commit at least one hour a week to spend time with our Church is intimately connected with the kingdom of Lord during Wednesday Adoration of the Blessed Sac- heaven. In this study, presenter Jeff Cavins pulls rament. If you are available to sign up for one or more back the veil on the rich symbolism present in Reve- Holy Hour between 8 am and 6 pm on Wednesdays, lation. Discover what the mysterious figures and im- please contact Mary Johnston via e-mail at: maryjohns- ages of Revelation mean and see how Revelation is [email protected] more than an apocalyptic vision of the “end times.” Explore the Church’s teaching on the second coming JOB OPPORTUNITIES of Christ and the Last Judgment. Understand how God, the Divine Bridegroom, and the Church, his The Angels of Holy Angels Needs Your Help spotless bride, enter into a heavenly, holy, and mys- tical marriage every time we celebrate Mass. To rsvp “…as you did it to one of the least of these my breth- and receive class communications, please contact ren, you did it to me.” – Matthew 25:40 Margaret Gustafson at [email protected] 65 years ago, the Sisters of Mercy in Belmont took in To order the study guide please visit: a tiny baby with severe physical disabilities who was www.ascensionpress.com/products/revelation-the- not expected to live three months. Maria Morrow kingdom-yet-to-come-study-set-1 lived 54 years and inspired this mission of mercy. Our angels need your help. We’re MASS INTENTIONS seeking nurses, health care techs, di- To schedule a Mass intention, please contact the par- rect support professionals, special edu- ish office at (704) 334-2283, or stop by in person. cation teachers, qualified professionals An individual can have a Mass requested for anyone living or deceased.
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