IT" W£k^' I ¥^M MMB> MS' 7^ ' H^iaPiiiillMlgl^lHHSI; lil3»©^ YEARS BUT ITS iiEai/iSS^S WIDESPREAD. ESP [CIALLY AMONGST YOUNG PEO NO. 2 MARCH 1994 TELLING THE STORY OF THE DAY PLANET HEMP FELL TO EARTH. **A Day in the Life If 7rr3(«!!^23r^Ka:s?7KW'Sf?5K' ^^Pfeulliftjt'Biist Shocker ;;' - .._iL III * MM w*4«t Makes Him Jailhouse Rock& f riM> mCMmi* mm; wit %>HM »ii» •<«Mi^l««Cll'MiT<MtMl«» #!>»''*'» wr**'"*""""** *"**"' •'II''*' fc^«mi>p»««'».iiiMiHiim^|iiiiw<ii • I MMivr* 'MM •*«)•«(* MM IMMI i ^ Ut* M* » M>^ kiMM MW^ «^ lUt M«M«»tMI«>ta|IHli IH|«»*M i tfc««tt*<«wt< «H|i itiim »»» mwii nfc»»i,»tiw^«M,lit*Mi,« f|pMMV^P^.MI»tt"t tMMMMt^ n iwiir,iw.wi»., I'fMNi^-t^Mt.MX^a* JK^m «n"«iii liMOtMfc^**)i« m|n irl>i»im,im». L ••»•«• IVMM MM Ot MMrttM^»^MMMM^M>ir OM *PawW»« Mt tM MWN H* »M«MM 4 Uf «»lil»l»»1ll»J» nl»iiil«-ii» I tJM»»<M»tMtl»ltfM»»ni»l>l lt»M«i mwtti M»4 .Ml»IOi»». N«|i>i, iip,in«,l»» lM<tfc >*» i*ii«l« MW* ><IIH>I' <•«»*> <• at^i^*t. - ' ••>> III m »fk »M «|fMlM«MMl>MiM>>M)|«wtWaU«V j ^K>.«-t>H> lifaMMMIttrfinjI* UM<p«'HI >!«» !«•«•»§»>*«•»•» «» <^^| ||^« *l^>»»»T>Mi»tJW»»« r-'^'t I - 1 - ^^ MMalvUM •MWri Ml IMM ) I I'* Mkt M MM l««"«M I. l>»<^»tll><t,*>Mi( iiMill n t •«< Mf IM )• «• «i*«< M M*«l • ml iiin»u» iniiM<li»^fM——w 'M iMl*M#<pllaM>M«M1M«'«l> C>tMf Mit MMMMlMtWMMnMM «MH I** CM«MfJ fcM^^fcMUfM'l^ilM lil^> l»<"ll >ll't nifm jUfWVto '«>»»Fiti—.,MM«y «n MM*WM<^.MyM*M1*»*MCJ>*>'MI^ MM.<tip»»l»MtM|i.^iim—>•«» 41 • «"*" Cn'Of^'MM SlMMWalMMl «M MM |k«MHNM>fPa*««ll>MI 1«M i'»<l M W M <• tMMM AM l«< « M MtM^^ Mt*M>«ltF««r »«««Mi* •l»Mliw»iqr*aiAi»V'#«> • — rff »*< ^M" ••» > l^fc^MwiwO* y ^«WM»I.H lH»rM< 0>>-M,, M tMCMttaf •<» ll I ' »t r^«> UM « •«> U ••. *^"»^*» •» Op** >^|MM b«|t » »• lh«H4F>Mt|IMilKMt » kfr i>Miii Im d 1 bil ^ «MI fcM> *MM>I aM I «•« )««*• IMIIilMlllMliMK l«»M».>MMt»«< PUMMM «M«* .1 1 •- mit.li. i ,»*&•» r «•> «*M » ^M*M»k «ti|^ «tM MtMtflBMM^M^Mt^MIlM ^lg .IMMMHf It tMIM^MAMt^M J MiMlM^iifc .*Ml^tMM rfiC*fcMlMt l-1'tM»«MM«t«fkM« i«»i-«>ll'ii* «*»l«>iw>««^),tiiiMMI .^ ^.^ Mf » XltiK II HI <M I* »— ! -«»««-•«»' ffcw • » Mt«M»M'W »lM%W|MM MlMMt*,,^.. tv «» ^ Mft NJ I »•• ItM* M Ite WMw4Mk«i<U«»Mit« tt^MMr t»—»-<»«MM»».i>HKI>iMM» *»<Mt : io/ifi Lennon Reveals..« Too Mar Wlp teen fBxgbeth Pecorrted Tjei At lipclgwghom Fnkice — * <•-—..-^' . ....... tlw M*t}M *«MIM4 autft^wi tigki lamdur tt* «Ui4 «(WM «f tM KiHM* rvyti (MiiU)r ~ M »IK«WCAI*A l>*tM4. >i{mKI*4 i«*in |.««(Mi«i. U* froupli •M* «UUpD«4« •»*»**. »»•*»• UrvKw » !•»«». TW M04MI iM* >i»«* !• '»•» *fc^ OH BiiMki *4(« jm.»»< *• »•* *nia«l r*bi>M(vi «4 gB»»ii VUJkkMk M^ ^M /Mitily t, fwnlf« ML koMV «»«< iM f«<»'>ii>ii AM tlfWt^ !*• MMtrir*- t>t« krttiui tmaH <• «•« M th« •fIflMl jUl^mc«|lll««t tM( tt* tM|< ^ ^ •«*ii HOWOtlBs MOflta, itotlts (f««<n Mt» ftif<M V«*f. iiW^n kMir«* rof (nil* v«<iM raiw** tto 9M(m lttZA«nX t*n«»>v ^>ur *»tG>rtr»y on« CM^« MftfrHeTji^loir »«». «MllfHl««, A«ii»r(M flNMtolt all prnmtMi t« MIM bt QUMm ^>t«(M<«> iMtM (TMt TM kiue — ttMMMi «< It* Ok«« i*fo •I m. tu*uk t»4tt* •- >• wMitM*-] •ay •*»«(< k7 UM wfMH •*•>*«>' MM4t< Ktr Ui4 K&C. I iMfc K «, t yAa »M «i tirtl »• VMM li Wnif*," *M M «MM>4 tM«-W^K« wiW. Il>«| -n* WU W.IUII •«« lka*f fM* "TTW Ms^^^ «„• «u» h,!, ^ _„_..^^, ^. to«M/ r»<«*« J^«ar <a<WMIM >«M >«W Cwl kiClf kMkf jMuurw*»*,^ Wi ••»»•< )ttU ]«•«»• ACJkU, Jl MM itl^ IWi/'tf l« (» VtttoM* *»«^ «\k< }«M* •ay t*««fr. iii»r« IMM^ UMM h^rf fc« wMv^ U f<rf«**j H« •*nul4«(i abg Uu( ths IwHlat "Had a smoke. Somebody spoke and I went into a dream." Ot)viou& bios (Kihttiiiyii muniiy. No one regrels this more lhan The Smoke In: what the lHg}iSodeiy.h-was notthe I i^ So­ Did It Really Mean? should be sent to Semper, either via snail mail: Semper, c/o Student Union, ciety or the Student Union -vAio asked University of Queeensland, SI Lucia 4067. Or you could come dovt/n to dozens cf police onto campus -it isthe Whilst thus year's O-Wcck was a mild Semper and deliver it to us in person, or fax it to us on 377 2220,Views and Dn<gs A&use Ad "wteJi is responsiWe, improvement upon the shrKking excuse opinion expressed here don't necessarly represent the opinions of Ihe edi­ and this Aa must be dtanged. I lawever of an 0-Wcck from last year, wc musl tors, the publisher, the fifth Mane Brother, Karl nor are they sufficient provaction tt wSl never be changed unless people question Ihc focu.s of ihis ycar'.s execu- to invade a neighbouring country. At least we hope not. Keep the letters are prepared to discuss the issue pub- shorter than 400 wocds thanks. $ livc. Whilsl ihc decriminalisation of My. marijuana i.s a social important issue, I rcscntative manner. 300 people of the Martin Bush do not believe that the "Smokc-ln" was High Society President,//feh Society the most appropriate forum in espous­ 25,000 studcnis at UQ turned up lo the ing ihcsc views. "Joke-In" (Ihcy smoked only mulberry The mudi-aw(^ed smohe-tn at the leaves and parsley). Only 1.2% of ihc main refeoory on Wednesday 23r<£ Firstly, wc need to examine who sup­ total UQ student population turned up to Fdruary was agreat day^or aH (ex- Frustration Street ported lhe concept of a Smokc-In. The thc Smoke-In - how very representative! cept the poHa) with over 300 si udents Dear Semper "ofricial" line from lhe Siudcni Union is I believe Ihat the other 98.8% of students sihawingupto demonstnaea^dnstthe thai a lone club, the High Society (and realised ihat the mass media would turn pr<MAiiancfcanmhisand\oer^a Extract from the stated mission of no, they arc not regular patrons of the Ihis into the usual prolcsl/dcmonstraiion hand, harhocpie, speakers, poetry and the University of Queensland: Qld Ballet) totally organised the smoke- news item where the most unrepresenta­ street theatre. The event received mudi '... To transmit ideas and knowl­ in. The President of High Society, Mar­ tive and radical aspects of lhe slory were pubtidiy in the mafia, hoih ht^ore and edge through teaching,,., of the high­ tin Bu.sh, was lhe Treasurer of the Stu­ accentuated to ihc detriment of any seri­ c^crwards and has continued the at­ est international standards." dent Union last year. His influence ous rational debate. UQ students were tention on drvghxw reform as a maicr Here is a question on the mind of amongst the current executive is signifi- denigrated by lhe media and stereotyped issuetnl994. every student who, at the start of the canl. In facl this year's executive ap­ into the image of long-haired poi and /musl admit l-wasTmhersyrprisedat semester find themselves stuck with pointed him wilh another job for one of parsley smoking radicals. In the media's the-vx^themediaraiaedtothesmdhe- an incompetent lecturer. the "boys" (and I use that term as il is desire for "good copy", and particularly in. After flfl there is nothing nevf about WtlY do we have to suffer inad­ colloquially used - 1 do nol mean to cre­ TV news reliance upon visual images ihc smofcr-ins. They were hdd regularly equate lecturers who have little abil­ ate offence to any women readers). Mar­ participants of the .smoke-in gladly sup­ ihroHghoifl xhe sixties (before mosl si u-ity in communicating their ideas, tin Bush was chosen by the executive to plied the media's cravings. The ABC daiisoncampuswereevenbomDand however brilliant, to a theatre full of act as Deputy Trca.surer and also Chair­ portrayed UQ students as: long haired, seventies. There was even a smofce-fn intelligent students? person of Council. Any talk of lhe "in­ bearded "hippy" type men singing "Oh, at \M inSepiember 1993, -wiih conM- dependence" of High Society is total If this university is serious about its Don't go shopping when you're naked, erably more smddng and fewer po&e bullshit. The society acts as a from for mission. It would strive to ensure you'll get picked up if you do!"; Klu andjUmaews. that the lecturers it does employ are the executive's interest!;. Klux Klan (or was il a ghost - I'm not Re that as ir may, the most recent at least able to hold students atten­ Student Union President, Murray Walt, really sure) walking around with a tion with clear explanations and smcke-in "was a compleie success. As then slowly began admitting this fact Wayne Goss hand mask and dancing communication of their ideas. planned.thedemonsirmion'vxisaam- radicals wilh oversized joints. The Cou­ pkidy nonvident aa cfdvi tfaobai- It is not good enough to have a pro­ rier-Mail described the "entertainment" ence. Four people were detained for fessor who has written textbooks (ie no mention of rational debate) as in­ possesion cfptOTieyondmvIberry leaf and is a 'brilliant academic' If they cluding a singing "hemp-fairy"and a two Where does the Student Union get off jdnts, Infl no one •was arrested, hifaa, muddle their way through every lec­ metre tall "dancing joint".
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