RANDLABSPRING 2018 NEWSLETTER SPRING 2018 NEWSLETTER ALTRENOGEST has been used in performance fillies and mares for over 20 years. So why is its use now being restricted? In no mood to work. Mares behaving badly. Randlab’s Global Technical Veterinarian, Dr Michael Robinson, presents the facts behind the current Altrenogest debate KEY POINTS Altrenogest is still able to be used in performance mares that are: · Racing in NSW (oral only and not within one clear day of racing). · Not competing in official Equestrian Australia/FEI events · Non-competition fillies and mares · Pleasure/recreational fillies and mares · Breeding mares Under the Australian Rules of Racing and FEI Clean Sport For Horses Regulations, it is illegal to use Altrenogest in male horses. Altrenogest injection delivers a peak concentration that is approximately seven times that achieved by daily oral administration of Altrenogest. All current formulations of Altrenogest contain a low level of background impurities including trenbolone and trendione. The higher peaks obtained with Altrenogest injection may also result in higher peaks of any impurities and may lead to a positive swab. Altrenogest injections maintain plasma levels above those of daily oral Altrenogest for a period of 5-7 days following injection. This may be compounded by repeated weekly injections which results in plasma levels that are sustained for longer. Nothing has changed with the oral formulations of Altrenogest as there was one clear day between administration and racing (ie Thursday for over 20 years. However, its use has recently been brought administration for a Saturday race). into question by racing authorities. So why the change? Racing NSW continues to allow the use of oral Altrenogest up until one clear As most veterinarians are now aware, Racing Victoria issued a notice on 19 day from racing. June warning Victorian racehorse trainers and veterinarians against the use of Altrenogest. This unanticipated warning applied to both the oral and injectable On 26 July Equestrian Australia also circulated a notice to participants in equestrian formulations of the drug. sports advising that “Injectable Altrenogest should not be used and that oral Altrenogest products should also not be administered close to or during an event”. The warning was issued in response to the detection of the prohibited substances Table 1 shows a summary of all current (01 October 2018) Altrenogest warnings. trenbolone and trendione (both anabolic androgenic steroids) from two racing mares in Victoria in September 2017 and January 2018. The source of these positive swabs had been traced to the injectable form of Altrenogest (specifically AUTHORITY WARNING Ceva’s Readyserve Injection). Racing Victoria Do not use oral or injectable Altrenogest Oral Altrenogest may be used up until one clear day Nothing has changed in the ORAL Altrenogest formulations over the Racing NSW past 20 years. Trenbolone and trendione have always been in there at of racing low background levels that would have no therapeutic effect. For the past Racing Qld Do not use oral or injectable Altrenogest 20 years, oral Altrenogest has been routinely used in the racing industry Oral Altrenogest may be used up until one clear day Racing WA and other competitive equestrian sports and has not presented a doping of racing problem to regulatory officials. Racing SA Do not use oral or injectable Altrenogest Anabolic steroids are prohibited substances under the Australian Rule of Racing Racing Tas Do not use oral or injectable Altrenogest (AR.178H) which states that; “A horse must not, in any manner, at any time, be administered an anabolic androgenic steroid”. This ban applies from birth until Harness Racing Authority Do not use oral or injectable Altrenogest the end of the horse’s racing career. Penalties for offenders are harsh with a Do not use injectable Altrenogest. mandatory disqualification of the horse from racing for a minimum period of 12 Equestrian Australia / FEI Oral Altrenogest should not be used close to or months and a minimum of a two-year disqualification for those incriminated in during an event. the administration of the anabolic. Oral Altrenogest may be used up until one clear day NZTR & HRNZ of racing at the listed label dose rate. Racing NSW subsequently (22 June 2018) issued a similar notice against the use of injectable Altrenogest. However, the Racing NSW warning differed from TABLE 1: Current Altrenogest Warnings as of 01 October 2018. that of Racing Victoria in that oral Altrenogest could continue to be used as long AUSTRALIAN OWNED AUSTRALIAN MADE www.randlab.com.au 7/85 Alfred Road, Chipping Norton NSW 2170 Australia • Phone: (61-2) 9728 3505 • Fax: (61-2) 9728 4352 • Email: [email protected] www.randlab.com.au QUALITYAUSTRALIAN • SERVICEOWNED • VALUEAUSTRALIAN • CARE MADE 1 ) $,.:/!D)(/1A()")(5;;"+:)14)"%%).5++0#3)L?[)C0230;&0+)>?FOM)6%3+0#170(3)A"+#-#7(8) 6%3+0#170(3)-()#13).1#<0+30$)31)0-3/0+)I+0#&1%1#0)1+)I+0#$-1#0)-#)<-<18) ) ) Q#K0.3"&%0)A00^%:)6%3+0#170(3)/"()&00#)"<"-%"&%0)"()"#)6SE,6R+07-(30+0$)2+1$5.3)-#)65(3+"%-")41+) $"E#&!DF!G15/0A!":A/07B/-A!H,5030B-!I,-!76!=D!*/4A/8./5!<=DJK! 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However Trendione can\-75+0)FM)"#$)3 be converted+0#$-1#08))Q#) to Trenbolone4".3=)"#)"%30+#"3-<0)./0;-."%)#";0)41+) in the body. 6%3+0#170(3)-()"%%:%3+0#&1%1#08) ) TN)L%&!DFAltrenogest!!$+/!,0257B/039!,0,.7:39!-A/5732-!$5/0.7:70/!,02!$5/02370/!,5/!9+/839,::>!5/:,A/2!A7! is not converted to either trenbolone or trendione in ":A5/07B/-Avivo. ?!!":A5/07B/-A!3-!07A!8/A,.7:3-/2!A7!/3A+/5!$5/0.7:70/!75!$5/02370/!!"#$!$%?! ! ) $5/,A8/0A!"!Y!":A5/07B/-A!30X/9A370!I=?Z8BSWBK!,02!$5/,A8/0A!E!Y!(5,:!":A5/07B/-A!I=?=[[8BSWBK8))))))) FIGURE)*"3").15+30(:)14) 2: Mean*+)H":;0)b1: plasma)>?FO =)P/"+%0()C35+3)c#-<0+(-3:8concentrations following) weekly injections and) daily oral dosing with Altrenogest in ovariectomised mares. TreatmentI/0(0)/-7/0+)2%"(;")%0<0%() A = AltrenogestA-3/)3/0)-#K0.3"&%0)41+;5%"3-1#) injection (0.3mg/kg)"+0)"%(1)2+1&"&%:)+04%0.30$)-#)")/-7/0+) and Treatment B = .1#.0#3+"3-1#)14)3/0)-;25+-3-0()-#)3/0)&%11$8)))Q4)3/0)/1+(0)A0+0)30(30$)A-3/-#)aO)/15+()14) Oral"$;-#-(3+"3-1#)14) Altrenogest3/0)6%3+0#170 (0.044mg/kg).(3)-#K0.3-1#=)-3)-()%-^0%:)3/"3)")/-7/0+)%0<0%)14)-;25+-3-0( Presumably the pharmacokinetics)A15%$)&0) of any$030.30$= chemically)"#$)3/-();": similar)&0)0#157/)31 impurities)+0(5%3)-#)")21(-3-<0)(A"&8 will mimic )the Altrenogest data. Data courtesy) of Jaymie Loy 2018, Charles Sturt University. )) ) ) c#$0+)3/0)2+0<"-%-#7)65(3+"%-"#)!5%0()14)!".-#7=)"$;-#-(3+"3-1#)14)6%3+0#170(3)-#K0.3-1#)-#)4-%%-0()"#$) ) These;"+0()52)5#3-% higher)1#0 ).%0"+)$":plasma)14)+".-#7 levels)A"()20+;-330$8 with the ) injectable formulation are also I/-()./0;-."%)(-;-%"+-3:);0"#()3/"3)-#);1(3)L-4)#13)"%%M)(";2%0()14)6%3+0#170(3)3/0+0)A-%%)&0)")(;"%%) )) FIGURE";15#3)14)-;25+-3-0()-#.%5$-#7)3+0#&1%1#0)"#$)3+0#$-1#08))I:2-."%%: 1: The androgenic anabolic steroids trenbolone)3/0(0)"+0)2+0(0#3)-#)%0<0%() and trendione probably!".-#7)E-.31+-")-().5++0#3%:)(3-%%)-#<0(3-7"3-#7) reflected in a higher 3/0).-+.5;(3"#.0()"+15#$)3/0)E-.31+-"#)21(-3-<0)concentration of the impurities in the are&0%1A)?8?[ closely])"#$= chemically)"()(5./=)"3)%0<0% related()3/"3)"+0) &13/)(5&3/0+"2053-.to Altrenogest.=)-#.1#(0B50#3-"%) Altrenogest"#$)&0%1A)#1+;"%) is not blood.3+0#&1%1#0`3+0#$-1#0 If the horse)(A"&(8)) were6%3/157/)3/0)(15+.0)-() tested within 48%-^0%:)31)&0 hours)3/0) of!0"$:(0+<0) administration6%3+0#170(3 of) the metabolised$030.3-1#)%-;-3(8 ))to) either trenbolone or trendione in vivo.
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