NNaannootteecchhnnoollooggyy:: YYeesstteerrddaayy,, TTooddaayy aanndd TToommoorrrrooww DDrraaggiiccaa VVaassiilleesskkaa PPrrooffeessssoorr Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-5706, USA EmaIRiAl :A .v Fualtsoni lSechsokol aof@ Engainseeurin.eg du Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics WWhhaatt iiss nnaannootteecchhnnoollooggyy CCrreeaattiioonn ooff ffuunnccttiioonnaall mmaatteerriiaallss,, ddeevviicceess,, aanndd ssyysstteemmss.. CCoonnttrrooll ooff mmaatttteerr oonn tthhee nnaannoommeetteerr ((11--110000 nnmm)) lleennggtthh ssccaallee.. EExxppllooiittaattiioonn ooff nnoovveell pprrooppeerrttiieess aanndd pphheennoommeennaa ddeevveellooppeedd aatt tthhaatt ssccaallee.. IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics NNaannootteecchhnnoollooggyy GGrroowwtthh S. Milunovich, J. Roy. United States Technology Strategy. Merrill Lynch. 4 Sept. 2001 IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics … continuing the scale down process micro-electronics yesterday ’ macro-electronics in 1950 s future nano-electronics micro-electronics today IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics WWhhaatt iiss nnaannoo?? PPoowweerr PPrreeffiixx OOrriiggiinnss 110012 tteerraa tteerraass:: mmoonnsstteerr 11009 ggiiggaa ggiiggaass:: ggiiaanntt 11006 mmeeggaa mmeeggaass:: llaarrggee 11003 kkiilloo cchhiilliiooii:: tthhoouussaanndd 1100-3 mmiillllii mmiillllii:: tthhoouussaanndd 1100-6 mmiiccrroo mmiikkrrooss:: ssmmaallll 1100-9 nnaannoo nnaannooss:: ddwwaarrff IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics WWhhyy iiss tthhee nnaannoommeetteerr ssccaallee ddiiffffeerreenntt?? 1. The wavelike properties of electrons inside matter are influenced by variations on the nanometer scale. 2. The systematic organization of matter on the nanometer length scale is a key feature of biological systems. 3. Nanoscale components have very high surface areas. 4. The finite size of material entities, determine an increase of the relative importance of surface tension and local electromagnetic effects. 5. The interaction wavelength scales of various external wave phenomena become comparable to the material entity size. IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics ""TThheerree''ss pplleennttyy ooff rroooomm aatt tthhee bboottttoomm.."" Richard P. Feynman, Ph.D. IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics Beginning of the Transistor Era How it all started … IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics – birth of an era, Bell Laboratories 1947 ” 0.5 the first transistor made of Germanium IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics this article, Scientific American, Sep. 1948, offers the earliest survey of transistor technology Point Contact Transistor IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics Nobel Prize in Physics 1956 "for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect" William Bradford Shockley John Bardeen Walter Houser Brattain IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics transistors made of semiconductors pure semiconductor doped semiconductor free electron electron electron Ge P atom atom IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics inventing the integrated circuit - many transistors and complex circuits on single substrate - 1st integrated circuit made by Texas Instruments modern integrated circuit 1958 - Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce each chip contains many millions transistors IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics Nobel Prize in Physics 2000 "for basic work on information and communication technology" "for developing semiconductor "for his part in the invention of heterostructures used in high-speed and the integrated circuit" optoelectronics" Zhores I Alferov Herbert Kroemer Jack S Kilby IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics ” Intel 4004 - 2 integrated circuits heart of the computer ’ ” today s wafers-12 packaged chip IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering modern pc Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics Scaling and Its Impact IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics …… ’ . Moore s law governs Gordon Moore “ ” every 1.5 years complexity doubles IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics … drive for speed dense memory low power SSccaalliinngg DDoowwnn complexity high frequency space IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics from age of microelectronics to nanoelectronics IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics NNaannooTTrraannssiissttoorrss NMOS: uniaxial tensile stress PMOS: uniaxial compressive from stressed SiN film stress from sel. SiGe in S/D Note: strain and mobility enhancement are Lg dependent IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics an immediate problem: simple statistics today future all transistors are similar because of self averaging IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics WWhhaatt hhaappppeennss wwhheenn ttrraannssiissttoorrss ggeett ssmmaalllleerr aanndd ssmmaalllleerr?? IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics ………… from many impurities .. to very few Intel - 2004 0.1 micron ballistic electron moving without collisions IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics tunnelling: limiting device miniaturization gate leakage tunnelling current IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics another amazing effect of the wave nature of electrons TUNNELLING tunnel IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics Nobel Prize in Physics 1973 "for their experimental "for his theoretical predictions of the discoveries regarding properties of a supercurrent through a tunnelling phenomena in tunnel barrier, in particular those semiconductors and phenomena which are generally known superconductors, as the Josephson effects" respectively" Leo Esaki Ivar Giaever Brian David Josephson IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics revolution of tunnelling: Scanning Tunnelling Microscope STM tip surface tip motion….. IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics Nobel Prize in Physics 1986 "for his fundamental work in "for their design of the scanning electron optics, and for the design tunnelling microscope" of the first electron microscope" Ernst Ruska Gerd Binnig Heinrich Rohrer IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics STM observing surfaces silicon nickel 3 Angstroms = 0.3 nm IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics … a more difficult barrier two mountains sequential tunnelling IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics resonant tunnelling full transmission - as if no mountains IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics What is on the Horizon? IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics structures with nanotubes 1-10 nm imaging of nanotube memory cell one-dimensional transistor IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics pick and place AFM tip (like STM) … write IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics single atoms 2 Angstroms = 0.2 nm standing waves of electrons IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics …… AA hhaappppyy mmaarrrriiaaggee TThhee ttwwoo ggrreeaatteesstt ddiissccoovveerriieess ooff tthhee 2200--tthh cceennttuurryy quantum mechanics stored program computers pprroodduucceedd qquuaannttuumm ccoommppuuttiinngg aanndd qquuaannttuumm iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn tthheeoorryy IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics Quantum computation Applications • • Modeling of quantum systems Factorization of large integer numbers P. Shor (1994) RSA Code: Military, Pharmaceutical industry Banking Nanoelectronics • • Quantum search algorithm Quantum Cryptography L. Grover (1995) Process optimization: Industry Military Bob Alice Eve IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics Quantum computation QC Roadmap Physical realization of a qubit http://qist.lanl.gov/ • • Ion traps and neutral atoms Semiconductor charge qubit Single QD Double QD E2 e e E1 E0 • E Photon based QC 0 1 0 1 E0 P 1 • • Spin qubit Superconducting qubit Cooper pair box SQUID Nuclear spin Electron spin (liquid state NMR, solid state NMR) I S i N pairs - 0 N+1 pairs - 1 IRA A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona Institute for Nano-Electronics WWhhaatt iiss NNeexxtt?? BIOLOGICAL ION CHANNELS Proteins that form nanoscopic aqueous tunnels in cell membrane Enormous range of Biological functions - regulate ion flow and composition inside cell - control electrical signaling in the nervous system - muscle contraction, drug delivery
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