Coast Guard Island Southshore Center

Coast Guard Island Southshore Center

JACK LONDON SQUARE Oakland Ferry Terminal EMBARCADERO 80 OAKLAN Al DeWitt 2014 Metropolitan O’Club Yacht Club D Bicycle Shop Bike/Walk Path California Gompers Arkansas Enterprise Caution: Noisy, Narrow and Dangerous Bike Locker Bridge with Steps Trail through Posey Tube Alameda Road Stairs Fire Station Bike Path-Caution Mulvaney 9 Pyro Bus Stop Protected Bike Lane Mars Texas Shasta Õ Flint Cimarron Ct Gas Station & Air Bike Lane Narrow Boardwalk WILLIE STARGELL Public Restroom Bike Route 6 EMBARCADERO Public Phone Park Glenview Gate Shopping Center Coast RUBY BRIDGES Guard 80 SCHOOL Island North Star Rd Oakland Yacht Club Eagle Rd Encinal Yacht Club Pickering Dr Campbell Blvd McCulloch Wakefield Dr Icarus Dr Spencer Rd Dr Brush St Dr BASE ro SCHOOL1900 Mun Bear Rd Hudson 1800 1800 1700 ACADEMY OF 1800 Dennison St 1700 ALAMEDA China Clipper EMBARCADERO 100 200 1800 ALAMEDA 400 Alameda Yacht Club 100 500 300 ANIMAL 1700 FortmanThoroughfare Way Cruiser 1600 Hibbard 100 NEACLC SHELTE Red Sails R Bohemia 1500 Alaska Packer 1600 200 200 2000 600 Island Yacht Club 100 1500 900 1000 200 1000 1599 29th Ave 1600 1500 1400 1800 800 23rd Ave 1400 1400 Esterbrook Kennedy Bikers: Take underpass on 29th Avenue ALAMEDA PARK 900 1600 to stay on East 7th Street 1300 Chapman Street East 7th St FRUITVALE Queen’s 1500 1000 1300 1400 BART 1100 1200 1500 Ford St Glascock Street 1300 400 King’s 1300 1400 Derby St 1300 1600 1200 1200 1300 8 900 1700 2000 1300 1100 Stairs East 8th St 1200 1800 1900 1200 Ballena Bay 1900 1200 2400 Yacht Club 1900 Lancaster St 1200 1100 1800 1800 Fruitvale Ave 1200 2000 1700 2500 1100 1000 600 1700 900 1100 Alameda Ave 1300 900 1600 1000 1000 2100 2000 1600 800 700 19002800 STREET INDEX D 1100 2nd St B2 Dahlia Dr F8 Lafayette St E4 Rutland Ct 2200 E7 Wood St D3 ArlingtonIsle 700 1800 3rd St B3 Damon Ct F7 Lagoria Ct E8 S Wright Ln C1 OTIS DR 4th St B3 Danbrook Ct F7 Laguna Vista F6 Sable Pointe F7 Y 1500 2900 High Street 5th St C2,C3 Dayton Ave E4 Lagunaria F7 Sacramento B1 Yale Dr H4 1200 Rock Isle 6th St C3 Decatur Ln B2 Lakehurst Cir C1 Sage Ln G8 Yorkshire Pl E5 600 1400 3000 8th St D2,D3 Decelle Ct D2 Larchmont Isle D4 Salmon Rd B7 Yorkshire Rd E5 1300 Delmar Ave 1700 9th St D3 F5 Laurel St F5 San Antonio Ave D3,E4 Yosemite Ave G4 900 A Denke Dr F8 Lavagetto Ct E8 San Diego Rd A1 Young St E7 1700 2400 A St G9 Depassier Way G9 Lawrence Rd E7 San Jose Ave C6,E4,G5 1800 1200 500 1200 1900 Adams St C6,G5 Diapian Bay F7 Lea Ct F4 San Pedro Rd A1 OAK 3100 1600 Adelphian Way E7 Digiorgio Ln B1 Leeward Ln F8 Sand Beach Pl D5 CoastGuard Island 1900 Protected bike lane 1100 1300 1800 Admiralty Ln F8 Dolphin Ct C1 Lemoore Rd B1 Sand Beach Rd D5 Bear Rd F2 2500 2900 Alameda Ave F4 Doolittle Dr G6 Leonard Ct F8 Sand Harbor F7 Campbell Blvd F2 1100 2900 Doris Ct F5 Lewelling Ct construction expected 400 2900 3200 Alameda Marina Dr F3 F5 Sand Hook Isle D4 Dennison St. F2 2000 Alameda Rd A1, B1 Dow Ct D2 Lexington St A1 Sandalwood Isle E4 2600 Eagle Rd F2 1200 1900 Alaska Packer E3 Dowitcher Ct C2 Liberty Ave H5 Sandcreek Way E5 Hudson Dr F2 to begin in 2014. 1000 3100 600 2900 Alta Vista F8 Dowling Ln C2 Lilac St G8 Sanderling Ct C2 Icarus Dr F2 2100 3000 Dresden Bay G7 Limerick Ln 1200 2700 1800 Amber Isle D4 E7 Sandpiper Ct B1 McCulloch Dr F2 300 Anchor Way B6,G6 Driftwood Ln C6,G6 Lina Ave B2 Sandpiper Pl F7 900 North Star Rd F2 1700 Anderson Rd E7 Drum Dr B1 Lincoln Ave D3,F3,G4 Santa Clara Ave C3,F4,G5 Spencer Rd F2 1700 Annapolis Cir B1 Duarte Ct F8 Lincoln Ln F4 Santa Cruz Ln F8 Wakefield Dr F2 1900 1100 2800 Ansel Ave B1 Dublin Way E7 Linda Vista F8 Santa Rosa Ln C2 500 1800 2000 Applegate Way E7 Dufour Ln B2 Linden St C3 Saratoga St A1 3300 400 2200 Arbor St E3 Dunlin Ln B1 M Sath Ct E8 800 1600 Argus Ct E8 Dutchcap Ln G8 Madison St C6,G5 Savana Ln G8 900 Dwinelle Ct G9 Magnolia Dr G8 Arkansas B1 Schiller St F3 2900 Arlington Isle D4 E Main St A1,B2 Schroeder Ln B2 Armitage St E8 Eagle Ave C2,D2,F3,G4 Maitland Dr G8 Sea Bridge Ct B8,F7 Southshore Center W 3000 1500 Asby Bay F7 East Shore Dr H6 Mallard Ln B1 Sea Bridge Pt B8,F7 1100 a Mangrove Ln G8 800 sh Atlantic Ave D2 Easter Ln F8 Sea Horse Dr C1 300 in Auburn Ct F8 Eclipse Ct D2 Maple Way B2 Sea Horse Ln C1 g ton 1100 1400 Auburn Dr F8 Edison Ct G4 Marcuse St F8 Sea View Pkwy F6 2100 Way Aughinbaugh Way F7 Egret Ct C2 Marianas Ln F8 Seaborn Ct E3 1100 3200 Marina Dr H4 Avington Rd F6 El Capitan Ct E3 Seagull Ln B2 1600 Avocet Ct C2 El Paseo F8 Marina Village Pkwy D2 Seattle Rd A1 Avondale Landing F7 El Portal F8 Mariner Square Dr C1 Seminary Ave G8 2500 C1 1000 Azalea Dr F8 El Sereno F8 Mariner Square Loop Shamrock Ln E7 1500 B Ellen Crag Ave E3 Marion Ct B3 Shaner Dr E8 1500 BAYFARM ISLAND BIKE BRIDGE AREA 1000 B St G9 Ellis Ct D2 Market St C6,G6 Shannon Cir E7 400 2600 Bainbridge C2 Elm St G3 Mars B1 Sharon Rd E7 7 1300 Balboa Ct F6 Emeric Ln B2 Marshall Way C3 Shasta B1 Bali Ln F8 Emerson Ter E4 Marti Rae Ct F4 Sheffield Rd F6,F7 300 3100 1400 3300 Ballena Blvd B3 Encinal Ave C6,E4,G5 Mastick Ct D3 Sheffield Way F7 900 Ballena Isle B3 Encounter Bay F7 Matson Ln C1 Shell Gate Pl D4 2400 1200 Balleybay Cir E7 Ennis Pl E6 Mayport Cir C1 Shell Gate Rd D4 2800 Bannister Ct E7 Ennismore Ct F7 McDonnel Rd E8 Shepardson Ln F6 Barbers Point Rd B1 Enterprise Dr B1 McKay Ave C3 Sherman St E3 300 1100 Barker Ct D2 Entrance Rd E3 McMurty Ct E7 Sherwood Ln F6 2600 Barnegate Bay F7 Esterbrook Ct C3, D3 McSherry Ln G8 Shore Line Dr E5 1300 Barry Ct E7 Eugenia Ct F8 McSherry Way G8 Shorepoint Ct D4 300 Bartlett Dr D2 Evans Ct E7 Mecartney Rd F8 Siegfried Ln C2 2700 2800 1000 Basinside Way F7 Evelyn Ct F5 Melrose Ave G8 Silva Ln G9 3299 Bay Edge Rd E8 Everett St G4 Memphis Ln C2 Singleton Ave B1 2900 Bay Park Ter F6 F Meyers Ave H6 Skyhawk St B2 300 900 Bay St D3 Fair Haven Rd D4 Millington Ct E7 Smith Ct B7 3000 900 3200 Bayo Vista Ave H5 Fair Oaks Ave D3 Mingo Ln G8 Solomon Ln F8 Bayview Dr B6,F6 Fairview Ave H5 Minturn St E3 South Loop Rd G9 Baywalk Rd F7 Fairway Pl G8 Miranda Ct F8 Southwood Dr H5 Baywood Rd F7 Fallon Ln B2 Mitchell Ave C1 Souza Ct F8 Beach Rd G8 Ferndell Walk E5 Monarch St A1 Spalding Sq B2 Beaufort Harbor G7 Fernside Blvd C6,H4,H6 Monte Vista Ave H5 Spruce St B2 Aeolian Begonia Dr G8 Ferro Ct F8 Montego Bay E7 St Charles St D3 Belmont Pl F8 Ferry Point A2 Monteray Cir B1 St Margaret Ct G4 Yacht Club Belmont Way F8 Fiji Ln F8 Moonlight Terr A1 Stanbridge Ct F7 Benedict Ct E7 Fillmore St B6,G5 Moore Ct E7 Stanbridge Ln F7 Fir Ave G4 BAY FARM ISLAND Benton St E3 F8 Moreland Dr Stanford St F3 Tullamore BICYCLE BRIDGE See Inset Berkshire Rd F6 Fir Pl F8 Morton St E3 Stanton St E3 Ennis Fitch Ct B1,B2 Bertero Ct B2 D2 Mosley Ave Stardust Pl A1 Castlebar Bertero Sq B2 Fitchburg Ave G8 Moss Pt F7 Stargell (Willie) Ave C2 Bird Ct D2 Fletcher Ct D2 Mound St G5 Sterling Ave H5 Killarney WOOD BRIDGE Biscay Bay F7 Flint Dr B1 Mount Hood Dr C1 Steuben Bay F7 2700 Bishop St G5 Flora Vista F8 Mount Hood Ln C1 Stewart Ct D2 Aeolian Callan Bismarck Ln F8 Flower Ln G8 Mozart St D3 Stone Harbor G7 Blanding Ave G3 Foley St G4 Mulberry St F3 Stonington Pt F7 Yacht Club Justin Bohemia Lane F3 Fontana Dr F8 Mulvany Cir B1 Straub Way E8 Bordwell Ct F8 Fortman Way F3 N Sunny Cove Dr F6 Circle Bosshard Ct D2 Fortress Isle E4 Nakayama Ct E7 Sunrise Ct A2 begs Kara Killy Cork Bowman Ct G9 Foster St E7 Nantucket Way B6,G6 Sunset Rd D5 Purcell 300 Brehaut Ct E8 Fountain St B6,G5, F6 Nason St D3 Sweeney Ln B2 Bridgeview Isle G6, C6 Fox Ave B1 Navy Way A1 Sweet Rd E7 2400 Briggs Ave G5 Franciscan Way E5 Neptune Gardens Ave C2 Sweet Way E7 1 Brighton Ct F7 Fremont Dr H4 Nevada Dr B1 Swift Ct E7 1 Brighton Rd F7 Fulton Dr C2 Newport Rd A1 T 1 Brithorn Ln G8 Fundy Bay F7 Nimitz Dr B1 Tahiti Ln F8 Britt Ct E8 G Noble Ave G4 Tarryton Isle D4 300 non Brittany Dr B7,F6 Gainsborough Dr F6 Norfolk Ave B2 Taylor Ave B3,D3 KOFMAN Shan Broadway G5 Galway Bay F7 Norman Ln G8 Teal B2 Brown St F8 Garden Rd G8 North Loop Rd F8 Tern Ln C2 Cir Brunswick Rd F6 Garden Way C3 Northwood Dr H4 Texas Dr B1 Brush St B2 Gardenia Ter F8 Norwich Rd F6 Thatch Ln G8 Bruzzone Dr C2 Garfield Ave H5 Nottingham Ct F6 Thau Way D2 Bryant Ave B2 Gibbons Dr G5 Nottingham Dr F6 Thompson Ave H5 Buena Vista Ave C2,F3,G4 Gilbert Ln F8 O Thoroughfare Ln F3 Burbank St D3 Gilman Ln B2 Oak Park Dr F6 Thurles Pl E7 Burgner Ave F8 Ginger Ln G8 Oak St F4 Tideway Dr B3 700 Kilk Glenview St B2 Oakshade Dr F6 595 C Tilden Way G4 enny C St G9 Glenwood Isle E4 Oceana St B2 Times Way G4 Calhoun St C6,F5,G6 Gompers Dr B1 Ohio Dr B1 Tipperary Ct E7 eybay California Dr B1 Gonsalves Ct E7 Ohlone St E3 Tipperary Ln E7 Ball Callan Pl E6 Gould Ct G4 Old Alameda Pt G8 Tobago Ln G8 Camanoe Ln G8 Grace Ct F5 Oldcastle Ln E7 Todd St A1 D5,E3 Cambridge Dr H4 Grand St Oleander Ave G8 Tonga Ln F8 Clubhouse Memorial Rd Camden Rd E5 Greenbrier Rd E5 Orion St A2 Toyon Ter C6,G6 HARBOR BAY PARKWAY Camellia Dr G8 Greenwald Ln C2 Orr Ct E8 Tralee Ln E7 Camino Del Valle F8 Grisham Dr C2 Orr Rd E8 Tregloan Ct G4 Cape Cod Ct B6,G6 Grove St G5 Otis Dr D4,F5 Trellis Ln G8 Walk bike in Capella Ln G8 H Oyster Pond Rd F7 Tripoli B1 9 Capetown Dr F7 Haight Ave C3 Oyster Shoals G7 Triumph Dr D2 Young shopping area Captains Dr F7 Haile St C2 P Tucker Ave C2 Marcuse Cardigan Bay F7 Hamilton Ln B2 Pacific Ave F3 Tullamore Pl E6 Foster 800 F6 GARDEN RD Hampton Ct Mill Packet Landing Rd B7,G6 Tuttle Ln B2 Armitage Rem Carl Vinson B1 ington Hancock St B2 Page St C3 Tynan Ave C2 Leonard Via Carob Ln F7 Pattiani mel Alta Vista Hansen Ave H6 Brehaut Bahia Caroline St D4

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