October 2007 Recall realities New product review Happy 50th to PFI Learn from the past 8 insights into petfood’s future, p. 14 Digital version at www.petfoodindustry-digital.com 0710PETcov1.indd 1 9/21/2007 9:29:13 AM 0710PETcov_ads.indd 2 9/21/2007 9:29:50 AM T H E R E I E U Q L L A x Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z #USTOMER#OMPLAINTS Z 9OURCUSTOMERSWILLBEPLEASED WHENYOUSPECIFYNATURAL SOURCE/XY'ONOR SYNTHETIC/XY"LOCKANTIOXIDANTSTOHELPMAINTAIN FRESHNESSANDTOPQUALITYINYOURPETFOODS 2ELYONMAXIMIZEDSTABILITYFOROPTIMUMSHELFLIFE +EEPYOURPROFITS50ANDTHECOMPLAINTFOLDER%-049 WITH!MERI 0ACANTIOXIDANTS WWW!MERI 0ACCOM 3T*OSEPH -ISSOURI 0710PETcov_ads.indd 3 9/21/2007 9:29:56 AM Digital version available online at www.petfoodindustry-digital.com October 2007 Volume 49, Number 10 Features14 By Tim Phillips,Learn DVM from the past 8 episodes offer insights into petfood’s future. 18 By RichardRecall Sellers realities 22 Essential factors to think about in preparing for and handling a recall. 22 By Tim Phillips,Using DVM nutrigenomics in R&D Human genetic discoveries will help petfood product development. 24 By Jessica NewTaylor Bond product review From innovative petfood products to new equipment and other supplier offerings, our industry is booming. 24 Departments 6 Editorial Notes By Tim Phillips, DVM 44 Petfood Insights By David Dzanis, DVM, PhD 46 Ingredient Issues By Greg Aldrich, PhD 48 Market Watch By Huntley Manhertz, PhD 58 Something to Chew On By Debbie Phillips-Donaldson 8 — Industry News 51 — Meeting Planner 12 — PetfoodIndustry.com 52 — Market Place 14 50 — Research Notes 57 — Advertisers’ Index On the cover: A blast PETFOOD INDUSTRY (ISSN 0031-6245) is published monthly by Watt Publishing Co., 303 N. Main St., Suite 500, Rockford, Illinois 61101-1018 USA. All rights from the past: a scene reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited. PETFOOD INDUSTRY and its logos are registered trademarks of Watt Publishing Co. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: PETFOOD INDUSTRY, 303 N. Main St., Suite 500, Rockford, Illinois 61101-1018 USA. Periodical post- from the 1950s. age paid at Rockford, Illinois 611101-1018 and additional post offi ces. Canada: Canada Post International Publication Product Mail Code 1686232. 4 l Petfood Industry l October 2007 0710PETtoc.indd 4 9/21/2007 9:53:56 AM 0710PETtoc.indd 5 9/21/2007 9:54:10 AM comments Editorial Notes BY TIM PHILLIPS, DVM Birthing PFI and this magazine etfood Industry magazine got its start thanks to bad weather. Bill Before PFI, petfood Coleman, editor of this maga- zine from 1963 through 1982, manufacturers used Pwanted to get out of the icy rain, so he stopped at a hotel. That’s where he just the services of AFMA. happened to meet Gil Gruber at a Toast- — Tim Phillips masters meeting. It was October 1958. Turns out Gruber was the executive secretary of a trade group called the Eastern Pet Food Canners Association. alded, rather than chronicled in print.” 7, 1958, the Secretary of State of Illinois So Coleman invited him to the hotel bar The good news is that Henry Buck- issued a certificate of incorporation and for an after-dinner drink, which turned lin, president of the newly formed Pet PFI was legally born, according to Joe into several. By the end of the evening Food Institute (PFI), gave Coleman Getlin, an early chairmen of PFI. the two men were convinced that a trade strong backing and this publication was In April 1958 PFI held an organiza- publication for the petfood manufactur- born. Gil Gruber, our first editor, retired tional meeting and elected a board of ing industry could become a reality. after four years and Coleman took over. directors which approved the appoint- Since then Charles Olentine, PhD, and ment of Byrne Marcellus Co. to serve as The cold light of day Virginia Lazar edited this magazine. I PFI’s professional manager with Henry The next day Coleman went to Gru- started in late 1988. Bucklin as president. ber’s home to check out Gruber’s news- Also in the late 1950s, PFI was com- letter for the petfood industry. And, as ing into its own. Before PFI, petfood Join the party! Coleman put it, “To our excited apprais- manufacturers used the services of the In 1974 the PFI intensified its gov- al, the concept seemed as viable in the American Feed Manufacturers Associa- ernment relations program as a way to cold light of day as it had seemed over tion (AFMA). This made sense because influence legislation. This prompted highballs the night before.” petfoods were (and still are) deemed a move from Chicago to Washington, Coleman took the idea to the man- feeds for regulatory purposes. DC. At that time Duane Ekedahl, MBA, agement of his employer, Garden State was named executive director of the In- Publishing. They suggested he get the Breaking away stitute—a position he still holds. opinions of several petfood executives in In 1955, the petfood manufacturers, There is a lot more to tell, but space Chicago. Alas, he did not find enthusiasm. still using the services of AFMA, held doesn’t permit, so I’ll end by saying “There were several presidents of major a separate convention in Chicago. By Happy Birthday PFI! To learn more petfood companies,” says Coleman, “who 1957 this group decided it was time to about PFI’s 50th annual industry meet- thought the industry was best left unher- be independent of AFMA. On February ing, go to www.petfoodinstitute.org. ● 100 years of the petfood industry (continued in Learn from the past, p. 14) 1908 1920 1922 1931 1934 The F. H. Bennett Prohibition against The Chappel brothers National Biscuit Mars Confections Biscuit Co. creates the sale of alcohol in introduce Ken-L Ra- Co. (now Nabisco) acquires its first precursor of Milk- US starts. tion, the first acquires the F. H. petfood business in Bone. (James Spratt’s canned dog Bennett Biscuit Co. the UK. Dog Cakes started the food (horse commercial dog food meat) in industry in 1860.) the US. 6 l Petfood Industry l October 2007 0710PETedit.indd 6 9/21/2007 9:55:38 AM Order up from “THE BARR”! AJINOMOTO HEARTLAND LLC AJINOMOTO ANIMAL NUTRITION Natural Pigments biob Matrix This is Barr Country. Amino acids, buffers, direct feed We source the world. microbials, enzymes, flavors, We deliver in bag or bulk, milk replacers, minerals, by transport or rail. For natural pigments, pelleting fastest ingredient service, agents, phosphates, call or fax your order today. specialty ingredients, vitamins and surfactants. Bill Barr & Co., Inc. 8800 Grant St. • Overland Park, KS 66212 1-800-336-BARR • FAX (913) 599-0425 www.billbarr.com • e-mail: [email protected] 0710PETedit.indd 7 9/21/2007 9:55:42 AM Industry News AVMA: avoid jerky that could be making pets sick. Melamine has since conducted its own tests. In- treats from China has been ruled out as a contaminant. dependent laboratory results found no The American Veterinary Medical On August 22, Wal-Mart released a detectable acetaminophen at 1 part per Association (AVMA) has recently be- statement that it had pulled two brands million, according to the company. The come aware of complaints from pet own- of jerky treats manufactured in Chi- independent testing of the products in- ers and veterinarians that multiple brands na from shelves in July, but no official cluded samples from the same lot that of jerky treats manufactured in China recalls have been issued. For the latest gave rise to the claim about the painkill- have been making pets sick. Symptoms information on petfood recalls, including er being found in their petfood, as well of illness have included vomiting, diar- Wal-Mart’s statement, visit www.avma. as samples from a second lot. rhea and lethargy. As of September 13, org/aa/petfoodrecall/default.asp. ExperTox Inc. Analytical Laboratory no deaths have been reported. of Texas has claimed they detected acet- An official list of brand and prod- Canidae tests negative aminophen in a sample of petfood iden- uct names of affected treats is cur- for acetaminophen tified as Canidae dog food in a lab report rently unavailable. The AVMA says Responding to a consumerAffairs. issued September 4, 2007. The toxicolo- all complaints have involved jerky com report from September 7, 2007, gists, according to the same report, did treats from China and recommends Canidae Pet Food has denied that its not detect cyanuric acid or melamine in pet owners use their best judgment. products contain the painkiller acet- The Food and Drug Administration is aminophen. The company contested ➤ Find more news at testing these treats for a contaminant, but that the claim came from “one report PetfoodIndustry.com! at press time have not identified anything by one unconfirmed laboratory” and Petfood Forum Every petfood company around Petfood Forum 2008 and Petfood 2008 connects you the world is placing a renewed em- Focus on Safety coming in April with the people and phasis on safety and quality. The information you need Petfood Focus on Safety symposium, to continue to ad- April 16-17, gives you an in-depth vance. This premier look at: event taking place April 14-16 features ➤ Crisis contingency planning. networking opportunities and excit- ➤ Good purchasing practices. ing, informative sessions such as: ➤ Adverse event reporting and pre- ➤ Ingredient popularity and ferred vendors. trends. ➤ Finding the right insurance. ➤ Preventing brand theft. ➤ Case studies on quality/safety ➤ Packaging case study. programs at a petfood supplier ➤ The natural and organic markets. and a manufacturer. ➤ Sustainability and carbon ➤ ISO 22000—the world’s most footprints. advanced food safety manage- The petfood market continues its ➤ Petfood safety management ment system rapid pace of growth, despite recent systems.
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