16. Mednarodni festival animiranega filma International Animated Film Festival Kinodvor, Slovenska kinoteka, december 2019 Stara mestna elektrarna – 2 .– 8 . ljubljana Elektro Ljubljana 16. Mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka 2019 KOLOFON 16th International Animated Film Festival Animateka 2019 CREDITS Urednica / Editor: Alenka Ropret Uredniški odbor / Editorial Board: Igor Prassel, Alenka Ropret, Maja Ropret Teksti / Texts: Waltraud Grausgruber, Vassilis Kroustallis, Igor Prassel, Chris Robinson, Gerben Schermer Oblikovanje / Design: Zoran Pungerčar Naslovnica / Front cover: Edmunds Jansons Prevod / Translation: Maja Ropret Lektoriranje / Proofreading: Mojca Hudolin Tisk / Print: Schwarz Print Naklada / Print Run: 500 Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta Ljubljana, 2019 CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 791.228.079"2019" MEDNARODNI festival animiranega filma (16 ; 2019 ; Ljubljana) Animateka / [16. mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka 2019 = 16th International Animated Film Festival Animateka 2019 ; teksti Waltraud Gra- usgruber ... [et al.] ; urednica Alenka Ropret ; prevod Maja Ropret]. - Ljubljana : Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta, 2019 ISBN 978-961-94129-3-0 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Grausgruber, Waltraud 3. Ropret, Alenka COBISS.SI-ID 302757632 Festival posvečamo spominu na umetnika in prijatelja Rosta. The festival is dedicated to the memory of artist and friend Rosto. VSEBINA 6 UVOD / INTRO 131 Najboljše evropske šole / Best European Schools CONTENTS 11 ŽIRIJA / JURY 137 Najboljše evropske TV-serije / 17 NAGRADE / AWARDS Best European TV Series 140 Animirani dokumentarci / 19 VZHODNOEVROPSKI IN SREDNJEEVROPSKI Animated Documentaries TEKMOVALNI PROGRAM / EASTERN AND CENTRAL 147 Happiness Machine, animirani omnibus / EUROPEAN COMPETITION PROGRAMME Happiness Machine, anthology feature 33 TEKMOVALNI PROGRAM MLADI TALENTI EVROPE / 152 Baltik na obisku / The Baltics Visiting EUROPEAN YOUNG TALENTS COMPETITION PROGRAMME 181 CELOVEČERNI ANIMIRANI FILMI / 55 SLONOV TEKMOVALNI PROGRAM / ANIMATED FEATURE FILMS THE ELEPHANT IN COMPETITION 182 Buñuel v labirintu želv / Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles 65 ŽIRIJA SE PREDSTAVLJA / JURY PROGRAMME 184 Funan 66 Waltraud Grausgruber: Filmski program / 186 Lastovke iz Kabula / The Swallows of Kabul Film Programme 188 Maronino fantastično popotovanje / 68 Edmunds Jansons: Filmska retrospektiva / Marona's Fantastic Tale Film Retrospective 190 Slavna medvedja zasedba Sicilije / 72 Ana Nedeljković: Filmska retrospektiva / The Bears' Famous Invasion of Sicily Film Retrospective 192 Tito in ptice / Tito and the Birds 74 Jonas Odell: Filmska retrospektiva / Film Retrospective 195 PROGRAM SLON: VZGOJNO-IZOBRAŽEVALNI 78 Marie Paccou: Filmska retrospektiva / ANIMIRANI FILMI ZA ŠOLE IN DRUŽINE / Film Retrospective THE ELEPHANT PROGRAMME: EDUCATIONAL ANIMATION FILMS FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES 81 POSEBNE PREDSTAVITVE / SPECIAL PROGRAMMES 196 Otvoritev programa Slon / 82 Posebna projekcija ob odprtju festivala / Opening of the Elephant Programme Special Opening Screening 199 Slonova produkcijska delavnica / 84 Posebna projekcija ob zaključku festivala / Special The Elephant Animation Production Workshop Closing Screening 200 Slonove delavnice animiranega filma / 85 Svetovni jagodni izbor / Best of the World The Elephant Animation Workshops 98 Samo za odrasle / Adults Only 201 Ostrenje pogleda / Sharpening the Gaze 103 Kinotripov Svetovni jagodni izbor / 202 Slonova otroška žirija / Kinotrip’s Best of the World The Elephant Children Jury 106 Vzhodnoevropska in srednjeevropska panorama / Eastern and Central European Panorama 4 Filmi z dialogi so opremljeni s slovenskimi podnapisi. All films with dialogue are subtitled in Slovenian. 205 SPREMLJEVALNI PROGRAM / EVENTS 206 AnimatekaPRO 209 VR/360°@ANIMATEKA 211 Druge razstave / Other Exhibitions 214 Animirane noči / Animated Nights 217 INDEKS AVTORJEV FILMOV / INDEX OF FILMMAKERS 221 INDEKS FILMOV Z DISTRIBUTERJI / INDEX OF FILMS WITH DISTRIBUTORS 233 O FESTIVALU / THE FESTIVAL 5 16. ANIMATEKA – NO PLACE LIKE HOME* 16TH ANIMATEKA – NO PLACE LIKE HOME* Ljubljanski jesensko-zimski filmsko-festivalski The Ljubljana autumn/winter film festival rush tra- vrvež se tradicionalno konča z Mednarodnim ditionally ends with the Animateka International festivalom animiranega filma Animateka. Filmski Animated Film Festival. While film festivals gener- festivali večinoma prinašajo premierne projekci- ally feature first-time screenings, Animateka is the je, za razliko od ostalih pa Animateko obišče tudi only one of this set that brings together more than več kot sto mednarodnih filmskih ustvarjalcev in one hundred international filmmakers, producers, ustvarjalk, producentov in producentk, program- artistic directors, along with a host of local and skih direktorjev in direktoric ter množica domačih international animation enthusiasts. Animateka’s in tujih ljubiteljev animiranega filma. Bogat film- wide-ranging line-up of films and exhibitions is ski in razstavni program Animateke dopolnjujejo complemented by talks and Q&As with filmmakers tudi strokovna predavanja in pogovori z avtorji in late morning sessions at the Old Power Station as znotraj platforme AnimatekaPRO, ki se v dopol- part of the AnimatekaPRO platform. danskih urah odvijajo v Stari mestni elektrarni. During the festival, Kinoteka will host an exhibi- V času festivala bo prostore Kinoteke krasila tion of flipped books by French artist Marie Paccou, razstava animiranih slikofrcev (ang. flipbook) a member of this year’s festival jury. Another jury francoske umetnice Marie Paccou, ki je tudi čla- member is Latvian director and animator Edmunds nica letošnje mednarodne festivalske žirije. Drugi Jansons, the author of the 2019 festival poster, who žirant je latvijski režiser in animator Edmunds is showing his drawings in the Kinodvor Gallery. The Jansons, ki je ustvaril letošnjo festivalsko podobo jury also includes Jonas Odell, a legendary Swedish in bo svoje risbe razstavil v galeriji Kinodvora. artist who has been shaping the global animation Vabilu v žirijo se je odzval tudi legendarni švedski landscape since the 1980’s. The subtle animated avtor Jonas Odell, ki že od osemdesetih let prej- documentaries that have been at the centre of šnjega stoletja uspešno kroji zemljevid svetovne Odell’s work in recent years will be shown in a ret- avtorske animacije. V zadnjih letih se podrobno rospective along with his animated music videos. posveča subtilnim animiranim dokumentarnim The remaining two jury members are the award- filmom, ki jih bomo v filmski retrospektivi videli winning Serbian artist Ana Nedeljković, and Wal- skupaj z njegovimi animiranimi videospoti. Zadnji traud Grausgruber, the director of the Vienna-based 6 dve žirantki sta mednarodno nagrajevana srbska Tricky Women festival. Grausgruber is bringing to avtorica Ana Nedeljković in umetniška direktori- Animateka Happiness Machine (2019), an anthol- ca dunajskega festivala Tricky Women Waltraud ogy feature connecting 20 women animators and Grausgruber; slednja bo predstavila animirani women composers from across Europe, who were omnibus Happiness Machine (2019), v katerem asked to consider to what extent the current eco- je dvajset režiserk in skladateljic iz vse Evrope nomic climate affects our lives. The result is a collec- sodelovalo v razmisleku o vprašanju, kako moč- tive and creative discussion that questions the world no sedanje gospodarsko ozračje vpliva na naše we live in and teaches us to look at it from a new življenje. Omnibus kot kolektivna in ustvarjalna perspective. razprava preizprašuje svet, v katerem živimo, in nas uči gledati nanj z drugačnimi očmi. This year’s historical retrospective foregrounds animation from the Baltic states, a phenomenon Letošnja zgodovinska retrospektiva v bližnji plan discussed at some length further on in this cata- postavlja animirani film iz baltskih držav, o ka- logue by Zippy Frames editor Vassilis Kroustallis. terem v pričujočem katalogu podrobneje piše Rather than presentations of the Estonian, Latvian urednik spletnega portala Zippy Frames Vassilis and Lithuanian animated cinemas, which have been Kroustallis. Za razliko od predstavitev estonske- held widely across the international festival circuit ga, latvijskega in litvanskega animiranega filma, to mark last year’s centenary of these national ki so se ob lanski stoletnici nastanka njihovih cinemas, Animateka has programmed their works nacionalnih kinematografij dogajale na mnogih by style and historical period, to produce five pro- mednarodnih filmskih festivalih, smo pri nas grammes of shorts and three programmes of fea- filme programirali po stilskem in časovnem ključu ture films. The festival will also host a strong Baltic ter jih predstavljamo v petih programih kratkih delegation to learn more about the films and the filmov in treh programih celovečercev. Festival production conditions for filmmakers in the respec- bo obiskala številčna zasedba gostov iz baltskih tive countries. držav, ki nam bodo predstavili svoje filme in pro- dukcijske pogoje za njihovo ustvarjanje. While global feature animation production has recently been on the rise, most of the quality ani- Zadnja leta je globalna produkcija celovečernih mation never reaches cinemas in Slovenia. To help animiranih filmov v porastu, vendar večina kako- close this gap, the 2019 Animateka is showing as vostnih del ne pride na redne programe sloven- many as 10 animated features. The Spanish-Dutch skih kinematografov.
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