"כ ט חשו תשעה” Shabbos, November 22, 2014 יבמות מ”ט OVERVIEW of the Daf Distinctive INSIGHT 1) MISHNAH: The Mishnah begins with a presentation The prophecy of Moshe Rabeinu כל הנביאי נסתכלו באספקלריא שאינה מאירה , משה רבינו -of the different opinions regarding the type of illicit rela נסתכל באספקלריא המאירה tionship that will produce a mamzer. The Mishnah con- cludes with a discussion of the prohibition against marry- ambam (Yesodei HaTorah 7:6) writes: What is the ing one’s wife’s sister and one’s chalutza’s sister. R difference between the prophecy of Moshe and that of all 2) Clarifying the source for the different positions other prophets? Divine insight is bestowed upon all the The source for R’ Akiva’s position is identified. other prophets in a dream or vision. Moshe, our teacher, An alternative source is presented. would prophesy while standing awake, as the verse says The source for Shimon Hateimani’s position is identi- (Bamidbar 7:89), “When Moshe came into the Ohel fied. Moed to speak to Him, he heard the voice speaking to The source for R’ Yehoshua’s position is identified. him.” Abaye asserts that all opinions agree that the child is Divine insight is bestowed upon all the other proph- not a mamzer if one had relations with a nidah or a sotah. ets through the medium of an angel. Therefore they per- The reason for Abaye’s assertion is presented, followed ceive only metaphoric imagery and allegories. Moshe by a Baraisa that echoes his rulings. would prophesy without the medium of an angel, as the The Gemara explains why Abaye did not include the Torah states (ibid. 12:8): “Mouth to mouth I speak to case of the yevama in his list. him,” and (Shemos 33:11): “And Hashem spoke to 3) R’ Shimon ben Azzai’s report Moshe face to face.” In Bemidbar (12:8) we find: “He A Baraisa presents a more detailed account of R’ gazes upon the image of Hashem” - i.e., there was no Shimon ben Azzai’s report of the scroll of genealogical re- metaphor. Rather, he would perceive the matter in its cords of Yerushalayim. fullness, without metaphor or allegory. The Torah testi- fies concerning him (ibid.): [I speak to him…] manifestly, 4) Menashe’s assassination of Yeshayahu without allegory.” His appreciation of prophecy would The scroll of genealogical records includes a report not be through metaphor, but through open revelation, that Menashe assassinated Yeshayahu. Rava relates how Menashe accused Yeshayahu of being appreciating the matter in its fullness. a false prophet and noted three contradictions between All the other prophets were overawed, terrified, and the Torah and statements made by Yeshayahu. confounded [by the revelations they experience], but The Gemara resolves the three contradictions. Moshe would not [respond in this manner], as the verse states (Shemos 33:11): “[God spoke to Moshe…] as a man speaks to a friend” - i.e., just as a person will not be awe- REVIEW and Remember struck from hearing his friend’s words, so, too, Moshe’s mental power was sufficient to comprehend the words of 1. What are the three opinions regarding the prohibited relationships which result in the offspring being a prophecy while he was standing in a composed state. mamzer? All the other prophets cannot prophesy whenever _________________________________________ they desire. Moshe was different. Whenever he desired, 2. How does one verse serve as the source for the three the holy spirit would envelop him, and prophecy would different opinions regarding a mamzer? rest upon him. He did not have to concentrate his atten- _________________________________________ tion to prepare himself [for prophecy], because his mind 3. Why does having relations with a niddah not produce a was always concentrated, prepared and ready [to appreci- mamzer? ate spiritual truth] as the angels [are]. Therefore, he ________________________________________ 4. What was the capital crime Menashe accused Yeshayahu of would prophesy at all times, as the Torah states: violating? (Bamidbar 9:8) “Stand and hear what God will command _________________________________________ you.” יבמות מ ” ט– Number 844 must take the cautious approach and flee. The logic behind this, explains Maharil, is that at time the decree may be di- HALACHAH Highlight rected at a particular town or area and those that remain Running from danger will suffer the effects of the decree whereas those that run .will be spared אמר ישעיה ידענא ביה דלא מקבל מה דאימא ליה וכו ’ אמר ש Rav Menashe Klein 5, the Mishnah Halachos, was asked איבלע בארזא Yeshayahu said, “I know that he (Menashe) will not accept my whether a person, in general, is obligated to flee from dan- defense…” He, therefore, uttered Hashem’s name and was swal- ger, and if there is such an obligation will it be in force if ( ספק סכנה ) lowed by a cedar. the only place to flee may itself be dangerous Mishnah Halachos responded by citing numerous instances 1 R abbeinu Yaakov ben Moshe Halevi Molin , the Ma- in Tanach where people fled from potential danger even if haril, was asked whether it is appropriate for a person to it was not certain that they were fleeing to a place of safety. 2 run from danger. The Gemara Sanhedrin reports that there Esav sought to murder Yaakov and he fled, Pharoah wanted was a plague in a particular area for seven years and not one to execute Moshe and he ran away. Another example cited person died before their time. This indicates that one is the response Yeshayahu had when he faced the danger should trust Hashem rather than flee. Maharil responded presented by Menashe. When it was clear to Yeshayahu that that one should not rely upon the Gemara in Sanhedrin Menashe was going to have him executed he uttered since there are conflicting Gemara’s that indicate that it is Hashem’s name for safety. Even though this effort ulti- risky to remain in a place of danger. The Gemara Bava Kam- mately did not succeed, we nonetheless see that he made 3 ma teaches that once the destroyer is released he does not the effort to save himself from danger. .1 ”שו ת מהרי” ל סי מ’ ”א distinguish between those that are righteous and those that .2 גמ ’ סנהדרי כט are wicked, thus a person who does not run may be swept 4 .3 גמ ’ בבא קמא ס -up with the others. Similarly, the Gemara Chagiga indi .4 גמ ’ חגיגה ד : באעובדא דמרי מגדלא נשיא ע”ש -cates that there are times when a person is swept away with .5 ”שו ת משנה כהלכות חי” ב סי ’ תס”ח out justice, meaning that he can be taken from this world before it is his time. Therefore, when facing danger one intransigent border guard. it, saying, “Don’t we have an agreement STORIES Off the Daf The Jews appealed to the authori- that Jewish burial parties may pass?” ties, and managed to reach an agree- The guard insisted, and discovered the “Seek Hashem when He is found…” ment so that funeral processions would contraband. Well aware of the deep not be stopped as they crossed the bor- trouble they had gotten themselves דרשו את הש בהמצאו der and the Jews could bury their dead into, the smugglers all fell to their O n today’s daf we find an exhorta- without the indignity of delay. Some knees and began crying and pleading tion to take advantage of the special enterprising locals soon realized that for mercy. accessibility to Hashem afforded us this was a golden opportunity to smug- “Fools!” said the guard. “Had you during the Ten Days of Repentance. gle contraband across the border. They cried before, you wouldn’t have to cry Rav Chaim Brisker, zt”l, once ex- dressed up as Jews, filled a coffin with before me now!” plained this idea with a parable: illegal goods, and successfully carried it “Similarly,” concluded Rav Chaim, There was once a Polish town that across. Delighted with their plan, they “When trouble descends on people in lay close to the Russian border. Be- repeated it several times over the suc- the middle of the year they cry and cause of the constant skirmishes be- ceeding weeks. plead with Hashem. They don't realize tween the two countries, the border One night, the border guard heard that if they had cried during the auspi- shifted several times. At one point, the the merry sound of singing and laugh- cious time of Elul, and especially dur- border intervened between the town ing. Looking out from his hut, he spot- ing the yomim noraim and Ten Days and its Jewish cemetery, and this ted a group of “Jews” carrying a coffin of Repentnace, they would not have caused great problems for the Jews. towards the border. Suspicious, he had these troubles to begin with!” Every burial meant undergoing interro- stopped them and asked to see inside gation and cross-examination by the the coffin. The “Jews” refused to open Daf Digest is published by the Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed, under the leadership of HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein, shlit”a HaRav Pinchas Eichenstein, Nasi; HoRav Zalmen L. Eichenstein, Rov ;Rabbi Tzvi Bider, Executive Director, edited by Rabbi Ben-Zion Rand. Daf Yomi Digest has been made possible through the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ruben. .
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