01.04.2019-07.04.2019 • No: 205 7 KYRGYZSTAN’S REGIONAL POLITICS UNDER JEENBEKOV In the past two years, regional cooperation through the Eurasian Economic Union queues of cargo trucks. The conflict esca- in Central Asia has been undergoing signif- (EAEU), and Jeenbekov is very optimistic lated further after a series of Atambayev’s icant changes due to the transformation of about the potential of the EAEU, being critical statements that resulted in the denun- the political establishment in some of the re- among the active supporters of the union ciation by the Kyrgyz government of $100 gional countries. Kyrgyzstan, with its spe- and a possible introduction of its single cur- million of technical assistance offered by cial place in the region, the so-called “dem- rency. Notably, the EAEU membership has Kazakhstan to support Kyrgyzstan’s EAEU ocratic island” of Central Asia, has also in- led to a significant increase in Russia’s eco- membership. The situation was regulated fluenced this trend. Therefore, it is worth ex- nomic and foreign policy influence in Kyr- only after the presidential election in Kyr- amining the current foreign policy of Kyr- gyzstan. Besides, during Russian President gyzstan, at the CSTO meeting on November gyzstan and its impact on the regionalization Vladimir Putin’s visit to Bishkek in March 30, 2017, when Nazarbayev and Jeenbekov process in Central Asia. 2019, the sides have agreed to expand the signed a road map of economic cooperation. Sooronbay Jeenbekov, the fifth president of territory of Russia’s air base in the northern The interaction with Tajikistan that is aimed Kyrgyzstan, came to power in October town of Kant to 60 hectares and increase its at developing economic and energy cooper- 2017, when the regional leaders were al- annual rent from $4.5 million to $4.79 mil- ation is also complicated by the border prob- ready starting their efforts to bring the exist- lion. lems. The parties have started the negotia- ing problematic issues closer toward resolu- The Kyrgyz President’s first state visit was tion process to reconcile their differences, tion. He became the first Kyrgyz president, made to China, where he took part in the but the issue is too complex. Only 504 km who came to power not as a result of a re- Summit of the Heads of the SCO States in of the 976 km-long Kyrgyz-Tajik border gime change. President Jeenbekov was Qingdao in June 2018. On the sidelines of have been delimited and demarcated, which among the founders of the Social Demo- the summit, Jeenbekov managed to arrange remains one of the key obstacles for bilateral cratic Party, led by ex-president Almazbek a deal with his Chinese counterpart on the cooperation. Recently, on March 13-14, Atambayev, therefore, in the beginning of allocation of the 600 million yuan grant for 2019, a conflict occurred between residents his tenure, he was perceived as a protégé of the implementation of projects that should of the village of Aksai of Kyrgyzstan and the Atambayev, yet Jeenbekov quickly man- create scientific and innovative agricultural village of Mekhnabad of Tajikistan due to aged to avoid an expected patronage of his technological parks, equip veterinary and the construction of the Aksai-Tamdyk by- former boss. His team, largely consisting of phytosanitary laboratories, develop the road pass road in the Batken region. As a result his family members with strong support network in Bishkek, and provide drinking of the violent clashes, two Tajiks were killed from the south of the country, demonstrates water to the country’s areas in need. Another and dozens from both sides injured. Never- a conservative approach with the elements significant project is the China-Kyrgyzstan- theless, it should be noted that trade rela- of religiosity. tions with Tajikistan in 2018 increased by Concerning international activities of Presi- Uzbekistan railway, the details of which are 54% compared to 2017, which is very sig- dent Jeenbekov, there is a strong focus on still being finalized. If completed, the $5 bil- nificant as the trade with Uzbekistan only the region as he has already visited all the lion railway should contribute to the devel- grew by 8.6% and while there was a de- Central Asian states: Uzbekistan and Ka- opment of Kyrgyzstan’s trade and economic crease in trade with Kazakhstan and Turk- zakhstan in December 2017, Tajikistan in relations. However, Bishkek’s relations menistan by 5% and 10%, respectively. In February 2018 and Turkmenistan in August with Beijing are challenged by the anti-Chi- addition, both Bishkek and Dushanbe are in- 2018. In the frame of multinational cooper- nese sentiments that are growing domesti- terested in developing energy cooperation, ation, the president participated in the sum- cally, mostly because the Chinese invest- particularly, in the launch of the CASA- mit meeting of the Central Asian leaders in ments have become a large burden for the 1000 project, which envisages the genera- March 2018 in Astana, hosted the fourth country. For instance, over 2013-2018, tion of electricity in Kyrgyzstan and Tajiki- meeting of the High Council for Strategic China’s share in Kyrgyzstan's foreign debt stan and its subsequent resale to Afghani- Cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Tur- has increased from 2% to 44%. stan and Pakistan. key, and organized the Third World Nomad Meanwhile, Jeenbekov has started to repair Meanwhile, Kyrgyzstan’s cooperation with Games with the participation of high-rank- the Central Asian direction of Kyrgyzstan’s Turkmenistan is, probably, the least prob- ing guests, including the presidents of Ka- foreign policy with an important thaw in re- lematic as the two countries do not share zakhstan, Turkey, and Tatarstan (Russia), lations with Uzbekistan, with which it had borders. Both states are interested in the de- and the prime minister of Hungary. long-lasting issues over the disputed borders velopment of economic and trade ties and President Jeenbekov’s foreign policy priori- and on the construction of the Kambarata can contribute to addressing the region’s ties are circled around the main strategic dam. The China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan water and energy issues. During Jeen- partners of Kyrgyzstan, which are Russia, railway, the project that fully meets the in- bekov’s visit to Turkmenistan, the parties China, and Kazakhstan, whereas in his inau- terests of both Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, signed the declaration on strategic partner- guration speech President Jeenbekov named has become an important pillar of mutual ship and a number of other documents, in- Russia as the main priority, followed by the cooperation. In addition, the parties have in- cluding an agreement on avoiding double countries of Central Asia. Consequently, tensified negotiations on border issues and taxation. Russia, which accounts for more than 50% reached an agreement on the simplification To sum up, Kyrgyzstan, with its weak econ- of Kyrgyzstan’s external trade, was the des- of customs procedures to promote bilateral omy and dependence on external support, tination of his maiden foreign visit. By this, trade. strives for pursuing flexible policies towards Jeenbekov confirmed that Kyrgyzstan keeps Jeenbekov’s relations with Astana began the region. By supporting the wave of coop- its loyalty to Russia. It should be noted that with a diplomatic test on resolving the situ- eration among the Central Asian states, offi- Kyrgyzstan’s economy is extremely de- ation at the Kazakh-Kyrgyz border in the au- cial Bishkek is also interested in maintain- pendent on remittances of Kyrgyz labor mi- tumn of 2017, which had arisen even before ing efficient cooperation with its fraternal grants working mainly in Russia and Ka- his election as a president. The ties between neighbors, along with resolving the existing zakhstan, which constitute about 30% of the the two brotherly nations worsened in Sep- issues with them. Therefore, the Central country’s GDP, therefore the agreement on tember 2017 after a meeting of presidential Asian states, all of which, including Kyr- the application of the migration amnesty and candidate Omurbek Babanov with Kazakh gyzstan, have the border, water and energy the withdrawal of Kyrgyz citizens from the President Nursultan Nazarbayev. President issues as their key challenges to address, are “blacklist” was scored as a practically im- Atambayev responded with harsh critics of moving towards overcoming these obstacles portant achievement of Jeenbekov. Rela- Kazakhstan, which led to the problems on and developing pragmatic cooperation tions with Russia are also strengthened the Kazakh-Kyrgyz border, leading to long based on mutual benefits. Written by Albina Muratbek, Eurasian Research Institute, Kazakhstan Politics, Foreign Affairs, and Security Economy, Finance, and Energy Society and Culture Speaking at NATO’s ministerial meet- Uzbekistan Railways implements a new First President of Kazakhstan – Leader ing in Washington, Turkish Foreign project to modernize the strategically of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev re- Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stated that important Andijan-Sawai-Khanabad ceived President of the International Ankara would develop constructive re- railway and organize intercity passen- Turkic Academy Darkhan Kydyrali. lations both with Russia and the West. ger traffic on this route. The project During the meeting, Kydyrali informed According to the minister, as an inde- worth more than $15 million provides Nazarbayev of the academy’s current pendent and sovereign country, Turkey for the upgrade of the 50 km railway activities and future work plans, includ- should have good relations with all section and the construction of a new ing the progress in the implementation neighboring countries and doesn’t have 10.5 km segment bypassing the territory of the tasks set at the latest session of the to choose between Russia and other na- Cooperation Council of Turkic Speak- tions. of Kyrgyzstan. The Uzbekistan-Tajikistan commission ing States.
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