Potential transfer of Garrison Project Lands Public Meetings (May 24-26, 2005) May ;:Jc;-, 2005 l[)i cki'n.sovi , ND Would you like to share your thoughts and comments on the potential transfer of Garrison Project Lands with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the space provided below. Comment form Potential transfer of Garrison Project Lands Public Meetings (May 24-26, 2005) May$,2005 {) 1'cJ< ,' f\S 6 /\) , ND Would you like to share your thoughts and comments on the potential transfer of Garrison Project Lands with the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the space provided below. .c ~005 K°'Y 2h Wells, pelf C omment 1orm Potential transfer of Garrison Project Lands Public Meetings (May 24-26, 2005) May ;;/a , 2005 Jf~~· ,ND Would you like to share your thoughts and comments on the potential transfer of Garrison Project Lands with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the space provided below. p J I I d ,'/ f• .;/,Af_.ft t:J-t_,.1f,1..:,., Potential transfer of Garrison Project Lands Public Meetings (May 24-26, 2005) May~ ,2005 l,0;/{/Stz;M ,ND Would you like to share your thoughts and comments on the potential transfer of Garrison Project Lands with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the space provided below. '~rs - 2(JJ!3 MAy2bsmr'Ke. fdf Comment form Potential transfer of Garrison Project Lands Public Meetings (May 24-26, 2005) May2£. ,2005 &0 l/1 :. kn , · , ND I Would you like to share your thoughts and comments on the potential transfer of Garrison Project Lands with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the space provid~d below> f\A~ R,\ &v.w1 &vvt- 8 t--r- h r'f .kri? / MD. b?C::. ~.A-<l 6'--5 /o u,/~11''/h £.:J'- 4'f""ry c.,., ~ ,.....::>I J c;::?r'h CL- 7 .....; '1.,,,,..._ 0 /d re rJ,,,,,,,. cJ 4 ;_, ,r:;~ ?>-4/ce-J- /,,;,,~ ,;., 13,..,,,..,/,_,..,..k~ fVl/Z t,,v),~,., .I' w&11..S /t7 ~,,_.s (!)Id /:... I '741 ~ UAIS a/10 ,,._,.,,dl Jo ?2«'C. o,,..,.. ,P&rl ~ +:,,. ~,e.­ ~ 6 J d .,,,_ .b,?-6.heer ./-e> ~ , /?'4:..11.J, ~.__,,,_,,,,. ./.;, Al'""'--> TIU/r. _,,heq _ -4.,,_ @u,_ .,,,,, ,,.,.,,,_ =-4 d~ k"'~ TZe...- F';-4,;_,:..,,_ _ /.,,._d k-4 ,.c_-,,,_,,J_';,,..:.d ~,.- £;. ;-,,-,,.. .,,/--h-"9-e_. o. .1.,, s- ea s .j. b ./ )/a441 Cv:/...y huJ. t/~ ;., ,1..1.z.., Ld ,,. .,,_ s.., ~ lb ,c.,. ,_ d-e,,,_,,, ha),":../,.../ k e- .,,,._,._., ,....., h-<- s.-h -e/,,1-_,,_ .k/.,,.ls ..,,;,. 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