ANNUAL REPORT Rospatent Annual Report 2017 Message of Mr. Ivliev G. P., 4 Director General of Rospatent, to the Reader Activities of Rospatent in the field of 8 Activity of Rospatent on control and 32 1 legal protection of objects of intellectual 2 supervision in the field of legal protec- property: provision of public services and tion and use of the results of intellectual consideration of objections and requests activities of civil, military, special and Introduction 9 dual designation created at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal 1.1 Legal and methodological support for the 10 budget, as well as legal protection of provision of public services state interests in the process of economic 1.2 State registration of trademarks, 11 and civil turnover of the results of R&Ds service marks, collective marks of military, special and dual designation 1.3 State registration of inventions, utility models 13 Introduction 33 1.4 State registration 14 2.1 Control and supervision in the sphere of legal 34 of industrial designs protection and use of the results of intellectu- 1.5 State registration of appellations of origin of 15 al activities of civil, military, special and dual goods and grant of exclusive rights to such designation created at the expense of budget appellations, as well as grant of exclusive allocations of the federal budget rights to appellations of origin registered 2.2 Legal protection of state interests in the 37 earlier course of economic and civil-legal turnover of 1.6 State registration of computer programs, da- 16 the results of scientific and research, design tabases, topographies of integrated circuits and experimental, and technological works of military, special and dual designation 1.7 State registration of contracted disposition 18 of exclusive right to the objects of intellectual 2.3 Results of intellectual activity, the rights to 39 property and transfer of exclusive right which belong to the Russian Federation without a contract 1.8 Certification and registration of patent 22 Interaction of Rospatent with federal ex- 40 attorneys of the Russian Federation 3 ecutive bodies, judicial and other author- 1.9 Amendments to state registers, renewal, 25 ities, cooperation with the regions of the cancellation, restoration of legal protection Russian Federation, public requests of the objects of intellectual property, open Introduction 41 licenses, publication of court decisions 3.1 Interaction of Rospatent with federal execu- 42 1.10 Consideration of administrative disputes 28 tive bodies related to legal protection of the results 3.2 Cooperation of Rospatent with judicial author- 42 of intellectual activity and means of ities individualization and recognition of a trademark or a designation used as a 3.3 Cooperation and interaction of Rospatent with 43 trademark as being a well-known trademark in the regions of the Russian Federation the Russian Federation 3.4 Statistics of requests from citizens and legal 45 1.11 Provision of public services in electronic form 30 entities considered in Rospatent and its subor- dinate organizations 3.5 Statistics of citizens’ requests for consulta- 46 tions 4 International cooperation 48 7 Scientific and project activities 80 Introduction 49 Introduction 81 4.1 Cooperation with the World Intellectual 50 7.1 Scientific activity 82 Property Organization (WIPO) 7.2 Project activity. New analytical products of 85 4.2 Cooperation with international and regional 54 FIPS organizations 7.3 Rospatent communications 88 4.3 Bilateral cooperation 56 4.4 Cooperation with the countries of the 58 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 8 Training and professional development 94 4.5 Rospatent as the International Searching 58 Introduction 95 Authority and the International Preliminary 8.1 Training of Rospatent public officers 96 Examining Authority 8.2 Training of specialists in RGAIS 96 4.6 Activities of Rospatent as the receiving Office 59 8.3 Organization of training and advanced 97 4.7 Rospatent participation in the Patent 59 training of FIPS specialists Prosecution Highway (РРН) project 8.4 FIPS educational activity 98 4.8 Rospatent activities within the framework of 60 execution of international obligations of the Russian Federation arising from its participa- Rospatent in the “Open Government” 100 tion in the Madrid Agreement concerning the 9 System International Registration of Trademarks and the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement Introduction 101 9.1 Main financial indices of Rospatent activities 102 9.2 Personnel policy and combating corruption 102 Computerization and modernization of 62 5 automated systems 9.3 Realization of the concept of openness of 103 Rospatent Introduction 63 5.1 Development of automated systems and 64 improvement of information technologies Appendixes to the Report include statistics for 106 5.2 Use of Rospatent Internet resources 65 * Rospatent activity in 2017 5.3 Use of databases in the course of examination 68 of applications for inventions and utility models Maintenance and development of Patent 70 6 Document Collections. Official and information publications of Rospatent. Provision of information services Introduction 71 6.1 State Patent Collection 72 6.2 Rospatent and FIPS official and information 74 publications 6.3 Supply of information services 77 Grigory P. Ivliev Director General of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) DEAR COLLEAGUES, DEAR FRIENDS! Each annual report is a new opportunity for us to pres- As compared to 2016, the number of examinations of appli- ent the results of our work, share the most efficient cations and decisions taken on their results in respect of the solutions and identify promising areas for development. objects of industrial property increased: for inventions – by 4.4 %; utility models – by 4.6 %; industrial designs – by 3.3 %. In his Address to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, has noted that currently The share of services provided by Rospatent in electronic a huge technological potential is being accumulated in the form in 2017 in respect of registration of trademarks was world, which makes it possible to take a real leap in life 48.25 %, registration of inventions – 34.05 %, and the aver- quality improvement, in economy, infrastructure and public age value of this indicator for all applications was 33.35 %. administration modernization. ■ The total amount of the federal budget revenues by reve- ■ “It depends only on us how efficiently we can use the great nue codes administered by Rospatent in 2017 amounted opportunities of the technological revolution, how we can to 5,210,682.4 thousand rubles, that is 2.8 % more than respond to its challenge… The question is the convenient in- in 2016. frastructure, comfortable tax regimes, intellectual property protection, technical regulation and venture financing,” – the For the purpose of implementation of the priority task of President stressed in his speech. switching to the provision of public services in electronic form a regulation on a 30-percent discount for all fees lev- For Rospatent, 2017 is characterized by an increase of the ied for the provision of public services in electronic form quality of provision of public services in the field of legal was introduced upon the initiative of Rospatent into the protection of the objects of intellectual property, reduction resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation ROSPATENT of the terms of their provision, increase in the number of No. 1151 of September 23, 2017 “On Amendments to the examinations conducted. Regulations on Patent and Other Fees …”. 4 In the result of implementation by Rospatent of a set of The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of measures to reduce the terms of the provision of public August 30, 2017 No. 1036 “On Amending the Provisions on services, the average length of consideration of applications the Federal Service for Intellectual Property” stipulates the as compared to 2016 decreased: for trademarks from 11.2 possibility of Rospatent to provide public services through to 8.9 months; for inventions – from 10.3 to 9.24 months. the official website on the Internet. We believe that such decision will positively affect the achievement by 2020 of tain a public service, increase of accessibility and expansion the value of 75 % of the target indicator “Share of appli- of the range of services provided by Rospatent. Currently, the cations for state registration of intellectual property filed Federal Register of Public and Municipal Services (functions) electronically” of the state program of the Russian Feder- and the Unified Public Services Portal (hereinafter – UPSP) ation “Economic development and innovative economy”. contain up-to-date information on all 26 public services of Rospatent. In respect of 25 public services, it is possible to An important direction in the era of digitalization is the submit a request (applications, statements, etc.) through the transition of Rospatent to digital formats within interaction UPSP for the provision of a public service in electronic form. with the consumers of services characterized by shorter terms, accessibility increase, transparency and security of Five public services (registration of inventions, utility models, the services provided by the service for the society. The industrial designs, trademarks, computer programs and Program of implementation of modern information and tel- databases) are also provided through the website of the ecommunication
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