CANADA Head Office 3370 Pharmacy Avenue Toronto, Ontario Canada M1W 3K4 T: +1 416 494-1444 2014 / 2015 F: +1 416 494-4565 EUROPE Polígono Arazuri - Orcoyen Calle D, Nº 2 31170 Arazuri, Navarra, Spain T: +34 948-281-090 WEAR SENSORS · F: +34 948-187-294 USA 238 Wolcott Road Wolcott, Connecticut USA 06716 T: +1 203 879-2823 CATALOGUE - 2014 / 2015 CATALOGUE CHINA Building No. 3, 558 Tai Bo Rd, Anting, Jiading District, Shanghai - China 201814 WEAR SENSORS T: +86 21-6957-5817 F: +86 21-6957-5806 BRAKE THRU SOLUTIONS www.nucap.com SINCE 1994, NUCAP HAS BEEN A LEADER OF PRODUCT AND PRODUCTION INNOVATION FOR BRAKE SYSTEM COMPONENTS. NU-LOK SHIMS FINEBLANKPLUS NRS BACKING PLATE BRAKE ALIGN QUIET CLIP SPRINGS ELECTRONIC WEAR SENSORS LEVERS ATTACHING HARDWARE NU-LOK | PISTON CUSHION DRUM SHOE DRT - SPREADER SPRINGS NUCAP’s components offer solution based product innovations to reduce brake NVH (noise, vibration, harshness), enhance product durability, increase value, ensure brake system safety and provide greater manufacturing efficiencies. NUCAP manufactures the largest product portfolio of high quality brake pad backing plates, shims, attaching hardware, abutment hardware, drum levers and springs for a global catalog of passenger car, motorcycle, commercial vehicle, aviation and trains. NUCAP’s footprint with facilities in Europe, Asia and North America allow it to quickly respond to changing market conditions and provide superior service to our customers. Learn more at www.nucap.com. ELECTRONIC WEAR SENSORS ENGINEERED TO OE SPECIFICATIONS TO ENSURE TOP QUALITY AND ACCURATE FUNCTIONALITY SINCE 1994, NUCAP HAS BEEN A LEADER OF PRODUCT AND PRODUCTION INNOVATION FOR BRAKE SYSTEM COMPONENTS. NU-LOK SHIMS FINEBLANKPLUS NRS BACKING PLATE BRAKE ALIGN QUIET CLIP SPRINGS ELECTRONIC WEAR SENSORS LEVERS ATTACHING HARDWARE NU-LOK | PISTON CUSHION DRUM SHOE DRT - SPREADER SPRINGS NUCAP’s components offer solution based product innovations to reduce brake NVH (noise, vibration, NUCAP® supplies a wide variety of Electronic Wear Sensors with over 2500 references available harshness), enhance product durability, increase value, ensure brake system safety and provide for passenger car and commercial vehicle applications. NUCAP’s catalogue continuosly expands to greater manufacturing efficiencies. NUCAP manufactures the largest product portfolio of high quality current model coverage to ensure your needs are met. Every NUCAP® wear sensor is made from the brake pad backing plates, shims, attaching hardware, abutment hardware, drum levers and springs best available materials to protect it from the high radiant heat exposure, which provides accurate for a global catalog of passenger car, motorcycle, commercial vehicle, aviation and trains. NUCAP’s functionality and ensures product durability of the safety related product. NUCAP® has been supplying footprint with facilities in Europe, Asia and North America allow it to quickly respond to changing our Electronic Wear Sensors products to major friction production facilities and aftermarket divisions market conditions and provide superior service to our customers. Learn more at www.nucap.com. of the most prominent brake brands worldwide. Learn more at www.nucap.com. © NUCAP EUROPE, 2014 Polígono Arazuri-Orcoyen, Calle D, Nº2 31170 Arazuri, Navarra, SPAIN Tel. +34 948 28 10 90 Fax +34 948 18 72 94 www.nucap.com [email protected] Maquetación: Doña Remedios Comunicación Creativa General Index New reference information 7 Connectors 8 Terminals 11 Manufacturer Index 17 W1 Wear sensors for passenger cars 35 W2 Clip on wear sensors for passenger cars 75 W3 Clip on wear sensors for industrial vehicles 133 Kits 153 WVA > NUCAP Index 157 FMSI > NUCAP Index 167 Manufacturer > OE > NUCAP Index 171 New reference information Wx xx xx xx New reference information Version W1 Wear sensor for passenger cars Lenght, colour, material, etc. W2 Clip on wear sensor for passenger cars W3 Clip on wear sensor for industrial vehicles Connector type Terminal type See page 08 See page 11 Example W2065003 Clip on wear sensor Version 03 for passenger cars Connector type 06 Terminal type 50 GENERAL CATALOGUE 2014/2015 7 Connectors 00 01 16 02 17 03 5.5 04 5.5 18 19 05 06 20 21 07 22 08 23 09 10 24 11 12 25 BLACK 13 26 WHITE 14 15 27 8 NUCAP BLUE 38 28 VIOLET 29 39 30 31 40 41 32 42 33 43 44 34 45 35 46 36 47 37 48 GENERAL CATALOGUE 2014/2015 9 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 10 NUCAP Terminals 01 16 02 17 03 18 04 5.2 05 19 06 5.2 20 07 21 22 08 09 23 10 11 24 12 25 13 14 15 26 GENERAL CATALOGUE 2014/2015 11 3.5 27 40 41 28 5.4 42 29 5.4 30 43 24 44 31 8.5 32 28 33 45 35 6.4 46 36 37 47 5 38 48 39 49 12 NUCAP 3 50 61 51 62 52 63 64 53 65 3.8 54 66 55 5.9 67 56 68 3.1 57 58 69 59 60 70 GENERAL CATALOGUE 2014/2015 13 32 71 3 36. 79 33 72 73 5 30. 74 80 75 32 76 25.1 2 27. 5 81 Ø11. 42.9 82 8 Ø16. 41 83 8 Ø18. 84 42.5 85 7 Ø1 77 78 86 14 NUCAP 87 GENERAL CATALOGUE 2014/2015 15 Manufacturer Index GENERAL CATALOGUE 2014/2015 17 18 NUCAP AIXAM AR 8 F W1090004 50 ARO MODEL AXLE NUCAP PAGE AR 8 F W1090204 51 MODEL AXLE NUCAP PAGE 500 F W1020021 39 Brera F W1130010 54 240 F W1022901 41 500 F W1020022 39 Brera F W1130012 53 244 F W1022901 41 500 F W1020048 40 Brera F W1360009 68 Expander F W1022901 41 Brera F W1360013 67 500 F W1020049 40 Serie 10 F W1022901 41 Brera F W1366803 69 ALFA ROMEO Giuletta F W1190202 57 AUDI MODEL AXLE NUCAP PAGE Giulietta F W1360003 67 MODEL AXLE NUCAP PAGE 6 F W1030002 46 Giulietta F W1360009 68 80 F W1070101 49 6 F W1030003 46 GT F W1130010 54 80 F W1070102 49 75 F W1190202 57 GT F W1130012 53 80 F W1070102 49 GT F W1360009 68 90 F W1190202 57 80 F W1070104 49 GT F W1360012 67 145 F W1040001 47 90 F W1070101 49 GT F W1360013 67 145 F W1040002 47 90 F W1070102 49 GT F W1366803 69 145 F W1130005 53 90 F W1070104 49 GT (937) F W1130016 55 145 F W1130016 55 100 F W1000001 37 GTV F W1130018 54 145 F W1130018 54 100 F W1070101 49 GTV F W1190202 57 145 F W1360009 68 100 F W1070102 49 GTV F W1210015 58 145 F W1366803 69 100 F W1070104 49 GTV F W1360009 68 146 F W1040001 47 100 F W1230103 63 Gtv F W1360011 67 146 F W1040002 47 100 F W1230201 63 GTV F W1366803 69 146 F W1130005 53 100 F W1232301 63 Milano F W1190202 57 146 F W1130016 55 100 F W1322302 66 MiTo F W1360003 67 146 F W1130018 54 100 F W2074601 83 MiTo F W1360009 68 146 F W1360009 68 100 F W2230801 88 MiTo F W1360013 67 146 F W1366803 69 200 F W1070104 49 MiTo F W1366803 69 147 F W1130010 54 RZ F W1190202 57 200 F W2074601 83 147 F W1130012 53 Spider F W1040001 47 4000 F W1070101 49 147 F W1210015 58 Spider F W1040002 47 4000 F W1070102 49 147 F W1360009 68 Spider F W1130010 54 5000 F W1000001 37 147 F W1360011 67 Spider F W1130012 53 A1 F W1381801 70 147 F W1360013 67 Spider F W1130018 54 A2 F W1381801 70 147 F W1366803 69 Spider F W1210015 58 A2 F W1381806 70 156 F W1130010 54 Spider F W1360009 68 A3 F W1381801 70 156 F W1130012 53 Spider F W1360011 67 A3 F W1381802 70 156 F W1130018 54 Spider F W1360013 67 A3 F W1381803 70 156 F W1210015 58 Spider F W1366803 69 A3 F W1381804 70 156 F W1360009 68 SZ F W1190202 57 A3 F W1381805 70 156 F W1360011 67 A3 F W2388301 110 156 F W1360013 67 ALPINA A3 quattro F W2388301 110 156 F W1366803 69 MODEL AXLE NUCAP PAGE A4 F W1230201 63 159 F W1130010 54 1300 F W1050003 48 A4 F W1232301 63 159 F W1130012 53 1300 F W1050004 48 A4 F W1321801 66 159 F W1360003 67 A4 F W1321802 66 159 F W1360013 67 ALPINE A4 F W1321804 66 164 F W1090217 52 MODEL AXLE NUCAP PAGE A4 F W1321805 66 164 F W1130019 55 1600 F W1050003 48 A4 F W1322301 66 164 F W1130020 54 1600 F W1050004 48 A4 R W1370703 69 166 F W1130001 53 A 310 F W1050003 48 A4 R W1386003 72 166 F W1130010 54 A 310 F W1050004 48 A4 F W2324301 108 166 F W1130012 53 A 610 F W1050003 48 A5 F W1321804 66 166 F W1360003 67 A 610 F W1050004 48 A5 F W1321805 66 166 F W1360009 68 A 610 F W1222601 62 A5 F W2324301 108 166 F W1360013 67 A310 F&R W1022910 43 A6 F W1230103 63 166 F W1366803 69 A610 F W1022902 42 A6 F W1230201 63 936 F W1130010 54 B7 R W2276103 99 A6 F W1232301 63 936 F W1130012 53 B7 R W2467906 120 A6 F W1320101 65 936 F W1360013 67 Berlinette F W1050003 48 A6 F W1321801 66 Alfetta F W1190202 57 Berlinette F W1050004 48 A6 F W1321802 66 AR 8 F W1020011 38 V6 F&R W1022910 43 A6 F W1322302 66 GENERAL CATALOGUE 2014/2015 19 A6 F W1381803 70 S6 F W1230103 63 BMW A6 F W1381804 70 S6 F W1232301 63 MODEL AXLE NUCAP PAGE A6 R W1386003 72 S6 F W1322302 66 1 (F20) - 125d F W2468301 122 A6 R W2320805 107 S8 F W1230103 63 1 (F20) -125i F W2468301 122 A6 F&R W2320806 107 S8 F W1232301 63 116d R W2468313 125 A6 F W2324301 108 TT F W1381801 70 116i R W2468313 125 A6 F W2324302 108 TT F W1381801 70 118d R W2468313 125 A6 R W2325301 108 TT F W2380806 109 118i R W2468313 125 A6 RS6 quattro F W2320808 107 TTRS F W2380803 109 118i (F20) F W2468314 126 A6, A6Q F W2320803 107 V8 F W2330802 109 120d R W2468313 125 A6, A6Q F W2325302 108 120d (F20) F W2468314 126 A7 F W2320803 107 AUSTIN 120dX (F20) F W2468314 126 A7 F W2324301 108 MODEL AXLE NUCAP PAGE 123d (F20) R W2468313 125 A7 F W2324302 108 Allegro F W1146801 56 123i (F20) R W2468313 125 A7 R W2325301 108 Ambassador F W1090204 51 128i R W2278303 103 A7 F W2325302 108 Ital F W1146801 56 135i R W2278303 103 A8 F W1230103 63 Maestro F W1090301 52 135i E88 F W2278306 104 A8 F W1232301 63 Maestro Break F W1090301 52 3 (F30) - 320d F W2468301 122 A8 F W1321802 66 Maxi F W1146801 56 3 (F30) - 328i F W2468301 122 A8 F W1322302 66 Metro F W1090201 51 316d (F30) F W2468314 126 A8 F W2230801 88 Metro F W1090204 51 318d (F30) F W2468314 126 A8 R W2320805
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