PDF Output of CLIC (clustering by inferred co-expression) Dataset: Num of genes in input gene set: 13 Total number of genes: 16493 CLIC PDF output has three sections: 1) Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) Heatmap shows pairwise correlations between all genes in the input query gene set. Red lines shows the partition of input genes into CEMs, ordered by CEM strength. Each row shows one gene, and the brightness of squares indicates its correlations with other genes. Gene symbols are shown at left side and on the top of the heatmap. 2) Details of each CEM and its expansion CEM+ Top panel shows the posterior selection probability (dataset weights) for top GEO series datasets. Bottom panel shows the CEM genes (blue rows) as well as expanded CEM+ genes (green rows). Each column is one GEO series dataset, sorted by their posterior probability of being selected. The brightness of squares indicates the gene's correlations with CEM genes in the corresponding dataset. CEM+ includes genes that co-express with CEM genes in high-weight datasets, measured by LLR score. 3) Details of each GEO series dataset and its expression profile: Top panel shows the detailed information (e.g. title, summary) for the GEO series dataset. Bottom panel shows the background distribution and the expression profile for CEM genes in this dataset. Overview of Co-Expression Modules (CEMs) with Dataset Weighting Scale of average Pearson correlations Num of Genes in Query Geneset: 13. Num of CEMs: 1. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Cenpk Cenph Cenpp Cenpu Cenpn Cenpq Cenpl Apitd1 Cenpm Cenpc1 Cenpo Cenpt Itgb3bp Cenpk Cenph Cenpp Cenpu Cenpn Cenpq CEM 1 (466 datasets) Cenpl Apitd1 Cenpm Cenpc1 Cenpo Cenpt Itgb3bp Singletons Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:12.Predicted553.SelectedDatasets:466.Strength:27.2 CEM 1,Geneset"[C]CENP-ANAC-CADcomplex",Page1 Rad51ap1 Mis18bp1 Nusap1 Shcbp1 Cenpc1 Cenpm Zwilch Cenpo Apitd1 Cenpq Cenpn Cenpu Cenpp Cenph Ccnb2 Ncaph Ncapg Cenpk Cdc45 Cdca8 Kif20a Ndc80 Cdca5 Rad51 Ccna2 Spc24 Esco2 Fignl1 Aurkb Aurka Cenpt Gins1 Prim1 Aspm Kntc1 Asf1b Cenpi Cenpl Sgol2 Sgol1 Birc5 Bub1 Kif11 Cdk1 Tpx2 Melk Nuf2 Rfc4 Ect2 Pbk 0.0 1.0 GSE20954 [14] GSE17266 [59] GSE38031 [8] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE17794 [44] GSE40513 [6] GSE12498 [12] GSE54490 [12] GSE29241 [6] GSE17796 [39] GSE27605 [8] GSE33308 [10] GSE48204 [6] GSE9247 [15] GSE51075 [12] GSE38257 [14] GSE31028 [6] GSE12454 [13] GSE54653 [6] GSE48397 [10] GSE39082 [6] GSE20500 [6] GSE21299 [12] GSE12993 [6] GSE6689 [12] GSE28621 [21] GSE13611 [8] GSE15121 [6] GSE8488 [15] GSE13873 [27] GSE50813 [24] GSE23502 [8] GSE6957 [12] GSE7020 [8] GSE54215 [13] GSE14753 [6] GSE13692 [8] GSE19436 [8] GSE32386 [13] GSE28093 [6] GSE18135 [18] GSE27114 [6] GSE57543 [6] GSE22824 [24] GSE15303 [11] GSE15326 [10] GSE9287 [8] GSE20100 [15] GSE45820 [6] GSE52474 [154] GSE28457 [24] GSE35366 [78] GSE9763 [20] GSE6998 [32] GSE19004 [9] GSE51628 [15] GSE51385 [8] GSE6837 [8] GSE15267 [8] GSE10525 [18] GSE44175 [18] GSE38831 [7] GSE39034 [9] GSE19925 [6] GSE6875 [8] GSE21224 [16] GSE46797 [6] GSE38693 [8] GSE46209 [21] GSE8678 [6] GSE16874 [12] GSE4694 [6] GSE51243 [7] GSE13693 [9] GSE32598 [11] GSE51883 [30] GSE24512 [29] GSE8156 [6] GSE16675 [72] GSE15872 [18] GSE20696 [8] GSE39984 [18] GSE23845 [15] GSE16110 [16] GSE18660 [10] GSE29318 [9] GSE31313 [22] GSE17316 [12] GSE51804 [10] GSE15580 [14] GSE21716 [28] GSE13635 [6] GSE17097 [20] GSE44260 [10] GSE15155 [12] GSE24628 [16] GSE45051 [18] GSE50729 [6] GSE21900 [12] GSE30160 [6] GSE22935 [24] GSE30485 [15] GSE46942 [7] GSE20620 [22] GSE15610 [12] GSE46242 [12] GSE39621 [51] GSE8025 [21] GSE58296 [9] GSE27786 [20] GSE12465 [14] GSE11358 [8] GSE22291 [16] GSE30192 [6] GSE17509 [57] GSE45143 [6] GSE13408 [14] GSE15069 [15] GSE7705 [10] GSE45222 [27] GSE41342 [26] GSE7460 [52] GSE14012 [24] GSE47421 [24] GSE10871 [32] GSE51608 [6] GSE7875 [16] GSE20426 [35] GSE7657 [12] GSE15741 [6] GSE17745 [6] GSE5041 [8] GSE17096 [20] GSE18460 [16] GSE21393 [6] GSE34324 [12] GSE29632 [42] GSE19885 [9] GSE30745 [12] GSE36814 [20] GSE49248 [12] GSE21379 [10] GSE14004 [9] GSE45744 [12] GSE48790 [8] GSE40655 [6] GSE31359 [8] GSE26290 [12] GSE21568 [12] GSE34217 [7] GSE11990 [20] GSE13149 [25] GSE44101 [6] GSE22180 [60] GSE14024 [12] CEM+ CEM GSE49050 [72] GSE8039 [32] GSE30962 [16] GSE32354 [35] GSE18567 [24] GSE31099 [24] 0.0 GSE7694 [12] GSE51483 [45] GSE10192 [24] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE13302 [30] GSE4671 [28] GSE44663 [6] GSE3126 [6] GSE49194 [14] GSE29975 [6] 0.2 GSE46443 [12] GSE19729 [14] GSE16679 [8] GSE16073 [6] GSE21278 [48] GSE9954 [70] GSE46091 [8] GSE10813 [12] GSE39766 [6] 0.4 GSE18534 [15] GSE11870 [6] GSE4260 [6] GSE14406 [54] GSE14769 [24] GSE31598 [12] GSE2019 [12] GSE35785 [10] GSE11859 [27] 0.6 GSE38048 [20] GSE18914 [6] GSE26616 [6] GSE16992 [48] GSE28237 [6] GSE23925 [6] GSE18993 [13] GSE20302 [12] GSE32311 [11] 0.8 GSE14308 [12] GSE39897 [36] GSE45465 [39] GSE9338 [42] Score 788.16 791.52 791.91 793.26 802.27 806.24 808.60 809.70 812.95 817.95 818.76 818.84 818.94 819.12 819.83 822.23 824.28 836.48 838.12 843.09 843.50 846.50 847.88 854.73 856.07 858.73 859.17 859.90 861.03 862.49 862.90 865.96 869.21 872.14 887.61 889.00 890.22 902.84 1.0 Notes Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:12.Predicted553.SelectedDatasets:466.Strength:27.2 CEM 1,Geneset"[C]CENP-ANAC-CADcomplex",Page2 Arhgap11a Racgap1 Depdc1a Ncapd2 Ncapg2 Cdc25c Ckap2l Cenpw Incenp Bub1b Kif18b Cenpe Ercc6l Cdca2 Cep55 Ube2c Ckap2 Spag5 Cdc20 Kif18a Fbxo5 Gmnn Mcm5 Cenpf Mki67 Brca1 Atad2 Ube2t Spdl1 Espl1 Pola1 Uhrf1 Rrm1 Cdc6 Kif22 Cks2 Exo1 Tipin Ska3 Oip5 Dbf4 Prc1 Rfc5 Pole Plk4 Plk1 Lig1 Kif4 Tk1 Stil 0.0 1.0 GSE20954 [14] GSE17266 [59] GSE38031 [8] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE17794 [44] GSE40513 [6] GSE12498 [12] GSE54490 [12] GSE29241 [6] GSE17796 [39] GSE27605 [8] GSE33308 [10] GSE48204 [6] GSE9247 [15] GSE51075 [12] GSE38257 [14] GSE31028 [6] GSE12454 [13] GSE54653 [6] GSE48397 [10] GSE39082 [6] GSE20500 [6] GSE21299 [12] GSE12993 [6] GSE6689 [12] GSE28621 [21] GSE13611 [8] GSE15121 [6] GSE8488 [15] GSE13873 [27] GSE50813 [24] GSE23502 [8] GSE6957 [12] GSE7020 [8] GSE54215 [13] GSE14753 [6] GSE13692 [8] GSE19436 [8] GSE32386 [13] GSE28093 [6] GSE18135 [18] GSE27114 [6] GSE57543 [6] GSE22824 [24] GSE15303 [11] GSE15326 [10] GSE9287 [8] GSE20100 [15] GSE45820 [6] GSE52474 [154] GSE28457 [24] GSE35366 [78] GSE9763 [20] GSE6998 [32] GSE19004 [9] GSE51628 [15] GSE51385 [8] GSE6837 [8] GSE15267 [8] GSE10525 [18] GSE44175 [18] GSE38831 [7] GSE39034 [9] GSE19925 [6] GSE6875 [8] GSE21224 [16] GSE46797 [6] GSE38693 [8] GSE46209 [21] GSE8678 [6] GSE16874 [12] GSE4694 [6] GSE51243 [7] GSE13693 [9] GSE32598 [11] GSE51883 [30] GSE24512 [29] GSE8156 [6] GSE16675 [72] GSE15872 [18] GSE20696 [8] GSE39984 [18] GSE23845 [15] GSE16110 [16] GSE18660 [10] GSE29318 [9] GSE31313 [22] GSE17316 [12] GSE51804 [10] GSE15580 [14] GSE21716 [28] GSE13635 [6] GSE17097 [20] GSE44260 [10] GSE15155 [12] GSE24628 [16] GSE45051 [18] GSE50729 [6] GSE21900 [12] GSE30160 [6] GSE22935 [24] GSE30485 [15] GSE46942 [7] GSE20620 [22] GSE15610 [12] GSE46242 [12] GSE39621 [51] GSE8025 [21] GSE58296 [9] GSE27786 [20] GSE12465 [14] GSE11358 [8] GSE22291 [16] GSE30192 [6] GSE17509 [57] GSE45143 [6] GSE13408 [14] GSE15069 [15] GSE7705 [10] GSE45222 [27] GSE41342 [26] GSE7460 [52] GSE14012 [24] GSE47421 [24] GSE10871 [32] GSE51608 [6] GSE7875 [16] GSE20426 [35] GSE7657 [12] GSE15741 [6] GSE17745 [6] GSE5041 [8] GSE17096 [20] GSE18460 [16] GSE21393 [6] GSE34324 [12] GSE29632 [42] GSE19885 [9] GSE30745 [12] GSE36814 [20] GSE49248 [12] GSE21379 [10] GSE14004 [9] GSE45744 [12] GSE48790 [8] GSE40655 [6] GSE31359 [8] GSE26290 [12] GSE21568 [12] GSE34217 [7] GSE11990 [20] GSE13149 [25] GSE44101 [6] GSE22180 [60] GSE14024 [12] CEM+ CEM GSE49050 [72] GSE8039 [32] GSE30962 [16] GSE32354 [35] GSE18567 [24] GSE31099 [24] 0.0 GSE7694 [12] GSE51483 [45] GSE10192 [24] Scale ofaveragePearsoncorrelations GSE13302 [30] GSE4671 [28] GSE44663 [6] GSE3126 [6] GSE49194 [14] GSE29975 [6] 0.2 GSE46443 [12] GSE19729 [14] GSE16679 [8] GSE16073 [6] GSE21278 [48] GSE9954 [70] GSE46091 [8] GSE10813 [12] GSE39766 [6] 0.4 GSE18534 [15] GSE11870 [6] GSE4260 [6] GSE14406 [54] GSE14769 [24] GSE31598 [12] GSE2019 [12] GSE35785 [10] GSE11859 [27] 0.6 GSE38048 [20] GSE18914 [6] GSE26616 [6] GSE16992 [48] GSE28237 [6] GSE23925 [6] GSE18993 [13] GSE20302 [12] GSE32311 [11] 0.8 GSE14308 [12] GSE39897 [36] GSE45465 [39] GSE9338 [42] Score 704.21 707.14 707.75 707.96 708.24 711.99 714.63 716.51 723.41 725.49 726.73 731.82 734.20 734.68 737.91 741.10 741.54 745.09 747.86 748.06 748.16 748.20 749.89 750.22 751.04 751.76 753.80 754.13 755.16 755.80 756.18 757.90 758.09 758.99 760.09 762.40 762.68 764.25 765.46 769.10 770.73 773.24 774.49 774.90 775.49 776.80 779.93 784.19 784.26 785.73 1.0 Notes 4930579G24Rik Symbol Num ofCEMGenes:12.Predicted553.SelectedDatasets:466.Strength:27.2 CEM 1,Geneset"[C]CENP-ANAC-CADcomplex",Page3 BC055324 Mms22l Rad54b Topbp1 Parpbp Chaf1b Mis18a Wdhd1 Rad54l Dnajc9 Chtf18 Cdkn3 Kpna2 Ccne2 Trip13 Cks1b Casc5 Hirip3 Mcm2 Mcm6 Mcm4 Mcm7 Prim2 Gins2 Atad5 H2afx Pole2 Eme1 Brip1 Mastl Rrm2 Gen1 Gsg2 Dsn1 Rpa2 Pcna Hells Nek2 Ezh2 Fen1 Orc6 Ccnf Anln Hat1 Rfc3 E2f8 E2f7 Dhfr Blm 0.0 1.0 GSE20954 [14] GSE17266 [59] GSE38031 [8] Only showingfirst200datasets-Seetxtoutputforfulldetails. GSE17794 [44] GSE40513 [6] GSE12498 [12] GSE54490 [12] GSE29241 [6] GSE17796 [39] GSE27605 [8] GSE33308 [10] GSE48204 [6] GSE9247 [15] GSE51075 [12] GSE38257 [14] GSE31028 [6] GSE12454 [13] GSE54653 [6] GSE48397 [10] GSE39082
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