The MizoramGazetle, Published by Authority REGN. NO. NE-313 (MZ) Vol. XXX Aizawl, Friday 10. 8. 2001, Sravana 18. S.E. 1923 Issue No. 32 GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM PART I Appointments, Pos'tings, Transfers, Powers. and Other Personal Notices and Orders. (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNORJ NOTIFlCATIONS No. A. 22012/l/94-HORT, the 6th August, 2001. In the interest of Public service the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the follow­ ing Group 'A' Officers in the scale of pay of' Rs, 8000-275-13500/- p.rn.under Horticulture Department to the posts and places mentioned against their names as below with immediate effect and until further order. SI. No. NAME OF OFFICER PRESENT/PLACE NEW PLACE OF OF POSTING ----------------_._------------------POSTING 1. F. Lalthlamuana Sub-Divisional Horti. Development Horti, Ofr'icer Officer, Directorate of. Rawpuichhip . Horticulture vice R. Lal­ ramliana transferred. 2. R. Lalramliana Horti. Development Sub-Divisional Horti. Officer, Directorate Officer, Rawpuichhip of Horticulture vice F. Lalthlamuana transferred•. Rochila Saiawi, Commissioner-cum-Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, , Horticulture Department.., R-32j2001 2 No. A. 19014/51/80-APT(A), the 9th August, 2001. In the in terest of public ser­ vice, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Pu C. Lalchhuana MCS, Project Director, D.R.D.A., Lunglei will take charge of Additional Deputy Com­ missioner, Lunglei in addition to his own duties without extra finaaeial benefits with immediate effect and until further orders. L. Tochhong, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, No. A-15012/1/9Q-GAD (AV), the 8th August, 2001. In continuation of this De­ partment's Notification of even No. dt. 17.8.2001 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend the contract appointment of Shri Saidenga S/o J. Lalthangliana, Upper Republic, Aizawl as Assistant Director (Refuelling) Aviation Wing, Govt. of Mizoram for a further period of 1 (one) year w.e.f 1-9-2001 to 11-8-2002 under the same terms and conditions of his initial appointment. Lalmalsawma, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, General Administration Department. No. B. 1l0i7/91-FST, the 6th August, 2001, In pursuance of the powers confer­ red under sub-sectioa (1) (C) of section 4 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint the following persona as "Hono­ rary Wildlife Warden" within the respective jurisdiction as indicated against their names for a period of 3 (three) years frem the date of issue of this Notification. The Honorary Wildlife Warden shall be deemed to be a public servant wi- thin the meaning of Section 21 of the Indian Penal Code. c NAME & ADDRESS NAME OF DISTRICT 1. K. Vanlalzuala, Champhai District. Champhai Kahrawt Vtng. 2. T. Thaagthuama, Chhimtuipui 'E' & 'w' . ' College Veng, Lawngtlai. District. 3. C. Zorema, Lunglei District. Serkawn, Lunglei, 4. Vanlalchhuangi, Kolasib District. Project Veng, Kolesib. 5. C. Thansiama, Mamit District. Dinthar Kawn, W. Phaileng. 3 R-32/2oo1 6.. Zenulltluanga• . ~ Serchhip Govt..College. 7. Vanaeihtluanga, AizawlDistrict. , Chanmari Veng, Aizawl. 8. Chhawnmanga, ~hhimtuipui District PWD'Veng, New Saiha. SUha. Vanhela Pachuau, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Environment & Forests Department. No. A. 32012/4/97-AGR, the 6th August, 20tH. In partialmodlficatfon of ·Oovt. Notification issued under memo No. A-l1013/3/94-HORT/7 dt. 2. 9. 1997. the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order permanent allocation of Pu S. K. Das, A. E. to Horticulture Department against the post of S. D. A. E. (Mech) instead 'Of Pu Lalchhanliana with immediate effect. The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu Lalchhanliana, S. D. A. E. (Mech) to the post of A. E. (Ml)~ Aizawl. Rochila Saiawi, Secretary to the .Govt, of Mizoram, Agriculture, Department. II No. A. 45011/1/98-LAD/Pt-I1, the 7th August, 2001. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased te convert 1 (one) vacant post of Urban Research Assistant, Local Ad­ ministration Department into the post of Planning Assistant, Local Administration Department in the same scale of pay of Ra. 55OO-17S...9000/-p.m. with immediate effect. This issues with the approval of DP & AR (ARW) and Finance Department (E) vide their I. D. NO. ARWlLAD/200o-2001/306-B dt. 12. 4. 2001 and I. D. NO. FIN(E)34j2001 dt. 2. 8. 2001 respectively. R. Sangliankhuma, . Joint Secretary to the Govt, of Mizoram, Leeal Administration Department, No. A. 22012/24/86-P&AR(B). the 7th AugUst, 2001. On the recommendation .or the M.P.S.G. aM in the interest or public unice, the G(»vernor of Mizoram is pleased to promote' Pu M. DawngHana, Addl.Chiet BDcineel" P. H.' E. (Engi.- R-32j2001 4 neering Grade-II) )0 the post of Chief Engineering, P.H.E. (Engineering Grade-DB) of the Mizoram Engineering Service (P.H.E Cadre) in the scale of pay of Rs. 5900-200-6700!-p.m. (Pre Revised) as per the conditions laid down in the Finance Department Office order No. C. 17011jl/9Q-P. Est, dt. 5. 6. 98 plus all other' allowances admissible under the Rules as amended from time to time with imme­ diate effect. The appointment is made against the post of Chief Engineer, P.H.E. created vide FMC. 44j85(A) dt, 25. 7. 1986. LalmaIsawma, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizeram, D.P. & A.R. No. A. 32012j3j2000-EDN(AC), the 6th August, 2001. On the recommendation of MizoramPublic Service Commission, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pu Ngurbiaka, Curator, Mizoram State Museum under Art & Culture to the post ef Dy. Director, Art & Culture in the scale of pay of Rs. 10000-325­ 15200j-p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible under Rules from time to time with effect from the date of his joining the post. The above promotion is made against the existing vacant post created vide NG. A. 11013/20j84-EDNj17 dt, 14. 1. 88. ,~ B. Sanghnuna, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 120i8j3/90-EDN(pt), the 6th August, 2001. Consequent upon separation of administrative cadre and teaching cadre under the Higher and Technical -Edu­ cation vide notification No. A. 12018/3/90-EDN/pt dt, 7.9. 2000 and in pursuance to the option submitted by the Officers concerned, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to notify that the following teaching staff had opted for administrative cadre as per terms and conditions enumerated in the Office Mernorundum ofeven number dt, 7. 9. 2000. 1) Dr. H. L. Malsawma, Reader, OSD, Planning Department, . 2) Dr. Lalrimawia, Reader, Principal, Govt, Zirtiri Residential Science College. presently holding the charge of Director, Higher & Technical Education, 3) Sbrirnati BvSangkhumi, Selection Grade Lecturer, Jr. Director, Higher & Technical Education. '4) H. Vanlalkeuva, Selection Grade Lecturer, Principal, Aizawl West College. 5) T.B.C. Liandala, Principal. Govt. Kolasib College. 6) V. Chungnunga, Selection Grade Lecturer, Govt, Aizawl College. 7) Dr. R. Rualtbansanga, Reader, OSO, Directorate of Higher & Technical Education.···",· &) Lalramhluna, Selection Grade Lecturer, Govt.Lunglei College. 9) C.Zorema, Selection Grade Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei College. -<,:..~, ~ . - .' t-..::. -",' '. ". ", .-- ., '~unar, ~Jttfc. 10) .'K.. bImVl.kiml"·lIelecMn GraQt .s r l'l~ lit. ,·Joeepb·t::. 0, ,Be.. Orl4e:Leetum,..OtM. "i(:l - . 12) ;!'f. lr.udaJlaraj, '&ell~ :(h'ade ~-eettlrer.:.OOyt~.. ~."j;j'-- ~" - -13) Deq;~lJIUla~t ,loInor· Gr•.~tet,~·)~ .• .14) 'CarotiDe Z8ihlDlngt~i, lt~.uror.·J6O¥t.t~r.t~~J!.. '~ l1~~ 'is) .X.£. VaQDgbaloa, Lecuvror. /Geyt,"«aatlDJ(!OJl.~'" ''','' ...: 16) T. Lalthangfala, Lecturer, Mizoram Inltitute of CoJJl""1lentlV~JCOneie.\ 17) Lalaunaang], Lecturer, Kolalib, GQrt. ~o.~~e. The option once exerciaed is final. The above Officers who are presently h~lding 0~ atJmt"~t,~1tfe ...M'M .shall be governed by the rules and regulations or the SteW dbWhimimiaa' .~).Qp(aole to a State Government employee. They are not elilible to cl81m'tiiMI\ b'6'iler Univcrsity Grants Commission Scheme, etc. However, thOle who are Dot holdin. the administrative posts on the date of issue of thil letter shall continue to .Iljoy tho U.G.C.. r..1itS~lltlley are tak. on the administrative cadre. ·1lJo. ..E. 124"/Jf94-BIm,-tfte ·6thAupst,'iOOl. "In pa"ulnceofthe deC\$ion qf tbe Council oJ MiLi~ters in its meeting held GD 17.7.2001, the Governor itf MI- ,.aoJam-,ja .pleated te-pJaeethe·-Mizeram -lDstitute'fJf' ~reberrsi't'e Educltio' (MICE) un.der t~e. administ!ativc control Qf., ~bool. Ed.ucauon De~2feqt .Jrotp HJlltefl&\TedmiC*llEdu.uoD~Depar ...na~.I,,\.wlth Its toIlidilat ,~tea· cllitl.:).-ru"'~'. ,aucts and liabilities of the 1nICku. with immediate effect. ......:;SfIt__;.-!ordl be i.a.d",..aDlIiJai~r of 'budaot .....;e.;& due . LaJmalsaw01a, .'. ,. 'iAllar, to tile ..~~. ·6 . The ~I.>p~intm~.Il'{I.~f purdy \emp~.rary.~t}dtermi~able at any·ti~ wlth6lit alsIgnlLg_ny . rea.Q~ .. fhel.eof. 8,1 e,will; be on probation for a period;of two )can and her, St.·,tyj~'IJla¥"., be r.'3,\l1a. ~,~~ed in aCC(l,.rdance with. the Recruitment Rules ID due cc:.'Uue. TheI;l.PPo·~Jp1ent!1~m8de against the sanctioned post crea­ U:.~Jido ~f)l A.. ;1;"lOq~2l87-SWq/~t.I dt., 2Q,~.1~8'J under Ie)S CSS and ~Co­ tettrluius WIth tBe scheme•.She ~ posted .1:) the Office of Programme Officer (iJiv) IC;DSCelil,. LU~h:i,." ,f ,.- ~ ~ " . .. " . .'. ; -, ,"-I The expenditure is debitable 'to the Head : 2235-Social Security &, Welfare 02 S, clal ,\VeH.a l e... " ,"OOl(2)-A'd~iphtl,liIJQj CSS 'OQlll)(1.r&i&lar,~ ! j "': ', •• . .-.:-" ; . ~, -.., : 'J "',...' ",{ ... '.. Vanbela Pachuau, . .,! Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Social V'f elfare Department, , .. ~\. ;~i' ~l"'~' }o.
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