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From the 3 Makimono moment you arrive at our third and newest of Contents Table location at MarketStreet, Lynnfield, you 5 Soup will find yourself immersed in a tranquil Japanese setting. Our stone lanterns lead 5 Salad you to our modern interior of bamboo, wood and our beautiful stone koi pond. 5 Side Orders We strive to satisfy the most distinguished 6 Appetizers From Sushi Bar palates by providing an extensive menu including both traditional and creative 7 Appetizers From Kitchen Japanese cuisine at its best. We use only seasonal ingredients in order to savor 8 Nabemono natural flavors at its best. Signature dishes like Grilled Miso-Marinated Chilean Sea 8 Entrees From Sushi Bar Bass and Sashimi Taco Trio demonstrate our dedication to bring both old and new 8 Omakase to our customers. 9 Entrees From Kitchen We also offer the opportunity to explore 10 Rice Dishes the world of Japanese spirits with a variety of imported beer, sake, shochu and 10 Noodles whiskey from Japan. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can assist in choosing 11 Lunch Special delicate pairings of food and wine for you. 13 Dessert FuGaKyu offers a variety of settings for every occasion, a booth with sliding doors 13 Sushi Combo Platter for an intimate dining experience, a tatami style room and private function rooms suitable for corporate gatherings up to 60 people. We invite you to visit today and enjoy a fulfilling and unique Japanese dining experience with us today. 630 MarketStreet Tel. 781-334-3833 Business Hours: Lynnfield, MA 01940 www.fugakyu.net Sunday–Thursday 11:30am–10:30pm Friday–Saturday 11:30am–11:30pm Before placing your order, please inform your server if a person in your party has a food allergy. Nigiri Sushi Makimono Each order consist of two pieces, brown sushi rice available for $1.00 extra Brown sushi rice available for $1.00 extra, most maki available in handroll style INARI Fried bean curd 4.50 OSHINKO MAKI (I) pickled radish 4.50 TAMAGO Egg omelet 4.75 UME-SHISO MAKI (I) plum paste, shiso leave & cucumber 4.50 * SABA Pickled mackerel 5.00 NATTO MAKI (I) fermented soybean paste & scallion 4.50 KANIKAMA Crab stick (imitation, made with white fish) 5.00 KAPPA MAKI (I) cucumber 4.75 * IKA Squid 5.25 AVOCADO MAKI (I) avocado 4.75 EBI Cooked shrimp 5.75 ASPARA MAKI (I) asparagus 4.75 * IZUMIDAI Tilapia 5.50 IDAHO MAKI (I) sweet potato tempura (O) eel sauce 7.00 * SUZUKI Stripe bass 6.00 PINE-TATO MAKI (I) sweet potato tempura, grilled pineapple 7.00 * HIRAME Fluke 6.50 GARDEN MAKI (I) shiitake mushroom, snow pea, red pepper, asparagus, 8.25 * SAKE Salmon 6.50 cucumber & sweet spicy sauce (O) black sesame * TOBIKKO Flying fish roe (add quail egg $1.00 extra) 6.75 NASU MAKI (I) shiitake mushroom, snow pea, red pepper, asparagus, 12.50 cucumber & avocado (O) brown sushi rice, * BINNAGA Seared albacore tuna 6.75 torched eggplant, shichimi miso sauce * IKURA Salmon roe (add quail egg $1.00 extra) 7.00 * SAKE MAKI (I) salmon 7.00 SMOKED SALMON 7.00 * TEKKA MAKI (I) tuna 8.00 ANAGO Sea eel 7.75 * NEGI-HAMA MAKI (I) yellowtail, scallion & sesame 7.50 UNAGI Fresh water eel 7.75 * TEKYU MAKI (I) tuna & cucumber 9.25 * TAKO Octopus 7.25 * FUGAKYU MAKI (I) tuna, unagi & sweet potato tempura 14.50 * MENTAIKO Spicy cod fish roe 7.75 (O) scallion & bonito flakes * HAMACHI Yellowtail 7.75 * ALASKAN MAKI (I) salmon & avocado (O) bonito flakes 8.75 * MAGURO Tuna 8.25 * SPICY TEKYU MAKI (I) chopped tuna, tempura crumb, tobikko, cucumber 11.50 & spicy mayo SNOW CRAB 9.50 * SPICY SALMON (I) chopped salmon, tempura crumb & spicy mayo 9.25 * SPICY HOTATEGAI Chopped scallop, tobikko, spicy mayo & scallion 9.50 MAKI (O) scallion * AMAEBI Sweet shrimp 9.50 * SPICY YELLOWTAIL (I) chopped yellowtail, tempura crumb & spicy mayo 9.50 * UNI Sea urchin (add quail egg $1.00 extra) 9.75 MAKI (O) scallion * TORO Tuna belly Seasonal * SPICY TUNA MAKI (I) chopped tuna, tempura crumb & spicy mayo (O) scallion 10.25 * CHU-TORO Fatty tuna Seasonal * JALAPENO TUNA (I) tuna, jalepeno pepper, onion, avocado & pickled 12.00 MAKI daikon radish (O) black sesame * HOTATEGAI Live scallop Seasonal * YUBA MAKI (I) shiitake mushroom tempura, salmon & asparagus 12.75 FOIE GRAS Pan seared goose liver, spicy daikon radish, scallion, Seasonal (O) brown sushi rice, torched tofu wrap & shichimi sauce sesame & ponzu sauce * SPICY SCALLOP (I) chopped scallop, tobikko, cucumber & spicy mayo 11.75 MAKI (O) scallion Sashimi (3 pcs) $3.00 extra * RAINBOW MAKI (I) shrimp, crab stick, tobikko & spicy mayo (O) tuna, 15.00 salmon, white fish & avocado * EBI TUNA MAKI (I) kampyo, asparagus, avocado & cucumber 17.75 (O) tuna & shrimp * HOHO TUNA MAKI (I) shrimp tempura & avocado (O) spicy tuna, 20.00 tempura crumb, hoho pepper, tobikko & eel sauce PHILADELPHIA MAKI (I) smoked salmon, cream cheese & cucumber 9.00 (O) scallion SALMON SKIN MAKI (I) broiled salmon skin, burdock root & cucumber 8.25 (O) bonito flakes, scallion & eel sauce UNA-KYU MAKI (I) eel & cucumber (O) scallion & eel sauce 9.00 UNA-AVO MAKI (I) eel & avocado (O) scallion & eel sauce 9.00 DRAGON MAKI (I) sweet potato tempura (O) eel, avocado & eel sauce 16.50 CATERPILLAR MAKI (I) eel, cucumber, tobikko & spicy mayo 12.25 (O) avocado & eel sauce * BLACK FOREST MAKI (I) eel, sweet potato tempura, cucumber & eel sauce 11.00 (O) black tobikko * BLACK WIDOW MAKI (I) sweet potato tempura, cucumber & avocado 11.00 (O) trio of tobikko & eel sauce * Consuming raw or undercooked meat, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of 2 Vegetarian Shellfish foodborne illness. 3 Makimono Soup MISO SHIRU Soy bean soup (add Nameko mushroom $1.00 extra) 3.00 SHIITAKE SUI Shiitake mushroom soup 7.25 DOBIN MUSHI Mushroom, seafood & chicken in chicken broth, 9.25 served in clay kettle SPICY SEAFOOD Assorted seafood in spicy soy bean soup 10.00 MISO Brown sushi rice available for $1.00 extra, most maki available in handroll style LOBSTER MISO Fresh lobster meat in soy bean soup 11.75 SPICY LOBSTER MISO Fresh lobster meat in spicy soy bean soup 11.75 SAKE PAPAYA MAKI (I) papaya tempura & cream cheese 16.50 (O) smoked salmon, wasabi tobikko & lemon sauce UNA-COCO MAKI (I) mango, cream cheese & tempura crumb 17.00 (O) eel, coconut flakes & sweet spicy sauce SMOKED SALMON (I) tempura crumb & mango sauce 16.50 MANGO MAKI (O) smoked salmon & mango CRUNCHY MAKI (I) sauteed tuna, scallop, onion & avocado 12.25 (O) brown sushi rice & garlic; pan seared KANIKAMA MAKI (I) crab stick 6.00 CALIFORNIA MAKI (I) crab stick, cucumber & avocado (O) tobikko 8.25 SHRIMP TEMPURA (I) shrimp tempura (O) tobikko, scallion & eel sauce 9.75 MAKI CRAZY MAKI (I) shrimp tempura, cucumber, avocado, scallion 9.00 & spicy mayo (O) eel sauce FUTO MAKI (I) japanese pickles, tamago, crab stick, cucumber, spinach, 9.00 shiitake mushroom & sweet fish powder Salad LOBSTER MAKI (I) lobster, asparagus, avocado, cucumber, lettuce, 16.00 tobikko, sesame & spicy mayo SPIDER MAKI (I) jumbo soft shell crab tempura, cucumber, avocado & spicy mayo 15.00 (O) tobikko, scallion & eel sauce FUGAKYU SALAD Mixed baby greens with special house dressing 6.50 SCORPION MAKI (I) eel, cucumber, avocado & tobikko (O) shrimp & eel sauce 12.50 with AVOCADO 8.25 LOUISIANA MAKI (I) deep fried crawfish, avocado & cajun mayo (O) scallion 10.00 with TOFU 8.25 with GRILLED CHICKEN 11.25
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