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We grew up with the stories of these carrying away small stones". I chose to start my mountains as part of our collective conscious- message with this Chinese proverb because it ness and it is our duty to pass them on to our reflects our belief at VivaCell-MTS and the story children, imparting onto them the same sense of how our company began – with hard work of awe and connectedness to our Land. and faith. We have inherited a land filled with majestic The road at times seemed tough, the tasks mountain ranges whose landscapes vary from seemed daunting and the climb was steep. rocky canyons, to snow-topped peaks, to grassy Yet we had a strong driving force on our side – pastures, to lush green forests. These moun- we believed, and we still do. We believe in our tain ranges are the backbone of our Nation. Nation, in our people, in our past and present, We proudly identify our culture, traditions and and in our capacity to create a bright future. everyday life with them. Our mountains have shielded our people from harm time and time And so we meet again, over the pages of again throughout our history. Their ruggedness the Fourth Edition of Armenian Impressions, and imposing stature breathe a sense of indi- a series we proudly dedicate to Armenia’s viduality and strength into our people. cultural, historical and natural beauty. This edition highlights the most awe-inspiring This book is dedicated to our Land — a dedication and characteristically Armenian of our natural that is reflected not only in its photos, but in the features — our mountains. poems, songs and legends accompanying them. Standing tall and righteous in the horizons, We hope you will enjoy the journey over the our mountains have witnessed the glories and spectacular mountains of Armenia in the sorrows of our past, framing the lives of the Fourth Edition of Armenian Impressions. Armenian Nation for thousands of years. Our mountains speak to us. They tell us the stories VivaCell-MTS… More than operator! of our vibrant past. Year after year, they cap- Ralph Yirikian ture our imagination and sense of adventure VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ä Ç Ñ Ü à ä å é ê í î ñ ò ö ú û † ¢ § ¶ ® ™ ¨ ‡ ‚ ‰ Ê Ë Í Ï Ó Ú ‡Ù ˆ ¯ & ˙ ¸ §àëÏ»¦ ųÛé»ñ. ÊáëñáíÇ ³ñ·»Éáó | “Golden” cliffs. Khosrov Reserve ܳ˳μ³Ý Preface §Ð³Û»óÇ ³åñáõÙÝ»ñ¦ ãáññáñ¹ ·ñùáõÙ Ò»ñ The fourth edition of the Armenian Impressions áõß³¹ñáõÃÛ³ÝÝ ¿ Ññ³Ùóíáõ٠ѳÛÏ³Ï³Ý series offers you fascinating views of the Armenian É»éݳß˳ñÑÝ` Çñ áÕç ßù»ÕáõÃÛ³Ùμ Highland in all its glory, as its colors and textures áõ ·ñ³íãáõÃÛ³Ùμ, ï³ñí³ μáÉáñ elegantly transform from season to season and »Õ³Ý³ÏÝ»ñÇÝ, ûñí³ ó³Ýϳó³Í å³ÑÇÝ: from daybreak to nightfall. гÛÏ³Ï³Ý ãùÝ³Õ É»éݳß˳ñÑÁ ïå³íáñÇã Everybody can appreciate the striking beauty of ¿ Ûáõñ³ù³ÝãÛáõñÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ: ê³Ï³ÛÝ, áã μáÉáñÇÝ Armenia’s mountainous landscapes, but not every- ¿ ѳçáÕíáõÙ ÃéãáõÝÇ ³ãùáí ¹Çï»É μÝáõÃÛ³Ý body has the opportunity to take them in from a ³ÝÝϳñ³·ñ»ÉÇ Ññ³ßùÝ»ñÁ: ²Ýßáõßï, unique bird’s-eye view. This book allows you to soar ³Ûë ·ÇñùÁ Ïï³ Ñݳñ³íáñáõÃÛáõÝ ÙïáíÇ above the mountains of Armenia, and learn about ë³í³éÝ»Éáõ г۳ëï³ÝÇ É»éÝ»ñáõÙ, their cultural significance as one of the nation’s áõëáõÙݳëÇñ»Éáõ ³½·³ÛÇÝ ËáñÑñ¹³ÝÇß most powerful symbols. ¹³ñÓ³Í ù³ñÝ áõ ë³ñÁ: For millennia, the rugged, rocky slopes of Armenia Æñ ϳ½Ù³íáñÙ³Ý ûñÇó ѳÛÁ ÏéÇí ¿ ïí»É have been its people’s greatest friend and foe — áõ μ³ñ»Ï³Ù³ó»É ù³ñÇ Ñ»ï: гÛÁ ëÇñ»É ¿ shielding them from harm’s way and presenting Çñ ù³ñáï ÑáÕÝ áõ ÝÙ³Ýí»É Çñ É»éÝ»ñÇÝ: colossal challenges. A civilization built among øñïÇÝù ¿ ó÷»É, í³ñ»É, ó³Ý»É áõ ϳéáõó»É crags and stones, Armenians identify with their ³å³é³ÅÝ»ñáõÙ: î³Ýç»É »Ý Çñ³ñ ѳÛÝ áõ mountains. They have toiled, plowed, sowed, and ù³ñÁ, áõ ëñμ³óñ»É Ù»ÏÙ»Ïáõ…. built on their mountains. The country’s alpine landscape is not just a backdrop to, but an integral part of its people’s history. Armenian Mountains гÛÏ³Ï³Ý É»éݳß˳ñÑ 1 Greater Ararat 5165m 10 Miapor Mtns. Ø. سëÇë 5165Ù Ødz÷áñÇ Éß. 2 Lesser Ararat 3925m 11 Geghama Mtns. ö. سëÇë 3925Ù ¶»Õ³Ù³ Éß. 3 Aragats Mountain Chain 4090m 12 Vardenis Mtns. ²ñ³·³ÍÇ É»éݳ½³Ý·í³Í ì³ñ¹»ÝÇëÇ Éß. 4090Ù 13 Karabakh Highland 4 Javakhk Mtns. Ô³ñ³μ³ÕÇ μ³ñÓñ³í³Ý¹³Ï æ³í³ËùÇ Éß. 14 Vayk Mtns. 5 Bazum Mtns. ì³ÛùÇ Éß. ´³½áõÙÇ Éß. 15 Zangezur Mtns. 6 Gugarats Mtns. ¼³Ý·»½áõñÇ Éß. ¶áõ·³ñ³ó Éß. 16 Bargushat Mtns. 7 Pambak Mtns. ´³ñ·áõß³ïÇ Éß. ö³Ùμ³ÏÇ Éß. 17 Meghri Mtns. 8 Areguni Mtns. Ø»Õñáõ Éß. ²ñ»·áõÝÇ Éß. 18 Artsakh Mtns. 9 Sevan Mtns. ²ñó³ËÇ Éß. ê&³ÝÇ Éß. Éß. – É»éݳßÕó Mtns. – mountains/mountain range ÄÄÄÓARARAT The highest peak of the Armenian Highland, Mount Ararat, consists of two гÛÏ³Ï³Ý μ³ñÓñ³í³Ý¹³ÏÇ ³Ù»Ý³μ³ñÓñ ·³·³ÃÁ ²ñ³ñ³ï cone-shaped mountains on a single base: Greater Ararat and Lesser Ararat, ¶²¶²ÂܺðÆ É»éÝ ¿, ϳ½Ùí³Í ¿ Ù»Ï ÑÇÙùÇ íñ³ »ñÏáõ ÏáݳӨ É»éÝ»ñÇó` Ø»Í commonly referred to in Armenian as Mets (Greater) Masis and Pokr (Lesser) ´²ðÒðàôÂÚàôÜÀ.
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