Vol. LVIII, No. 11 February 5, 2016 26 Shevat 5776 A Life in Music and Song: Celebrating Cantor Frieder’s Extraordinary Journey to Temple Israel of Great Neck By Alise Kreditor In celebration of Cantor Raphael Frieder’s 25th anniversary with Temple Is- rael, he has been selected as the congregation’s annual journal dinner honoree. The event will be marked with a concert and dinner in his honor on Sunday, June 5. “Cantor Frieder has touched the lives of so many members of the congregation WKDWLWLVPRVWÀWWLQJZHKRQRUKLPLQWKLVZD\µVDLG3UHVLGHQW5RE3DQ]HU´+H taught us many skills that we didn’t know we were capable of doing. I look forward WRWKHHQWLUHFRQJUHJDWLRQMRLQLQJXVIRUWKHIHVWLYLWLHVµ Before Cantor Frieder joined Temple Israel as Cantor in 1991, his musical life followed many twists and turns, eventually leading him to become a cantor. Today KLVSUHHPLQHQFHDPRQJFDQWRUVLVQRWRQO\LQWKH86EXWDOVRLQWHUQDWLRQDOO\+LV singing resume´ features many solo engagements at the largest venues in the world, as well as operatic roles and other prestigious performances. And to whom does he credit his good singing genes? Without hesitation Cantor Frieder will tell you what DEHDXWLIXOYRLFHKLVPRWKHUKDGDQGWKDWKLVFKLOGKRRGKRPHZDVDOZD\VÀOOHG with music and singing. ——Continued on page 4 A VOICE GUEST COLUMN FROM THE PRESIDENT The Shalom Club Says Shalom Contributions By Mickey Putterman By Rob Panzer EDITOR’S NOTE: The Shalom Club, the congregation’s oldest arm, invites you to join On page 6 of this issue of the Voice you WKHPLQWKLV9RLFH*XHVW&ROXPQE\3UHVLGHQW0LFNH\3XWWHUPDQDQGWKHJURXS·V%RDUG will see an article relating to the contribu- 5HQHHDQG(OOLRW)OHLVFKHU%HWW\/DJHU(LOHHQ3XWWHUPDQ(OOHQDQG0LOWRQ5RVHQDQG tion made by the late Elayne Bernstein to Bela and Mel Schoenfeld. 7HPSOH,VUDHO+HUZLOOFDOOHGIRUDFRQWUL- bution to Temple Israel expressly for the Many loud voices are heard in the Blue till the next monthly Sunday dinner meet- purpose of delivering scholarships to de- Room at Temple Israel, where decisions re- ing. Topics of interest: a short journey to a serving Religious School students. garding the Shalom Club and its program- school or museum, a weekend away; trips We have had several gifts made this ming for 2016-2017 is being explored by its to Europe, Israel, you name it—Shalom has \HDUWKDWZHUHVSHFLÀHGLQWKHZLOOVRIRXU Executive Committee and general member- had it on their remarkable agenda. We deal congregants. We are, of course, saddened ship. New members continue to join us, with the aging process like we deal with when we lose a treasured member of our DQG DOWKRXJK LW LV RIWHQWLPHV GLIÀFXOW WR everything else, with caring, with interest, with laughter, with music, and a great spirit Temple Israel family, and we are apprecia- We truly care a great of being together. It has worked for over 50 tive of being remembered in this way. years and it will continue. …we are appreciative deal about…our We recently welcomed Valentina Shagalov, Madeline Goldberg, Edith Wein- of being remembered beloved synagogue… berger, and Elsa Friedman. Visiting with XVIURPWLPHWRWLPHDUH-DQLFHDQG'DYLG remember all the newcomers’ names, great Epstein, Laura and Manny Bardash, and in this way. warmth and welcome are always present (PLO\DQG,VDDF7DLW]:LWKGHHSVDGQHVV Estate contributions such as these are a for newcomers and old timers alike. we note the passing of our board member way to have a lasting impact on a congrega- 'LQQHUVSHDNHUGLVFXVVLRQDQGTXHV- Estelle Nadler, of blessed memory, who tion that has meant so much to so many. In tions are followed by desserts and farewells ——Continued on page 5 so doing, these members of the congrega- tion have helped to insure the vitality of our FROM THE RABBI schools, our programs, and our mission in the years ahead. For those who may be involved in es- tate planning, please consider thinking of The Lessons of Sports Temple Israel for the reasons I stated above. Those who came before us gave of their By Rabbi Daniel Schweber WLPHDVZHOODVWKHLUÀQDQFHV,WLVRXUUH- sponsibility to do the same for those who On Sunday evening, February 7, many LQJ IRRWEDOO SXWV XV LQ +H ZURWH WKDW ZH are our future. of us will be near a screen showing Super have three choices: “You love the product 3OHDVHFRQWDFW([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU/HRQ %RZOEHWZHHQWKH&DUROLQD3DQWKHUVDQG and don’t really care about its costs. You Silverberg at 482-7800 or <Lsilverberg@ WKH'HQYHU%URQFRV6RPHZLOOEHDWDSDUW\ are troubled by football but will continue TIGN.org> for information regarding con- just for the company and not care about the WRZDWFK<RXZLOOZDONDZD\µ:KHQHYHU tributions of any kind. game. Others will be more interested in the VRPHRQHVD\VP\FKRLFHVDUHÀ[HG,LPPH- As always, I can be contacted at <rob- commercials. But a good majority of us will diately wonder if there is yet another previ- SDQ]HU#JPDLOFRP! actually pay attention to the game. ously unknown choice. American football is now the most DAILY MINYAN TIMES popular sport in the U.S. For the last sev- Attend the Daily Minyan! eral years there has been much discussion The classical 0RQ 7KXU $030 about the safety issues of football as the 0RQ)HE $030 GLVFRYHULHV RI 'U %HQQHW 2PDOX EHFDPH Jewish texts 7XHV)HE $030 more and more apparent. As highlighted in :HG)HE $030 WKHÀOP´&RQFXVVLRQµVWDUULQJ:LOO6PLWK are mixed about sports. 7XHV :HG $030 'U2PDOXGLVFRYHUHGWKDWUHSHDWHGEORZV The classical Jewish texts are mixed )UL)HE $030 and jostling of the head can cause what he about sports. There is quite a lot of negativ- )UL)HE $030 coined CTE. It affects many parts of the ity, but it seems that Jews still enjoyed play- 6DW)HE $030 brain leading to depression, mood swings ing and watching sports. First, it should be 6DW)HE $030 and memory—things we need to function noted that with less technology people did 6XQGD\ $030 and enjoy life. more physical labor and didn’t need sports As Jews and as humans, how should to keep in shape. Sports were completely Next Voice, Deadline this knowledge affect our relationship with for leisure and for those with leisure time. The next issue of The Voice will be football? In 2013, New York Times sports Second, the sports of the Greeks was very published on February 19. The deadline columnist William C. Rhoden wrote about polytheistic and thus an anathema to Jewish for that issue is Monday, February 8. the moral and ethical quandary that watch- ——Continued on page 5 ——2—— IN MEMORIAM UPCOMING EVENTS AT TEMPLE ISRAEL Temple Israel extends condolences Feb. 7 Men’s Club World Wide Wrap 9:30 A.M. to the families of: 8 Sisterhood Board Meeting 10:00 A.M. %HWK+D*DQ1XUVHU\6FKRRO3DUHQWLQJ:RUNVKRS $0 BARBARA FINK 7,//'LVFXVVLRQ´-HZLVK/LIHRQ&DPSXV 30 esteemed member of Temple Israel (QJDJLQJWKH1H[W*HQHUDWLRQRI-HZVµ 12 Kabbalat Shabbat6HUYLFHDQG'LQQHU 30 RUTH ZIELENZIGER For College Grads and Friends PRWKHURI'DYLG=LHOHQ]LJHU (PS7,1HVWHUVWRXURIWKH1DVVDX&RXQW\+RORFDXVW30 and esteemed member of Temple Israel Memorial and Tolerance Center L(QJDJH,VUDHO6HULHV´6RYHUHLJQW\DQG,GHQWLW\µ 30 ROBERT BEINER Sponsored by TILL KXVEDQGRI$P\'DYLG 6LVWHUKRRG3URJUDP´$OEHUW(LQVWHLQ+LV/LIHDQG7LPHVµ1RRQ and esteemed member of Temple Israel %RDUGRI7UXVWHHV0HHWLQJ 30 (PS7,1HVWHUVSUHVHQWV´$:KROH1HZ:RUOG 30 May their memories be for a blessing. 7KH&KDOOHQJHVDQG-R\VRI3DUHQWLQJ$GXOW&KLOGUHQµ :D[PDQ+LJK6FKRRODQG<RXWK+RXVH 30 MAZAL TOV TO . )ULGD\)DPLO\'LQQHU %DUEDUDDQG/HRQDUG6FKXOW] on the birth 0DUFK 7,%RQGV0RPV·1LJKW2XWDW0XVH3DLQWEDU 30 RIWKHLUJUDQGVRQ%UDQGRQ3DUNHU6FKXOW] 0HQ·V&OXE0HHWLQJ 30 (GLWKDQG3HWHU5REELQVon the birth of (PS7,1HVWHUVSUHVHQWV´$:KROH1HZ:RUOG 30 their grandson, Benjamin Michael Robbins. 7KH&KDOOHQJHVDQG-R\VRI3DUHQWLQJ$GXOW&KLOGUHQµ Rena and Jonathan Horwitz on the marriage 7,//)LOP6HULHV´5DVKHYVNL·V7DQJRµ 30 RIWKHLUVRQ'DQLHO$UDPWR.HOO\3HFRUH 7 Sisterhood Board Meeting 10:00 A.M. %HWK+D*DQ6SULQJ%RRN)DLU 30 CANDLE LIGHTING T IMES %HWK+D*DQ6SULQJ%RRN)DLU $0 )ULGD\)HEUXDU\««««30 (PS7,1HVWHUVSUHVHQWV´$:KROH1HZ:RUOG 30 )ULGD\)HEUXDU\««««30 7KH&KDOOHQJHVDQG-R\VRI3DUHQWLQJ$GXOW&KLOGUHQµ “A Whole Put your name on the playground! New World: The Challenges and Joys of Parenting Adult Children” A three part series of discussions with Rabbi Stecker Friday, February 26 A lively evening service at 6:30 P.M. in the Crystal Ballroom 'RQ·W PLVV WKLV RSSRUWXQLW\ WR KDYH \RXU QDPH SHUPDQHQWO\ followed by dinner & discussion in the Blue Room. etched onto Temple Israel’s playground fence. You can even ´JLIWµDSLFNHWWR\RXUJUDQGFKLOGFKLOGRUVRPHRQHHOVHVSHFLDO Thursday, March 3 in your life. 8:15 P.M. Blue Room Each picket is only $126, or $118 each, if you purchase two or more. Thursday, March 10 All proceeds go towards improving and making the playground more attractive and fun for Temple Israel children. 8:15 P.M. Crystal Ballroom For Information Contact For further information and to purchase fence pickets contact Joyce Weston: [email protected] Jodi Engel at 482-7800 or <[email protected]>. ——3—— A Life in Music and Song: Celebrating Cantor Frieder’s Extraordinary Journey to Temple Israel of Great Neck ——Continued from front page 2IÀFHURIWKH2UGHURIWKH%ULWLVK(PSLUH As early as middle school, Cantor Frie- While living in London, Cantor Frie- GHU·VYRLFHZDVUHFRJQL]HGLQVFKRRODVZHOO der’s secular singing career also began to DVDWKLVV\QDJRJXH+HZDVDUHJXODUVRORLVW take off both in England and in Israel, and in his school choir as well as at the Great Syn- he was often sought out by some of the agogue in Netanya. It was the cantor who best-known conductors and composers in trained him for his Bar MitzvahZKRÀUVWVHQ the world.
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