COMHAIRLE NAN EILEAN SIAR COMATAIDH BUILEACHAIDH PLANA CANAN COMATAIDH BUILEACHAIDH PLANA CÀNAN COMATAIDH BUILEACHAIDH PLANA CÀNAN MINUTE OF THE MEETING HELD IN THE COMHAIRLE GEÀRR-CHUNNTAS DEN CHOINNEAMH A CHAIDH A CHAMBER, COUNCIL OFFICES, STORNOWAY ON CHUMAIL ANN AN SEÒMAR NA COMHAIRLE, THURSDAY 17 APRIL 2014 AT 11.30AM OIFISEAN NA COMHAIRLE, STEÒRNABHAGH, AIR DIARDAOIN 17 GIBLEAN 2014 AIG 11.30M PRESENT AN LATHAIR Mr Alasdair Macleod (Anns a’ chathair) Mgr Alasdair MacLeòid (anns a’ chathair) Mr Neil Beaton Mgr Niall Peutan Mr Uisdean Robertson Mgr Ùisdean MacDhonnchaidh Mr Norman A MacDonald Mgr Tormod A Dòmhnallach Mrs Catriona Stewart Bh-ph Catrìona Stiùbhart Mrs Zena Stewart Bh-ph Zena Stiùbhart Mr Kenneth Macleod Mgr Coinneach MacLeòid APOLOGIES LEISGEULAN Mr John A Maciver (Chairman) Mgr John A MacÌomhair (Cathraiche) Catherine Macdonald Catrìona Dhòmhnallach Mr Donald Manford Mgr Dòmhnall Manford IN ATTENDANCE AN LÀTHAIR Mr Malcolm Burr Mgr Malcolm Burr Ms Lesley McDonald Bh-uas Lesley Dhòmhnallach Mrs Dolina Macleod Bh-ph Doileag NicLeòid Mr Donald Weir Mgr Domhnall Weir Mr Peter Carpenter Mgr Peadar Carpenter Mr Kenneth M Murray Mgr Coinneach M Moireach Mr Robert Emmott Mgr Raibeart Emmott MINUTES GEÀRR -CHUNNTASAN MINUTE OF MEETING OF 3 FEBRUARY 2014 GEÀRR -CHUNNTAS NA COINNEAMH AIR 3 GEARRANN 2013 1 The Minute of Meeting of 3 February 2014 was 1 Chaidh aontachadh ri Geàrr-chunntas na Coinneimh air approved . 3 Gearrann 2013. DECLARATION OF INTEREST CLÀRADH ÙIDH 2 There were no declarations of interest. Cha deach ùidh a’ chlàradh ann an cuspair sam bith GAELIC DEVELOPMENT LEASACHADH GÀIDHLIG 13 3 Pròiseact nan Ealan: Application for 3 Pròiseact A-mach ann an Deich: Financial Assistance: A-mach ann an Deich: Pròiseact nan Ealan – Iarrtas airson Taic Airgid The Chief Executive submitted a Report which Thugadh fainear Aithisg leis an Àrd-oifigear a’ sireadh sought approval for an application for financial aonta ri iarrtas airson taic airgid bho Phròiseact nan Ealan assistance from Pròiseact nan Ealan in the sum of san t-suim £3,460 airson cosgais “A-mach ann an Deich”. £3,460 towards “A-mach ann an Deich”. The Mhìnich an Aithisg gu robh an Fhèis dhràma “A-mach ann Report stated that the Gaelic drama festival, “A- an Deich” a mhaireas dà oidhche san t-samhradh 2014 mach ann a Deich” to be held over two nights agus a’ taisbeanadh deilbh-chluiche Ghàidhlig ùr. A’ during the summer of 2014 was to showcase chiad oidhche chithear deilbh-chluiche air an sgrìobhadh original Gaelic plays from the Western Isles. The agus air an taisbeanadh le sgoilearan agus an dara first evening’s presentations were plays written oidhche bithear a’ taisbeanadh obair air a dhèanamh le and performed by school pupils and the second buidhnean coimhearsnachd anns na h-eileanan. evening’s performances reflected work done by community groups in the islands. Chaidh aontachadh gun deidheadh suim de £3,460 a thoirt seachad do Phròiseact nan Ealan a thaobh It was agreed that the sum of £3,460 be cosgais Fèis dràma “A-mach ann an Deich” air awarded to Pròiseact nan Ealan towards the teirmean agus cùmhnantan air an dearbhadh leis an costs of the A-mach ann an Deich project, on Àrd-oifigear. A-mach às na còmhraidhean air a’ such terms and conditions as the Chief chuspair, chaidh aontachadh gun deidheadh PNE a Executive should determine. Arising out of bhrosnachadh gus tachartasan san àm ri teachd a consideration of this item it was agreed that chumail ann an Uibhist agus Barraigh. PNE would be encouraged to hold future events in Uist and Barra. GAELIC LANGUAGE PLAN PLANA GÀIDHLIG 4 Comhairle’s Gaelic Language Plan 2013-17: 4 Plana Gàidhlig na Comhairle 2013-17: Ath- Review of Progress – Chief Executive’s sgrùdadh air Adhartas – Roinn an Àrd-oifigear Department Thugadh fainear Aithisg leis an Àrd-oifigear a’ The Chief Executive submitted a Report advising mìneachadh an adhartas a tha Roinn an Àrd-oifigear air a Members of progress being made by the Chief choileanadh a thaobh a bhith a’ buileachadh Plana Cànan Executive’s Department in terms of the na Comhairle 2013-17. Chaidh mìneachadh ann am Fa- implementation of the Comhairle’s Gaelic sgrìobhadh na h-Aithisg geàrr-sheanchas air mar a tha Language Plan 2013-17. Appendix 1 to this am Plana air a bhuileachadh anns an Ronn gu h-àraidh Report contained details in tabular form of the ann an dàimh ri Prìomh Dhealasan agus Gàidhlig san progress of implementation of the Gaelic Plan in Àite-obrach. terms of the Chief Executive’s areas of responsibility, principally in the “Core Chaidh aontachadh an adhartas air a choileanadh le Commitments” and “Gaelic in the Workplace” Roinn an Àrd-oifigear ann a bhith a’ buileachadh sections of the Plan. Plana Gàidhlig na Comhairle 3013-17 mar a th’ air a mhìneachadh ann am Fa0sgrìobhadh 1 a thoirt It was agreed that the progress achieved by fainear/ the Chief Executive’s Department in implementing the Comhairle’s Gaelic Chur a’ chomataidh meal an naidheachd air a h-uile Language Plan 2013-2017, as detailed in the duine aig Sgoil MhicNeacail airson an adhartas a Appendix 1 to the Report be noted. thathas air a dhèanamh agus chaidh aontachadh gun cuireadh an Cathraiche litir thuca a’ mìneachadh seo. The Committee congratulated all concerned at the Nicolson Institute in making such substantial progress and it was agreed that the Chairman would send them a letter of congratulations. 14 5 Gaelic Action Plan 2011-2014 5 Plana Gnìomh Foghlam Gàidhlig The Director of Education and Children’s Services Thugadh fainear Aithisg le Stiùiriche Foghlam agus submitted a Report providing an update of Seirbheisean Chloinne a’ toirt fiosrachadh air adhartas le progress with the Education and Children’s Plana Gàidhlig Foghlam agus Seirbheisean Chloinne Services Gaelic Plan 2011-2014. The Report 2011-14. Chaidh ainmeachadh dhan Chomhairle gu stated that the Comhairle had been informed that robhas air a bhith soirbheachail le tairgse airson maoin its bid for continued funding for 2014-2016 had ann an 2014-2026. Tha na Ghnìomhan air an been successful. The Actions identified in the comharrachadh ann am Plana Gàidhlig Foghlam agus Education and Children’s Services Gaelic Plan Seirbheisean Chloinne air an ceangal gu dlùth le na h- linked closely to those outlined in the National amasan a th’ ann an Plana Nàiseanta Gàidhlig agus Gaelic Plan and to the Comhairle’s Gaelic Plan Plana Cànan na Comhairle 2013-2017. 2013-2017. Chaidh aontachadh an adhartas mar a tha mìnichte It was agreed that the progress as anns an Aithisg air Plana Gnìomh na Gàidhlig 2011- detailed in the Report on the Gaelic 2014 a thoirt fainear. Action Plan 2011-2014 be noted. 6 Gaelic Schools: Community Conversations 6 Sgoiltean Gàidhlig Conaltraidhean Coimhearsnachd The Director of Education and Children’s Services Thugadh fainear Aithisg le Stiùiriche Foghlam agus submitted a Report which sought approval to Seirbheisean Chloinne a’ sireadh aonta ri Conaltraidhean undertake Community Conversations with the Coimhearsnachd a chumail le Fòraman Phàrantan deich Parent Fora of ten primary schools to establish bun-sgoiltean gu taic a stèidheachadh airson inbhe Sgoil support for Gaelic School status. The Report Ghàidhlig. Shoilleirich an Aithisg an adhartas sònraichte highlighted that significant progress had been gu Gàidhlig a bhith na prìomh chànan oideachaidh ann made towards the target of Gaelic becoming the am Bun-sgoiltean nan Eilean Siar. Aig an ìre seo, tha principal language of instruction in its primary deich sgoiltean a’ coinneachadh an tairgead seo agus schools in the Comhairle’s Gaelic Action Plan. chaidh moladh Conaltraidhean Coimhearsnachd a Currently, ten schools meet this target and it was chumail gu measadh am biodh taic anns na proposed that Community Conversations should coimhearsnachdan sin airson na sgoiltean sin a bhith air be undertaken to evaluate whether there would be an ainmeachadh mar Sgoiltean Gàidhlig. support from these communities for the schools in question to become Gaelic Schools. Chaidh aontachadh moladh, far an robh ùidh aig a’ Chomataidh, gun gabhadh a’ Chomhairle os làimh It was agreed to recommend in so far as the conaltraidhean Coimhearsnachd anns na Bun- Committee’s interests were concerned, that sgoiltean a leanas gu dearbhadh a bheil taic ann do the Comhairle undertake Community dh’inbhe Sgoil Ghàidhlig a stèidheachadh: Conversations in the following Primary Schools to establish support for Gaelic Sgoil Bhaile a’ Mhanaich, Sgoil Bheàrnaraigh, Sgoil School status: Bhreascleit, Sgoil Bhàgh a’ Chaisteil, Sgoil an Iochdair, Sgoil an t-Oib, Sgoil an Taobh Siar, Sgoil Balivanich School, Bernera School, Breasclete Shiaboist agus Sgoil an Tairbeirt.. School, Castlebay School, Daliburgh School, Iochdar School, Leverhulme School, Sgoil an Taobh Siar, Shawbost School, Sir E Scott School. 15 .
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