Vortragende – Speakers 188 27. Mai 2008 Vortragende – Speakers Karl Aiginger ment). Mr. Beyrer was a member of the Karl Aiginger, born in 1948, has been EU-Expert-Team („EU-Cadett“) of the Director of the Austrian Institute of Department for European Integration- Economic Research (WIFO) since and Trade Policy in the Austrian Fed- March 2005. He is a professor of eco- eral Economic Chamber from 1992 to nomics at the University of Linz and he 1994. Markus Beyrer studied law and held a position of a visiting professor at commercial sciences at the University Stanford University (1982 and 2002); of Vienna and the Vienna University of the Massachusetts Institute of Technol- Economics and Business Administra- ogy (MIT, 1991); and the University of tion; he completed a postgraduate mas- California Los Angeles (UCLA, 1997). ter course for European Law – Euro- He has contributed to the Austrian Ad- Jus– at the Danube University Krems. visory Council for Economic and Social Affairs and the Reform Dialogue of the Josef Christl Austrian Government. He is a lead Josef Christl was born in Mattighofen, manager and contributor to the Euro- Austria, in 1952. He studied business pean Competitiveness Reports since administration at the University of Graz 1998. He is the editor of the Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade (JICT, jointly with André Sapir). Key areas of research include industrial eco- nomics, industrial policy and competi- tiveness. Markus Beyrer Markus Beyrer has been Secretary Gen- eral of the Federation of Austrian In- dustries since August 2004. After his occupation as expert for European and International Affairs in the Department for Environmental Policy in the Aus- trian Federal Economic Chamber and economics at the University of (1996–1999), he became Director of Vienna and the Institute for Advanced the Economic Policy Department of Studies (IHS). He started his career as the Austrian Federal Economic Cham- an economist at the Ministry of Social ber in 2002. From 1999 to 2002, he Affairs. From 1984 to 1993, Josef was working for the former Federal Christl held the position of a Senior Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel of Aus- economist at Creditanstalt to become tria as senior economic advisor. Markus Chief Economist of Creditanstalt in Beyrer also participated in a Concours 1993. In 2001, he was appointed Chief at the European Commission (success- Economic Advisor to the Austrian Min- ful candidate) and he was employed as ister of Finance. In 2003, Josef Christl Attaché for Industrial and Commercial joined the Oesterreichische National- Affairs at the Permanent Representa- bank, where he held the positions of tion of Austria to the European Union Excutive Director Economics and Fi- from 1994 to 1996. In spring 1994, he nancial Markets and Member of the made a stage in the European Commis- Governing Board until summer 2008. sion, Directorate General XI (Environ- In addition, Josef Christl is a Professor 36. VOLKSWIRTSCHAFTLICHE TAGUNG 2008 189 Vortragende – Speakers at the Vienna University of Economics. Portfolio Management and Internal He is the author of various publications Services Department, and in 1998 he in the field of monetary theory, labour joined the OeNB’s Governing Board as economics, European integration and Executive Director of the Money, Pay- business cycle research. ment Systems and Information Tech- nology Department. Mr. Duchatczek Wolfgang Duchatczek holds a doctorate in economics and so- Wolfgang Duchatczek has been serving cial sciences and has been awarded the as Vice Governor of the Oester- Grand Decoration of Honor in Gold reichische Nationalbank (OeNB) since for Services to the Republic of Austria. 2003. He joined the OeNB in 1976, and the Office of the Governor in 1978. Bernhard Felderer He was appointed Chief of the Office of Bernhard Felderer (born in 1941) has the Governor in 1982 and Deputy Ex- been the Director of the Institute for ecutive Director of the Foreign Re- Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna, search Department in 1987. In addi- Austria, since 1991 and professor of tion, he served as Representative of the economics at the University of Co- logne, Germany, since 1995. He stud- ied law and economics at the University of Vienna, where he received his doc- toral degree in 1964. Following his studies in economics at the Faculté de Droit et Sciences Economiques of the University of Paris, he worked one year as a research assistant of professor Fritz Machlup at Princeton University, New York, and later on lectured as a visiting professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA. After serving six years as an assistant profes- sor at the University of Karlsruhe, Ger- OeNB on the EC Integration Commit- many, he started to lecture as a profes- tee of the Austrian Federal Govern- sor at the University of Cologne in ment. Mr. Duchatczek was appointed 1974. In 1987, he was appointed Direc- Director of the Area International Re- tor of the Economics Seminar at the lations of the OeNB in 1992 and repre- Faculty of Economics and Social Sci- sented the OeNB during Austria’s EU ences at the University of Cologne, a accession negotiations. He was nomi- position he held until 1990. In 1977, he nated Chairman of the European Com- received a six-month appointment from mission’s Committee on Monetary, the Soviet Academy of Sciences for con- Financial and Balance of Payments sulting and teaching, mainly in Novosi- Statistics (CMFB) and served as the birsk and Moscow. He serves on the OeNB’s Second Alternate on the Com- General Council of the Oester- mittee of Alternates of the European reichische Nationalbank, on the Aus- Monetary Institute (EMI). In 1997, he trian Government Debt Committee was appointed to the OeNB’s Board of and is managing editor of the German Executive Directors as Deputy Chief Economic Review (GER) and associate Executive Director of the Liquidity and editor of Empirical Economics. His 190 36. VOLKSWIRTSCHAFTLICHE TAGUNG 2008 Vortragende – Speakers main fields of interest are macroeco- of Austria. Alfred Gusenbauer was Fed- nomic theory and policy, population eral Chairman of the Socialist Youth economics and public finance. In addi- (SJ) from 1984 to 1990 and Vice Presi- tion to numerous other publications, dent of the International Union of So- he is the co-author of “Makroökono- cialist Youth (IUSY) from 1985 till mik und Neue Makroökonomik“ (with 1989. He then became senior research St. Homburg), which is the largest-sell- fellow in the economic policy depart- ing textbook in Germany and Austria ment of the Chamber of Labor from since the mid-eighties and has been 1990 to 1999. He has been Chairman translated into four other languages. of the Social Democratic Party in the district Melk (Lower Austria) since Charles Albert Eric Goodhart 1990 and Member of the Austrian Par- Charles A. E. Goodhart is a member of liament since 1991. Alfred Gusenbauer the Financial Markets Group at the was Chairman of the Committee for London School of Economics (LSE), development cooperation of the Aus- having previously, 1987–2005, been its trian Parliament (1996–1999). Since Deputy Director. Until his retirement 1991, he has been a Member of the Aus- in 2002, he had been the Norman Sos- now Professor of Banking and Finance at LSE since 1985. Before then, he had worked at the Bank of England for sev- enteen years as a monetary adviser, be- coming a Chief Adviser in 1980. In 1997, he was appointed one of the out- side independent members of the Bank of England’s new Monetary Policy Committee until May 2000. Earlier he had taught at Cambridge and LSE. Be- sides numerous articles, he has written a couple of books on monetary history; a graduate monetary textbook; two collections of papers on monetary pol- trian Delegation to the Parliamentary icy; and a number of books and articles Assembly of the Council of Europe. In on financial stability, on which subject addition to his other obligations, Alfred he was Adviser to the Governor of the Gusenbauer was Chairman of the So- Bank of England, 2002–2004, and nu- cial, Health and Family Affairs Com- merous other studies relating to finan- mittee of the Council of Europe from cial markets and to monetary policy 1995 to 1998. He was Secretary Gen- and history. In his spare time he is a eral of the Social Democratic Party in sheep farmer (loss-making). Lower Austria from 1999 until 2000. Alfred Gusenbauer headed the Social Alfred Gusenbauer Democratic Group in the Austrian Par- Alfred Gusenbauer, born in 1960, stud- liament until 2007 and leaded the So- ied political sciences, philosophy and cial Democratic Party of Austria from law at the University of Vienna (Ph. D. 2000 until August 2008. He was ap- in 1987). From 1981 till 1990, he was pointed Federal Chancellor of Austria executive secretary for the Socialist on January 11, 2007. Youth of the Social Democratic Party 36. VOLKSWIRTSCHAFTLICHE TAGUNG 2008 191 Vortragende – Speakers Jean-Claude Juncker 1992. In June 1994, Jean-Claude Jean-Claude Juncker was born in Re- Juncker was re-elected to Parliament dange-sur-Attert in the west of Luxem- and retained his Minister of Finance bourg on December 9, 1954. He en- and Minister of Labour portfolios. On rolled in the Law Faculty of the Uni- 20 January 1995, following the nomi- versity of Strasbourg in 1975 and was nation of Prime Minister Jacques Santer awarded a Master of Law in 1979, but as President of the European Commis- never practically worked as a lawyer. sion by the European Council and the His political involvement as a member subsequent approval of this appoint- of the Christian Social Party (Chrëscht- ment by the European Parliament, lech Sozial Vollekspartei/CSV) dates Jean-Claude Juncker was appointed back to 1974.
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