r A GUIDE TO HAJJ, UMRAH ANDAT{D VISITING THETI'IE PROPHET'SPFOPHET'S MOSQUEMOSOUE ) CONTENTSCONTEHTS ( PrefacePrelace 7 ImportantlmportantAdviceAdvice 9 ViolationsViolationsofof Islamlslam 13 How to perform HajjHaij andand'Umrah'Umrah and to visit the Prophet's Mosque ................19 'Umrah The Performance ofol 'Umrah ..... 21 TheThePerformanceofPerformance of HajjHaii .......... ..................26 Obligations During Ihramlhram .........33 Visitation of the Prophet's MosqueMosqus ............................... 36 Errors Often CommittedCommined by Pilgrims ...........41 What Isls Required of the Pilgrim ..................53 Some Supplications Which May Be RecitedBecited at 'Arafat. 'Arafat, at the Sacred Sites and at other Places of Supplication ........... ..............63 r InIn thelhe nameof Allah, the Compassionate,Gompasalonale,thelhe MercifulMerclful PREFACEPREFACE DearDear pilgrimpilgrim brothersbrothers andand sisters,sislers, AssalamuAssa/amu alaikumalaikum wawa rahmatullahiraimatullaht wa barakatuhu.barakatuhu. CongratulationsCongratulationsandand welcome onon youryour arrivalarrlvalat these sacredsacredprecincts, preclncts,onon thisthis blessedblessedjourneyJourney as guests of Allah,Aflah,the MostMostMerciful. Merciful. ThisThls briefbrlel but comprehensivecomprehenslveGuideGulde Isls presentedprosentedto youyou toto outlineoutllne thethe obligatory rites of HajjHaii andand 'umrah,umrah withwlth whichwhlchyou ought toto be familiar. Itlt begins with some Importantlmportant advice.advlce. This advice is, first of all, for our­our. selves, and then it isis offeredoflered to you in accordance with what Allah, the Most High, says concerning those of His servants who receive salvation and success in this world and theth€ Hereafter: "They counseleach other of the truth and counsel each other of patience." ltIt is ffurther urther to put Into practice HlsHis saylng:saying: "Gooperate"Cooperate with each other inin goodnessand fear of Allah,and do not cooperateinin slnsin and transgresslon."transgression." WeWe askask youyou toto readread thlsthis bookletbooklet beforebefore youyou beglnbegin thethe rltesrites olof HaJJHall lnorderIn order thatthat youyou maymay acqualntacquaint yourselfyourself wlthwith what lgIs toto bebe done.done. You You wlllwill flndfind InIn ltIt answersanswersto to manymany olof your questlons.questions. WgW$ hope thatthat youyou wlllwill keepkeep thlsthis bookletbooklet wlthwith you as a referencereference for for thlsthis year,year, andand posslblypossibly forfor later years as well lfIf ltIt lsIs Allah's wlllwill thatthat youyou roturnreturn agalnagain fortor hallhajj . We ask youYOU to shereshare thlsthis bookletwlthwith otherMusllms Muslims In order that they may also benefltbenefit lromfrom readlngreading ltsIts con'con­ tents.tents,We ask Allah to accept from all of usug our hall,hail, our striving,strlvlng,and our good deeds.deecls. WassalamuWassalamu'alalkum'alalkum wa rahmatullahl nhmatullahl wa barakatuhu.barakatuhu' 'Abdul:'Azlz'Abdul:'Azlzbinbln'Abdullah 'Abdullah binbln Baz PresidentPregldentofof Islamiclslamlc Research,Research, IFTAIFTAand and PropagationProPagatlon RIYADH,RIYADH,KINGDOMKINGDOM OFOF SAUDI SAUDIARABIAARABIA ITUIPORTAHTIMPORTANT ADVICE Dear pllgrhts,pilgrims, we pralsepraise Allah for havlnghaving guldedguided you to thethe hallhdlofof HisHls House and to the vlsltvisit of the Sacred Precincts.Preclncts. May He accept from all olof us our good deeds and Increaselncrease His reward for us and for you. The followingfollowlng adviceadvlce Isis being offered to you in the hope that Allah willwlll accept from all of us our fiarlandhajj and our striving.strlvlng. 1. Remember that you are on a blessedblsssed journey.ThlsThis journey,Journey,whichwhlch Isis a migrationmigratlontoward Allah, is based on belief In in HisHls Unity(tawheedJ, on sincerity toward Him, on respondingrespondlngto His call, and on obedience to His commands. There Isls no greater reward than that of a hajjhaii whichwhlch Isls acceptableacceplable toto AllahNlah Ta'alah-the reward of the GardenGarclenof Paradise.Paraclise. 2. 8e Beon your guard against thethe mischiefmlschiefof Satan, who intendsintendstoto causedissention among you. Love each other r asas brothersbrothers andand avoldavoid disputesdisputes andand disobediencedisobedience toto Allah.Allah. KnowKnow thatthat thothe MessengerMessenger olof AllahAllah (may(may peacepeace andand blesslngsblessingsof of AltahAllah bebe onon him)him) sald,said, ".. Noneol of youyou hashas trulytruly bellevedbelievedunless he llkeslikesfor for hlshis brotherwhat thethe likeslikes forfor hlmself."himself." 3. WheneveryouYQu havea questionconcerning religious matt€rsmatters or concsrningconcerning thenall, the hajj, ask knowledgeableMus'Mus· limsIims until.you receivea satisfactoryanswor.answer. This is in accordancewith what Allah has said: "lf"If ye realisethis not, ask of those who possess The Message." it is also in accordance with what the Prophet (peace be on him) has said: "When Allah intends good for someone,someone' He gives him understanding of the religion." 4. Know thatthat Allah has made certain acts fard /ard(obliga·(obliga' tory) and other acts sunnah (according toto thethepractice of tory)and otheracts .--- sry(according thethe Prophet, peace be on him). Allah does do€snot accept a sunnahsu!!S! which violatesviolatessome some lard.lard' SomeSomepilgrims pilgrimsignore lgnore thisthis factfact whenwhenthey thayharm harmbelieving believingmenmen and and womenwomenin in theirtheirzeal zealto to kisskissthe the BlackB/acftStone,Sfone, toto hastenhasteninin theirtheircir· cir' cuitscuitsaround aroundthethe K'abah,K'abah,toto makemakesalah sa/ahbehindbahind thethe Sta· Sta' tiontion of lbraheem,Ibraheem, toto drink fromfrom Zamzam,.andZamzam,. and slmllarsimilar practices. These practices areere g!4trt!.~. To harm any believerin doing them is haram (prohiblted).(prohibited). How isIs it possibleto carry out a srn4at~ observancewhile doing a haramharamdeed? Therefore,avoid hurting each other, and Allah will grant you His mercy and will increaseyour reward. We would also like to emphasize the following: (a) Itlt is not fitting that a Muslim man performs his Sa/atSatgt next to,lo, or behind a woman in the Sacred Mosque or at any other place if il it is at all possible to avoid doing so. Women should pray behind men. (b)(b)TheThe doors and entrances to the Sacred Mosque are for traffic and should not be blocked by people praying there, even though if if itit isis to join the congregational prayer thatthat may be inin progress. (c)(c)Itlt isis not permissible toto block the free free flowf low of people around thethe K'abahby sittingnear thethe K'abah, by praying or near it,it, or by standing near thethe @!$,,Black Stone, or al.Hi}ral'Hijror at thothe StatlonStation of lbraheem,Ibraheem, especlallyespecially whenwhen the the placeplace la Is crowded,as thlsthis lsIs a sourceof harmto to othorother people. (rt)(d) WhlleWhile safeguardlngsafeguarding th6the dlgnlty dignityof MusllmsMuslims lsaIs a tar4'.rd, klsstngkissing thsthe BlackStone ls Is a ry!.!JBJ.!!!ll. A lard!!!S!. cannotbo be sacrlflcedsacrificed for a 4!.~. Whenthethe eroaarea lsIs crowded,ltIt lsIs gufffclentsufficient to polntpoint to thothe BlackStone, saylngsaying "M!!.. ~ !l!!l!!:"ahbar."and to contlnuecontinue to movewlthwith thothe flow of people withoutwlthoutcausingcauslng a break In the llnes.lines. Indeed, keaplngkeeping an easy flow duringdurlng cfrcultscircuits Isls the most commendable thing.thlng. (e) Itlt isis not a~a gry[ to kiss the Yamani@rner,corner, but to touch itit with the right hand, if it is not overcrowded, and say: ••"8ism Bismillahi illahiwaJ./ahuwat4ahu akbar.ahbar." ,. But ifif itit isis difficult to touch it,it,then thenmove on, do not.not,pointpoint to itit with your hand, or say takbir.takbir.For itit isis notreported reportedof theths Prophet.Prophet'Itlt isis mustahabb (g~)Go{) toto reciterecitethethe followingfollowingsupplication inln betweenthe YamaniYamanlcornercornor andand thethe BlackStone: rl' Ui)'^# i;.ii Jr 1# Fjlr .j6j F { ,r!!rr-tlJC ""Rabban~ Rabband ~tln~ttlnl lld'donylfld-dony~ hasanatanhacanatan wa fII-~khlratilll'ilkhlratl hasanatanhesenatenwa qina adhAban-ttar".adhiban'fiar", Finally,Flnally, the best advlceadvice w€we can glvegive you Is19thstthat you followloflow the Book of ntlanAllah and-end the sunnahsunnahof HisHls Mes·Mes' sengersanger (peace be on him) in all what you do. "Obey"ObBy Allah and the Messenger In order that you may receiverecelvemercy."tngrcy." VIOLATIONS OF ISLAM Brother and sisterslster Muslim,Musllm,you must be aware that therethergarears mattersmatt€rswhichwhlch nullitynulllfyyour Islam. lslam.We willwlll men·men. tlon here the ten most common violations.vlolatlons.Please be mindfulmlndfulof them. The First Flrst Associating partners with Allah (shirk). Allah, the Most High, says, "Truly, ifif anyone associates partners with Allah, Allah willwillforbid forbid him the Gardenand his abode willwillbs be the Fire; the wrongdoers will have no helpers."help€rs." r GalllngCalling uponupon thethe dead,dead, asklngasking thelrtheir help'help, oror offerlngoffering themthem glftsgifts oror sacrlflcessacrificesare are allall formsforms ofof sfiIrlr.!!:!.!.!1L. The Second SettlngSetting up intermediariesintermediaries between oneself oneself andand Allah'Allah, maklngmaking suppllcatlonsupplication toto them,them, asklng asking theirtheir lntercesslonIntercession wlthwith Allah, and placlngplacing one's trusttrust In
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