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You and other players will work together to vanquish people using your computer a modem your foes and return Neverwinter to peace and prosperity. and America On ne s special commu· Lord Nasher and a nationwide network of America Online members nlcatlons software l'feverwlnter Nights want you to join them in this online AD&D fantasy role-playing game, combines the thrill of AD~D game play, with spectacular 3-D graphics! Neverwinter Nights brings home the with a real-time multf.player environment thrill of exciting AD&D game action, whenever you want to play. It's easy to get a game together and let America Online do the to bring action and excitement Into your planning for you. home every night of the week! THE ADVENTURE IS JUST BEGINNING! For all those who have a flair for role­ CONTINUE YOUR EXCITING FORGOTTEN REALMS TM playing, America Online's Phantasy Guildsm GAME WORLD EXPERIENCES IN NEVERWINTER NIGHTS is your link to an extra good time online. • Pursue the challenge of Neverwinter Nights with other AD&D® Meet fantasy adventurers~ from across the game fans in a sophisticated graphic medium, where skill and country in tournaments and festivals, or luck allow the game to unfold differently every time you play. participate in one of many online RPG adventures. Enjoy using the message • Neverwinter Nights uses original AD&D game rules, with boards and the countless public domain character levels, abilities, and spells from Curse of the Azure software programs in the Phantasy Guild's Bonds and other SS! 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TO ORDER TODAY! 5541/PC Neverwinter Nights is a product of Strategic Simulations, Inc. ond Quantum Computer Services, Inc. © 1991 Quantum Computer Services, Inc., Strategic Simulations, Inc., TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. ADVANCED DUNGEONS &DRAGONS, AD&D, FORGOTIEN REALMS and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc., Lake Geneva, Wl, USA and are used under license from Strategic Simulations, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA. Strategic Simulations, Inc ., is a registered trademark of Strategic Simulations, Inc. America Online is a registered service mark, and Phantasy Guild a service mark, of Quantum Computer Services, Inc. .
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