" . 2 t i ·11 a l r l1 i ,, 1 2020/26/37 1;c / 3 <to; n imhlr n Ulmhlr ag Rolnn Elle Data Cuireadh chun Culreadh chun Data Cuireadh chun START of file 1 - SECRET ANGLO-IRISH SECTION WEEKLY BRIEF WEEK ENDING 30TH NOVEMBER 1990 1 C O N T E N T S 1 . Reports from Anglo-Irish Secretariat Address by the Rev. Ian Paisley to DUP Annual Conference 'Accompaniment of the British Army 2. Contact and Information Work Conversation with Fr. McCluskey P.P., Roslea, Co. Fermanagh 3. Reports from Embassy London The New Prime Minister - an Initial Assessment John Major - media reactions Discussion with Derek Hill (NIO) on Secretary of State's views on talks Birmingham Six DPP to seek to uphold convictions Gareth Peirce on DPP's decision to contest case Northern Ireland Backbench Committee - Stanbrook succeeds 4. Reports from Embassy Washington Remarks by Sherard Cowper-Coles, First Secretary, British Embassy 1 0 .. D.U.l. Confer nee l'ir ~ Als n has i \ n n1 a ~ o ~ Iaic.l:1 's sp eh wh'ch I · t acl1~ U 1ill S h t as on h sp, ech · s und on pag f u. und ~sta1d tl1at thi~ ion w s und rl'n l1 DU l1ems 1 \·es o h atten ion of M ~ rook. ou w no e aisl 1 a .. ues: - Tha the B~itish Government has agre d th t th Un'on's s will be ar of the UK negotiating team nd h i Unionis s a"'e "plenipotentiaries" with the a -·t-sh Gov ~nment then they will know exactly wh t is t ~1n pl c · and will have the advantage of being ble to gu h ir case personally and forthrightly without ny h h , might be betrayed (by the British). The suggestion that to take t lk et o betrayal is utter nonsens. y 1 if Unionists failed ta take 0 the UK team and ensur th unsc Dublin can have no pl ce wh tso v r t tny lk bou n internal settlement in Northern Ir l nd. Substantial progress and gr rn nt must b m t u h talks befor there c n be ny furth r progr s . - The Unionists leaders will be bl o d ide wh th r h is such progress and agreement as inde d will th other parties taking part. - At the end of the day whatever the decisions r eh d, thy must be put in referendum to the people or North rn I l nd. h c u 1 cont nt vari nee with the o h p eh, isley's position, us · sl1 .. is~ y· s ys Un· onis · s h ,d "every right to smile" after meeting M. Brooke in May because "the British Government did dec·ae that the conference should be suspended so that t lks should t ke place and did decide that Maryfield should cease .its normal operation under the terms of the Agreement ... When the so· y unfolded it was seen that Dublin was not opposed to giving the prior conditions .... a replacement of the Agreement ... the closing of Maryfield (my emphasis) ... the suspension of the Anglo-Irish Conferences". The reference to closing Maryfield was repeated by Paisley on Radio Ulster last Sunday. - The reference to substantial progress and agreement (my emphasis) in talks about an internal settlement before further progress can be made, is unqualified. The decision on timing is not left to Mr. Brooke. It is claimed for the Unionist leaders as well as the other parties. Paisley said on Monday that he would agree to Mr. Brooke's being an impartial go-between on timing as long as · he was convinced that Brooke was acting completely free of Dublin interference (Guardian, 28 November) which the British see as encouraging, but which still leaves the final say in Unionist hands. Yours sincerely, , Declan o•oonovan Joint secretary . 11t1 l1a ,_ 1 "' uu1 ~~.., ,. u \_,u111erc11ce 24.ii.YU ll \\as Hnrold \Vilson '"hos· 'd · d d . a1 a ,vcck ,vas l . d ·fiant nn ogmaL1c, declare that sl , a ong tune in politics. Three days ago we saw t11c Prime Minister. field, having turned her back on Uie ~e ~\ould fight on and fight lo win, but in a few short hours she had quit 1.he 1'1rs. Thatcher, tl1c Iron Lad , UL c of U1c second bullot. , d ~.apcrsonofgrcatb ·11· .. those Wl dcrgroun ,vorkcrs \\'ho b th . n 1ancc and immense talents took on the n1incrs of Bnta1n - and ~--l 1c "on., - ' Y c1r calling are 1nouldcd to hardness 1n. the f orgc' of the underground coal f ac~, Sh~ ux k on the ..\rgcntincan d' •, , . 1c"""1tors and sllc 2 Five years ugo she to 0 k on the Ulster Lo .. r won. announced she hat! won I ho , } a 151 people, and lhe majority of the media bol.h local and rutmual, · • Wever, announced sl 1-~ · · SI · longer Prilnc ~linistcr and llic f 1c cou u not and would not win and she <lit! not v.·111. 1e is no ,vay o 11cr going has b~ ~-- r ' She acted traitor to the Ulster ccn su~u1c ul and trcnchcrous. t k the finaJ stilt, she m l h .p~~1 e and _her own sycophants acted trailOr to her. As her four cabinet coll~gucs , out"omc of slow m · u: na\~ c~n rcmmdcd of Caesar's immortal exclamation 'TI1ou too Drutus.' Such 1s 1.hc '" oving, in c.xiblc Justice. Traitors L.hc1nsclvcs perish by treachery· Iscariots by isca.riolism; and t ht ~ ,,, 1,o sc 11 out others ,v ill tJ1c1nscl vcs be soltl out ' 3 I hav', read 111any· . c plan a li ons 1· 11 t I1c prcs~ nbout her downfall but tJ1al same press sneered al the prayer mccungs· h "'ld by a G d fcanng. people. \Vho bes oug l1 t G o d to n·d thcrn of the Anglo/Irish· Agreement and ·its ong1nators.· · I reni 'ml ,r a nauonal Daily seeking to 1nake a joke of the fact that I prayed against 1..hc lady. And let it not be f r~oncn thut the sainc lady pul her huncJ to destroy Sunday as the Lord's day, the Christian Sabbatht and i'Lwas th lc1ur1c~n vot.:s lro1n UlsLCr ,vhich destroyed her plan.The n1ills of God grind slow but they grind exceeding fine. ~1rs. Thatcher goes d )\\ n in '"'harne as a \ icti1n of internal war in her O\vn party, Lhe object of 1nalicious slander and trc-3 hcry. but Ul:tcr sull stnnds bloodied but unbowed in its dctcnnination to get rid of the Anglo/!Iish di~klnL She last but Ulster \Vill \\ in. She quit but th is Dc1noc.ratic Unionist Party will not quit \Ve not only fi ght Lo \\in. but \\C \vill ,vin. Ho,v nu1ny titnes ha\ c lhc. n1 dia and our 'n 111 ics ,vritr·n us off yet we have survived and prospered. i\1r~. Thai her has SO\\ nth' \Vind\\ ilh lh.r signature to the 1\nglo/lrish act of treachery but Ulster has rc,1pcd 1..t1c \\ hirl win . T da: we rii;htl y wd rightcou:I y, determinedly and defiantly, boldly and bluntly, scl up our banner \\r1th its mc.ss2gc of ,vn.r lo all tcrrorislS and its 111cssage of pc~cc to all dcmocnLS. Tu~klc Tcrroris1n. Rcstor~ D ~111ocracy. Toe hideous und cruel mark of the bc.:ist of L~rronsm is all O\ er our bclovcJ Province. It is seen in the br:mtlmar · f the thrc~ cbrk lOs' - DE:-\ TH. DESTRCCT10~ Jnd DlS.\BLEi\lENT. I. DEATH r PrO\'t'ncc 'nto.., nr..,V'"')':lfJ ll\' C T'"',:llcher's · · , . tl 1 The vcars of roJ.dwav from ~1:u-garct ,.. F'rronst.s ,1avc tumc Ou u ~ '"" '"" • • . - • .... .. Th ~ , k d ·, 'l • 1"slOilCS bul with , on1b~toncs. An incrc.asmg death roll is Lh~ r .... sult of tl1~ ..:: : ·LJL lr,a,ncry IS n1::H ·c n t \'.lul n1t" ~ \\ h:ll a.re· the· lt£urcs?..... f c s on I" Lh of t.h is ,no nth . .In 19S)- when the Agrccn1cnt ,va~~ s1gnc· ....1 on 1s As I Sltd 1n the House o 01n1non ,'cd~ there \\CfC 54 killings. The follo\\Jng. )Car. 19 6 . then:·... re 61 :No ~ bcr \\ h ·n Lh ... )'Cur ,, as a l 1110s l C I l u • . · : 1.:m . \ " , , killings· in 1988 there ,, ere 93 killings; m 1989, 02 k1lltngs :mtl ·o for t.'llS year. 1ihngs; u1 193' there ~ t.:rc_ 91- \\t · can nic:.1s~rc ~he :1;ony, sorro,v, hcarlbrcak, hun and lo..:s b hi::J , cry 1cc there h:n e b.:cn I killings. ,o ~ inn ·cnt vie 1. m? . f. nl!. and '\ er in·r·:ising proc ssion of m:um ·d and b rc:i, r:olh.:rs. 0 1 \\'e h~artbrc:.i..~ in a ht ,. sons tall r lig1on - for Lcrr ri has no rcs or ::i .... s~~ lh:n lh.: fonn_ "i° ..... 5 and ·,n ~ c ~ c. 1 fa:th~rs, brothers. sisters, husbands, \\ \ cs, :iug 1... class or crc~d. ccn uiurll~rs in the pJst fj\ c } cars. Of lhosc. -4 .SC::, ,, er· laui;~ .:red b} 346 The. figures sho\v 1.h:.it there h ..i, c b C the ,cs :ind 4 l - ul these \\ ere sl..1u~htcr J b) t1 IRA.
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