Annual Report and Accounts 2018-19 HC 2258 Delivering an excellent space programme with the maximum economic, scientific and policy benefit for the UK UK Space Agency Annual Report and Accounts 2018-19 Presented to the House of Commons pursuant to section 7 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed on 4 July 2019. HC 2258 © Crown copyright 2019 This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. To view this licence, visit nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3 Where we have identified any third-party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. This publication is available on our website at: www.gov.uk/official-documents Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to us at [email protected] ISBN 978-1-5286-1332-3 CCS0519290152 07/19 Printed on paper containing 75% recycled fibre content minimum. Printed in the UK on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. UK SPACE AGENCY ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2018-19 CONTENTS PERFORMANCE REPORT Overview 6 Chief Executive’s statement 7 Highlights in 2018-19 8 About the UK Space Agency 11 What could stop us achieving our objectives? 12 Our finances 14 Our people 18 Performance Analysis 20 How we have performed 21 2018-19 performance in detail 27 Our plans for the future 37 ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT Audit Committee Chairman 39 Corporate Governance 40 Director’s Report 41 Statement of Accounting Officer’s responsibilities 45 Governance Statement 46 Remuneration and Staff Report 57 Parliamentary Accountability and Audit 69 The certificate and report of the Comptroller and Auditor General to the House of Commons 70 ACCOUNTS Financial Statements 76 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2019 80 Glossary 93 3 PERFORMANCE REPORT OVERVIEW 6 UK SPACE AGENCY ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2018-19 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S STATEMENT Stevenage for an event that unveiled the winning name. The rover will be called ‘Rosalind Franklin’ after the British scientist who played an integral role in the discovery of the structure of DNA. ExoMars is a two-part astrobiology project to search for evidence I am delighted to of life on Mars, therefore, giving the rover a name introduce our Annual associated with a molecule fundamental to biology Report and Accounts seems to be wholly appropriate. for 2018-19. EU Exit has presented a significant challenge, This is an exciting time for the UK and space, not requiring a united response to prepare for least because the UK is committed to develop a negotiations and appropriate contingency plans space flight capability. In July 2018, we confirmed in the event that the UK leaves the EU without funding for projects to launch satellites from a a deal. In line with other departments, we have spaceport in Sutherland, Scotland, and funds to prepared the Agency for all potential outcomes and help develop the emerging market for spaceflight we will continue to provide support to the sector services from potential horizontal spaceports in through the uncertainty over the coming period. As places such as Newquay, Llanbedr, Prestwick and evidence of this, the UK Global Navigation Satellite Campbeltown. The Agency has supported London- System (GNSS) programme was established to based firm OneWeb, which plans to use satellite examine options for the delivery of assured Position connectivity to aid 5G technology communications, Navigation and Timing (PNT) services. A significant delivering worldwide internet coverage claimed to be milestone was achieved in July 2018, when an more affordable with faster speeds than ever before. Outline Business Case was approved providing The first six satellites (of 650) were launched in funding of £92m for the programme Engineering February 2019. Design and Development Phase (EDDP) which is a study to analyse the requirements, cost, design and In addition, the Agency continues to support schedule for the building and operation of a UK science programmes. Recent science highlights GNSS system. have included the second data release of the Gaia astrometry mission that is providing the most The Agency remains committed to developing accurate map of our Galaxy ever provided. The the UK space sector as a key element of the launch of BepiColombo in October 2018 was the Government’s modern and ambitious Industrial start of a seven-year mission to Mercury and we’ve Strategy. The Size and Health of the UK Space seen agreement to undertake a joint solar weather Industry Report that was published in January 2019 mission with China through our leading role in the highlighted that total UK space industry income had SMILE mission. We are proud of the continuing UK grown to be worth £14.8bn in 2016-17, a growth rate success in the new science of Exoplanet discovery of 3.3% per annum. Employment in the UK space through leadership of the European Space Agency’s rose to 41,900 jobs in 2016-17; exports grew too (up (ESA) ARIEL programme. ARIEL’s ability to extract to £5.5bn in 2016-17) with export intensity one third spectral information on gases in exoplanets’ higher than the UK economy average. atmospheres will rely on precise knowledge of ‘light- curves,’ which describe the amount of light blocked I am confident that this Report will demonstrate the by a planet as it transits in front of its parent star. breadth of the work that the Agency is undertaking to Lead the New Space Age. Looking to the future, we are keen to inspire the next generation of scientists and innovators, based on the UK’s proud heritage in this area. Over the summer of 2018, we ran a competition to name the ExoMars rover, which received over 36,000 entries. Graham Turnock In February, I joined the Minister, Chris Skidmore and Chief Executive and Accounting Officer British astronaut Tim Peake at the Airbus factory in 25 June 2019 7 HIGHLIGHTS in 2018-19 The Agency was established to deliver civil space programme with the maximum economic, scientific and policy benefit for the UK. We have taken the strategic lead in the development and growth of the space sector in the UK – working to deliver real benefits to public services, science and innovation, national security and the wider economy. In 2018-19 this included the following: Our investment in Space Science programmes innovation in the NHS. Our Satelife call to has continued to support world-class science in the engage young people in the benefits of space to UK, keeping the UK at the forefront of discovery everyday life inspired strong interest and the next and providing economic benefits in stimulating generation of space entrepreneurs. We procured technological innovation. Science highlights of operational and strategic support for UK activity in the year included the second data release of the the International Disaster Charter, a global effort to Gaia astrometry mission that is providing the most tackle humanitarian and natural emergencies. We accurate map of our Galaxy ever provided, the also procured access to high resolution data to use launch of BepiColombo agreement to undertake a for research and innovation in dealing with public joint solar weather mission with China through our sector challenges as part of our Space for Smarter leading role in the SMILE mission and the continuing Government Programme. UK success in the new science of Exoplanet discovery through leadership of the ESA Ariel programme. The Agency has expanded its own international policy team to ensure capacity to respond to Our Synergetic Air Breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE) the challenges of the UK leaving the EU, and an project with Reaction Engines Ltd passed a critical increasing appetite for international engagement. milestone towards the end of 2018 with the successful Our presence has been strengthened internationally; completion of the Preliminary Design Review by ESA. this year saw increased talks with the US government; with China where the Agency took a We have engaged across Government and lead role at the 13th UK/China space conference; through the industry led Space Growth Partnership with Japan, especially in the area of space security; to formulate a new strategic approach to space and we signed a memorandum of understanding to interests. We have continued to engage closely provide a framework for increased collaboration with with our partners in the European Space Agency Australia. to make investments that will underpin our strategy and we have expanded the network of regional This year was an exciting year for our programme ambassadors as part of our drive to promote the of work with European Space Agency, including the opportunity for the whole of the UK alongside our Earth Observation mission, Aeolus, which used key national efforts including the space incubation UK instruments. network. We developed new space standards activity to underpin our sector goals and we The UK Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) deepened our cross-government engagement on programme was established to examine options activity to underpin the industrial strategy and other for the delivery of assured Position Navigation and policy aims such as tackling climate change. Timing (PNT) services. To celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the foundation We have continued support for education and of the NHS, we ran a £4m call for ideas using outreach through a focus on teaching resources, satellite applications and technologies to drive continued professional development for teachers, 8 UK SPACE AGENCY ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2018-19 and direct interventions with students which has pace this year to develop the detailed regulations to totalled over 140,000 direct engagements overall. implement the Act.
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