HIGH SPEED RAIL (London - West MidLands) Supplementary Environmental Statement and Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement Volume 4 | Off-route effects High Speed Two (HS2) Limited One Canada Square July 2015 London E14 5AB T 020 7944 4908 X56 E [email protected] SES and AP2 ES 3.4.1 SES AND AP2 ES – VOLUME 4 SES AND AP2 ES – VOLUME 4 www.gov.uk/hs2 HIGH SPEED RAIL (London - West MidLands) Supplementary Environmental Statement and Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement Volume 4 | Off-route effects July 2015 SES and AP2 ES 3.4.1 High Speed Two (HS2) Limited has been tasked by the Department for Transport (DfT) with managing the delivery of a new national high speed rail network. It is a non-departmental public body wholly owned by the DfT. A report prepared for High Speed Two (HS2) Limited: High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, One Canada Square, London E14 5AB Details of how to obtain further copies are available from HS2 Ltd. Telephone: 020 7944 4908 General email enquiries: [email protected] Website: www.gov.uk/hs2 Copyright © High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, 2015, except where otherwise stated. High Speed Two (HS2) Limited has actively considered the needs of blind and partially sighted people in accessing this document. The text will be made available in full via the HS2 website. The text may be freely downloaded and translated by individuals or organisations for conversion into other accessible formats. If you have other needs in this regard please contact High Speed Two (HS2) Limited. Printed in Great Britain on paper containing at least 75% recycled fibre. SES and AP2 ES Volume 4 – Off-route effects Contents Structure of the Supplementary Environmental Statement and the Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement 1 1 Introduction 3 1.2 Terminology used to describe the scheme 3 1.3 Purpose of this report 4 1.4 Structure of this report 5 2 Proposed Heathrow Express depot, Langley (AP2-000-001) 7 2.1 Reason for the revision to the scheme 7 2.2 Overview of the area 7 2.3 Description of the AP2 revised scheme 14 2.4 Alternatives 17 2.5 Construction of the AP2 revised scheme 19 2.6 Construction waste and material resources 29 2.7 System testing and commissioning 30 2.8 Construction programme 31 2.9 Operation of the AP2 revised scheme 33 2.10 Operational waste and material resources 33 2.11 Scope of the environmental assessment 33 2.12 Agriculture, forestry and soils 33 2.13 Air quality 37 2.14 Community 41 2.15 Cultural heritage 44 2.16 Ecology 51 2.17 Land quality 58 2.18 Landscape and visual assessment 74 2.19 Socio-economics 86 2.20 Sound, noise and vibration 90 2.21 Traffic and transport 98 2.22 Water resources and flood risk assessment 106 3 Modifications to the West Coast Main Line between Lichfield and Colwich 119 3.1 Summary of amendments 119 3.2 Assessment of amendments 119 i SES and AP2 ES Volume 4 – Off-route effects 3.3 Summary of new or different likely residual significant effects 125 4 References 126 List of figures Figure 1: Locations of off-route stations and depots included in the main ES and SES and AP2 ES 6 Figure 2: Area context map 11 Figure 3: Schematic of construction compounds for civil engineering works 27 Figure 4: Schematic of construction compounds for railway installation works 28 Figure 5: Construction programme 32 Figure 6: Business sector composition in Slough, South Buckinghamshire and the South East 86 Figure 7: Employment by industrial sector in Slough, South Buckinghamshire and the South East 87 List of tables Table 1: Estimated construction, demolition and excavation waste quantities 29 Table 2: Protected and/or notable species 54 Table 3: Summary of receptors for land quality effects 63 Table 4: Summary of baseline CSM for sites which may pose a contaminative risk for the proposed HEx depot scheme 66 Table 5: Summary of temporary (construction) effects 68 Table 6: Summary of permanent (construction) effects 71 Table 7: Train flows and speeds 92 Table 8: New or different significant direct adverse effects on residential communities. 95 Table 9: Surface water features potentially affected by the revised scheme 108 Table 10: Summary of geology and hydrogeology in the study area 109 Table 11: Summary of amendments to the WCML modifications between Lichfield and Colwich 119 Table 12: Assessment of construction noise at individual properties (outside of residential community areas) 121 ii SES and AP2 ES Volume 4 – Off-route effects Structure of the Supplementary Environmental Statement and the Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement The Supplementary Environmental Statement (SES) and Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement (AP2 ES) comprises: • non-technical summary (NTS). This provides a summary in non-technical language of the SES (Part 1) and AP2 ES (Part 2) and of any likely significant environmental effects, both beneficial and adverse, which are new or different to those reported in the High Speed Two (HS2) Phase One Environmental Statement (ES) submitted to Parliament in November 2013 in support of the hybrid Bill (‘the Bill’) for Phase One of HS2 (hereafter referred to as ‘the main ES’) and, where relevant, the AP ES submitted in September 2014 (hereafter referred to as ‘the AP1 ES’); • Volume 1: introduction to the SES and AP2 ES. This introduces the supplementary environmental information included within the SES and amendments which have resulted in the need to amend the Bill within the AP2 ES. It also explains any changes to the scope, methodology, assumptions and limitations required for the environmental impact assessment; • Volume 2: community forum area (CFA) reports and map books. These describe the supplementary environmental information included within the SES (Part 1), amendments within the AP2 ES (Part 2) and any new or different likely significant environmental effects arising from these changes in each CFA compared to those reported in the main ES and, where relevant, the AP1 ES. The main local alternatives that have been considered are described, where relevant; • Volume 3: route-wide effects. This describes new or different likely significant route-wide effects arising from the supplementary environmental information and design changes included within the SES (Part 1) and amendments within the AP2 ES (Part 2) compared to those reported in the main ES and, where relevant, the AP1 ES; • Volume 4: off-route effects. This describes new or different likely significant off- route effects arising from the amendments within the AP2 ES, such as the relocation of the Heathrow Express (HEx) depot to Langley in Slough, compared to those reported in the main ES and, where relevant, the AP1 ES; • Volume 5: appendices and map books. This contains supporting environmental information and associated maps; and 1 SES and AP2 ES Volume 4 – Off-route effects • glossary of terms and list of abbreviations. This contains any new or different terms and abbreviations used throughout the SES and the AP2 ES compared to those included in the main ES and the AP1 ES. 2 SES and AP2 ES Volume 4 – Off-route effects 1 Introduction 1.1.1 The hybrid Bill for High Speed Rail between London and the West Midlands (‘the Bill’) was submitted to Parliament together with an Environmental Statement (ES) in November 2013 (‘the main ES’). If enacted by Parliament, the Bill will provide the powers to construct, operate and maintain Phase One of High Speed Two (HS2). This phase of HS2 will provide a new north-south railway between London, Birmingham and the West Midlands. Phase Two of HS2 will comprise new lines between the West Midlands, Leeds and Manchester, completing what is known as the ‘Y network’. Phase Two is not the subject of this document. 1.1.2 Since the deposit of the Bill for Phase One of HS2, a number of amendments to the scheme were identified as a result of further discussions with landowners and occupiers (including through the Parliamentary petitioning process), design refinements, and the requirements of utility undertakers. These amendments were assessed and any new or different likely significant environmental effects were reported in the Additional Provision Environmental Statement (‘the AP1 ES’), published in September 2014. The AP1 ES was deposited in Parliament at the same time as the Bill amendments. 1.1.3 None of the amendments in AP1 related to off-route areas and therefore off-route effects were scoped out of that assessment. There was no Volume 4 included within the AP1 ES. 1.1.4 Since deposit of AP1 in September 2014, the need for further design changes and amendments has arisen following on-going discussions with petitioners, key stakeholders, and as a result of design refinements. New environmental information has also become available. Any new or different significant environmental effects that are likely to result from these proposed changes, new environmental information and amendments are reported in the Supplementary Environmental Statement (SES) and the Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement (‘the AP2 ES’). The SES reports on further environmental information, changes to the scheme assumptions and changes relating the existing Bill powers and limits, whereas the AP2 ES reports on the likely significant environmental effects of the latest additional provisions to the Bill. The SES and the AP2 ES are therefore separate environmental statements, but have been produced as combined volumes. 1.1.5 Both the SES and the AP2 ES provide an update to the main ES and AP1 ES, they should be read in conjunction with them. 1.1.6 None of the SES design changes are likely to generate new or different significant off- route environmental effects, and therefore are scoped out of this assessment.
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