BIBLIOGRAPHY NOTES TO THE TEXT 1 H. LING ROTH, The Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo. London 18%. Vol. I, XXXII + 464 pp. + map; Vol. II, IV + 302 pp. + 240 pp. Appendices. In vol. II Chapter XXI: Mengap, the Song of the Sea Dyak Head Feast, by J. PERHAM, p. 174-183. Chapter XXVII: Languages, Names, Colours, p.267-278. Appendices I, Vocabularies p. 1-160: Sea Dyak, Malay, by H. BROOKE Low; Rejang River Dialect, by H. BROOKE Low; Malay, Kanowit, Kyan, Bintulu, Punan, Matu, by H. BROOKE Low; Malay, Brunei, Bisaya, Murut Padas, Murut Trusan, Dali Dusun, Malanau, by C. DE CRESPIGNY; A collection of 43 words in use in different Districts, by HUPE; Collection of nine words in eight dialects, by CH. HOSE; Kayan, by R. BURNS; Sadong, Lara, Sibuyau, by SP. ST. JOHN; Sabuyau, Lara, Salakau, Lundu, by W. GoMEZ; Sea Dayak (and Bugau), Malau, by MR. BRERETON; Milanau, Kayan, Pakatan, by SP. ST. JOHN; Ida'an, Bisaya, Adang (Murut), by SP. ST. JOlIN; Lanun, by SP. ST. JOHN; Sarawak Dayak, by W. CHALMERS; Iranun, Dusun, Bulud Opie, Sulu, Kian, Punan, Melano, Bukutan, Land Dyak, Balau, published by F. A. SWETTENHAM, collected by TREACHER, COWIE, HOLLAND and ZAENDER. 2 SIDNEY H. RAY, The languages of Borneo. SMJ 1. 4 (1913) p.1-1%. Review by N. ADRIANI, Indische Gids 36 (1914) p. 766-767. 3 Uit de verslagen van Dr. W. KERN, taalambtenaar op Borneo 1938-1941. TBG 82 (1948) p. 538---559. 4 E. R. LEACH, Social Science Research in Sarawak. A Report on the Possibilities of a Social Economic Survey of Sarawak pre­ sented to the Colonial Social Science Research Council. 48 Colonial Research Studies no. 1. Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office for the Colonial Office. (London) 1950. 93 pp. General remarks on the linguistic position p. 44, 52, 60, 73; kinship terminology in 18 languages and dialects (table between pp. 60 and 61); map of Sarawak showing regional distribution of main cultural groups other than Chinese, between pp. 46 and 47. 5 J. MALLINCKRODT, Het Adatrecht van Borneo. Leiden doctoral thesis. Leiden 1928. Vol. I, 612 pp., vol. II, 254 pp. Vol. I, p. 6 A few remarks on BW"nean language studies; p. 7-44 Preliminary classification of Dayak tribes; p. 44-48 On Malay influences; p. 599--600 Appendix I on formation of proper names with the Bahau, Kayan and Kenah Dayaks; Vol. II, p. 207-218 List of Indonesian words, occurring in the book; p. 193-206 List of books and articles on Borneo. 6 Atlas van Tropisch Nederland. Uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap in samenwerking met den Topografischen Dienst in N.-Indie. Batavia 1938, map 9b. 7 CH. HOSE and W. McDOUGALL, The Pagan Tribes of Borneo. London 1912. Vol. I, XV + 283 pp., Vol. II, X + 374 pp. + maps. 8 W. CHALMERS, A Vocabulary of English, Malay, and Sarawak Dayak. Canterbury 1861. 70 pp. 9 W. S. B. BUCK, Vocabulary of Sarawak Malay. SMJ 4.13 (1933) p. 193-218. 10 C. DE CRESPIGNY, On Northern Borneo. Proc. R. Geogr. Soc. 16 (1872) p. 171-183. English, Malay, Brunei, Bisaya, Murut Padas, Murut Trusan, Dali Dusun vocabulary, p. 179-183. 11 CH. HOSE, A journey up the Baram river to Mount Dulit and the Highlands of Borneo. Geogr. Journ. 1. 3 (1893) p. 193-208. 12 H. S. HAYNES, A List of Brunie-Malay words. JSBRAS 34 (1900) p. 39-48. 13 H. B. MARSHALL, A Vocabulary of Brunei Malay. ]SBRAS 83 (1921) p. 45-74. 14 G. T. MACBRYAN, Additions to a Vocabulary of Brunei-Malay. ]SBRAS 86 (1922) p. 376-377. 49 15 J. C. MOULTON, Points of the Compass in Brunei Malay. ]SBRAS 83 (1921) p. 75. See also F. W. DOUGLAs, Points of the Compass in Brunei Malay, JSBRAS 85 (1922) p. 216. 16 W. KERN, Waar verzamelde Pigafetta zijn Maleise woorden? TBG 78 (1938) p.271-273. 17 C. A. MEES, De Kroniek van Koetai. Leiden doctoral thesis. Santpoort 1935. 290 pp. Review by W. KERN, TBG (1937) p. 294-314. 18 S. W. TROMP, Uit de Salasila van Koetei. BKI 37 (1888) p.l-108. 19 W. KERN t, Commentaar op de Salasilah van Koetai. VKI 19 (1956). VIII + 193 pp. 20 H. VON DE WALL, Maleisch-Nederlandsch woordenboek ... uit­ gegeven door H. N. VAN DER TUUK [met] Aanhangsel uitgegeven door PH. S. VAN RONKEL. Batavia 1877-1897. Vol. 1, X + 504 pp., vol. 2, 579 pp., vol. 3, 256 pp., Appendix, 69 pp. 21 H. WITKAMP, Een bezoek aan eenige oudheden in Koetei. TNAG 2de ser. 31 (1914) p. 587-610. On the dialect of Muara Antjalung, p. 589. List of ± 75 Kutai words, p. 60&--6lO. 22 H. WITKAMP, De Kedang Rantau (O.-Borneo). TNAG 2"" ser. 45 (1928) p. 34-61. Remark on the relationship between Bendang and Pantun, p. 50. H. WITKAMP, Langs de Mahakam. TNAG 2de ser. 49 (1932) p.30-65. 23 Midden-Oost-Borneo Expeditie 1925. Uitgave van het Indisch Comite voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoekingen. Weltevreden 1927. III + 423 pp. Maps of Middle-East Borneo, p. 22 and p. 105. Travelmap of Upper-Teh?:n up till the Kayan River, at the back of the book. Many Kutai botanical terms, also some Benua Dayak, Long Wai, Kayan, Banjarese and Bugis terms, p. 292-312. 24 S. C. KNAPPERT, Beschrijving van de Onderafdeeling Koetei. BKI 58 (1905) p. 575-654. Map of the region of the Kutai R. and its affluents from the coast to Long Iram. 4 50 List of Javanese words in Kutai Malay, p. 588. Rema.rks on dialects of Kutai Malay, p. 590. On the behasa Ampanang with a list of 19 words in that language, p. 590, 615. On the languages of the Benua and Bentian Dayak, p. 624-625. On the language of the Luwangan or Lawangan Dayak, p. 624. 25 Adatrechtbundel 44. 's-Gravenhage 1952. XI + 433 pp. On the language of the Ulu Air and of the Taman, p. 4&-49. On the Ulu Malay in Tayan, p. 102. On the language of the Ipoh and Sei-Ambawang Dayak (by District Com­ missioner R. v. DIJK), p. 121-122. Fragments of texts in the language of the Kendayan Dayak of Sungai Ambawang with translation and notes (by Pater DUNSELMAN), p. 168-181. Fragments of texts in the language of the Kendayan Dayak of Ritok, with translation and notes (by Pater DUNSELMAN), p. 182--193. Data on the language situation in Kutai, p. 194-197. On the study of the Bornean languages (report by Governor Dr. B. J. RAGA with the assistance of Dr. W. KERN), p. 317-318. 25a D. W. C. VAN LYNDEN en J. GROLL, Aanteekeningen over de lan­ den van het stroomgebied der Kapoeas. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie 2 (1851) p. 537-636. On the language, p. 587-589. 26 A. H. F. J. NUSSELEIN, Beschrijving van het landschap Pasir. BKI 58 (1905) p. 532-574. Remarks on the population consisting of Bugis, Pasirese (descendants of Dayak who adopted Islam), Bajau and Banjarese. Some local words, p. 555, 559-560. 27 C. DEN HAMER, Proeve eener vergelijkende woordenlijst van zes in de Z.O. Afd. van Borneo voorkomende taaltakken. TBG 32 (1889) p. 455-486. "Biadju" Dayak, Banjarese, Lawangan, Maanyan, Siang, Tidung and Solok wordlist p. 456-481 with about 6 pp. of notes. 28 C. DEN HAMER, De Sair Madi Kentjana. TBG 33 (1890) p. 531-564. Basa dalam and words which look like Javanese, p. 532--533. List of writings found in Banjar, p. 533-535. 28a A. A. CENSE, De kroniek van Bandjarmasin. Leiden doctoral thesis. Santpoort 1928. 176 pp. 29 POERBATJARAKA, P. VOORHOEVE en C. HOOYKAAS, Indonesische Handschriften. Bandung 1950. 210 pp. 51 Wordslists, p. 189-192; no. 76, 213 Banjarese, no. 113 Kenyah-Dayak, no. 128, 212 Ngaju, no. 129 Maanyan (Buntok), no. 130, 151, 219 Ot Danum, no. 144 Penihing, no. 145 Penyabung, no. 146 Seputan, no. 152 Katingan, no. 210. Upper Matan, no. 214 Martapura, no. 220 Siang, no. 221 Ulu-Malay (Melawi). 30 Adatrechtbundel XIII (Borneo). 's-Gravenhage 1917. XIX + 431 pp. Undang-undang Sultan Adam (1835) p. 343-372. The text of the copy of this undang-undang published in this work hardly differs from the text publishpd by A. M. JOEKES, with translation and notes, in Indische Gids 2 (1881) p. 149-186. 31 J. RUSCONI, Sja'ir Kompeni Welanda berperang dengan Tjina. Utrecht doctoral thesis 1935. 212 pp. 32 W. KERN, Aantekeningen op de Sja'ir Hemop (Sja'ir Kompeni Welanda berperang dengan Tjina). TBG 82 (1948) p. 211-257. 33 H. J. SCHOPHUYS, Het stroomgebied van de Barito. Landbouw­ kundige schets en landbouwvoorlichting. Wageningen doctoral thesis. Wageningen 1936. 207 pp. With maps including a survey-map of the basin of the Barito River. 34 G. L. TICHELMAN, De onderafdeeling Barabai (Zuider- en Ooster­ afdeeling van Borneo). TNAG ~. ser. 48 (1931) p. 461--486, 682-711. On Banjarese, p. 6~92. Some names of games in Banjarese, p. 709-711. 35 Conferenties te Makassar. TBG 80 (1940) p. 293-296. Communication by Dr. W. KERN (on 22nd May 1939) on Banjarese. 36 RACHMAT MARLIN, Beberapa untai pantun dari kampung. Medan Bahasa 5. 5 (1955) p. 27-28. M. SAN]OTO dan M. JUSRAN Is, Bahasa Bandjar sepintas lalu. Medan Bahasa 7. 3 (1957) p. 15-19. 37 Djalan Solamat, ditoendjoe olih AI-Kitab (Bahasa Delang). Bandjermasin 1938. 20 pp. Short passages from the New Testament, the Ten Commandments, Confession of Faith and a prayer. 38 J. KATS, Warna Sari Melajoe.
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