Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 1 of 363 Prior to Meaning avant-garde & modernism studies General Editors Marjorie Perloff Rainer Rumold Consulting Editors Peter Fenves 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 2 of 363 Stephen Foster Chritine Froula Françoise Lionnet Robert von Hallberg Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 3 of 363 Prior to Meaning The Protosemantic and Poetics c Northwestern University Press Evanston, Illinois Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 Northwestern University Press Evanston, Illinois - Copyright © by Northwestern University Press. Published . All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America --- (cloth) 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 4 of 363 --- (paper) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data McCaffery, Steve Prior to meaning : the protosemantic and poetics / Steve McCaffery. p. cm.—(Avant-garde and modernism studies) Includes bibliographical references and index. --- (alk. paper)— --- (pbk. : alk. paper) . Canadian poetry—th century—History and criticism— Theory, etc. American poetry—th century—History and criticism—Theory, etc. Experimental poetry—History and criticism. English language—Semantics. Semantics. Poetics. I. Title. II. Series. '.—dc The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, .-. Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 Schlage Geld aus jedem Fehler. Wittgenstein 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 5 of 363 Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 6 of 363 Contents List of Illustrations, ix Acknowledgments, xi Introduction, xv Insufficiency of Theory to Poetical Economy, Zarathustran ’Pataphysics, Blaser’s Deleuzean Folds, 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 7 of 363 Charles Olson’s Art of Language: The Mayan Substratum of Projective Verse, Richard Bentley: The First Poststructuralist? The Recension of Paradise Lost, Johnson and Wittgenstein: Some Correlations and Bifurcations in the Dictionary and the Philosophical Investigations, Between Verbi Voco and Visual, Some Precursors of Grammatology: Scriptio Continua, Mercurius van Helmont, Joshua Steele, Peter Walkden Fogg, and That Precarious Binary of Speech/Writing, Sade: Writing and Modernity, Temporality and the New Sentence: Phrase Propulsion in the Writing of Karen Mac Cormack, Voice in Extremis, Jackson Mac Low: Samsara in Lagado, The Scandal of Sincerity: Toward a Levinasian Poetics, Notes, WorksCited, Index, Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 8 of 363 Illustrations . Ezra Pound, page from ‘‘Canto ,’’ showing western system of numerical superscripts, . Mercurius van Helmont, Alphabete vere naturalis hebraici brevissima delineato, pronunciation plates of Hebrew characters, . Joshua Steele, Prosodia Rationalis, prosodic notation of part of Hamlet’s soliloquy, . Joshua Steele, Prosodia Rationalis, notation of silence in final bar, 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 9 of 363 . Alexander Melville Bell, Visible Speech, table of non-Romanic characters with corresponding spoken sounds, . Peter Walkden Fogg, Elementa Anglicana: or, The Principles of English Grammar, wordless music and its verbal source, . Tom Phillips, A Humument, monochrome reproduction of original polychrome, Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 10 of 363 Acknowledgments First and foremost, my sincere gratitude goes to Erica Federman for con- vincing me this project could be undertaken and to the State University of New York at Buffalo for bestowing on me the John Logan Fellowship, under which auspices much of this work was written and finalized. ToCharles Bernstein, Robert Creeley, Ray Federman, and Susan Howe, sincere thanks for their general input on the project and for making my tenure as John Logan Fellow as cordial and sybaritic as it was demand- ing. And thank you Scott Pound for the many affable and stimulating con- versations in transit between Toronto and Buffalo. Further thanks go to 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 11 of 363 Robert Bertholf and Mike Basinski for their generosity in showing me some special items in a very special Special Collections and giving me an office and library away from home; to Johanna Drucker, Deirdre Lynch, Jerome McGann, Brian McHale, Marjorie Perloff, and Jill Robbins for keen com- ments on specific chapters. My gratitude also goes to Susan Harris, Susan Betz, and the rest of the editorial staff at Northwestern for their diligence and skill in generally improving the prose style and format. Chapter would not have materialized in its present form without my several years of valued collaboration with Jed Rasula in ‘‘accidental research’’ that culminated in our anthology Imagining Language. Final thanks are sent beyond words to Cuisle Mo Chroí, whose patience, emotional support, challenge, reality checks, proofing, and editorial and stylistic suggestions have made this a far better book than it would have been otherwise. An early draft of chapter was presented at ‘‘The Ends of Theory’’ con- ference at Wayne State University in . A revised version appeared in The Ends of Theory, ed. J. Herron, D. Huson, R. Pudaloff, and R. Strozier (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, ). A version of chapter was presented on the panel ‘‘Virtual Philoso- phy: Nietzsche and Postmodern Poiesis’’ at the eighteenth conference of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, in . It was subsequently presented in a revised form on the panel ‘‘What Is a Minor Science? Applied ’Pataphysics and the Stakes of Discourse’’ at the American Comparative Literature Association convention at the University of Georgia, Athens, in . A revised version appeared in Open Letter , no. (winter ), pp. –. A draft of chapter was presented at ‘‘The Recovery of the Public World: A Conference in Honour of the Poetry and Poetics of Robin Blaser’’ at xi Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 Simon Fraser University in . It was subsequently published in a revised form in the Gilles Deleuze special issue of Discourse , no. (ed. Réda Bensmaïa and Jalal Toufic) (), pp. –, and later in The Recovery of the Public World: Essays on Poetics in Honour of Robin Blaser, ed. Charles Watts and Edward Byrne (Vancouver: Talonbooks, ), pp. –. Earlier versions of chapter appeared in Ellipsis , no. (spring ), pp. –, and in expanded form in the Fragmente , pp.–,‘‘After Modernism’’ issue (Oxford, ). Chapter was presented in an early draft at Assembling Alternatives: An International Poetry Conference, University of New Hampshire, . Chapter was presented in an earlier form on the ‘‘New Poetries in Canada’’ panel at the th Modern Language Association convention in 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 12 of 363 Toronto, . An earlier version of chapter appeared in Close Listening: Poetry and the Performed Word, ed. Charles Bernstein (Oxford: Oxford University Press, ), pp. –. Incorporated sections formed part of a different essay, ‘‘From Phonic to Sonic: The Emergence of the Audio-Poem’’ published in Sound Effects: Acoustical Technologies in Modern and Postmodern Writing, ed. Adalaide Morris (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, ), pp. –. Chapter first appeared in my North of Intention: Critical Writings – (New York: Roof Books, ) and in a revised, expanded form in North Dakota Quarterly ,no.(),pp.–. A version of Chapter appeared in PreTexts , no. , University of Cape Town, , pp. –. My thanks and grateful acknowledgments extend to all of the above magazines, journals, and books that initially published the pieces. I also wish to extend sincere thanks to the following people for permission to use their material: Carla Harryman for permission to quote from Under the Bridge; copyright © by Carla Harryman. Karen Mac Cormack for permission to quote from Quirks & Quillets; copyright © by Karen Mac Cormack. Jackson Mac Low for permission to quote from Stanzas for Iris Lezak; copyright © by Jackson Mac Low. Tom Phillips for permission to reproduce material from A Humument; copyright © , , by Tom Phillips, London. xii Acknowledgments Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 Page of Canto by Ezra Pound, from The Cantos of Ezra Pound, copyright © by Ezra Pound. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp. 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 13 of 363 Acknowledgments xiii Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 Tseng 2001.8.8 16:02 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 14 of 363 6379 McCaffery / PRIOR TO MEANING / sheet 15 of 363 Introduction PriortoMeaningstudies the ways in which language behaves rather than how it’s designed to function. It traces a limited autonomy of the writ- ten mark at a level both beneath and around the semantic. Collectively the twelve essays index a general shift in my thinking away from a Saus- surean model of language (langue/parole, signifier/signified) to a different set of provocations found in Prigogine and Stengers, Deuleuze and Guat- tari, Alfred Jarry, Sade, Leibniz, Lucretius, and in the ‘‘other’’ Saussure, the Saussure of the paragrammic notebooks—provocations that led me to con- sider writing as a material scene of forces. Gathering together a decade of work, the collection is deliberately nonsystematic. Discrete studies in them- selves, the chapters link together by tracing several interlacements along a broad conceptual plane I’ve termed the
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