Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1996 lNin> M Wi e~4 ~tnt, A ff3ertl de Bruin 2~ CDNA T hi~ is the 1 ïth annual report on rare hirds in hers : Arnoucl B v a n den Berg, C S IKees} Rose- the ~,;etherlanci~ to he puhlished in Dutc h Cornelis J Hazevoet, George Sangster isecre- Bir<lin, . T his report can~prises recc>r<15 trom 19c}6 taryl and Ronald Sltivs . as well as helatecl and reconsic#ered recorcls, dat- The CDNA has d<cidecl nul lo cunsicier ing trom 1995 hack lo 1 896, which have heen records of Nontic Gull 1<rru c,ac hir~n,rr~s c<~<.hin evaluatecl hy the Dutch rarities committee., nans {tornierly named Caslaian or Pontic YcII<na-- Commissie Dwaalt ;asten Nederlanclse Avitaun ;r Ies;ged Guiltrom t lanuary l1l<18 onw<ircls . ICDN'A}, Several records tor 1996 and earlier Althout ;h prior to 19197 there were very Cew years are titill uncier consicferatic>n, tur varioi s records, it is not-v cfear that this taxon is not rare : reasons . in the. ~,vinler ot 1997 ~98, at least 611 were report- Details incfudecl ror each accepted record are, e<I . Also recorcis r.>t l3alearic Shearwater F'ut'tinus if <ivailtil)le- dateisf ; location ancfÍor rnunicipalrty, tii<>uret,irTirus and Ice>lancl ( ;ull L g fa ucrxrl e s will province ; numher of hirds if more Ihan one, 1>lu- no longer be ronsiclerecl from 1 lanuar .' 1rt98 mat;e and sex ; ty pe of record ii trap ;aecl . photo- ornaarck . 01 course, older recorrls ot thcst, spe- t;riphed, videoed, sound-recordecl or founcl dead cies are sti11 avelcomecl 17y the commitlee . iand where ~,pecimrn is storecll ; nanies o( u p tn In 1996, a currtul,itive total ot at least i5b spe- three observers invoEvect in finding, icle~~tit}in cies vv<ts recorcíed with three specws nt,w tn the and recorcling, and relevant reterenc:es in the, lit- Dutch IisL: W1 hit<~-thro,itecf N'eecliela il Stvift erature, which nornrilhy inclucfe linlerlnational Hiruncha puc caudac~utcrs, 14ahellin<lrlrheatear and not rc•ffit>n,il journals, and published t>f oto- Oenar7tl7e i.y abc41in,r ,incl ,vlyrtle 1Narhler Dendro- graphs . Records trom 1995 lasting into 1 99 6 ica coronata . There were second records oi tivhich werc^ already published in the 1 11 95 report Lesser Sc tul> Ay,thyi rftiniy, Sen3itmlntmed S,tmi- are repeated here uithcaut rererences . Íor the sake piper Calidris IwsilLr, Re<I-ne kecl Stint C rutïcr>!- of tomhleteness . Sec ;uence ot w[()rds is from IiS, Blyth's Pipit Anthus gac!!e>•, til,ii and Blplh's 1996 backwards, records wlthin one ye ;ir Reed VVarhler A crucctlli<tlus <lur m, t<>rtu77. C)ther prcSented (. hronolo~ically . A comt>ilation of most highlights inclucled a lont;-stayins; male Steller's of the bircls videoecl can k)e tound in C)pI3erman Fíder Polvstic ta ,tellc -ri inr! hvo Shurt-toec! Eagleti et al ( 1997) . Numl>ers ralt(,r tac hisubispecies' Cirrac'ttrs ;,rallicuc tc>>;ether it one site for several name reter t<.) the total rsumher of inclir,•icluals 1 weeks. from 1 Januarv M00 to 31 Dc:ceniher 1979 . 2 sinc e 1 Ianuary 19 80 hut exc.ludin„ 3 the current 5vstematic list of accepted record s vear. Suh(species) m~irked with an asterisk * are nevv to the Dutch lisl . Hutchins's Canada Goose I3n rnta lrut<irrn s ii hutr hin.,ii (1,-,- The folfuwin~ CDNA mcmh('rs voted on sorne Greater Canada Goose Hr,rrN,i c,marli•rrsi flarcrt~rcSÍ l ?! Fc-hru,>r~, Ifrri2r°n, Limhurig„ Iw<~ or all ot the records in this report : iM,>x Berlijn . photograph- ed II 1 F 1 lan~en, C" v ,3n <!er VV,irrlt, t' t'almeni : 1 2-1 1 Ruud F J van Beusekom . A eF3ert} de Bruin, lan ti1ay . 1Nexkumer,ti,,iarrl, Vije tc>rd, Frietif,incl iA %-,in cler van der Laan ichairmani, Karel A ~ti4auer, f. 5 Speki ; M-!I3 Dec<~mht~r, I7irk51,>rtd, fuicf-Iinll~~nd . live iKees) Roselaar, Jelle Scharrin};a secretaryi, fR-!vt Latont[>ine, A1 f eu rr,>> . Gerard H Steinhaus and Wim M INie,~_ ant iarc hi- 1'J42 12 Jinuiry, Oudcnrir<Íum . Ga,> ;tc>rhin-Slr~,>7, Fries- visti . In February 1998, Gerarrl Steinh,3us lert the lancl ~R F van der Vlieti , committee inrl w as tiucceedecl hv Bert cle Bruin . FoIlotivint: the CSNA rlecto irulurle pan~ipcs in Re<-ord„ Ahould be senl to CDNA, Posthu, 45, Gceater CanadLi Goose I3r,rmt,r r,rnarir~r> ;i, r,ither than ~t}gt} AA Santpoort-Luicl, Netherlands, prererahl%- in Lessf~r Canarla C.ioose 13 hirtrlriri+rr, the identifi<,iti<m using standard torms, which can he ohtained free ot Small Greater Cinacla (;oose trom f iut< hins'~ C .Inad<r G.<~ose 13 h hut<l~ir~sir h,~ ; hcen put in .1 cliÍÍer- ot ciiarge Yrom CDNA . ent finht 'Inc! has hecome yuito• ciiffiult . I hc rc torc , the Decisions regarcling 1<ixc>nomy have been record~ ahot-e, arc~I>Ir~cl ,i> r~ilhcr f3 <r>r 8 h clelegated to the taxonomic sub-committee . hutchinsii . will he rf i<ttie,rl Ingether with thc nnly I rv- Commissie System,itiek Ne<lerl,inciw Avirauna viously accepterS rr'cnrd, j>t Pia .im, Nijr,lurci, nn 21-31> iCSNAf, whi< h consi,ts of the fol lowins; mem- I,~nu,~ry 1944 ;ct Wics;,3nt ct <1] 199h ; Dutr h tiiuiini.' 1 r> : rh,nh8rrdu,e20, IJ ; rG-, ;a . ,,, 145 Rare birciti in thc Netheri ;>nd5 in 1 9)6 86 . plate 62, 1994, 18 : 107, plate 104, 1996) . A pre- American Wigeon Mareca imericana 5,16, 1 viously accepted record on 25 January 199 .5 at Gaast, 1-11 June . Lepelaarsplassen, Alrnere, Flevoland, adult Wunseradiel, Friesland, has heen withdrawn hy the temale, photographed (R A C Halft, M van der Aa) observer and is no lon);er accepted . 1994 23 February to 20 March, Wijk bij C]uurstede, Utrecht, adult male (E Bos, A Schaftenaar, J J F 1 lansen) . Black Brant 8ra nta nigricans 7, 5 8, 3 1991 10 )une, Oostvaarclersplassen, L elvst.3d, Flevo- 3 Fel)ruarv . Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, land, adult male tD Kok, 1 de Bruijnl . two . adulL photographed (P M A van der Wielen, This year's record is the first of a female . The 1994 K Hendriksï ; 25 April, Hoorn . Tersche!!!n€, Friesland record was published previously for 2 :3-27 February (T Bakker) ; 24 October to 18 May 1997, Texel, Nonrd- (Wiegant et al 1996) . A previously accepted first-winter Holland, two, adult (A Wassink) ; 14 December to 16 male at Megen, Oss, Noord-Brabant, on 5-7 January February 1997, Norrnerpolder, Wiering en, Noord- 1991 (cl Dutch Birdint; 16 : 1 34, 19941 has heen with- Holland iR E Brouwer, B de Lange ; Dutch Bírding 19 : drawn and is no lon8er accepted . 233, plate 236, 19971 , The Terschelling individual has also heen recorded Bluc-winged Teal Anas discors 6,14, Z in 1993-95 (ct Dutch Birding 19 : 99, 1997) anci the 4 ti1ay, Tersc'helling, Friesland, male, photographed two of Fexei are considered the same as in previous (A Ouwerkerk ; Dutch Birding 18 : 149, plate 163 ) : 30 years (since 1991) . The total number is unclear due to November, Veenhuizerstukken, Stadskanaal, Gronin- wandering and returning inclividuals . The record ot two };en, male, photographed (K van Dijkenl . birds on Vlieland, Friesland, on 8-27 May 1995, The 30 November record was the first 1o be docu- pubfiched in the 1995 report (Wiegant et al 1997) mentecl via the Internet, on a hornepal;e, rather than hy should be deleted . photograph, film or video . Lesser Scaup A ythya atrinis 0,1, 1 Green-winged Teal Anrts carolinervis 6,6, 2 13 J<inuary, Lelystad-Haven, Lelystad, Flevoland, adult 3-18 Aprii . Tienhuven, Maarssen, Utrecht, male, photo- male, photny,raphed (1 D Eerdmans, R M van Dongen ; };raphecl iFl R Russer et al} ; 21 April to 16 May, Eerdmans & van Dongen 1996 ; Dutch Birding 18 : 52, Keihoohte Inlaag, Wissekerke, Noord-aevelanrl, Zee- plate 41, 1996} , land, adult male (T Koppejan ; Dutch Birding 18 : 149, This bird was seen by only a handful of birders . con- platc 162, 1996) . trary to the first, a long-staying male at several sites in Fighl nut of 14 individuals were trom April . The Zeeland from 20 November 1994 to 21 lune 1995 . , thr•r rrrorrfs were in lanuary {11, March {21, May (1) ,1nd Nnur-mher í21 . White-headed Duck Clxvura leucucephala 5,0, 1 5 Aprll, <h)stveardersdljk, tE°iysrad, Flevoland, adult White-billed Diver Gavia arlannsii 20,1 0 , 1 fentalc, photoKraphed (PSymens . D 5ymens, 1 Elst) . 4 April, Tc°rsrh<°!lin g , Friesland, adult male, found dead, This was the first record since 1991 and the first for photngraphed {A (7uwerkerk : Dutch Birding 18 : 145, April, The other records were trom Novemher 141, plate 151, 1996) . December (21, lanuary (2), February i2) and March (11 . 1995 2 .3-24 December, Maurik, Gelderland, irnmature (H Feíth) ; 30 Decemher to 20 lanuary 199 6 . Reeuwijk, 5teller's Eider Polvsticta stelleri 0 .3, 1 Zu id-Hol land, fi rst-wi nter. 20 May rn at least 24 luly, Verdronken Land van Possihly, the hird at Maurik was the sante individual SaeftinRe . Hontenisse/Hulst, Zeeland, aclult male moult- as the one recorded from 30 December 1995 onwards in); into eclipse plumage, photoKraphed, videoed (l at Reeuwijk which already was included in the 1995 Maebe, M A Capello, P L Meininger; Meininger 1996, report (Dutch BirclinL; 19 : 97-98, 1997) .
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