
English summary of the report of the Committee for the Conservation of Threatened Ädimals and Plants in Finland Edited by Pertti Rass1 and Rauno Väisänen Helsinki 1987 Threatened animais and plants in Finland English summary of the report of the Committee for the Conservation of Threatened Animais and Plants in Finland Edited by Pertti Rassi and Rauno Väisänen Helsinki 1987 © Figures Markku Bussman Dick Forssman Marja Koistinen Katriina Metsänheimo Maija Mustonen Tuomo Niemelä Antti Rönkä Päivö Somerma Cover: Etiomys quercinus (left) Asptenium adutterinum (above right) Morchetta semilibera (below right) ISSN 0356-9470 ISBN 951-46-7961-X Helsinki 1987. Valtion painatuskeskus Julkaisija KUVAILULEHTI YMPÄRSTöMINISTERIö Julkaisun päivämäärä 22.8.1986 Tekijät (toimielimestä: toimielimen nimi, puheenjohtaja, sihteeri) Julkaisun laji Uhanalaisten eläinten ja kasvien suojelutoimikunta Komiteanmietintö, englanninkielinen yhteenveto Puheenjohtaja Pertti Rassi Toimeksiantaja Sihteerit Aulikki Alanen, Eija Kemppainen, Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö Markku Vickholm, Rauno Väisänen Toimielimen asettamispvm Yhteenvedon toimittajat P. Rassi & R. Väisänen 17.3.1983 Julkaisun nimi (myös ruotsinkielinen) Threatened animals and plants in Finland English summary of the report of the Committee for the Conservation of Threatened Animals and Plants in Finland Julkaisun osat Tiivistelmä Englanninkielinen yhteenveto uhanalaisten eläinten ja kasvien suojelutoimikunnanmietinnöstä (1985:43) osat 1—111. Yhteenvedossa on aluksi katsaus luonnonsuojeluun Suomessa. Siinä on myös selostettu toimikunnan työskentelyn periaatteet sekä uhanalaisten lajien valintakriteerit. Yhteenvedossa on luettelo Suomen uhanalaisista lajeista sekä niiden elinympäristöistä ja uhanalaisuuden syistä. Luettelon ohella on selostettu jokaisen eliöryhmän käsittelytapa ja -tarkkuus. Avainsanat lasiasanat) Uhanalaisuus, uhanalaiset lajit, lajiston suojelu Muut tiedot Sarjan nimi ja numero ISSN ISBN Komiteanmietintö 1985:43 0356-9470 951-46-7961 -X Kokonaissivumäärä Kieli Hinta Luottamuksellisuus Englanti Julkinen Jakaja Kustantaja Valtion painatuskeskus ja Ympäristöministeriö ympäristöministeriö 1 471600J Utgivare PRESENTATONSBLAD MI LJÖMI NISTERI ET Utgivningsdatum 22.8.1986 Författare (uppgfter om organet: organets namn, ordförande, Typ av pubiikation sekreterare) Kommittbetänkande, engeisket sammandrag Kommission för skydd av hotade djur och växter . Uppdragsgivare Ordf. Pertti Rassi . Jord- och skogsbruksministeriet Sekr. Aulikki Alanen, Eija Kemppainen, Datum for tiilsättandet av organet Markku Vickholm, Rauno Vaisanen 17 3 1983 Redaktörer av sammandr. P. Rassi och R. Väisänen Pubiikation (även den finska titein) Threatened animals and plants in Finland English summary of the report of the Committee for the Conservation of Threatened Animals and Plants in Finland Publikationens delar Referat Engelskt sammandrag av betänkande avgivet av kommissionen för skydd av hotade djur och växter (1985:43) delarna 1—111. Sammandraget börjar med en översikt av naturskyddet i Finland. Där förklaras också principerna för kommissionens arbete och kriterierna för hotade arter. l sammandraget finns det en lista på de hotade arterna Finland, deras huvudsakliga livsmiljöer och orsakerna till att arterna är hotade. Här redogörs för hur och med vilken exakthet varje art av floran och faunan har behandlats. Nyckerord Utrotningshot, hotade arter, artskydd Övriga uppgifter Seriens namn och nummer ISSN ISBN Kommittöbetänkande 1985:43 0356-9470 951-46-7961 -X Sidoantal Språk Pris Sekretessgrad Engelska Offentlig Distribution Förlag Statens tryckericentral och Miljöministeriet miljöministeriet Contents page page 1 Introduction 7 Reptiles and amphibians 50 Fish 2 Conservation of species in Finland 9 51 4.4 Invertebrates 53 2.1 The development of legislation 9 Segmented worms 54 Molluscs 2.2 The development of protected areas 10 54 Arthropods 55 2.3 NGO-based conservation of species 10 Spiders and their km 55 2.4 Nature conservation in the Åland Isles 12 Crustaceans 56 Millipedes 56 3 Assessment of the status of species for Centipedes 57 conservation purposes 13 Insects 57 Mayflies 58 3.1 The concept of a species being under Dragonllies 58 threat of extinction 13 Stoneflies 59 3.2 Principles 13 Grasshoppers and crickets 59 State of knowledge 13 Heteropteran bugs 59 Taxonomic unit 13 Homopteran bugs 60 History of occurrence in Finland 14 Aider files, snake ifies, and Distribution and abundance 15 lacewings 60 Development of stocks 15 Scorpion flies 60 Biology of a species 15 Butterflies and moths 60 Conservation measures aiready ac- Caddish flies 62 complished 15 True flies 62 Bees, wasps and ants 63 3.3 The Committee’s classification of Beeties 64 threatened species 15 4.5 Vascular plants 66 4 Ihreatened species iii Finland 19 4.6 Cryptogams and fungi 69 4.1 List of threatened species 19 Bryophytes or mosses 69 Vertehrates 20 Algae 71 Invertebrates 21 Fungi 72 Vascular plants 29 Macrofungi 74 Bryophytes and algae 32 Microfungi 75 Fungi and lichens 35 Lichens 75 4.2 Division according to groups of or- 4.7 Habitats 77 ganisms 40 4.8 Causes of decline of species in Finland 79 4.3 Vertebrates 41 4.9 Regional review Mammals 46 Birds 48 1 Introduction The conservation of threatened species, i.e. those in danger of becoming extinct, forms a fundamental part of nature conservation. It is embodied in the World Conservation Strategy which was prepared jointly by the International Union for the Conserva tion of Nature (IUCN), the United Nations’ Envi ronmental Programme (UNEP), and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), as the principle of the preservation of genetic diversity. The life span of every species in nature is limited. Over a period of miffions of years a species either becomes extinct in a changing environment or it develops into one or more new species. It has been estimated that in the world as a whole an average of one species a year becomes extinct for purely natural reasons. Nowadays, however, man alters the natural world so rapidly that far more species become extinct than come into existence. The first cases of extinction known to be have been caused by human beings occurred during the 1500s. Later the rate of destruction accelerated: of the hundred or so species that have become extinct, over a half have disappeared this century. According to estimates, the earth loses an average of one species a day. Many species disappear even before their exis tence, biological significance, or economic uses, have been studied. At present there are less than 2 million species known to science, but the actual number of species in existence is simply not known. It has been calculated that the total number of species existing on the earth exceeds 5 miifion. Large groups (like insects), to which the majority of threatened species belong, are the least well-known. In the better known groups it is estimated that over the whole 5 Cm world about 1,000 bird and mammal species, and approximately 25,000 vascuiar plants, are threate ned. It is believed that by the end of the century thousands of species will have disappeared, especial ly in the tropics. Herminium monorchis The Ioss of species constitutes just one part of a Agriculture and Forestry on 17 March 1983. Its much greater upheavel in biological systems. As tasks were communities become less diversified, their resistance to establish which species of animais and plants and productivity are weakened, and the opportuni 1) in Finland as a whole and in the provinces of the ties offered man as a species become that much Iess. Country are threatened Hence, the conservation of threatened species is 2) endeavour to eluCidate the faCtors responsible inseparable from environmental protection. to for reduCing population numbers in threatened The problems specificaily associated with the con species to the setting servation of threatened species of animais and 3) to put forward suggestions leading plants in Finland have been spared iittle attention of objeCtives for the conservation and manage until comparatively recently. A special Committee ment of threatened speCies of threatened for the preservation of threatened animal and plant 4) to pian a system of monitoring species commenced its work in the Ministry of speCies. 7 The Chairman of the Committee was Pertti Rassi, Threatened Animals and Plants in Finland. It is and its members were Harri Dahlström, Matti Hei hoped that this summary will provide a general minen, Esko Jaakkola, Olli Järvinen, Eero Kaaki review concerning species which are in need of nen, Lauri Koli, Pekka T. Lehtinen, Kauri Mikkola, conservation in Finland. The summary includes: a Esa Niemelä, Pertti Saurola, Ilkka Sten, Torsten condensed account of the stages through which the Stjenrnberg, Heikki Toivonen, Pertti Uotila, Ilmari conservation of species has so far passed in this Valovirta, and Seppo Vuokko. The secretaries were: country, the criteria on which the assessments have Aulikki Alanen (vascular piants), Markku Vickhoim been based, short notes on some of the threatened (vertebrates), and Rauno Väisänen (invertebrates), species, and the lists giving the numbers of threate and from 1 August 1984 Eija Kemppainen (crypto ned species. Detailed texts on individual threatened gams and fungi), and 15 May — 31 July 1984 Liisa species and references to the literature appearing in Seppänen. The work of the Committee has been the main report must have been omitted from this supplemented by almost 300 experts. summary. Aulikki Alanen and Esko Jaakkola are thanked for
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