THE ABBEY O F D U N D R ENN AN X . H. C HRI TI E B D AL E S , . , MINISTE R O F Rnxmcx Wrm PL ANS AND I LLUSTRATXONS G E L LE C O P UBLI SHED BY THO MAS ’ § RAS E R GLASGO W : F RASER Asm Au ! , m xfi oh . , LTD. 1 9 1 4 L I ST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page xi PREFATORY NOTE xiii I NDEX 1 73 H P C A TER I . !THE C I STERCIAN REFORM Situation o f Dundrennan Abbe y Vari ous n am es o f parish o f Rerrick Rise o f Christian monasticism St . Benedict D a o f Nursia ep rtures from St . Bene dict’ s Rule The Cistercian Reform a St . Bernard o f Cl irvaux His influence Rapid spread o f Cistercianism The Scottish abbeys Ciste rci a nism the crea tion o f a grea t religious Order Dominant notes o f Cistercianism Decline o f Cis te rcian ism Present condition O f the Order . CHAPTE R II . MONKs NASTER FFI I AL ' AND NAST , MO Y O C S, MO IC ROUTINE 1 9-30 Cistercia n monks o f two grades The choir monks The lay brethren Mon astery officials : The abbot The prior The sub - prior The precen tor The a T l l arer s crist he oe , the kitchene r and CONTENTS the refectorian The in fi rm arian The - a guest master, and others The d il y routine The hours o f service D uties in intervals of services Ends served by the monasteries in olden time . CHAPTER I I I . DUNDRENNAN ABBEY : FROM ITS FOUNDATION TO ITS SUPPRES S ION 3 1 -86 Disappearance o f Dundrenna n charters Honour o f founda tion disputed Date o f foundation List o f Dundrennan abbots P articular notice o f Abbot Thomas He takes a leading pa rt in the Council o f Ba sle in deposition o f Pope Eugenius IV. and election o f anti - pope Felix V Sub ' sequent ca reer o f Thom a s Other re corded n ames o f Dundrenna n monks Names o f the monks near close o f monas ’ tery s history Roya l visitors to Dun drennan Early trading o f the monks Beginning o f struggle for Scottish Inde pen den ce Abbot Walter signs the Rag m an Roll Losses o f the mona stery during the war Edward I . grants charter o f confirmation o f abbey lands The lands enume rated Other l and in Ireland and elsewhere Wealth o f the monastery not consisting o f l and alone Money revenues at date o f Re formation Eccles TE TS CON N vii. iastical abuses be fore the Reformation Appropri ation o f parish churches to monas teries The practice o f be stowing eccles iastica l ben efi ces in comm en da m Tra f fi ckin g in church ben efi ces Intrigue to O bt a in abb a cy o f Melrose for John M ax f a o f well , a bbot o Dundrenn n Advent a a a the Reform tion Edw rd M xwell , a commend tor o f Dundrennan, disposes o f considerable part o f abbey lands Act o f Annex ation pa ssed by parli ament in 8 a Act 1 5 7 In 1 60 6 J ames VI . p sses in D n ren favour o f John Murray, erecting u d n an into a tempora l lordship and suppress ing the mona stery Murra y resigns a n d a bbey a nnexed to Deanery o f Ch a pel - Royal Lands disposed o f while abbey in Mur ’ a r y s possession . CHAPTER IV . DUNDRENNAN ABBEY : FROM THE REFORMATION To THE PRESENT DAY 87 -99 Erroneous belief regarding destruction o f mona steries D undrennan in considerable disrep air before Reformation Restored in I 543 by Abbo t Ad am Bl acka der In “ ” 1 578 yet whole Demolition probabl y d ates from time o f suppression ( 1 60 6) D am a ge proceeds ap ace during seventeenth century Interest in ruins shown about middle o f eighteenth century Visits o f NTENT S viii . CO ke ardon nel a Pococ , C and Fr ncis Grose The E arl o f Selkirk in 1 838 begins the work o f preservation and restora tion Interesting discoveries during Operations Lord Cockburn visits the abbey His criticism o f what he s aw C a re o f ruins ta ken over by Commissioners o f Woo ds and Forests Recent operations at the abbey, and more discoveries . CHAPTER V . DESCRI PTIV E ACCOUNT OF THE RUINS 1 0 0 - 1 36 D undrennan a n idea l site for a mon a stery The encircling wa l l o f the mona stery entirely gone Entra nce to ruins by west door The n a ve The crossing The a a north tr nsept Monument o f Al n, Lord o f Galloway Other memorial stones in north transept The Choir Quaint epitaphs on stones The south tra nsept More epitaphs The sacristy The Cloisters The Cha pter - house ’ Its use Recently - disco vered a bbots gra ve - sl abs The scriptorium The locutorium and the slype The in fi rm ary The common d a y- room The dormi a a tory Pass ge, prob bly to convent garden The buttery The refectory Dinner described The kitchen Storage vaults The dormitory o f the l ay brethren . CONTENTS ix . E CHAPT R VI . MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS 1 37- 161 D undrenna n rich in monuments and mem l a - o a oria s Gr ve slabs o f Abb t Willi m , a Abbot Egidius, Abbot Bri n, Abbot ’ Egidius ( I L ) and others The Abbot s ” Monument Monument o f P a trick ’ a e so- a Dougl s, C llarer The c lled Nun s ” ’ Monument Prior Bl akom or s Stone o f a a a Monument Al n, Lord o f G llow y Remains o f Memorial Brasses Memori a l o f Sir Willi a m Livingstone L a dy ’ Broughton s Memori a l Other memori a ls ’ Abbot s se a l in Kirkcudbright Museum ’ - Abbot s seal in Chapter House, West - a minster Abbey Counter se l in Treasury, D urh am C athedral . CHAPTE R VII . UEEN S UNDRENNAN - MARY, Q OF SCOT , AND D 1 62 1 72 Rerrick pa rish o f pa thetic interest in history ’ o f Queen M ary Crisis in M a ry s posi tion brought about by her m a rriage with Bothwel l Compelled to abdicate Imprisoned in Lochleven C a stle Escape Adherents rally to her Side at Hamilton Mary moves to D umba rton C a stle for greater security Attempt frustrated by a 1 M a Moray at L ngside, 3th y, 1 568 Precipitate flight o f M ary from battle CONTENTS field She arrives at Dundrennan Doubt as to whether or not she spent her last night within the abbey Testimony o f her pa ssing the night outside Cir cum stan ces O f her sta y at Dundrennan Obscure Writes to Quee n Elizabeth de siring her passport to pa ss through Engl a nd to France Fresh arrivals at Dundrennan bring latest particulars o f L angside defeat Mary resolves at once to throw herself on ’ Eliz abeth s mercy On l 6th May from “ a creek neer D undrennan she sets sail for Engl and The pa thos o f her depa r ture Her own description o f wh a t she endured Eighteen yea rs o f imprison ment follow Then Fotheringhay ! S R TI LI T OF ILLU ST A ONS . PLANS . Ground - Pl a n o f Dundrenn a n Abbey At en d of Re ference Plan o f the Abbey Pa ge - G ILLUSTRA NS FULL PA E TIO . a F ron tis iece The South Transept, Dundrenn n Abbey p Cistercian Monk in Choir Dress F a cin g pa g e 1 6 The Abbey from the North - West 3 2 The Abbey from the South - West 64 The Chapter - House 96 The North Transe pt The Abbot’ s Monument Abbey Seals ILLUS RA NS N T X T TIO I E T . West Door o f Abbey The Abbey from North -West Base o f Pier in N ave a Monument o f Al n, Lord o f Galloway Position o f the Sedilia ILLUSTRATIONS Piscina in South Transept Entrance to Chapter- House Doorway in North Tra nsept Grave- sl ab o f Abbot William Grave- slab o f Abbot Egidius Grave - slab o f Abbot Brian Gra ve- sla b o f Abbot Egidius a Pa a a Memori l o f trick Dougl s, Cell rer Memorial o f a Lady ’ Prior Bl akom or s Stone Memorial o f Sir Willia m Livingstone Fragment o f a Memori a l Knight’ s Memorial Shiel ds in Abbey Shiel ds at Rerrick Manse Abbey Seal in Kirkcudbright Museum PREFATORY NOTE . - o f G a l loway, the extreme south western district a a Scotl and, is land o f which the mon stic institution a onoe took a powerful hol d . The bbeys o f Dun a Sou l se at L in cl u den drenn n, Glenluce, Sweetheart, , , a and Tongl nd, together with the priories o f St ’ — M a ry s Isle and Whithorn to n ame the more pro minent o f the religious houses—al l testi fy to the zeal o f those who founded them and who ga ve bounti fully o f their substance for their support .
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