VOL. 129 NO. 7 SPORTS DAVISCLIPPER.COM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2020 4 Opinion Rough 16 Showcase week 17 Election Guide puts THE 25 Life local 31 Sports teams 35 Classifieds behind DAVIS 39 Comics Clipper Meals for the STORY Military O N PG. 6 INSE: ID BECKY GINOS 2020 UTAH GENERAL ELECTION GUIDE 2 FR IDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2020 NEWS THE DAVIS CLIPPER THE DAVIS CLIPPER NEWS FR IDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2020 3 Suicide prevention hotline heads to President’s desk GETTY IMAGES by Becky GINOS fied to help.” year to develop the technical back- a mental health crisis will now have [email protected] If someone is contemplating bone to put the hotline in place. “It the extra support that they need. I’ve suicide or worried about a son, will be different in smaller commu- met with many across Utah whose WASHINGTON, D.C. — It’s taken daughter or spouse they can call, he nities than what you’d deal with in loved ones have taken their own life. several years and countless hours said. “If it’s an emergency they can New York City. It’s not very difficult I’ve heard their stories, I’ve heard of work, but Congressman Chris send out crisis teams to your home technology figuring out how to route their pleas for help and today, I am Stewart’s National Suicide Hotline to help you. The vast majority who those numbers but it takes a little bit proud that we are able to provide Designation Act passed the Senate get help report they are happy six of time, especially nationally.” a vital resource to those who need and House and now awaits the months later.” It’s a great day for the nation, he it most. This easy-to-remember President’s signature. It’s a dramatically positive thing said. “Those who find themselves in hotline will save lives.” “This is a good thing for the that can help people get intervention nation,” said Stewart. “It will literally at that moment, said Stewart. “We can save thousands of lives. I’ve seen extend a hand to them and give them …today, I am proud that we are the impact of suicide and the the help they need. They’re in despair devastation it leaves behind and the and think they’re alone and that able to provide a vital resource mental health challenges that lead to nobody else feels this way. We can get suicide. Sitting on the Appropriations to them and help them to see they’re to those who need it most” Committee I knew I was in a position not always going to feel that way.” “ to help.” Stewart said it will take about a » Congressman Chris Stewart The three-digit 988 hotline is intended to make it easier for people to get immediate help, he said. “We CONGRESSMAN STEWART SPEAKS ON THE HOUSE wanted something that was easy FLOOR in support of the to remember. Regardless of where National Suicide Hotline you are in the country you’ll be put Designation Act. in touch with someone in your area who is trained to help.” The effort to come up with a designated three-digit dialing code came over time, said Stewart. “I can’t recall one moment that I took up the effort but it was a no brainer to have a three-digit number. I had to see it over the finish line.” The FCC had to determine the number, he said. “Everyone had a favorite number but I was agnostic toward that. I just said ‘give us a number and we’ll get it out.’” The intention is to dial 988 and a counselor picks up, not an inter- mediary who routes the call, Stewart said. “If a vet calls in and he’s told to press one, as soon as he hears a recording he hangs up. We’ve lost people by that. This is immediately picked up by a person who is quali- C OURTESY 4 FR IDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2020 NEWS THE DAVIS CLIPPER ClipperTHE DAVIS OPINI N AI DM NISTRATION Thought of the Week R . Gail Stahle Amendment G – It’s disguised from the desk of R. Gail Stahle, publisher PUI BL SHER [email protected] “Make the most of yourself by ext. 114 and deserves a NO vote fanning the tiny, inner sparks L orie Matern of possibility into flames of Off ICE MANAGER by Sheryl ALLEN referendum signed by thousands of [email protected] achievement.” ext. 115 FOR thE DAVIS CLIPPER Utah citizens. It was rescinded by the Legislature due to overwhelming » Golda Meir A DVERTISING here are SEVEN constitutional public opposition. amendments on the 2020 Amendment G is a momentous Brad Roghaar ballot! It’s the last one, tax reform proposal. It was passed SALES REPRESENTATIVE [email protected] TAmendment G that poses a real by the Legislature in a mere five ext. 135 danger to Utah. working days as was its companion It is particularly objectionable, bill, HB 357. HB 357 was touted as R ichard Stahle SALES REPRESENTATIVE and its wording on the ballot is a “guarantee” of education funding [email protected] disguised. It is listed on your ballot except it is a statute which can easily ext. 137 as “Use Income and Property Tax be amended or rescinded at any EDITORIAL Revenues to Support Children time without a public vote. Future and Individuals with Disabilities legislators and governors cannot be T om Haraldsen Amendment.” bound to HB 357 or any bill. MANAGING EDITOR But this is what it really does. It And HB 357 won’t take effect [email protected] breaks the 74-year tradition of using unless Amendment G passes. The ext. 126 income taxes to exclusively fund Legislature is literally saying there Becky Ginos public and higher education. The will be no law providing stability in Ass OCIATE EDITOR description of this amend- money spent on education [email protected] ext. 118 ment on your ballot does unless the public approves not say “education.” It does OP / Amendment G which L AYOUT/DESIGN not say “tax reform.” But the undermines constitutionally amendment reduces funding protected stability in revenue. Devin Christ for education up to $600 In other words, they want C REATIVE DIRECTOR Ed [email protected] million per year through that education revenue a major tax reform proposal. This earmark ended once and for all. R ebecca Jamieson CAS L S IFIEDS/LEGALS tax reform proposal is in the state This amendment is the public’s [email protected] constitution rather than in statute! last, best opportunity to express our ext. 124 For this reason, understand what opposition to this precarious educa- you’re voting on. tion tax reform proposal. C IRCULATION This amendment will allow edu- Pay attention to all seven of the Cindi Scott cation funding to be used for social constitutional amendments on your [email protected] services. Agreed, these social services ballot. But give careful consideration ext. 119 are needed, but should we reduce to Constitutional Amendment G. our overstressed education fund to Although it is cloaked, it is a major Clipper Publishing Co., Inc. support other state needs? Utah has tax reform proposal. It eliminates Circulation Dept. 801-295-2251 ext 119 or 120 been last, dead last in the nation, in the revenue stability that has been Volume 128 Number 7 per pupil funding for decades. During guaranteed by the Utah Constitution Friday, October 9, 2020 this pandemic, education expenses for education. THES DAVI CLIPPER have increased, the teacher shortage is The Legislature needs to go back ( ISSN 1061-1223) is published once weekly, on Friday, for $35 more acute, and teachers, students, and to the tax reform drawing board. per year by Clipper Publishing parents are more stressed than ever. Please vote NO on Amendment G. Co., 1370 South 500 West, Btfl, UT 84010-8141. Periodicals There are other tax reform And there is one other really Postage Paid at Bountiful, UT and at additional mailing offi options to fund social services and important caution for you on your ces. POSTMASTER: Send address other state needs. For example, mail-in ballot. To be counted, it MUST changes to The Davis Clipper, Circulation Dept. P.O. Box No. eliminate tax exemptions and credits BE POSTMARKED BY MONDAY, Nov. 267, Bountiful, UT 84011-0267. that are no longer justifiable. This 2! Don’t ask me why the Legislature alone could add hundreds of millions approved this requirement for our to the state general fund. General Election. It is illogical. Just do 1370 S 500 W Bountiful, UT 84010 Until we permanently solve the it! Mail your ballot on or before Nov. 2 Ph: 801-295-2251 chronic underfunding of education, or put it in a drop box on Nov. 3 if you we should not change the constitu- have not mailed it. ON THE COVER: tional guarantee of income tax going A irmen at Hill Air Force Base solely to education. assemble a week’s worth of Remember the Legislature’s tax Sheryl Allen is a former member of complimentary packaged food, reform bill that was passed in the the Utah House of Representatives fresh produce and personal care items for military waning days of 2019 in a special representing Bountiful and the Davis Board members and their families. session? It caused a furor and a of Education. THE DAVIS CLIPPER NEWS FR IDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2020 5 OPINI N Let’s just say To the Editor Dear Editor: District’s and the City’s tax base.
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