![77Rl ',-:Jf {B SECRET ] COPY NO](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
tl t . 4?77rl ',-:Jf {b SECRET ] COPY NO. '. r. No.1.2 /ct4/ 2000 csl3INET SECRETAS,IAT EXTRACTS FROM THE MINUTES OF ;'THE MEETING OF TH8 CABTNET HET'D AT LlOo HOURS, ON WEDNESDAY, THE 29TH MARCH, 2000, IN THE CONFERENCE RoOM (NO. L55_) , SgUTH BLOCK, NEW DELHI. case No*1??/.12 /ZoQo Item 2 Setting up of an airport of international in . gtandards .at-I'Igp.a Fgq. - - - The Cabinet considered the note dated L7.L.2OOO and the pupplementary note dated L4 '2.2000 from the Ministry of ciirif eviation (Nagar Vimanan Mantralaya) aTd approved the proposals contained-in paragraph 9 of the main note. -Tcopies.*ANVtt SECRET -1 In acr-:ordance with the Rules of Proce'dure in Regard to Proceedings of the Cabinet (Rule 1O), progress of action to implernent the decision may . be inciuded in the MinistryT s Flonthly Summary f or the information of the Mernbers of the council of Ministers. Action ta]<en to implernent the decision may be communicated to the Cabinet Secretariat t^lith reference to the lrnplementation Schedule attached to the agenda note. }} to- v *. .@ * f.w.)8".-. ?r1:t"' No.AJ.2a0rvve5-v'(vor.vD $t'Lftf r,'t'1ffi . ^,,9,Try:Tt.gflndia- '-S,:Ciii :-ntl 'Jua ' AD Section - kf Ei st****{3 rrr' [ G'-r.tsR .L .W,.qira .A^ rA flrrrcou = q- 'f'*',r'{- .8, i Block, Raiiv Gandhi Bhavan ffi*-*il,;ffi NerarDerhr,dffi?ffiffiT subjecti setting up of an raternafional [4f) L . , Airport ar Navi Munntrai, :{r{f ,'ff3? ..'.r1,q4"V _--- .'(rHD 1. The undersiqfd is directed No.clDcor.f&c/AbTry04 to r€fer r" C*jlfi"l"-"" Maharashr4 6d{;, dated 1i-a.nal po lefier subjgct and . tb" above mentioned to r"y ,to?r-Jiliit ulrh".t*y for the setting '*F;. lr G approvar c,#iila airdrr-ililr,*nfu:o, pubuq liofilriple, (PPP) at f;vate parhership Navi Munbai' Ivt"il;rht- I subi€ct to tuu.rouowing eonditions: t I 4I aa qppropriare -(t) st4ge, E*p"r.r,r*^fr:p.ilol"# of.flinisrers, Inter-Minist€dal ctoun, to-rootT assisted by an following:- -' -- t"f; A th" issues, incl'ding . -i- : the : (t tb9 legal questions, the bidding with i*ludiog and contagfual aspecrs, a view to protecgns the crnrurl G"vr.omd;; liability due to non-perforianre any .by the su--te Governn*i (ii)' o, *y ffiffitr dF9nrii*rry ofDefence; and (iii) the draiuage 6nd Aoo.9i#fot .rrirr' di*;;;t of uban , r" and mffi.ifrffiiir,,,,i* tf;;Lc r,rro*?o* tn, (b) Minisry of civit Aviation ,:r up connriftee officials of the state co,.mmeot, rll lsjgqiog comprising of Development 4,ripirt'y ciuirTuiuto, city & cgrRoratio"-lr uuu;*ilu"-"r rirrila- rndrrsties f- Authority of India'*nitnl"iu ourrr*rGr*rt* abcol and eirports *d irptennentation of the ilffiil! triffir*:frflJffijffi$n or t*a* e oa." aosde",s, (c)Theprivatepafinerwillbeselectedthrougbafransparentandcompetitive bidding process. Agr-eement (SSA) executed with Mumbai the State Support (d) Para 3.4.lof of Reftrsal (ROFR) International Airport Private iiotiiia 0vflAPL)'1 ryght .First of a, second airport within its vicinity- The has been rt respect s"*il;"]Vt/,I,l :' relevant r,rtu; ir *frJottd below: (R0FR) with regard to a second airport ,The Right of First Refusal p.r fOor Hundred and Fifty Kilometer) radir:s of the within a 150 plllLtj:{::**T#*#ff fl&"#"ffi1'ili"-trfHli*3 ,H nifrR as set forth below. In the evenf the WC iq no! the ffi'Ti::i$iiiraal' t* 1i'""1# ?fi g3'or o-id recelutl:f':f the rVC will*i' T3:have the ROFR by ,.ri?#ft6;, the first ranked i'r terms of selestion criteria for the ;;il*i|i# provided the rvc has satisfactory performance .. second airpo* matkal default (being a default entitling the couater without nv and/or terminate the agreement) uuder nffi r" ilipr?d obligations anyProjectAPr€ef,entatthetineofexerciFinetheRoFR.in this Clause 3.4.1 shall apply to any provided however, nothing *olit a*"top a qecond aiqport a{ chakaru Puue or at ,*iff ;; " ary other plasern iti viciniE' ' suitably ia'o'norattA'T th" tender document for lhe above cl;ause will Ue ar? no other rights granted to MIAPL with selection of the private parfrer. fr3: regad to the second aWtta1 |dunDat' t i is reiluested tq'take firrther nec€ssay action Government of Mabarashtra in the natter. s4l- - (Arua Roy) Director Governnent'of lrdaharusnti" a ' ' (Shd Jhony loseph, Chief$ecretary'1 1' ' - Mumbai. rj. '- r -/ * -' '-.IDco' clDip Bhavan' cBD-Belapur, Navi 4. The Managing Director'.".t".^_"*r-'^' n. No. CDi#lfin*r-E-rc- C9lT& C/ACTE/O 0a u r /200 7 dated Mnmbai with ;il;;; to't"tto 17.1.2007. g-C' Bhavaru NewDelhi' 2' The{haiilnan' AAI, :: +fl" (Axna ) Roy)l Director |-. -..: b. / \w qfffl stiFr{ ./\ qFR ftqrq1 dTFrq- q{ ffi - 11ooog GOVEHNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF CIVIL AVIATION RruIV GANOHI gHAWAN, SAFDAHJUNG AIF PORT NEW DELHI. TIO OO3 GRANT Or IN-PBINCIPITE APPROVAL AppHcation Nrunber: AV-a4o lzlosfilzooT-A&l (A Narne of ApPlicant: Maharashtra Indwtrial Development Corporation Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking) Caves Road, Andheri Address 3 Udyog Sarathi, Mahakali (E), M urnbai-93, tel e- o ze-e68 7 oa27, FCIc-26 B 7t587. Dbcision; The Steering Committee considered. the application for settilq uq of . Ct4nnrta domestic aiiport for public use at Village- Clippi-Parule,.District- Sinaft"aorg, Maharashtra in its rneitilg held on qod September zoo8 and granted {;;il;pte' approval subject to condition that the prgject would conform to the milestonei ttrat woutd be notified by the Steering Committee in due courEe. Under Secretary to the Govqrn4gent ofln$1-' qqT \ii i;i/ Ur ;..';r-Lc'cfoturY Date: 29,o9,2oo9 il'' iij SECRET t\w7 Httzstt I rrut l{0. tgmla200685 16 4000 Bll3am,l nt I csf n+,rloq/r* : I @l'4"3 -li_r . SECRET AV.ioailsrowoo4.AAl Government. offnOia- Mintsry of Civit aririil, ':B' . Bloct6.Itqiiv flnrrdhi Bhrruos, Ncw Dethi, dared rTo igl'tl,iflooif: Thc Chicf Sccretaqr, Govcrnmcnt of Karnaraka, Vidhana Soudo. Bangalorc, Sttbject; Conshrcrion I ' of Greenfiuld t.\t^t'*t Y A,'rrPorB at Gulbargg' cL!_ , :- \, I Hassatl, Katnah*s. Sltimoga. Riiaprrr and *ol Sir, PU'- \r, ' \.1 \\.\. arn I directed ro lnform rha 4 : "in- to these fi fccr h (SOP) worrld be tbrmalized ,rytr ;il.*; ff , Il'.Hffl if :* il j,gp#l3-ilit,'=,',I*"':?ill""ffLXT1 ,y,$,,y Uffi i#tii fr;*i"J,Tiff :: pioj.. ;*ilHff Ti. n. r o u r h o r i ties, lr, lio iJjlii,lH. tr'for lllgr"jj::.:issuc of ocrodromc T-r, liccnsc.m t Effi Yours thirhfully, a:. / ,^,ffi Tel:2a6J8991 :ig:'J:: ff:,o'Direcrorate ccneror rbr civir Aviarion, opp. safirarlung l Rirpon, Ncw Delhi. -i {ttl frt"*,r"fr.,i"T*rtu*ly l+*rro^ " II Ii7.*q* <,.0 JEo v.p.r,r7.h5.'J .- J-f*' U I nlTli,e ., (iflif2r ". (*y"o I ../' 'fl(p\lou [rrr F.No.AV -2003610s/97-VB Vol II Covernment of India Ministry of Civil Rviation 'B' Block, Rajiv Candtri Bhavan Safdarjung Airport, Nes' D.;ihi- I l0 003 Dated February 19, 2008 Liuhject: - Constquction of a Greenfield International Airport at Kannur, Kerala\ l. The undersigned is directed to state that the proposal of Government of Kerala (GOK) to set up a greenfield airport at Kannur has been considered and "in principle" (GOI) approval is her*y-glg$gd 9l: lk,ggyjiTgql!:f India subject tciTfiilTfilldiTing condlttons: (a) Reserucd Activitics: Certain activities at thc airport like Sccurity, Air ' Traffic Coutrol, Customs, Immigration, MET etc. rvould be reserved for j, COL These n ould be performed by the relevant central governrncrtt -fi5 agencies. Pror.ision ol'these services rvould be on cosl recovery basi.s and the airport operator nould enter into agrcement rvith the respective agencics. Costs relating to reserved activities u,ould be realised through a 'cost recovery rncchanism and it rvould be part of reveuue expenditure and as suci, would not be capitalised- (i',) Conccssion Agreement: COI/GOK u,oulcl nol be signing any concessiott agreemcnt rvith the Joint Vcnture Company (JVC) that rvoui"i r': entrttsted rvith thc task of devcloping and rnaintaining the airport. 'Ihc JVC rvould dcvelop and operate the airport under the license issued by FC'CA. COK could give certain bcnefits and concessions to the JVC in respect ol'the land tlrat rvould bc leased/licensed to the airport company indicating its terms and conditions as rvell as such other conditions rvhich the State Governrnent may rvish to impose on the JVC. GoK may also conslder grant of any other financial concessiotts to the JVC. (c) Environment Clearance: Towards seeking environmental clearance, GoK rvould submit a detailed proposal along rvith requisite information as pcr Environment Impact Assessment Notifical,ion, 2A06 to the l3xpert Cpmmittee afler tlre project has been lirrned up. Corrtd . .,p? t-- lli I It I l,-2-lt' l.tt; . r. (d) selegtion of enti(y: GoK should follow a transparenr biddiig processlrilate to comperitive seleciiirrr strategic privatc parrner, jssuer, GoI has a m,lfi -il,;',f,'",tij1ffi ft JK^;:;consioeruo*,,r* ffi _ _ _. rvvr a.$r *ru;ffi I (e) Defedce land: At least l0,'acres of land shall be leased/transferred to the at a mutuallvlgreed location for devetop*r", l*1t,,}jy of a, furure naval lr' (0 Frl t ri,uo, a i jf:,, rcra.fts usin g ttrerh e proposed airportffi-Hj:: are Tjilto be :liltexemptld'from ll,j fJ I T i Pruposec l:, landing and parking ctargJ'r6 (e) Infraitru-ctu11 requiremu]1,t or IAF: The JVc shall provide a suirable I+l setring tqb the AFMLTJ, AFMLC premi$es:::t.lb -for *t.
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