3936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARCH 6, -2117. By 1\Ir. 1\TEWTON of Minnesota: Petition of the Wallace The Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. WALSH] and the Sena­ K Chute Post of the American Legionl opposed to soldiers' bonus tor frO!Jl Delaware [l\fr. \VoLcOTT] are absent on public busi­ being brought up this year, etc.; to the Committee on Ways and ness. 1\Ieans. The Senator from Arizona [l\Ir ...~sHuRST], the Senator from 2118: By Mr. O'CON~'"ELL: Petition of the National Indus­ Tennessee [Mr. McKELLAR], the Senator from Mississippi [1\Ir. trial Conference Board of-Boston, Mass., asking for the Federal HARRISON], the Senator from North Carolina [Mr. SIMMONs], tax commission to examine the present i_nternal-revenue laws, the Senator from Alabama [Mr. UNDERwooD], and the S::!.nator etc. ;- to the Committee on Ways and Means. from California 1:1\Ir. PHELAN] are detained from the Senste on 2119. Also, petition of the Grasselli Chemical Co., of New official business. · York, urging the adoption of measures to help the country's The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Sixty-six Sena_tors have an­ foreign commerce; to the ·committee on Interstate and Foreign swered to their names. There is a quorum present. Commerce. ADDITIONAL PATENT OFFICE EMPLOYEES (S. DOC. NO. 24ti). 2120. Also. petition of tile National Organization for Public Health Nursing of New York City, relative to certain provisions The PRESIDENT pro tempore, as in legislative session, laid in the Army reorganization bill-; to the Committee on Military before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of the Affairs. · Treasury, transmitting a letter from the Secretary of the 2121. By Mr. ROWAN: Petition of citizens of the city of New Interior, · submitting a supplemental estimate of appropriation York, urging the pas age of the bill to give relief to the starving in the sum of $39,700 required by the Patent Office for addi­ people of Europe, etc. ; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. tional employees for the fiscal year 1920, which, with the ac­ 2122. Also, petition of the board of directors of the Dried Fruit companying paper, was referred to the Committee on Appropria­ Association of New York, indorsing the Calder bill regarding tions and ordered to be printed. the national food and drug act; to the Committee on Interstate TRAINING OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES (S. DOC: NO. 246). and Foreign Commerce. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ 2123. .Also, petition of the Merchants' Association of New York munication from the Chief of the United States Bureau of City, relative to certuin provisions in the Army reorganization Efficiency, transmitting, in response to a resolution of January bill, etc.; to the Committee on Military Affairs. 7, 1920, a report on the advisability of establishing a tr·aining 2124. .Also, petition of the H. H. Jennings Co., of New York school for Federal employees in the DistTict of Columbia, City~ relative to the channel at Absecon Inlet, etc.; to the Com­ which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Com­ mittee on Ri'vers and Harbors. mittee on Finance and ordered to be printed. 2125. Also, petition of the National Jewelers' Board of Trade, MESSAGE FROM ~HE HOUSE. of New York City, urging the passage of House bill 11980; to A message from the House of Representatives. by D. K. the Committee on \Vays and Means. Hempstead, its enrolling clerk, announced that the House hall 2126. Also, petition of the National Conservation Association, passed the following bill and joint resolution, in which it re­ of w·ashington, D. C., relative to the water-power bill, House quested the concurrence of the Senate: bill 3184; to the Committee on Water Power. H. R.l1984. An act to inc~ease the force and salaries in the 2127. Also, petition of Joseph B. Thomas, treasurer _of the Patent Office, and for other purposes; and Cornucopia Mines Co., of Oregon, regarding the gold in the H. J. Res. 305. Joint resolution to amend a certain paragraph United States; to the Committee on Mines and Mining. 1 of the act entitled "An act making appropriations for the cur­ 2128. By l\Ir. SINCLAIR: Petition of Newburg Branch Club, rent and contingent expenses of the Bureau of Indian Affair!';, No. 63, \Vomen's Auxuliary, Newburg, N.Dak., protesting against for fulfilling treaty stipulations 'vith various Indian tribe., universal military training; to the Committee on Military Affairs. and for other purposes, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2129. Also, petition of Newburg Branch Club, No. 63, Women's 1921," approved February 14, 1920. Auxiliary, Newburg, N. Dak., opposing passage of the sedition bills; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED. 2130. By l\Ir. STEENERSO~: Petition of citizens and ex­ The message also announcetl that the Speaker of the Honse soldiers of Shelly, Norman County, Minn., favoring a bonus of had signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolution, $50 for each month of service rendered ; to the Committee on and they were theqmpon signed by the President pro temvore: \Vays and Means. · H. R. 11756. An act to extend the time for the construction , - 2131. Bv Mr. TINKHAM : Petition of the George S. Shepherd of a bridge across the Connecticut River between Springfield Post, No.7, Department of Massachusetts, relative to the bonus and West Springfield. in Hampden County, 1\Iass.; for ex-service men and women; to the Committee on Ways and H. R.12160. An act authorizing the construction of a bridge l\leans. and approaches tb.ereto across Red River at a point a little 2132. By Mr. \VARD: Resolution adopted by the Board of east of north of Nocona, in Montagt:e County, Tex.; and Aldermen of Kingston, N. Y.,· favo1ing continuance of Lever S. J. Re . 156. A joint resolution authorizing the Secretary food and fuel control act; to the Committee on Agriculture. - of War to bring back on Army transports from Danzig, Poland, residents of the United States of Polish origin who were engaged in the war on the side of the allied and associated SENATE. powers. PETITIONS AND MEMORIAI:S. SATUnDAY, 111 arch 6, 1920. Mr. KNOX. As in legislati"ve session, I present a re-solution (Legislatire day of lVednesday, March 3, 1920.) adopted by the City Council of Philadelphia, Pa., which I usk to have inserted in the RECORD. The Senate met in open executive session at 12 o'clock noon, There being no objection, the resolution was ordered to be on the expiration of the recess. printed in the RECORD and to lie on the table, as follows: • 1\.fr. CURTIS. 1\lr. President, I suggest the ab ence of a CLERK'S OFFICE; CITY COUNCIL, quorum. Philadelphia, March 8, 1920. The PRESIDEXT pro tempore. The Secretary will call the Hon. PHILANDER C. KNOX, - roll. United States Senator. Sm: This is to certify that the following is a true and correct copy The roll was called, and the following Senators answered to of the original resolution passed by the. city council on the 2d day of their names : March, 1920 : · • Beckham Glass Lenroot Smith, Ga. Resolution for the restoration of mail-tube service. Borah Gore Lodge Smith, !ld. Brandegee Gronna 1\lcLean Smith, S.C. "Whereas the pneumatic tube service, which represents the be~inning Calder Hale ::ucNary Smoot of this rea practical reform, had its origin in this city unaer the Capper Harris 1\Ioses Spencer inspiration of our first citizen, John Wanamal{er, and has demon­ Chamberlain Henderson l\Iyers strated its usefulness by more than 20 years' actual daily service Sterling to the satisfaction of its patrons and the public in general; and Colt Ilitchcock Nelson Sutherland " Wherea.s its arbitrary, indefensible abolition last year caused great Culberson Johnson, S. Dak. New 'l'homas hardship and inconvenience to all elements of our population, arous­ ummins Jones, N. Mex. Not·rls Townsend ing a spirit of indignant protest, particulai·Iy throughout the busi­ Curtis Jones, ·wash. Nugent 'l'rammell ness community, where thE.' loss entailed is very severe: Therefore Dial Kellog~ Overman Wadsworth Dillingham Kendnck Phipps Walsh, Mont. be it ' Fletcb..er Kenyon Pittman, Warren "Resolved That the council of the city of Philadelphia, reiterating the France Keyes Poindexter Watson position on 'this subject expressed again and again heretofore by our Frelingbuyscn King Ransdell Williams municipal government, requests the immediate restoration of the pneu­ Gay Kirby ~heppard matic mail tubes, as set forth in House bill No. 11634; and be it Gerry Knox Sherman "Resotved, That this body go on record as indorsing most emphatica11y House concurrent resolution Nl1. 44, now before the SPnate Po~t Offi.ce Mr. GERRY. The Renator from Virginia [Mr. SWANSON] is Committee, for the presen-ation of this p1·operty pending furtlier con­ - detained by illnes in hi..;; fnmily. gressional action in the matter; and be it also 1920. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3937 "Resolved, That council favors the creation by Congress of a compe­ referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry and or.; tent commission for the investigation of the whole question of mail trans­ portation, especially in great cities, and of the Post Office Department dered to be printed. as well." ' Mr. CALDER submitted an amendment providing that here­ Attest: WM. H. '!J'ELTON, . after every day set aside by a State to be observed as a holiday Clerk of Otty Oouttcd. the:cein in addition to the holidays now prescribed by law for the Mr. CAPPER presented a resolution adopted at a convention Postal Service shall be a holiday within the provisions of law for of veterans of the World War, held at Columbus, Kans., favor­ the employees of the Postal Se.r:vice within such States, etc., in­ ing legislation providing for a bonus for ex-service men, which tended to be proposed by him to the Post Office appropriation was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
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