Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant Free State Province Provinsie Vrystaat Published by Authority Uitgegee op Gesag NO. 32 FRIDAY, 29 JUNE 2018 NR. 32 VRYDAG, 29 JUNIE 2018 PROCLAMATIONS PROKLAMASIES 08 Correction of Description of route of the 08 Regstelling van Beskrywing die roete van die Siabbertsrust - Reward tertiary road T2349 situated Siabbertsrust - Reward tersiere pad T2349............ ... 3 in the magisterial district of Reitz......................... 3 PROVINCIAL NOTICES PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWINGS 39 Moqhaka Municipality: Tariff Schedule for the 2018/2019 Financial Year.... 3 40 Appointment of new Members to the Mafube Municipal Planning Tribunal in terms of Section 35 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, Act 16 of 2013................................................... 6 41 Resolution Levying Property Rates for the Financial Year 1 July 2018 to June 2019............................ 7 GENERAL NOTICES ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS 83 Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality Spatial 83 Mangaung Metro Munisipaliteit Ruimtelike Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 Beplanning en Grongebruikbestuur, 2013 (Wet 16 (Act No. 16 of 2013): Bloemspruil: Portion 1 of Plot van 2013): Bloemspruil: Gedeelte 1 van Plot 142 142 Lake View Small Holdings, District Lake View Klein Plase, Distrik Bloemfontein............. 8 Bloemfontein... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 84 Removal of Restrictive Title Conditions, 84 Opheffing van Beperkende Titel Voorwaardes, Consolidation and Rezoning of Erven (3192, 3193, Konsolidasie en Hersonering van erwe (3192, 3193, 3194, 3199, 3206, R/14948, 1/14948, 2/14948, 3194, 3199, 3206, R/14948, 1/14948, 2/14948, 3/14948, 4/14948 and 5/14948), Oranjesig, 3/14948, 4/14948 en 5/14948, Oranjesig, Bloemfontein... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 8 Bloemfontein...................................................... 8 85 Rezoning of Remaining extent of Plot 91 Estoire, 85 Hersonering van Resterende gedeelte van Plot 91 Small holdings, Bloemfontein............................ 9 Estoire Kleinplase, Bloemfontein............................ 9 86 Matjhabeng Local Municipality: Erf 299, Extension 86 Matjhabeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteil: Erf 299 1, Odendaalsrus: Application for the Removal of Uitbreiding 1, Odendaalsrus: Aansoek vir die Title and Rezoning........................................... 9 Opheffing van Titelvoorwaardes en Hersonering........ 9 Continued on page 2 Vervolg op bladsy 2 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 1 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 29 JUNE 2018129 JUNIE 2018 2 Continued from page 1 Vervolg van bladsy 1 87 Matjhabeng Local Municipality: Erf 1774, Extension 87 Matjhabeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit: Erf 1774, 3, Odendaalsrus: Application for the Removal of Uitbreiding 3, Odendaalsrus: Aansoek vir die Title and Rezoning........................................... 10 Opheffing van Titelvoorwaardes en Hersonering........ 10 88 Dihlabeng Local Municipality Land UseApplication: 88 Dihlabeng Plaaslike Munisipaliteit Grondgebruik Hydro Power Plant............... ............... ............. 10 Aansoek: Hidro Kragstasie.......... ................ ................. 10 89 Approved alterations in terms of the Mangaung 89 Goedgekeurde wysigings in terme van die Mangaung Metro Municipality Municipal Land Use Planning Metro Munisipaliteit Munisipale Grondgebruiks­ By-Laws (2015): beplanning ByweUe (2015): i) Rezoning: Erf 14927, Hospital Park, i) Hersonering: Erf 14927, Hospitaal Park, Bloemfontein Bloemfontein ii) Subdivision: Erven 30231, 30234 and 30283, ii) Onderverdeling: Erwe 30231, 30234 en 30283, Helicon Heights, Bloemfontein Helicon Hoogte, Bloemfontein iii) Consolidation and create servitude: Erven iii) Konsolidasie en skep van serwituut: Erwe 58553 58553 and 58554, Mangaung Extension 34, en 58554, Mangaung Uitbreiding 34, Bloemfontein Bloemfontein iv) Removal of Restrictive Title Deed Conditions: iv) Opheffing van Beperkende Titel Akte Erf 6569, Extension 46, Dan Pienaar, Voorwaardes: Erf 6569, Uitbreiding 46, Dan Bloemfontein Pienaar, Bloemfontein v) Removal of Restrictive Title Deed Conditions v) Opheffing van Beperkende Titel Akte and Rezoning: Erf 6262, Bloemfontein Voorwaardes en Hersonering: Erf 6262, Extension 46, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein Bloemfontein Uitbreiding 46, Dan Pienaar, vi) Removal of Restrictive Title Deed Conditions Bloemfontein and Rezoning: Erf 6267, Bloemfontein vi) Opheffing van Beperkende Titel Akte Extension 46, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein Voorwaardes en Hersonering: Erf 6267, vii) Removal of Restrictive Title Deed Conditions Bloemfontein Uibreiding 46, Dan Pienaar, and Subdivision: Portion 18 of Farm Kenilworth Bloemfontein 2734, Bloemfontein.................................... 11 vii) Opheffing van Beperkende Titel Akte Voorwaardes en Onderverdeling: Gedeelte 18 van Plaas Kenilworth 2734, Bloemfontein............ 11 MISCELLANEOUS ALGEMEEN Free State Gambling and Liquor Act, 2010 Application for a Limited Gambling Machine Site Operator Liren~............................................................................... 12 Free State Gambling and Liquor Act, 2010 Application for a Limited Gambling Machine Site Licence...... ..... 13 Applications for Public Road Carrier Permits: Advert 249......... 13 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 1 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 29 JUNE 2018129 JUNIE 2018 3 [PROCLAMATION NO. 08 OF 2018] [PROKLAMASIE NR. 08 VAN 2018] (P3514011/2) (P38/2) Whereas the route of the Siabbertsrust - Reward tertiary road Nademaal die roete van die Siabbertsrust - Reward tersiere pad T2349 situated in the magisterial district of Reitz has been incorrectly T2349 gelee in die landdrosdistrik Reitz in die bylae van described in the schedule of Proclamation 102 of 1961 Proklamasie 102 van 1961 (Administrateurs) foutief beskryf is; en (Administrator's) and WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to rectify the description; NADEMAAL dit nodig geag word om die beskrywing reg te stel; NOW, THEREFORE, under the powers vested in me by the Roads SO IS DIT dat ek kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by die Ordinance, 1968 (Ordinance 4 of 1968), as amended, I hereby Ordonnansie op Paaie, 1968 (Ordonnansie 4 van 1968), soos declare that the description of the Siabbertsrust - Reward tertiary road gewysig, hierby verklaar dat die beskrywing van die Siabbertsrust - T2349 in the said proclamation shall be amended by - Reward tersiere pad T2349 in gemelde proklamasie gewysig word deur- (i) the insertion of the expression "Subdivision 1 of Bosduifkrans (i) die uitdrukking "Onderverdeling 1 van Bosduifkrans 485" onder 485" under the heading "OVER THE FARMS" between the die hoof "OOR DIE PLASE" tussen die uitdrukkings "Bellevue expression "Bellevue 148" and "Reward 7"; 148" en "Reward 7" in te voeg; Given under my hand at Bloemfontein on 19 June 2018. Gegee onder my hand te Bloemfontein op 19 Junie 2018. MR. S. MASHININI MNR. S. MASHININI MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: LID VAN DIE UITVOERENDE RAAD: POLICE, ROADS AND TRANSPORT POLISIE, PAAIE EN VERVOER [PROVINCIAL NOTICE NO. 39 OF 2018] [PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWING NR.39 VAN 2018] MOQHAKA MUNICIPALITY MOQHAKA MUNISIPALITEIT Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 75A of the Local Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Artikel 75 A van die Wet op Government Municipal System Act 2000 (Act no 32 of 2000) and Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000), Section 14 of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates act, en Artikel14 van die "Local Government: Municipal Property Rates 2004 (Act 6 of 2004) that the Municipal Council of Moqhaka Local Act, 2004"(Wet 6 van 2004) dat die Munisipale Raad van Moqhaka Municipality has in respect of the 2018/2019 financial year passed a Plaaslike Munisipaliteit met betrekking tot die 2018/2019 finansiele resolution with regard to approving estimates and revised Integrated jaar 'n besluit geneem het waarin die begroting en hersiene Development Plan and determining property rates and other fees, Ge'lntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan, goedgekeur is en charges and tariffs. Copies of the resolution and the estimates, eiendomsbelasting en ander gelde, kostes en tariewe vasgestel is. property rates and other fees, charges and tariffs will be available for 'n Kopie van die besluit, die begroting en eiendomsbelasting tariewe inspection during office hours for a period of 30 days from date of this en ander gelde, kostes en tariewe Ie ter insae vir 'n tydperk van 30 notice at the Municipal Offices in Hill Street, Kroonstad, Viljoenskroon, dae vanaf datum van hierdie kennisgewing by die Munisipale Steynsrus and Maokeng and all libraries in the towns referred and Kantore, Hillstraat, Kroonstad, Viljoenskroon, Steynsrus, Maokeng Matlwangtlwang and Rammulotsi. en die biblioteke in gemelde dorpe asook in Rammulotsi en Matlwangtlwang. Notice is also given that the property rates and fees, charges and Kennis geskied verder dat die eiendomsbelasting en ander gelde, tariffs will be effective as from 1 July 2018. The property rates are kostes en tariewe op 1 Julie 2018 in werking tree. Die erfbelasting payable in advance in equal monthly instalments. Interest is payable is in gelyke maandellikse paaiemente vooruitbetaalbaar. Rente is on all amounts in arrear. betaalbaar op aile agterstallige bedrae. At a meeting of the Council held on 31 May 2018 (Item 145) Tydens die Raadsvergadering gehou op 31 Mei 2018 (Item 145) "Annexure F" the following resolution pertaining the property rates "Annexure F", is die volgende besluit rakende eiendomsbelasting were passed, namely "that the tariffs
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