[CANCER RESEARCH 62, 848–853, February 1, 2002] MSH2 in Contrast to MLH1 and MSH6 Is Frequently Inactivated by Exonic and Promoter Rearrangements in Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer1 Franc¸oise Charbonnier, Sylviane Olschwang, Qing Wang, Ce´cile Boisson, Cosette Martin, Marie-Pierre Buisine, Alain Puisieux, and Thierry Frebourg2 Laboratoire de Ge´ne´tique Mole´culaire, CHU de Rouen et Institut National de la Sante´et de la Recherche Me´dicale EMI 9906, Faculte´deMe´decine et de Pharmacie, IFRMP, 76183 Rouen [F. C., C. M., T. F.]; Unite´ d’Oncologie Mole´culaire, Institut National de la Sante´ et de la Recherche Me´dicale U453, Centre Le´on Be´rard, 69373 Lyon [Q. W., A. P.]; Fondation Jean Dausset-Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humain, Paris [S. O., C. B.]; and Laboratoire de Biochimie et Biologie Mole´culaire, CHU de Lille 59037 Lille [M-P. B.], France ABSTRACT MLH1 mutations may be explained by: (a) alterations of MSH2 or MLH1 missed by conventional screening methods based on PCR To estimate the relative frequency of mismatch repair genes, rear- amplification of each exon; (b) the involvement of other MMR genes; rangements in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) fam- or (c) the existence of HNPCC not related to a defect within the MMR ilies without detectable mutations in MSH2 or MLH1, we have analyzed by multiplex PCR of short fluorescent fragments MSH2, MLH1, and MSH6 pathway. The first case of a MLH1 genomic deletion, involving exon in 61 families, either fulfilling Amsterdam criteria or including cases of 16, was reported in 1995 by Albert de la Chapelle’s group in Finnish multiple primary cancers belonging to the HNPCC spectrum. We detected families. This deletion, detected by RT-PCR analysis, was shown to 13 different genomic rearrangements of MSH2 in 14 families (23%), result from an Alu-mediated recombination (13). Using also RT-PCR whereas we found no rearrangement of MLH1 and MSH6. Analysis of 31 analysis, we subsequently detected two distinct Alu-mediated dele- other families, partially meeting Amsterdam criteria, revealed no addi- tions removing exons 13–16 and exon 2 of MLH1 in two French tional rearrangement of MSH2. All of the MSH2 rearrangements, except HNPCC families (14, 15). An extensive screening by Southern blot one, corresponded to genomic deletions involving one or several exons. In analysis of 137 HNPCC families, without detectable point mutations 8 of 13 families with a MSH2 genomic deletion, the MSH2 promoter was within the MMR genes, led Wijnen et al. (16) to identify, in 8 also deleted, and the 5 breakpoint was located either within or upstream families, four distinct genomic deletions of MSH2, removing exon 1, the MSH2 gene. This study demonstrates the heterogeneity of MSH2 exonic and promoter rearrangements and shows that, in HNPCC families exon 2, exon 3, and exon 6. Two other genomic deletions of MSH2, without detectable MSH2 or MLH1 point mutation, one must consider the involving exons 1–6 and exons 1–7, were identified using the con- presence of MSH2 genomic rearrangements before the involvement of version approach, based on the cell fusion strategy (17). other mismatch repair genes. The simplicity and rapidity of their detec- To facilitate the detection of genomic rearrangements, we recently tion, using fluorescent multiplex PCR, led us to recommend to begin the developed a simple and rapid screening method, based on the multi- molecular analysis in HNPCC by screening for MSH2 rearrangements. plex PCR amplification of short fluorescent fragments. This method allowed us to identify two additional deletions of MSH2, removing exon 5 and exons 1–15, and the first case of a partial duplication of INTRODUCTION this gene affecting exons 9–10 (15). However, the frequency of the HNPCC3 is the most common form of inherited colorectal cancer rearrangements in the MMR genes has not been estimated thus far, and (for review, see Ref. 1). In HNPCC, detection of the causal alteration this information is essential to determine the best strategy of the of the MMR gene is essential for a proper management of the families, molecular analyses in HNPCC families. Therefore, we have system- because it allows to identify relatives with high risk for colorectal or atically screened for genomic rearrangements a series of 92 families endometrial cancer, who require the appropriate screening (2, 3) and, without detectable point mutations. conversely, to avoid useless surveillance in noncarrier relatives. The efficiency of the colonoscopy screening, especially in terms of mor- MATERIALS AND METHODS tality, has been demonstrated recently in HNPCC families (4). Mo- lecular diagnosis of HNPCC is complicated by the genetic heteroge- Families. This study included a total of 92 families corresponding to: (a) neity of the syndrome because of the involvement of the different 49 families fulfilling the Amsterdam criteria I or II for HNPCC (at least three MutS and MutL homologues, MSH2 (2p22-p21), MSH6 (2p16), and relatives with CRC, cancer of the endometrium, small bowel, ureter, or renal MLH1 (3p21) and PMS2 (7p22), respectively (5–11). Mutation stud- pelvis, one of whom is a first-degree relative of the other two; at least two ies (12) have shown that MSH2 and MLH1 are involved in approxi- successive generations affected; and at least one diagnosed before age 50; mately half of the families fulfilling the Amsterdam criteria I (at least Refs. 18 and 19); (b) 12 families, partially fulfilling the Amsterdam criteria, but including cases with MPCs belonging to the HNPCC spectrum (CRC, three relatives with CRC, one of whom is a first-degree relative of the cancer of the endometrium, stomach, ovary, small bowel, ureter, or renal other two; at least two successive generations affected; and at least pelvis), the first of which developed before 50 years of age; and (c) 31 families one of the cases of CRC diagnosed before age 50; tumors verified by which met only partial Amsterdam criteria and without cases of MPC. For each pathological examination). family, previous screening of MSH2 and MLH1 by Denaturating Gradient Gel The large number of HNPCC families without detectable MSH2 or Electrophoresis, heteroduplex, and/or direct sequencing analysis, from genomic DNA of the index case, had revealed no point mutation. RT-PCR Received 10/8/01; accepted 12/3/01. analysis had also been performed in 43 families, for which high quality mRNA The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page was available, and had revealed no alteration. charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with Fluorescent Multiplex PCR. We used a slightly modified version of the 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. protocol described previously (15). Briefly, short fragments (Ͻ300 bp) of the 1 Supported by l’Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer and La Fondation pour la Recherche Me´dicale. 16 MSH2, 19 MLH1, and 10 MSH6 coding exons (Table 1) or of the MSH2 2 To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, at Institut National de la Sante´ upstream region (Table 2) were simultaneously PCR amplified, using 6-Fam et de la Recherche Me´dicale EMI 9906, Faculte´deMe´decine et de Pharmacie, 22 labeled primers. For MSH2 and MLH1, two multiplex PCRs were necessary to Boulevard de Gambetta, 76183 Rouen, France. cover all of the exons (Table 1). An additional fragment, corresponding to 3 The abbreviations used are: HNPCC, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer; MMR, mismatch repair; RT-PCR, reverse transcription-PCR; CRC, colorectal cancer; another gene used as a control, was systematically amplified in each multiplex MPC, multiple primary cancers. PCR. PCR was performed in a final volume of 25 l containing 100 ng of 848 Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 26, 2021. © 2002 American Association for Cancer Research. FREQUENCY OF MMR GENES REARRANGEMENTS IN HNPCC Table 1 Primers used for the fluorescent multiplex PCR analysis of the MMR gene exonsa Size of the Exon Sense primer Antisense primer ampliconb MSH2c 15Ј TTCGTGCGCTTCTTTCAG 3Јd 5Ј TGGGTCTTGAACACCTCCCG 3Ј 127 25Ј GGTTAAGGAGCAAAGAATCTGC 3Јd 5Ј ATGCCAAATACCAATCATTC 3Ј 158 35Ј GGATATGTCAGCTTCCATTGGT 3Јd 5Ј GGTAAAACACATTCCTTTGG 3Ј 190 45Ј TCATATCAGTGTCTTGCACA 3Јd 5Ј TTTTGTGGAAAAGTCAGCTT 3Ј 200 55Ј GGACTGTCTGCGGTAATCAAGT 3Јd 5Ј AAAGGTTAAGGGCTCTGACT 3Ј 133 65Ј TAATGAGCTTGCCATTCTTT 3Јd 5Ј GAGAGGCTGCTTAATCCAC 3Ј 152 75Ј CAAGCAGCAAACTTACAAGA 3Јd 5Ј ACCACCACCAACTTTATGAG 3Ј 176 85Ј GGGGAAGCTTTGAGTGCTACAT 3Јd 5Ј AGAGGAGTCACAAAAACTGC 3Ј 265 95Ј GGTGACTTGGAAAAGAAGATGC 3Јd 5Ј GGGCTTGTTTAAATGACATC 3Ј 229 10 5Ј GGTTTCGTGTAACCTGTAAGGAA 3Јd 5Ј GGGCTATTTAACAAATGGTG 3Ј 262 11 5Ј GATACTTTGGATATGTTTCA 3Јd 5Ј CCAGGTGACATTCAGAACA 3Ј 225 12 5Ј GGTTAGGAAATGGGTTTTGAAT 3Јd 5Ј ATGCCTGGATGCTTTTAAT 3Ј 275 13 5Ј ATTGTGGACTGCATCTTAGC 3Јd 5Ј AAAGTCCACAGGAAAACAAC 3Ј 242 14 5Ј GGCTACGATGGATTTGGGTTAG 3Јd 5Ј TTTCCCATTACCAAGTTCTG 3Ј 242 15 5Ј GGGCTGTCTCTTCTCATGCTGT 3Јd 5Ј GATAGCACTTCTTTGCTGCT 3Ј 217 16 5Ј GGCTGTCCAAGGTGAAACAAAT 3Јd 5Ј CCATTACTGGGATTTTTCAC 3Ј 162 MSH6e 15Ј GGGTACAGCTTCTTCCCCAAGT 3Јd 5Ј CCTCCGTTGAGGTTCTTC 3Ј 207 25Ј GGCTGCCTTTAAGGAAACTTGA 3Јd 5Ј ACATGAACACGGACTGATTT 3Ј 195 35Ј GGGGAGGTCATTTTTACAGTGC 3Јd 5Ј CCTCCATCTCTTCTTCCTCT 3Ј 147 45Ј GGGGAGGAAGGAAGCAGTGATG 3Јd 5Ј GGGCTTGGGATTCAGAATTT 3Ј 246 55Ј GGTTTACTGTGCCTGGCTAACT 3Јd 5Ј ACAAGCACACAATAGGCTTT 3Ј 223 65Ј GGATTCACAGGCTGGCTTATTA 3Јd 5Ј TGAGAACTTAAGTGGGAAACA 3Ј 160 75Ј GGTTGTTGAATTAAGTGAAACTGC 3Јd 5Ј TCTTCAAATGAGAAGTTTAATGTC 3Ј 105 85Ј GGAACAGGAAGAGGTACTGCAA 3Јd 5Ј TGAATGGTAGTGAGTTGAAAA 3Ј 113 95Ј GGCATGCATGGTAGAAAATGAA 3Јd 5Ј ACTTCCTCTGGGAGATTAGC 3Ј 134 10 5Ј GGCTGGCTAGTGAAAGGTCAAC 3Јd 5Ј AGAAAATGGAAAAATGGTCA 3Ј 185 a Sequences of the MLH1 primers have been published previously (15). b In bp. c For MSH2, the two multiplex PCRs corresponded to exons 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, and 15 and exons 1, 4, 6–8, 11, 13, and 16, respectively. d 5Ј (6-FAM) labelled. e For MSH6, the multiplex PCR was performed in the presence of 10% of DMSO to facilitate amplification of exon 1. genomic DNA, 0.2–1 M of each pair of primers, and 1 unit of Taq DNA RESULTS polymerase (Eurobio, Les Ulis, France).
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