To: COUNCILLOR SUSAN O’BRIEN CABINET MEMBER FOR FAMILIES, EDUCATION AND WELLBEING COUNCILLOR EDDIE LAVERY Democratic Services CABINET MEMBER FOR ENVIRONMENT, HOUSING AND REGENERATION Location: Phase II COUNCILLOR JONATHAN BIANCO Ext: 0185 CABINET MEMBER FOR PROPERTY & DDI: 01895 25 0185 INFRASTRUCTURE My Ref: LP c.c. All Members of Executive Scrutiny Committee c.c. Dan Kennedy, Director – Planning, Environment, Education and Community Services c.c. Chairman of the Residents, Education and Envirnmental Services Policy Overview Committee c.c. Ward Councillors for Botwell and Townfield c.c. Conservative and Labour Group Offices (inspection copy) Date: 2 March 2021 Non-Key Decision request Form D PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF CYCLING FACILITIES AT MINET COUNTRY PARK AND LAKE FARM COUNTRY PARK Dear Cabinet Member Attached is a report requesting that a decision be made by you as an individual Cabinet Member. Democratic Services confirm that this is not a key decision, as such the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 notice period does not apply. You should take a decision on or after Wednesday 10 March 2021 in order to meet Constitutional requirements about publication of decisions that are to be made. You may wish to discuss the report with the Corporate Director before it is made. Please indicate your decision on the duplicate memo supplied, and return it to me when you have made your decision. I will then arrange for the formal notice of decision to be published. Liz Penny Democratic Services Officer Title of Report: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF CYCLING FACILITIES AT MINET COUNTRY PARK AND LAKE FARM COUNTRY PARK Decision made: Reasons for your decision: (e.g. as stated in report) Alternatives considered and rejected: (e.g. as stated in report) Signed ………………………………………………………Date…………………….. Cabinet Member for Families, Education and Wellbeing / Cabinet Member for Environment, Housing and Regeneration / Cabinet Member for Property and Infrastructure PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF CYCLING FACILITIES AT MINET COUNTRY PARK AND LAKE FARM COUNTRY PARK Cabinet Member(s) Councillor Susan O’Brien Councillor Eddie Lavery Councillor Jonathan Bianco Cabinet Portfolio(s) Families, Education and Wellbeing Environment, Housing and Regeneration Property & Infrastructure Officer Contact(s) Priscilla Simpson, Residents Services Papers with report Appendix 1 - Hayes Cycling Facility Needs Assessment Report: Lake Farm & Minet Country Park (London Sport/Sporting Assets, April 2020) Appendix 2 - Hillingdon Council School Travel Road Safety Team Cycling programmes update HEADLINES Summary Hillingdon Council is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of its residents. The Hillingdon Local Plan (A Vision for 2026): Part 1 – Strategic Policies is consistent with the Sustainable Community Strategy and outlines a number of priorities: Improving Health and Wellbeing; Strong and Active Communities; and Protecting and Enhancing the Environment. Alongside this sits the Hillingdon Open Space Strategy (2011 – 26) which highlights that Lake Farm Country Park and Minet Country Park are considered two of the four key natural and semi-natural spaces in Hillingdon. The recommendations will increase the quantity and quality of accessible open space for residents to enjoy recreation and leisure. Lake Farm and Minet Country parks with their cycling facilities offer such an opportunity. Cycling, as a form of recreational activity, active travel and sport, offers a significant opportunity to enable residents of all ages to live an active lifestyle and take control of their own health and wellbeing. This report asks Cabinet Members to consider the summary and options suggested in the Hayes Cycling Facility Needs Assessment Report at Lake Farm and Minet Country Parks and agree to implement the preferred options as supported by British Cycling. The preferred options from the Report are: • Option 2 - Enhanced community use, testing the potential for a multi-discipline cycle and community hub at Minet Country Park. 1 Cabinet Member Report – 2 March 2021 Classification: Public • Option 3 – Constructing a multi-discipline cycle and community hub at Minet Country Park. • Option 7 - Retaining the BMX track at Lake Farm for informal use, whilst co-locating Hayes Hawks to an enhanced multi- discipline Hillingdon Cycle Circuit. The options would be subject to a review by officers, with support from British Cycling, of the financial opportunities available now or in the future, proposed planning or any possible restrictions on the sites, and current licensing and lease arrangements with Minet Cycle Circuit and Hayes Hawks who utilise the facilities. Putting our This report supports the following Council objectives of: Our People; Residents First Our Natural Environment; Strong financial management. Financial Cost To deliver options 2, 3 & 7, additional funding will be required. British Cycling is supporting the Council to access external funding opportunities from s106 and Sport England grant to enable the project to be delivered within existing resources. Relevant Policy Residents, Education and Environmental Services Overview Committee Relevant Ward(s) Townfield and Botwell RECOMMENDATIONS That the Cabinet Members for Families, Education and Wellbeing, Environment, Housing and Regeneration and Property and Infrastructure 1. Agree the summary outline of the Hayes Cycling Facility Needs Assessment at Lake Farm and Minet Country Parks and suggested options; 2. Approve the proposal to agree to implement the preferred options (Options 2, 3 and 7) as supported by British Cycling; and 3. Approve the proposal for the development of a Hillingdon Cycling Strategy Management Plan which would incorporate and contribute to more informed decisions on where to target investment. Reasons for recommendations To consider progressing a report to implement Options 2, 3 and 7 of the Hayes Cycling Facility Needs Assessment completed in April 2020, in a staged approach. Supported by British Cycling, these options focus on a greater proportion of the local community making better use of the underutilised cycling facilities and park at Minet and Lake Farm Country Parks. The Cycle Circuit at Minet Country Park and the BMX track at Lake Farm are popular destinations for all forms of cycling activity for riders from across the country making cycling communities the 2 Cabinet Member Report – 2 March 2021 Classification: Public most active users of these parks. Whilst free and open to public use, the cycling facilities at Minet are primarily used by cycling groups and clubs for training and competitions which means casual use by local residents is limited. A significant proportion, 79%, of these cyclists come from outside of the Borough to use the cycling facilities at Minet. Implementation of the proposed options will help to increase the proportion of local residents using these local cycling facilities which could improve levels of cycling activity in the Borough and deliver a wide range of benefits in terms of physical and mental health. These opportunities for cycling will further support and enhance the Council’s School Travel Road Safety Team Cycling programmes for residents of all ages. Enhanced facility provision as suggested in these options, could help shape a wider cycling strategy management plan for the Borough that could exceed the levels of cycling participation currently seen in other areas of London. Delegated authority to Cabinet Members is recommended to give effect to the proposed Options and the development of a Hillingdon Cycling Strategy Management Plan. Alternative options considered / risk management The existing facilities could be left in place. This is not recommended as a significant proportion of cyclists using the racing track facilities come from outside the Borough. Local residents are not utilising either of the cycling facilities to their maximum potential nor making use of the park. A new cycling participation management plan is required to improve resident engagement and access to the local cycling and park facilities. Democratic compliance This matter cuts across a number of Cabinet Member portfolios, significantly sport & leisure, the use of the Borough’s parks and also relevant licenses in respect of property and land. Policy Overview Committee comments None at this stage. SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1. Increasing adult physical activity through improving health and reducing obesity levels within the Borough’s population is highlighted in Hillingdon’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (2019). The Hillingdon Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018 - 2021 also identifies the need to focus on the reduction of childhood obesity and an increase in adult physical activity in the resident population. The Council’s Sport and Physical Activity Team will be setting out a new plan of action in 2021 to improve physical activity across all ages as well as reduce inactivity rates amongst Hillingdon residents. 2. This proposal to Cabinet Members seeks to improve resident utilisation of the cycling facilities and park at Minet Country Park and Lake Farm Country Park as well as to consider how the success of these facilities can sustain cycling as a sport and develop talented riders. 3 Cabinet Member Report – 2 March 2021 Classification: Public 3. The Hayes Cycling Facility Needs Assessment Report was completed in April 2020. It assessed the closed road circuit at Minet Country Park and BMX track at Lake Farm and considered the impact of
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