SUPPL_XXVII_NUBIAII.qxd:Janiszewski_cov. 10/29/1511:24AMPage1 Supplement XXVII Supplement P J J T APYROLOGY URISTIC OF OURNAL HE NEW TEXTS AND STUDIES JJP Supplement XXVII NUBIAN VOICES II | ON CHRISTIAN NUBIAN CULTURE T HE J OURNAL OF J URISTIC P APYROLOGY Supplement XXVII JACQUES VAN DER VLIET VAN JACQUES GRZEGORZ OCHAŁA ¸AJTAR ADAM EDITED BY N N ON WARSAW 2015 EW C UBIAN HRISTIAN T EXTS AND N V UBIAN S TUDIES OICES C ULTURE II SUPPL_XXVII_Nubia_str:Janiszewski_str.ok 10/29/15 11:03 AM Page 14 UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW FACULTY OF LAW AND ADMINISTRATION CHAIR OF ROMAN AND ANTIQUE LAW UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF PAPYROLOGY THE RAPHAEL TAUBENSCHLAG FOUNDATION THE JOURNAL OF JURISTIC PAPYROLOGY Supplements SERIES EDITORS TOMASZ DERDA ADAM ¸AJTAR JAKUB URBANIK VOLUME XXVII SUPPL_XXVII_Nubia_str:Janiszewski_str.ok 10/29/15 11:03 AM Page 15 NUBIAN VOICES II NEW TEXTS AND STUDIES ON CHRISTIAN NUBIAN CULTURE APYROLOGY EDITED BY P ADAM ¸AJTAR GRZEGORZ OCHA¸A JACQUES VAN DER VLIET URISTIC J OURNAL OF J HE T Supplement XXVII WARSAW 2015 rz04_redaction_rz04_redaction 29.12.2015 10:45 Page IV The Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplements Series is jointly published by the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw, the Insti - tute of Archaeology of the University of Warsa2w6 , 2a8nd0 t0h-e9 R27aphael Taube6n 4- schlag F4o8u n2d2 ati5o5n 2, 2K 8ra1k5 owskie4 P8r z2e2 dm55ie 2śc0i e3 84 / , 48 22 W5a5r s2z4a w31a 9 tel. (+ -) and (+ ) , fax: (+ ) e mails: [email protected], [email protected], - [email protected], [email protected] web page: <http://www.taubenschlagfoundation.pl> Cover design by Maryna Wiśniewska DTP and image processing by Grzegorz Ochała © for the book by the Raphael Taubenschlag Foundation © for the constituting papers by the authors This publication has been published with financial support from the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw . Warszawa 2015 ISBN 978-83-938425-7-5 Wydanie I Druk i oprawa: Sowa sp. z o.o., Piaseczno rz05-06_contents1_rz05-06 29.12.2015 10:35 Page V CONTENTS vii PREFACE . xi GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS . xv NOTE ON THE EDITION OF THE TEXTS . Part One NEW TEXTS 3 . Dekker RenTahtee m emorial stone of Bishop Joseph III of Aswan . 5 van der Vliet & Worp JacqFuouers north-Nubian funeraKryl sataesla Ae f.r om the Bankes Collection 27 . van Ginkel & van der Vliet JanA Syriac alphabet fJraocmq uQeass r Ibrim 45 . Ruffini GioQvaasnr nIib rRim. ’s Old Nubian burial-shroud (QI inv. 78.1.24/53 = NI 46) . 53 Łajtar & Ochała AdaTmw o wall inscrGiptrizoengs orz from the Faras cathedral with lists of people and goods 73 . Łajtar & van der Vliet AdaAmn inscribed tomJabc qchuaems ber in Ukma-West 103 . Deptuła AgaItnas criptions from Saint Menas’ church in Selib 119 . rz05-06_contents1_rz05-06 29.12.2015 10:35 Page VI VI CONTENTS Łajtar AdaTmhr ee fragments of terracotta epitaphs from el-Koro and Karmel (Abu Hamed Reach) 137 . Part Two STUDIES 149 . Seignobos RobLiens évêchés nubiens: nouveaux témoignages. La source de la liste de Vansleb et deux autres textes méconnus 151 . Łajtar AdaTmhe mystery of Timikleos solved! 231 . Tsakos AleTxahne dcrryopst ogram as a variant of the cryptogram : ΜΧΓ ΧΜΓ On text and image in Christian Nubia 245 . van der Vliet JacqNuuebsi an voices from Edfu: Egyptian scribes and Nubian patrons in southern Egypt 263 . Weschenfelder PetTrah e soulou in medieval Old Nubian documents: A mobile ethnic or professional group? 279 . Weber-Thum & Weschenfelder KerTshtien m ultifunctional -ⲁ: AP wetirlad -card in Old Nubian grammar? 301 . van Gerven Oei VinAc ennott eW on. tJh. e Old Nubian morpheme -ⲁ in nominal and verbal predicates . 313 313-334_van_gerven1_171-224 29.12.2015 10:42 Page 313 Vincent W. J. van Gerven Oei A NOTE ON THE OLD NUBIAN MORPHEME -ⲁ IN NOMINAL AND VERBAL PREDICATES n line with the syntactical and morphological analysis Iⲗ Nubian Voices of the -morpheme offered in theⲁ previous volume of , I would like this time to address1 the -morpheme in Old Nubian texts, both lit - erary and documentary, in order to improve our ovⲁerall understanding of Old Nubian sentence structure and grammar. The -morpheme, which in the extant literature is usually referred to by the vague term ‘predicative’, is a core marker in the Old Nubian sentence, and improving our under - standing of its distribution and function will hopefully lead to more reli - able translations or, at least, betⲁter informed guesses. An analysis of the function and distribution of the -morpheme within the Old Nubian cor - pus is all the more necessar2y, because it has only marginally survived in modern Nubian languages, which, therefore, cannot give us any thor - ough indication about the past usage or distribution of such a morpheme. 1 Browne Stauros Studia Papyrologica Mainidlye mfromG rGiff.i tMh’s. Old Nubi,a ‘nG Lriefficttiohn’sa ry P-aTpeyxrto’l,o gica Castroctavia na 22 (1983), pp. 75–119; , idem Chrysostomus Nubianus: An[ =O ld Nubian Version of Ps.-Chryso8st]o, mR, Ionm Vee n – - Berarbcileelmon Ca r1u9c8em2; Sermo, Papyrologica Castroctaviana El- Shafie el-Guzuuli &[= van Gerven Oei 10T] h, eR Momireac–le Bofa rScaeilnotn Ma 1in9a8:4;ⲅ ⲓaⲥn ⲙdⲓ̅ ⲛⲁⲛ ⲛⲟⲕⲕⲟⲣ V. W. J. , , The Hague – Tirana 2012 , as these are the texts that I have alreadPy .f Qulalysr a Inbarliym zed in view of a larger grammatical study. Documentary evidence is mainly from IV. 2 Bechhaus-Gerst The (Hi)story of Nobiin: 1000 Years of Language Change See Marianne , , Frankfurt a/Main etc. 2011, pp. 69–71. 313-334_van_gerven1_171-224 29.12.2015 10:42 Page 314 314 VINCENT W. J VAN GERVEN OEI Grundzüge der nubischen Grammatik Ernst Zyhlarz, in his ⲁ from 1928, observes that there are two diff-ea rent -morphemes op-aerating in the Old Nubian -la nguage, a ‘predicative ’ and a ‘postposition ’: ‘ Di-ea vom prädi - kativen sichtlich zu scheidende emphatische Postposition findet sich gelegentlich als Erweiterung subjektiver und prädikativer Nominalformen, speziell nach einem Verbum des Nennens, ferner als Erweiterun3 g von Ver - balformen und schließlich auchG mraimt moaffteikn bdaesr Nfionbailienm (N Silinun b’.ischH) owever, Roland Werner suggests in his ‘daß es sich bei der a-Form des Verbs und des Nomens um diesselbe, nämlich (im Sinne des Altnubischen) ‘prädikative’ Form, d.h. die Form, die das Nomen als Prädikat annimt, handelt, wobei ich anders als Zyhlarz im Falle de4s Verbs nicht von Partizⲁip, sondern einfach von a-Form sprechen möchte ’. This idea that the -morpheme in nominOall da nNdu bviearnb aGl rcaomnmteaxr ts is one and the same, reappears in Gerald Bro-ⲁwne’s , namely in the assertion that the p5 redicative ‘marks the predicate of a clause, both nominal and verbal’. This is an extension of Werner’s claim in the sense that Browne also includesⲁ the so-called ‘indicative’ verb forms as ver - bal predicates mark6ed by the -morpheme and not only so-called ‘pred - icative’ verb forms. In spite of this insight, Browne does not attempt to structure the Old Nubian predicate around this morpheme, but instead bases his analysis of the nominal and verbal predicates largely on precon - ceived, yet rather unwieldy, Indo-European-style paradigms. In her recent work on the diachronic comparative grammar of the Nobiin-ⲁ language, Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst plainly asserts 7that the pred - icative is operative on both nominal and verbal predicates, implying that 3 Zyhlarz Grundzüge der nubischen Grammatik im christlichen Frühmittelalter (Altnu - bischE):. Grammati,k , Texte, Kommentar und Glossar Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgen - landes [= 18], Leipzig 1928, p. 130. 4 Werner Grammatik des Nobiin Nilo-Saharan. Linguistic Analyses and Documenta - tion R. , [= 1], Hamburg 1987, p. 169. 5 Browne Grammar , , p. 36 [§ 3.6.4]. 6 Browne Grammar , , p-ⲁ. 51: ‘The indicative [can be derived] from the subjunctive through fusion with predicative ’. 7 Bechhaus-Gerst The (Hi)story of Nobiin , (cit. n. 2), p. 67. 313-334_van_gerven1_171-224 29.12.2015 10:42 Page 315 A NOTE ON THE OLD NUBIAN MORPHEME -ⲁ 315 -ⲁ the predicative is the pivot of the syntax of the Old Nubian sentence. Although building upon the work of Zyhlarz, Werner, and Browne, she offers a novel perspective in the sense that she attempts to give a system - ⲁatical overview, departing from the different environments in which the -morpheme occurs. However, because her work mainly revolves around a diaⲁchronic analysis of the Nobiin language, many grammatical aspects of the -morpheme remain obscure. If we review tⲁhe extant grammatical literature from Zyhlarz to Bech - haus-Gerst, the -morpheme has been attested in a number of distinct, albeit related contexts: (1) as marker of the nominal predicate; (2) as marker of the main verbal predicate; (3) as marker of final clauses; (4) as marker of adjunctives; (5) within the scope of universal quantifiers; (6) as vocative; and (7) as marker of direct discourse. The laOstld t hNruebei acno nGtreaxm ts- mhaavr e been relatively satisfactorily treated in Browne’s , in §§ 3.6.4c, 3.6.4b, and 4.8, respectively. Based on the above obser - vations, the present article attempts to systematically elaboⲁrate the first four environments, departing from the assumption that the -morpheme marks the Old Nubian nominal and main verbal predicates. 1. MARKER OF THE NOMINAL PREDICATE Let us start with the nominal predicate. In the first cGomrupnrdezhüegen sdievre n autbtiesmchpent Gatr amn moavteirk view of Old Nubian grammar, Zyhlarz-ⲁ’s from 1928, the usage of predicative is confined to nominal predication, with or without overtly expressed copula: ‘ Steht ein Nomen als Prädikat in Verbindung mit einem Verbum des Seins-a, kopulativ oder mit emphatischem Suffix, so erhält es regulär die Endung .
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