General Index

General Index

GENERAL INDEX Adiabene: 107 Darius Ill: 64 Agatharchides: 69 David. House of: I I. 2If.• 43. 66.86.105 Ahab:46 Day ofthe Lord: Ahasuerus: 55--60 Debt: 3J, 34. 38 Albright. W. F.: 6. 61 Decapolis. The: 69.90. 99. 113 AlexanderJannai: 80. 87. 9Off.• 115 Demon-possession: 102 Alexander (son of Aristobulus 11): 100 Deportation (to Caspian): 62 Alexander the Great: 5.65. 68f.. 109 Dio Cassius: 105 Alexandra Salome: 91. 92f. Dispersion (Eastern): 34. 42. H~I. 69. 79. 96. 97. Alexandria: 68. 69. 70. 71. 97f.. 108ff.• 118 99. 106f. Amos: 19 Dispersion (Western): 69. 96. 99.107-110.118 Antigonus: 100. 104f.• 112 Divorce: 32f. Antioch: 69. 70. 71. 76f. Drought: 19. 24. 33 Antiochus IV (Epiphanes): 76--79. 80. 108 Antipater: 93f.• loof. Edersheim. A.: 56 Aramaic: 9. 23. 48.110 Edom. Edomites: 11.24. H. 101 Archelaus: 12of. Education: 45. 98 Ark ofthe Covenant: 18.63 Elephantine (Yeb): 4n. 23f.• 42. 60 Aristeas. Letter of: 69. 109. 110 Eliashib (high-priest): 36. 37. 38. 64f. Aristobulus I: 86f.. 90.102 Enoch. Book of: 88 Aristobulus 11: 92--95. 100 Eschatology: 80f.• 124 Aristobulus Ill: 105. 112f. Essenes: 82. 88.1I1. 115f.• 118f. Artaxerxes I: 26. 28ff.• 36. 39. 43 Esther: 30.44.55-00.96 Artaxerxes 11: 40. 55.68 Exile: 4f.. 8 Asia Minor: 79.101. 107f.• 118 Exile. Return from: I. 11-18.43 Atonement. Day of: Exodus: Augustus (Octavian): Ezra: 26. 28. 38. 39f.• 41-54. 75. 76.86 Babylonian Exile: 4. 5. 35. 96 Fasting: 29.44. 51 Bagoas: 24. 33. 60. 62 Feasts. Pilgrim: 45. 49. 82. 88 Bar Kochba: 66n. 77. 81.124 Finkelstein. L.: 86n Ben Sira.Jesus 77ff.• 75.82 Bright.].: 62 Galilee: 5If.• 90. 96. 97. 102f.• 119. 122. 123 Browne. L. E.: 16 Gentiles: 5If.• 110. 114 Bruce. F. F.: 2. 75n. 87n. 94. 123 Geshem: 15.30.32 Bullinger. E. W.: 29 Gerizim. Mount: 38. 64ff.• 90 God-fearers: 110. 114 Caesarea: I 14 Godofheaven: Calendar: 88 Greece. Greeks: 68f.• 71.77 Cambyses: 5. 17. 18.20 Greek settlements: 69 Carlyle. T.: 66 chesed: 81 Haggai: 14. 17. 18-21.24 Circumcision: 77.79 Haman: 58ff. Cities. Influence of Greek: 70 Hasidim: 81. 83. 85. 86f. City walls: 20.26.35 Hasmoneans: 84f.• 100. 103. 112f. civil service, Persian: 28,42,44 Hecataeus of Abdera: 69. 109 Cross. F. M.: 65 Hellenism: 70f.• 74. 76--79. 80. 109 Cyrus: 5.6. 9f.. 17. 18.42 HellenisticJudaism: 109. 118 Herod (the Great): 13. 102-105. 111-117 Darius I: 6. 18.21 Herod Agrippa I: 122f. Dariusll: 23 Herod Antipas: 120. 122 13 1 13 2 From Babylon to Bethlehem Herodotus: 55, 70 Noth,M.:62 Hezekiah (Galilean): 103, 117 High Priest(s): 11, 21, 22, 36f., 38, 42f., 66, 75ff., Oesterley, W. O. E.: 23,62,85, 86n, 121 84f., 91,112, 115f. Onias 11: 75 HilleI: 25, 74,107, 116,119 Onias Ill: 76ff., 85, 86 Holiness: 15, 63f. Onias IV: 85, 115f. HymnsofThankgiving: 87 Onias, the Circle Maker: 94 Hyrcanus I, see John Hyrcanus Hyrcanusll: 92-115,99-104,113 Passover: 23,45,5 I ,52,64,94, 120 Paul: 46, 57, 71, 72, 97,101,108 Idolatry: 46, 52, 63, 79 People of the land: 11, 13, 16 Idumea, Idumeans: 12,66,90,93,97 Persia, Persians: 6,10, 20f., 24, 29, 42, 52, 55, 57, 58, Immortality ofsoul: 82, ID9 60,66,68 Individualism: 71, 72 Pharisees: 36, 82, 85ff., 88, 89, 9Iff., 95f., 102, 107, 1I5ff., 119, 12If., 124 Jaddua (high-priest): 64f., 68 Philistia: 90 Jason (high-priest): 77,78,80 philo: 43, 82, 88,108, ID9, 123 Jeremiah: 3, 18,41,45 Pliny: 88 Jerusalem: 6, 20, 27, 29, 35, 78, 81,97, "4, 123f. Pompey: 95, 100, 101, 108, 117 Jerusalem, Walls of: 20, 26f., 29-33, 39f., 78,101 Pontius Pilate: 123 Jesus: 21, 36, 52, 82, 89,97,122 Poverty: 12, 33f., 35,102,103, 119 John (high-priest): 62 Priests: 10, 12,25,35,37,38,41,43, 45f., 53f., 65, John (the Baptist): 50, 89 82f., 88,94,95 John Hyrcanus: 12,65, 85f. Proletariat: 33, 34, 119 Josephus: 28, 29, 38,43,56,58,65,69,75,76,80,82, Prophets: 25, 32,45,46 106,116,123 Proselytes: 12,50,52,90,92,94 Joshua,Jeshua (high-priest): 11, 13, 14,43 Psalms of Solomon: 117 Josiah: 46, 63f. Ptolemy, Ptolemies: 68f., 85, 99, ID9f. Jubilees, Book of 84,88 Purim: 55f., 60 Julius Caesar: 100f., ID9 Justice: 45 Quirinius: 122 Qumran: 41, 55, 76, 82, 86-89, 91, 95, Ill, 115f., Kenyon, K. M.: 26, 31 118f. King and Law: 46 Klausner, RabbiJ.: Ill, 121 Rabbi(s): 73, 82, 86, 98,110 Rabinowitz, Rabbi L. L.: 57n Law ofMoses, see Torah Ramsay, Sir W. M.: 107f. Legalism, Rabbinic: 67 re/igio Iidta: 101 Leontopolis (temple): 66, 76, 85,115 Remnant: 50, 8 I Levites: 12, 19, 37,43,47,48,68 Resurrection: 82, 118 Loans, see Debt Romans: 95, 99-105, 109,116,120--124 Rome (city): 97, 99,108,121 Malachi: 24ff., 49 Rowley, H. H.: 40 Manasseh: 38, 64f. Rudolph, W.: 13,40 Marduk: 8f., 10,56 Mariamne I: 105, 113 Sabbath: 37,]8,48,69,78,79,81,88,95,97, ID9 Marriages, Mixed: 25, 26, 37f., 49ff., 53 Sacrifice: 4f., 13, 18, 23, 25, 31, 37, 43, 45, 47, 79, 88, Menelaus (high-priest): 77ff., 80, 85 91,98, 123 Messiah, 2, 21,81,84,85,88,95, 105, 112, 117 Sadducees: 66, 73, 80, 82, 86, 89, 91, 92f., 96, 102, Messiah (of Le vi): 21, 84, 88 112, 118, 121f., 124 Millet system: 42 Salvation history: 5, 8 Monotheism: 70 Samaria: 6, 7,15,16,64,69,90, "4 Mordecai: 56-00 Samaritans: 15f., 20f., 26f., 30, 31, 35,62--66 Murashu family: 35, 55 Samaritan Pentateuch: 65 Sanballat: 24, 30ff., 36, 38, 60, 64f. N,bateans: 24,94 Sanctuary, Central: 63, 85 n Nabonidus: 9 Sanhedrin: 83, 103 Nationalists: 80f., 95f., 102, 112, 124 Scribe(s): 41, 72 Naturei Karta: 50, 71 Seleucus, Seleucids: 69, 85, 90, 99 Nebuchadnezzar: 8, 11, 15,26 Sepphoris: 69,117,120,122 Nehemiah: 26, 28-40, 43, 44, 49, 64f. Septuagint: 70, 11 0 New Year: 13, 19,47 Servant ofJehovah: 2, 82, 88 Northern Tribes: 14, 17 Shammai: 116, 119 General Index 133 Sheshbazzar: 10. 11. 14. 16 Tithes: 36f.• 38. 119 Shimon ben Shetah: 92 Tobiah (Ammonite): Simon (Hasmonean): 22. 79. 84f.• 101 Tobias. Tobiads: 75. 76. 78 Simon II (high-priest): 75 f. Tobit: 61.96. 106 Snaith. N. H.: 16 Torah: 42. 44-49. 52f.• 63. 73. 79. 81. 86f.• 97. 118f. Slaves: 33. 34. 70.108. 115 Tradition: 53. 54. 58. 65f.• 69. 76.83. 118 Solomon: 13.84 Turetsky. Rabbi M.: 57.58 Stafford Wright.J.: 26. 39f. Suetonius: 108 Vermes. G.: 96n. 119 Synagogue: 5. 34.48.61. 96ff.• 101. 108. 110 Synagogue. Great: 75. 76• 97 Wicked Priest. The: 87 Synagogue officials: 98 Wisdom ofSolomon. The: 87 Syncretism: Xenophon: 68n Tabernacles. feast of: Xerxes: 30. 55. 57 Tattenai: 16. 20f. Teacher of Righteousness: 87f.• 91. 95.115.119 Zadok. Zadokites: 65. 84f.• 11 7 Temple: 4f.• 8. 13-16. 18-21. 35f.• 38.47.61. 64ff.• Zealots: 81.95f.• Ill. 119. 120. 122. 123f. 78f.• 114 Zechariah: 18-21.24. 26f. Temple vessels: 8. 10. 14 Zeitlin. S.: 92. 93f.• 103. 105. 121 Testaments ofthe XII Patriarchs: 84 Zerubbabel: 11. 14. 16. 21f. Theophany: 63 Zoroastrianism: 6. 21.56. 66f. .

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