l!!JIDItJ!am ¥tiill I ~ ~_ . ~ I . ~~~~~~~~J ~ ~ ~~' ~I ~ j~ 'ri ID ~h NORTH GERMAN LLOYD BREMEN * . * * * Twin Screw Mail Steamship George Washington C. POLACK Commander OFFICERS F. BLOCK , Chief Officer J. Hinsch, 2nd Officer H. Klare, 3rd Officer E. Soer, 2nd Officer G. Kirmss, 4th Officer E. tom Dieck, 2nd Officer H. Winterberg, 4th Officer Dr. STARKE, Physician Dr. KLO SE, Physician D. LAMPE, Chief Engineer E. Assmann, Ist Engineer I-I. AHLERS, P nrser T. SCHRODER , Commissary C. 'i\'ichmann, Commissary O. CAESAR, Chief Steward . C. Larson, 2nd Steward, 2nd Cabin L. Huck, 2nd Steward M. Oesterheld, 2nd Steward J. 'i\'estendorf, 2nd Steward K. Arnold, 2nd Steward J. Bottjer, 2nd Steward, 3rd Cabin M. ROLLE, Chief Cook H , HELMERS, Baggagemaster Wireless Telegraph Operators H . Schafer A. "Volf Traffic 'and Information Office C. SEGHORN, Manager SAILING FROM NEW YORK FOR BREMEN VIA PLYMOUTH AND CHERBOURG SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1913 OELRICHS & CO., General Agente ,; BROADwAy (Bowling Green Offices) NEW YORK European Railw ay Tickets RA ILWAY TICKETS FROM BREMEN to the more important points in GERMANY, AUSTRIA, RUSSIA, SWEDEN, NORWAY, DENMARK, HOLLAND, BELGIUM and SWITZERLAND may ' be purchased on board the steamships • "/\ronprinzessin Cui/ie," "/\aiser Wilhelm / /," and "George Washington" from the Traffic Information Office; "Kaiser Wzlltebn der Grosse," from the Purser and on the" Kronprinz l¥z'lhe/m," and " Pn'nz Friedrich Wilhelm" from the Baggage Master. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH TO DESTINATION The baggage of passengers provided with European railway tickets may be checked through to destination after the Custom's examination at Bremerhaven. Passengers holding European railway tickets beyond the German • frontier, are exempt from baggage examination at Bremerhaven. The baggage of these passengers goes through German Territory in bond. Detailed information will be furnishea to passengers by the Baggage Master on board. jftrfSt (!Cabin laafSfSengers Adler, Mr. Julius Billicke, Master Carl Archibald Adler, Mr. Isadore Billwiller, Mr. C. J. Adler, Miss Bell e Billwiller, Miss M. Akeson, Miss Hanna nurse and maid Aldrich, M r. Alonzo Birge, Mr. J. C. Aldrich, Mrs. Alonzo Birge, M rs. J. c. Aldrich, Miss Laura and maid Anable, Mr. F rederick S. Blatz, Mr. Emil Anable, Mrs. Frederick S. Blatz, Mrs. Emil Arnold, Mrs. E lise Blumenkrohn, Mr. L. Aronson Mr. F . H . Boker, Mr. Wilh. Boldenweck, M r. Wlll. Bond, Mrs. R. Baer, Mr. L. Bonne, Miss Clementi ne Barnick, Mr. J. F . Boschau, Mr. Paul von Barnick, Mrs. J. F. Bowen, Mrs. Joseph T. Bartle, Mr. Geo. K. Bowers, Miss Margaret D. Bartle, Mrs. Geo. K. Bradley, M iss Alice M. Baruch, Mrs. H . Braun, Mr. Carl Baruch, Miss Elsie Brocke, M r. Robert jr. Bauman, Mr. Hyman Brookes, Mrs. F. Baumg·artner, M r. H . and chauffeur Baumgartner, Mrs. H. Brookes, Miss F. Bear, Mr. Samuel jr. Brown, Mr. Abe Beaux, Miss Cecilia Brown, Mrs. Abe Beemer, Mrs. Wm. H. Brown, M r. Sam'l jr. Benziger, Mr. George J. Brown, Mrs. Sam'l jr. Benzinger, M rs. George J. Brown, Miss Fannie Leone Berluz-Salignac, M r. Emile Buers, Mr. Will y Berluz-Salignac, Mr. Rene De rlu z-Salignac, Mr. Ludori c Campbell , Miss C. M. Bi lli cke, Mr. A. C. Casey, Mr. E . 1. Billicke, Mrs. A. C. Casey, Mrs. E . 1. o Billicke, Master Albert Con st. Cavanagh, M r. Albert Dillicke, Miss Nancy Caroline Cavanagh, Mr. W illiam Chanler, Mrs. L. S. E isenthal, l\Ir. Max and maid Ellis, Mrs. Ralph Chanler, Miss Alida Ellis" Mrs. W. S. Choate, Miss Margaret M. and maid Conrow, Mrs. W. E. Ensinger, M r. E. Conrow" Miss D. L. Ensinger, Mrs. E. Conrow, Miss A. H. Epstein, Mr. I sidore Corbman, Miss E thelda Currie, Mr. Chas. Cuyler, Mr. De Witt .and valet FairchiJd, Mr. J. P . Cuyler, Mrs. De yVitt Fairchild, Mrs. J. P. and maid F eldenheimer, Mr. Alex Feldenheimer, Mrs. Alex Feldenheimer, Master YVm. B. F iske, M r. Haley Dearbergh, Mr. J. H. Fiske, Mrs. Haley Debbe, Mr. Albert and maid de Echeguren, l\1r. A. C. Fiske, Miss Katherine C. de Echeguren, ::\frs. .-\. C. F iske, Miss l\largaret Lois and maid Fisher, M rs. Philip de Echeguren, Master P. and maid . ~ de Echeguren, Mr. 1. A. Fisher, Miss E rn a Denhof, Mr. M. F leischman, Mr. A. de Raithmuller, Mr. Aloi se F leischman, Mrs. A. Dexter, Mr. George M. Fleischner, Mr. 1. N. Dippel, Mrs. A. F leischner, Mrs. 1. N. and maid and maid Dore, M rs. E. Fleischner, Miss Minnie Dora, Miss Marie Fleischner, Miss E lise Duckett, Mr. H . W . F letcher, Miss Margaret O. Duggan Miss B. Flint, Mr. T. Forchheimer, Mr. Henry F rank, Mr. H. YV. Eaton, Mr. B. 'lv. Frank, Mrs. H. oW. Eaton, Mrs. B. YV. F rank, Master Lawrence E hrhardt, M r. Bernhard Frevert, Miss J. Eitel, Mr. Emil Friedmann, Mr. Leon Eichberg, Mrs. C. Fulper, M r. Vim. H . Gagnier, Mrs. H. Holschneider, 1\1r. Phili pp Gagnier, Miss I-Iolschneider, Miss Elise Garret, Mrs. John VV. , I-Iolschneider, Miss Anita maid and valet Hornfeck, Mr. M. R Gerhard, Miss Elena Huber, Mr. J ean P. and llla id Huber, Mrs. J ean P. Goldberg, Miss Rose Huguley, Mr. H. VV. Goodser, Mr. George Huguley, Mrs. , H. W. Goodser, Mrs. George I-Iunt, Mr. \A,[ , G. Graham, Dr. C. Hunt, Mrs. W . G. Graham, Mrs. C. Huntington, Mrs. C. P. Guggenheimer, Mr. Julius Companion, maid ancl valet Gu rl itz, Miss Amy Hutchins, Mr. vValter Hutchins, Mrs. Walter Hutchinson, Mrs. S. Pemberton Habisreitinger, Mr. Joseph H utchinson, Master S. Pemberton Hamburger, Mr. Max Hutchinson, Miss Agnes Wharton Hamburger, Mrs. Max Harmsen, Mr. H. C. G. Han'is, Mrs. Hattie Ikle, Mr. Chas. F. Heichemer, Miss Leni Isaacs, Mr. L. M. Heilb ronner, Mr. S. Isdahl, Mr. J . c. Heilbronner, Mrs. S. Hellman, Mr. Maurice Hellm an, 'Mrs. Maurice J acob, ,Mr. B. H. Hellman, Miss Lucile L. J acobs, Mr. A. L. Hellman, Master Jack Japp, Mr. H. C. Hepp, Miss Caroline J app, Mrs. H . C. Herz, Mr. Gustav L. J ohnson Dr. Loren B. T . I-l ilder, Mr. J 111il1 s J ohnson, Miss Ameli a I-:1 ilder, M rs. Julius and governess Hilder, Miss Theresa Johnson, Mrs. B. T. r Iimmer, Mr. Hans Jonas, Mr. L. H . H irsch, Dr. Karl F reiheIT von J oyce, Miss Catherin e H irsch, Karl F reifrau von I-lowes, Mr. E. G. I-Iowes, Mrs. E. G. Kaiser, Mrs. Otto Holterhoff, M r. Godfrey Kaucler, Dr. Ernest Holterhoff, Mrs. GodLey I(aufer, 11rs. J. Kaufman, Mr D. Levi, Miss Inez Kaufmann, Mr. William Lieber, Mr. Richard Kehler, Mr. J. H. Lieber, Mr. Walter Kehler, Mrs. J. H. Loewenthal, Mr. L. Keyston, Mr. Wm. D. Loewenthal, Mrs. L. Keyston, Mrs. Wm. D. Loomis, Mr. Jas. P. Kiefer, Mr. E. A. Lowns, Mr. Jas. Kiefer, Mrs. E. A. Lowns, Mrs. J as. Kies, Mr. Nicholas and child Kilborne, Mr. R. S. Luther, Mr. Willard B. Kilborne, Mrs. R. S. Lyle, Mr. Geo. W. Kingman, Mr. T. S. Lyle, Mr. Harold W. Kin, Dr. Yamei Kippenberg, Mrs. H. and infant Mack, Mr. Arthur J. Kippenberg, Miss T. Mac Laren, Mr. Wm. Klein, Mr. F. S. Mac Laren, Mr. Myron T. Kniibel, Mr. Julius Mackensen, Mr. C. von Koch, Mr. Federico Mamlok, Mr. George Koechl, Mr. Victor Mansbacb, M r. A. H. and chauffeur Marcus, Mrs. E. Koechl, Mrs. Victor Marston, Mrs. Emily Koehler, Mr. Julius Mayo, Dr. William J. Kopf, Miss Katherine Mayo, Mrs. William J. Kraakman, Mr J. R. Mayer, Mr. Joseph W. Kupfer, Mr. E. Mayer, Mrs. Joseph W . Mayer, Master Samuel E. S. Mayer, Master Wm. G. Labe, Mrs. Jacob McCloud, Mr. R. Alastair Labe, Master Jacob J r. McLean, Mr. J . Lahm, Mr. J. McLean, Mrs. J. Landsberg, Miss Clara and maids Lauer, Mr. E. A. Metzger, Mr. Maurice Lederer, Mr. Irving, R. Meyer, Mr. Albert Lederer, Mrs. Rence Finder Meyer, Mrs. A. I-I. Lentz, Mr. Aug. C. Meyer, Mr. Otto Leonard, Mr. George S. Meyer, Mrs. Otto Leonard, Mrs. George S. Meyer, Mr. Ben. R. Levi, Miss Minnie Meyer, Mrs. Ben. R. Milius, Mr. F. M. Pickharcl, lVir. A. H. Millard, Mrs. , D. C. Picloll , Baron Max Miller, Mrs. Charles E. Pillsbury, Mr. John S. Milne, Miss Margaret P ill sbury, Mrs. J olm S. Morgenthau, Mr. Maximilian Poppe, Miss Elsa Morgenthau, Mrs. Maximilian Popper, Mr. L. Morgenthau, Miss Beatrice F. Popper, Mrs. L. Morgenthau, Miss Dorothy R. PLihn, Mrs. J. Mtill er, Mrs. Carl M tiller, Miss Margaret Muralt, Mr. Carl von Radley, Mrs. Rawitser, Mr. Fred. Reilley, Miss O. Newton, Mr. Mahlon \iV. and maid Newton, Mrs. Mahlon \iV. Rea, Mr. Geo. Bronson M. E. NLihnen, Mr. Gerhard H. Reimers, Mr. Paul Richter, Mr. E . H. Richter, Miss Anna J. Onderdonk, Mr. T. Roetz, Mr. John Onderdonk, Mrs. T. Rosenberg, Mr. Carl Ostermayer, Mr. Ernst L. Rosenberg, Mrs. Carl Otten, Mr. Ludwig Rosenberg, Master Gerald Rourke, Mrs. Edward F. Rowley, Mr. J as. M .. Pagenstecher, Mr. A. Ryan, Miss Annie Pagenstecher" Mrs. A. Rymershoffer, Mrs. B. Pagenstecher, Miss Friede Rymershoffer, Miss T. Pagenstecher, J.VI; iss Bertha Pappenheimer, Mr. Oscar Parker, Mrs. A. A. Sandby, Mr. Herman Pearson, Mrs. Frederick Scarlett, Mr. W. G. and maids Schandein, Mr. Emil Pearson, Miss L. Frieda Schaus, Mr. Adolph Pease, Mr. R. H. Schaus, Mrs. Adolph Peck, Mr. W. Schloss, Mr. J. E. Peck, Dr. Comfort Edson Schloss, Mrs. J. E. Peck, Miss Katherine Gordon Schlegelmilch, Mr. 'Walter Pervere, Mr. Everett Schoening, Mr. M. E. Pferdmenges, Mr. Albert Schwabacher, Mr. Henry j r. Schwabacher, Mrs. Henry jr. Taylor, Miss Fannie M.
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