DOCUMRNT .118SUNN ED 031 626 AC 004 568 Training Methodology. Part 1: Background Theory and Research. An Annotated Bibliography. Public Health Service (DREW), Washington, D.C. Health Services and Mental Health Administration. Pub Date May 69 Note -98p.; Public Health Service Publication No. 1862, Part I. Available from-Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (0-334-245, $1.00). EDRS Price MF-50.50 HC Not Available frcm EDRS. Descriptors -*Annotated Bibliographies, BehaviorChange, *BehaviorTheories, Communication (Thought Transfer), *Educational Philosophy, Croup Dynamics, Human Engineer as, Motivation, Perception, Programed Instruction The annotated bibliography, including 310 abstracts, pertains to research and theory onindividualbehavior, group behavior, and educational and training philosophy. This is the first of four publications on training methodology; its content was selected from over' 6,000 items mostly publishedfrom January 1960 to March 1968. Areas included are: human factors engineering, human behavior and behavioral change, perception, motivation, communication, the adult learner, learning theory and research, programed learning theory and research. and group dynamics. process and structure. A subject index is included. (pt) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION &WELFARE r OFFICE OF EDUCATION C) THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLYAS RECEIVED FROM THE MI Soli 6 94 PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS Z) STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIALOFFICE OF EDUCATION-- r--I POSITION OR POLICY. Pr\ CD LIJ 0 0 0 0e 4130 0 0 0 (0 0 (9 0 (?) 0 0 PART I: BACKGROU D THEVY A D RESEARCH An Annotated Bibliography This annotated bibliography is the first of fourindicating current thoughton training methodology. Content for the fourpublications was selected fromover 6,000 items. Most were published from January 1960to March 1968. A few earlier itemsare also included because of their significance.Some useful material had to beomitted because of budgetary limitations related bothto search and final printing; the sheerscope of the field precluded complete coverage of the literature. Certain annotationswere borrowed from other publications (detailsare explained on the Credits page). Inthe expectation that thesebibliographies will be ongoing, theproject administrators (listed in the Introduction)welcothe comments and suggestionswith respectto additions,deletions,classificationsystem,indexing, and technicalor typographical errors. ERRATA SHEET Training Methodology Part I: Background Theory and Research p. 5 Reference #24: second author: KURTZ, not KRUTZ p. 6 Reference #28: editor's name: Biderman, not Bidderman p. 8 Reference #34: issue no. 4 of vol. 25 p. 8 Reference after #34(not indexed): PAUL, BENJAMIN E. (ed.) p.15Reference after #59(not indexed): 1st column, 3rd line from bottom:change studies to studied p.19 Reference #82: Personnel management quarterly, not Management and personnelquarterly p.20Reference #83: author: GENEVIEVE B. OXLEY, not GENEVIEVE G. OXLEY p.26 Reference #111: in title: change message to massage p.38 Reference #147: in periodical title: change English to engineering p.39 Reference #153: 948 pp. p.43 Reference #165: author: GROSE, ROBERT F., not GROSE, ROBERT R. p.49 Reference #193: Review of educational research, notresources p.49 Reference #194: 173 pp. p.51 Reference #196: pp. 1-4, not pp. 1-3 p.51 Reference #199: 22 pp. p.55 Reference #216: pp. 370-373, not 367-370 p.56 Reference #220: periodical title:Journal of abnormal and social psychology p.58Reference #231: pp. 2-14, not 2-13 p.62Reference #246: second author: SILLS, not STILLS p.64Reference #254: author: KELLEY, not KELLY p.73 Reference #292: 1247 pp., not 127 pp. TRAININGMETHODOLOGY Part 1: BackgroundTheory and Research An AnnotatedBibliography U.S. DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH, EDUCATION. ANDWELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH SERVICES ANDMENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CENTER ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30333 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTALHEALTH CHEVY CHASE, MARYLAND 20203 Public Health Service Publication No. 1862, Part I U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1969 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $1 This bibliography pertainsto research and theoryon individual behavior, behavior, and educational group and training philosophy.It is the first ofa group of four on training methodology. Referencesin all four are arrangedin classified order, annotated, and indexed. Additionalinformation about concepts be located by references emphasized in this publicationmay to indexes of other publicationsin the group. (Insome references coverage ofa particular concept was secondary topic, but its inclusion or even peripheral to the major was noted in the indexing to emphasizerelationships.) Other titles in thegroup are: Training MethodologyPartII: Planning and Administration Training MethodologyPartIII: Instructional Methodsand Techniques Training MethodologyPartIV: Audiovisual Theory,Aids, and Equip- ment In a relatedgroup of classified, annotated, and indexed health inservice training, bibliographies on mental training conceptsare highlighted in annotations andindexing. The group consists of threepublications: Annotated Bibliography on Inservice Training for Key Professionalsin Community Mental Health Annotated Bibliography on Inservice Training for AlliedProfessionals in Community Mental Health Annotated Bibliographyon Inservice Training in MentalHealth for Staff in ResidentialInstitutions These seven publications were developed as a joint effort of theNational Institute of Mental Health and the NationalCommunicable Disease Center of Mental Health Administration, the Health Services and Public Health Service,U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The project was administered by theNational Institute of Mental Health's Community Mental Health Centers Staffing Branchof the Division of Mental Health Service Programs; the Continuing EducationBranch of its Division ofManpower and Training; and theTraining Methods DevelopmentSection of the National Communicable Disease Center'sTraining Program. iii lf ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Due to the nature of this series of publications, theamount of coordination and cooperation required for its development, and therange of skills employed in getting it published, the following persons should be recognized:Miss Patricia Rogers, Technical Information Specialist (Education), Training MethodsDevelopment Section, Training Program, National Communicable Disease Centercompilerand project supervisor; Dr. Ross Grumet, Psychiatrist, Region IV Mental HealthServicetechnical reviewer; Mr. Alfred R. Kinney, Jr., Chief, Training Methods DevelopmentSection, Training Program, National Communicable Disease Centeradvisor; Mrs. AnneW. Morgan, Health Educator, Region IV Office of Comprehensive Health Planningtechnicalreviewer; Dr. Robert D. Quinn, Staff Psychologist, Community Mental Health CentersStaffing Branch, Division of Mental Health Service Programs, NationalInstitute of Mental HealthNIMH coordinator; Dr. Dorothy Schroeder, Professor of Social Work, Universityof Michi- ganconsultant; Mrs. Betty S. Segal, Evaluation Specialist, Training Methods Develop- ment Section, Training Program, National Communicable. Disease Centertechnical reviewer; Miss Marguerite Termini, Associate Professor of Psychiatric Nursing, University of Delawareconsultant; Dr. Thomas G. Webster, Chief, Continuing EducationBranch, Division of Manpower and Training, National Institute of Mental Healthadvisor. Original annotations and abstracts were written by seven graduate students and technical assistants employed especially for the project. These individualswere: Miss Connie Benson, Miss Mary Lavinia Campbell, Miss Rosemary Franklin, Miss Sharon Grilz, Miss Gale Lawrence, Mr. Garrett McAinsh, and Mr. Stephen Von Allmen. iv CREDITS Permission to reprint abstracts and annotationsfrom the followingsources is gratefully acknowledged: (ASTD): "Training Research Abstracts,"edited by Gerald H. Whitlock.IN Training and Development Journal,published by the AmericanSociety for Training and Development,January 1966 to date.Separately published by the Society beforeJanuary 1966. (ASW): Abstracts for Social Workers.Albany, N. Y.: National Associationof Social Workers. Quarterly. (ERIC): ERIC Clearinghouseon Adult Education. Human RelationsTrainingand Research, No. 1: Current InformationSources. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University, January 1968. 17pp. (HumRRO):Smith, Robert G., Jr. An AnnotatedBibliography on the Design of Instructional Systems (TechnicalReport 67-5). Alexandria, Va.:The George Washington University,Human Resources ResearchOffice, May 1967. 132 pp. (USCSC 1): U. S. Civil Service CommissionLibrary. Personnel Literature.Washing- ton, D. C.: The Library. Monthly. (USCSC 2): U. S. Civil Service CommissionLibrary. Planning, Administration,and Evaluation of Executive DevelopmentPrograms (Personnel Bibliography Series Number 4). Washington, D. C.:The Library, June 1961. 64pp. (USCSC 3): U. S.CivilService Commission Library. Planning,Organizing and Evaluating Training Programs (PersonnelBibliography Series Number 18). Washington, D. C.: The Library,January 1966. 87pp. (USCSC 4): U. S. Civil Service CommissionLibrary. training Methods and Tech- niques (Personnel Bibliography SeriesNumber 19). Washington, D. C.: The Library, January 1966. 53pp. CONTENTS HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING 1 HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND
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