R E vs OfJ'faal Publication of the Alttmni and Student Bodfl /j U.P. College of Forestry, College, Laguna ARBOR WEEK - FORESTRY DAY ISSUES VOL. XVII NOS. 2 8c 3 t Let Us Plant Trees on Arbor Week Antonio A. Quejado 3 Forest Resources of the Philippines Juan L. Utleg 7 The Role of Science in Forestry Development Jose Viado 11 The Philippine Forest Resources: Their Fuller Utilization and Relation to World Trends Manuel R. Monsalud & Domingo Lantican 31 A Study of Wood Utilization and Manufacturing Efficiency in Plywood Armando A. Villaflor !S An Administrative Study of Public Outdoor Recreational Management in the United States Selected for Possible Application to Philippine Conditions Edilberto Z. Cajucom S Timber Research, Engineering and Industry Development F. M. Lauricio Survival and Growth of Moluccan Sa1J in Mt. Makiling as Affected by Planting Spacing and Kind of Planting Materials Ireneo L. Domingo 6 3 Improvements in the Utilization of Lower . Quality Philippine Woods Manuel R. Monsalud 7 Reaction Wood Teofila M. Lindayen 71 General Information on Flood Damage ~itigation A. B. Deleiia, Conrado C. Mercado, et al. 7 Determination of Wood Waste in the Sawmills D. G. Faustino & F. D. Virtucio FPRI Technical Notes ... FPRI Highlights . Forestry In The News ... Makiling News . Campus Notes ... Sunshine Corner .. Literary Attempts . Editorials ... From the Mail Bag -~·••.._~•oo.._~.,.,··~0000_~.,..,.._~~ooa.._~ci>«>o 0,~,,oe0~.~~~ r·....... e~· ....... ~.- ......~ ........ ~·;., ..,e~o·-·~·- ......~ ... -·~oo,,...,o~·;."""·~ '; 8 THE TWO PATHS 2 ~ A SOUTH AMERICAN TALE 2 • ~ Before Man was incarnated in flesh and blood, and before animals • 8~, were created, Inti, the servant of the Invisible God, was surrounded by ~-.:: spirits waiting to come to earth. 8': Two pathways were disputing which one the spirits would take. The { safe path that led through the plains said, "To me all the best spirits ~ will come, for they trust in my safety." t:i The other path, the unsafe une, full uf brambles and thickets, led between defiles in the mountains and lost itself in the heights beyond. 8":. 0! To the safe path, it replied, "The best spirits desire to conquer dangers. 1 I offer many dangers. The spirits will prefer me." g "If they take me,'' argued the safe and straight path that led through rhe plain, "they will live happily." "No matter," said the dangerous path, "nu matter what offers you make for easily gained happiness, the be.,t .~pirits will choose me. The 8 most courageous prefer the risks and the uncertainty of the unknown. They prefer that which they can conquer by the force of su.fJering and ~ sorrow." At that point Inti, servant of God, intervened. 8 "Hush, paths. The spirits that God has created are appr,;aching. They ,,hall choose." ~ The spirits advanced and Inti said. "Choose! This is the safe path­ that, the unsafe. One goes by the plain here you will be safe and will hat•e food in abundance. The other, no one knows where it leads, but it is sunk in the depths of the forest, and idnds up steep and difficult mountains. Choose!" The spirits began to advance. Some on the safe path; others by the dangerous path. Those who took the easy way became animals; those who had the courage to face danger became Men. ·' '~~- •' -:~........... Cong. Caliwara presents to President Marcos report on the 6th World Forestry ConJ!:rt'SS held in Madrid last June. The Philippine dele­ gation was rhairmanned by Cong. Caliwara. From left to right:-FPRl's Director Manuel R. Monsalud, Cong. Jack Soriano of Pangasinan, Cong. Caliwara, and President Mareos. DESIDERIO DALISA Y Investment Inc. Desidal Building Juan P. Cabaguio Ave., Davao City Philippines Telephone No. 1246-J CONCESSIONAIRES GENERAL IMPORTERS and EXPORTERS Cable Address : JUAN L. C. CAM "DESIDAL DAVAO" Gen. Manager Let us Plant Forest Trees ANTONIO A. QUEJADO on Arbor Week Acting Director of Forestry For the past many years up to July of forests have suffered from the hands of un­ 1954, the country had always celebrated Ar­ scrupulous people. The kaifigineros, together bor Day. The follo\ving year, by virtue of with the squatters and illegal loggers, have Executive Proclamation No. 129 series of changed the picture of our countrysides and 1955 of the then President Ramon Magsay­ our forests into cogon and open lands now say, the one day observance was extended badly marked by erosion. The kaifigineros, to one week. eking out a living in the hinterlands, the squatters seeking lands, and the illegal log­ To me, Arbor Week has some infectious gers hacking away the forests for profit, have significance. Since I came to know of the reduced our forest land into a critical state. annual celebration, I have always given the occasion some serious thoughts. As circum­ The condition of our forests has dis­ stances and opportunities permit, I have al­ turbed me very much. Even before I be­ ways participated actively in celebrating the came the Director of Forestry, I had already occasion, and enlightened my children and expressed my wish to stop the pillage of friends on the ultimate purpose the celebra­ our forests. And I had also manifested in tion seeks to achieve. various occasions my conformity with work Having spent the golden years of my life plans for the speeding up of reforestation in the forest service of the country, I know work in the country to restore lost forests. and I need not state here the thousand<> I am aware of the many aesthetic benefits and one uses of trees to man. I know, as we get from forests. To my mind, it was all Filipinos know, that we need trees from sheer nonesense as well as criminally neg­ the happy event of birth up to the tragic advent of death. ligent t~ remain complacent towards forest destruction. To me, it is an unpardonable Like anybody else, I hope the celebration act to burn the forests just to plant root of Arbor Week this year is successful. In crops when over in the lowlands we have the past, due to the seemingly apathetic at­ vast untilled lands. titude of our people towards the protection and conservation of trees the occasion was The temporary benefits the farmers get devoid of any significance. If the Arbor Week from clearing the forest for kaifigin pur­ celebration is successful this year, I am most poses can not off set the disaster the whole certain it will to a great degree impress nation will suffer as a result of the destruc­ upon the minds of our people the importance tion of the forest. The squatters have con­ of planting trees and the need of protecting tributed to the denudation of our forests. them. And the get-quick loggers, the unscrupulous My service in the bureau of forestry has and money-hungry operators have irreparably enabled me to go places, and I have seen done more harm to the national economy by with my own eyes the destruction our public destroying the timber stand. ARBOR WEEK-FORESTRY DAY ISSUES - 1966 Page l The Bureau of Forestry has never tole­ forestation Office or to our experiment Sta­ rated this. We will never tolerate the ravage tions, requesting hundreds of forest tree seed­ of our forests. Although somehow this un­ lings for planting during the Arbor \Veek. scrupulous persons can not be pinned down We want the celebration to be success­ due to the bureau lack of fund and person­ ful. For quite sometime now, our Informa­ nel, we are taking extra efforts to stop once tion Office, together with the extension de­ and for all the despoilation of our forests. partment of the U.P. College of Forestry, Forest protection is one thing. Reforesta­ in coordination with other members of the tion is another. But these two are gigantic Joint Committee on Information and Educa­ forestry programs which should receive the tion in Forestry, has been disseminating cooperation of the people. various information materials closely related with the Arbor Week celebration. And so during this year's Arbor Week, with crossed fingers, I am hoping the people We have printed 10,000 copies of the will start appreciating the importance of tree>. Arbor Week posters and distributed them Once our citizenry becomes aware of the to all parts of the country. We have also necessity of planting trees to make their given away printed information materials on plazas, parks and boulevards, look clean­ forest conservation. er and greener, there is no reason why they However, Arbor Week celebration this can not learn to plant forest trees, not only year should not only be limited to the plant­ for their beauty's sake, but for the progres'i ing of trees in parks, plazas and boulevards. of our national economy. There is a more urgent need of replantin~ denuded forests. We wish Arbor Week cele­ In order to get much of this year's Arbor bration would reach the hinterlands, where Week celebration the field personnel of the vast deforested areas awaiting afforestation lie. Bureau of Forestry have been instructed to participate actively in the planting of trees. We can say our efforts in planting trees As of this writing, I have already received today have been successful only when the copies of correspondence from our field per­ seedlings we plant grow up to become big sonnel addressed either to the nearest Re- trees. Director Antonio A. Quejado has bared 5. Sustained nation-wide forestry informa- his major forestry programs which he has tion and education campaign. started implementing in earnest: 6. Speeding up inventory of forest re­ sources throughout the Philippines.
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