Telephone 2365 Star Business Office SECOND EDITION. VOL. XIX. SIXTEEN PAGES. HONOLULU, HAWAII, MONDAY, JtXY 31, 1911. SIXTEEN PAGES No. fil)3.1. 9 INDICTMENT LEOMARGAR IMPORTANT AFTER THE LONG ERV AS BUTTER CHANGES AMONG I ON Oleomargarln, shipped Into- - this in which tlje prunes s designated as NVESTIGATI Territory without extinguishing label, "butter." j THE DlPLOMAT and retailed by a local wholesaler Mr. Blanphnrd has been awaro for as 'butter" to certain chenp restaur- a long tim'o that this butter substi- ants in the city, forms tho bnsls of tute was being used in cheap eating GEORGE M. CURTIS, the Penal Code. The sections mention-e- r (Associated Press Cables to The Star.) two or more offenses against tho laws houses In the city, but has until now JOHN G. WINKLER, in these four cases refer to offenses WASHINGTON, July 31. It is reported that John G. A. Lolshmnn, for- of tho United States and of tho Ter- been unable to find frorfi whence U FEL10E LUDNEKi against public morals. mer minister at Constantinople and now ambassador at Rome, will succeed' ritory, on' Which Food came. appar-entl-y johSRkohli Commissioner Tho restaurant keepers David J. Hill as ambassador at Berlin, and that Ambassador Thos. j. O'Brien Kauchi Motohara, for assault with a Blanchard expects to n THoTliLs DOWNEY, soon land knowing that tho stuff could will be transferred from Japan to Germany. dangerous weapon. conviction against a Honolulu mer- not be sold CHING LEONG CHIN, as butter legally, and The reception of tho grand chant and against a California job therefore by FONG HING, jury's protecting tho dealer THE ALASKA INVESTIGATION. partial report, presented by W. L. blng house. silence on TAK HOW and the subject. Tho ovldenco WASHINGTON, July 31. Delegate to Congress Wickorsham ot Alaska, Hopper, foreman, was busi- Mr. Blanchard has In his possession he now has, however, ONE OTHER. the solo ho deems to bo facing Attorney fGoneral 'Wlckersham today before tho House Judiciary com- ness In tho Federal court this morning. a Bamplo of greasy looking material, complete. Ho states that the fake Indictments for smuggling opium mittee in the Alaska coal lands investigation, repeated charges of bribery Assistant District Attorney Rawlins having very little color, and with an butter was billed to the restaurant were presented by the Federal grand and corruption and falluro to prosecute criminals in Alaska. Delegate Wick- asked that bail be fixed in several odor not unlike lard, which he se- man at fifteen cents a pound. " jury this morning against nlno per- the orsham admitted that ho at one time agreed to act as attorney for tho cases according to a schedule he stat-ed- , cured from a Chinese restaurant, Besides being a violation 'of tho Guggenhelms. sons, eight of whom aro named in in which $1000 was the figure for where it was being used as butter a Territorial pure food law, tho Fed-or- the foregoing llstjand one whose in- each of tho opium few days since. Ho also has what laws have be'en violated In dictment was placed on the secret file cases. that GOMPERS GIVEN TIME. purports to be a bill of sale from the the oleo was shipped hero pending his arrest. Judge Clemons observed that he was without WASHINGTON, July 31. Gompors and associate labor leaders were wholesaler to the restaurant keeper. distinguishing mark on tho tubs. given twenty Those bearing European names in not conversant with the circumstances days more in which to answer the contempt citations against by the list aro from the officers and crow of the respective cases and took the thorn Justice Wright. of the American-Hawaiia- n steamer request under advisement. HAVEMEYER'S Arlgonon. The three Chinese belong to On motion ot Mr. Rawlins the court AFFAIRS AGAIN. HEW TO BE ENFORCED WASHINGTON, July the islands. then took recess until two o'clock this 31. Chalxman Hardwick of the House sugar in- II vestigation committee said today that he had been mistaken In saying Curtis was second mate, Winkler afternoon. that the Havemeyer estate owned California Hawaiian Sugar Refining quartermaster and Ludnek cook of the Afternoon Session. stock. Arlzonan. CUPELLING COOPERATION OF ALL This afternoon the indicted defend- WILL FIGHT THE REBELS. From appearances this batch of ants, excepting one still on tho se- PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti, July 3 1. says nine is only a beginning of the work President Simon he will cret file, were arraigned and the cases the rebels to the last. of the grand jury In connection with the were continued for trial until the T MOSQUITO CAMPAIGN opium crusade. The Honolulu cases October term. McLOUGHLIN SINGLES TENNIS CHAMPION. aro yet to come out in true bills or G. William Weight, whoso name LAKE FOREST, July 31 M. F. McLoughlln has won tho Western otherwise. came off tho secret file, was indicted Reports ot yellow fever, in Califor- tho householder, or of doing elim- singles tennis championship by defeating N. H. Dundy. When the court, after receiving the for violation of section 318, Penal the nia is the stimulus which has caused inating work himself. partial report of the grand jury, took Code. E. A. Douthltt appeared, for But now, when every health department man in Ho- he suggests that anyone should elim- Additional Cable on Page Five. a recess until two o'clock this after- him and asked that his ball be ?250 in- nolulu to sit up and take notice. Not inate the nuisance, the suggesteo will noon, the grand jury at once resumed stead of the ?500 that Mr. Rawlins de- only are tho federal quarantine of- do well to heed suggestion, its session with District Attorney sired in cases of that kind. Tho court the for ficials burnishing up their microscopes there may follow a fine Breckons in attendance. thought the smaller amount sufficient. ?100 if ho L F and replenishing their ramlgatlng ap- does not. DECS AGIST TI Seven other indictments were pre- In the opium case placed on the se- paratus, but tho Territorial Board of sented, as follows: cret file in the morning the defendant Conference This Afternoon. Health is casting about to see how President Molt-Smit- h Two placed on the secret file. appeared in court. It is the desire ot of tho Board best it can striko a body blow to tho of Health will a ALASKA John English and Martha Kawehe, tho prosecution, however, that Ills hold little conference ONE OF THE LABOR blithesome Stegomya Colopsus and li each being named in the indictment of name be not published before the this afternoon with a number of his put a stop to her playful habit of tick- the other, for violating section 31C of October term. lieutenants and with the chief of tho ling pretty ankles at afternoon teas mosquito inspectors, J. Rocks, and the the Penal Code. Some grand jurors having been ex- DAMAGE and other places. matter will bo gone CASES Nakarnoto and Hatsu Kanemoto, also cused for the term, Judge Clemons into carefully. ECU! And it now looks as though tho Thero will probably not bo any jointly named in tho respecthe In- ordered a special venire for ten addi- drastic health men will be able to make good dictments, for violating section 31$ ot tional ones. instructions issued right away, but their boast, for they aro getting ready the field vtA bo carefully A It canvassed . decision 'was rendered by Judgo required time for a steerage passen-gge- r problem to tackle the on another tack and plans laid for a more rigid inspec- Robinson this morning In one of the In quarantine as established lrom tried. de- that heretofore Instead tion than ever before. Tho bourd most remarkable cases that have over then, and on March 31 further qual- ot hunting out the little swamp places sires to work with the of been brought In Hawaii. Tills is tho ified by tho purchase of a steerage Pele Destroys Another your on premises, and then lugging property owners, and therefore will suit of Liberato Gomez for ?2500 dam- ticket for thirty dollars, went on oil to pour upon these troubled waters, give every assistance possible, but ages against Judge W. L. Whitney, board the Korea with personal s or of laboriously punching out last will expect householders to do their Attorney General Alexander Lindsay, valued at thirty dollars, and H year's nests your Thermometer; Unique birds' from drain own work and It has tho means to Jr., Sheriff William P. Jarrett and there remained ready to sail until ho pipe, you while stand by and loon on see that they do. Edward D. Tennej, E. Faxon Bishop, was arrested and taken from tho approvingly, ho will in tho future A law which goes hand In hand with Richard Ivers and William Pfoten-haue- r, steamship as set --forth in his com point out these things to you, and In- tho nuisance law just mentioned is tho representatives of tho Hawa- plaint. ' - Trees in Kilauea Park you vito to remedy them, within a unsanitary land law, under which tho iian Sugar Planters, Association, on Lindsay, Tenney, Bishop, Ivers and very limited time. con- instl-gate- Board of Health is enabled to account of alleged false arrest and Pfotenhnuer are alleged to have d Enforce a New Law. demn low lands as unsanitary, and imprisonment. Whitney to make sign (Wireless to The tSar.) and a Tho reason change pro-pare- d for this of front compel tho property owner to fill same.
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