granklin-Sterling al The Fluorescent Mineral Capitol of the World p Sat. & Sun., Oct. 3rd & 4th, 1987 c3,- .. ._ Sponsored by KIWANIS CLUB OF FRANKLIN FRANKLIN, NEW JERSEY MINERAL FREE, EDUCATIONAL, NON-PROFIT MINERAL MUSEUM O IN MEMORIUM LEE. S. ARESON w 1916 - 1987 Collector - Student - Missionary of Franklin N.J. History & Minerals C Honorary Member FOMS A Member North Jersey Min. Soc. S JENNIE ARESON E TEL. (914) 343-5051 21 IRWIN AVENUE MIDDLETOWN, NEW YORK 10940 eemohe tones mmmor, !POPP.) AMOIMOPOPOPPPOnOPOPOPPg,Mg ssos s ossossosossossosssss sssossoostssosesssossssssss The FRANKLIN - STERLING HILL MINERALS Edited from various sources by John L. Baum, Curator of the Franklin Mineral Museum, August, 1987, following the nomenclature of the 1983 Glossary of Mineral Species, and with special thanks to Dr. Pete J. Dunn. Acanthite Cahnite Fayalite Acmite Calcite Feitknechtite Actinolite Canavesite Ferrimolybdite Adamite Carrollite Ferristilpnomelane Adelite Caryopilite Ferroaxinite Akrochordite Celestine Flinkite Albite Celsian Fluoborite Allactite Cerussite Fluorapatite Allanite Chabazite Fluorapophyllite Alleghanyite Chalcocite Fluorite Almandine Chalcophanite Forsterite Analcime Chalcopyrite Franklinite Anatase Chamosite Friedelite Andradite Charlesite Anglesite Chlorophoenicite Gageite Anhydrite Chondrodite Gahnite Annabergite Chrysocolla Galena Anorthite Chrysotile Ganomalite Anorthoclase Clinochlore Ganophyllite Anthophyllite* Clinochry3otile Genthelvite Antigorite Clinoclase Gersdorffite Aragonite Clinohedrite Gerstmannite Arsenic Clinohumite Glaucochroite Arseniosiderite Clinozoisite Goethite Arsenopyrite Conichalcite Gold Atacamite Connellite Goldmanite Augite Copper Graphite Aurichalcite Corundum Greenockite Austinite Covellite Grossular Azurite Cryptomelane Groutite Cuprite Grovesite Bakerite Cuspidine Guerinite Bannisterite Gypsum Barite Datolite Barium-pharmacosiderite Descloizite Halloysite* Barylite Devilline Halotrichite Barysilite Digenite Hancockite Bassanite Diopside Hardystonite Bastnaesite-group mineral Djurleite Hastingsite Baumhauerite Dolomite Hauckite Baumite Dravite Hausmannite Bementite Dypingite Hawleyite Berthierite Hedenbergite Biotite Edenite Hedyphane Birnessite Epidote Hematite Bornite Epsomite Hematolite-like-mineral Bostwickite Erythrite Hemimorphite Brandtite Esperite Hendricksite Brochantite Euchroite Hercynite Brookite Eveite Hetaerolite Brucite Heulandite Bultfonteinite Hexahydrite Bustamite Hodgkinsonite (cont.) 4-'01,01-,0)4)0)0POFVF)01)0)0)01)0)01)(110)0)(1)01 0)0)014)0.0F)Or,tg)1F)f)f)(5)fg)01)4)(5M“E)0000)01)0)0) trnrnierlatZlerrelMsleMilMMEiMar" (117-1:11:MZMM Holdenite Nasonite Sonolite Huebnerite Natrolite Spessartine Humite Nelenite Sphalerite Hyalophane Neotocite Spinel Hydrohetaerolite Niahite Starkeyite Hydrotalcite Newberyite Sterlinghillite Hydroxyapophyllite Nickeline Stibnite* Hydrozincite Nontronite Stilbite Norbergite Stilpnomelane Illite Strontianite Ilmenite Ogdensburgite Sulfur Ojuelaite Sussexite Jacobsite Orthoclase Svabite Jarosewichite Orthoserpierite Synadelphite Jennite-like mineral Oyelite* Jerrygibbsite Talc Johannsenite Talmessite* Johnbaumite Pararammelsbergite Tennantite Parasymplesite Tephroite Kaolinite Pargasite Thomsonite Kentrolite* Parsettensite* Thorite* Kittatinnyite Pectolite Thortveitite Koettigite Pharmacosiderite Tilasite Kolicite Phlogopite Tirodite Kraisslite Picropharmacolite Titanite Kutnohorite Pimelite Todorokite Powellite Torreyite Larsenite Prehnite Tremolite Laumontite Pumpellyite Turneaureite Lawsonbauerite Pyrite Tyrolite-like mineral Lead Pyroaurite Legrandite Pyrobelonite Uraninite Lennilenapeite Pyrochroite Uranophane Leucophoenicite Pyrophanite Uranospinite Linarite Pyroxmangite Uvite Liroconite Pyrrhotite Loellingite Vesuvianite Loseyite Quartz Wallkilldellite Magnesiohornblende Rammelsbergite Will emite Magnesioriebeckite Realgar Wollastonite Magnesium-chlorophoenicite Retzian - (La) Woodruffite Magnetite Retzian - (Nd) Wurtzite Magnussonite Rhodochrosite Malachite Rhodonite Xonotlite Manganaxinite Richterite Manganberzeliite Riebeckite Yeatmanite Manganese-hoernesite Roeblingite Yukonite Manganhumite Romeite Manganite Rosasite* Zinalsite Manganosite Roweite Zincite Manganpyrosmalite Rutile Zinkenite Marcasite Zircon Margarite Safflorite Margarosanite Sarkinite Marsturite Sauconite Schallerite Mcallisterite * reported but not confirmed Mcgovernite Scheelite Meionite Schorl with certainty. Melanterite* Scorodite Metalodevite Seligmannite Metazeunerite Sepiolite Microcline Serpierite Mimetite Siderite Minehillite Sillimanite Molybdenite Silver Monohydrocalcite Sjogrenite Mooreite Skutterudite Muscovite Smithsonite uagmEgrurzirwirrirrionmr7magiammmulatzluazzailaw-vaisamm 2 MM..]:][r.) 'so ® 0000se0000000 0000tooD000ssese Minerals Unique To Franklin and Sterling Hill BAUMITE (Mg,Mn,Fe,Zn)3(Si,A1)205(OH)4 BOSTWICKITE CaMn3+6Si3016.7H20 CHARLESITE Ca6 (A1,Si) 2 (SO4) 2[B (OH) 4] (OH) 12.26H20 CHLOROPHOENICITE Mn3Zn2(OH)61As0.00.5(0,011)31 2 ESPERITE (Ca,Pb)ZnSiO4 GERSTMANNITE (Mg,Mn)2ZnSiO4(OH)2 HANCOCKITE (Pb,Ca,S02(A1,Fe3+)3(SiO4)3(OH) HARDYSTONITE Ca2ZnSi207 HAUCKITE (Mn,Mg)24Zn18Fe34-3(SO4)4(CO3)2(OH)81 HENDRICKSITE K(Zn,Mg)3Si3A1010(OH)2 HODGKINSONITE Zn2Mn(SiO4)(011)2 HOLDENITE (Mn,Mg)6Zn3(OH)8(As04)2(SiO4) JAROSEWICHITE Mn2Mn31-(As04)(OH)6 JOHNBAUMITE Ca5(As04)3(OH) KITTATINNYITE Ca4Mn3+4Mn21-2Si4016(OH)8.18H20 KOLICITE Mn7Zn4(As04)2(SiO4)2(011)8 KRAISSLITE Fe3+2Mg4 Mn44Zn6 (As04)6(As03)4(SiO4)12(OH)36 LAWSONBAUERITE (Mn,Mg)9Zn4(SO4)2(OH)22.8H20 LENNILENAPEITE K6_7(Mg,Mn,Zn,Fe)48(Si,A1)72(0,010 216.16H20 LOSEYITE (Mn,Mg)42n3(CO3)2(OH)10 MAGNESIUM-CHLOROPHOENICITE (Mg,Mn)3Zn2(OH)6[As0.00.5(0,0H)3]2 MARSTURITE Mn3CaNaHSi5015 MCGOVERNITE Complex Mg,Mn,Zn,Fe3+ arsenosilicate MINEHILLITE K2_3Ca28EZn4A14Si400112(OH)41(OH)12 MOOREITE Mg9Mn2Zn4(SO4) 2(OH) - 26 • 8H2 0- NELENITE Mn10112030(OH)14[As 3+306(OH)3] RETZIAN - (La) Mn2La(As04)(OH)4 RETZIAN - (Nd) Mn2Nd(As04)(OH)4 SCHALLERITE Mn16 Mi12°3° (OH)14[As31-306(OH)3] STERLINGHILLITE Mn3(As04)2.4H20 TORREYITE (Mg,Mn)9Zn4(SO4)2(OH)22.8H20 WALLKILLDELLITE Ca4Mn 2+6An5+4°160108.1BH20 YEATMANITE (Mn5Sb2][Mn2Zn8S14 ]°28 000040040000000000 00400 44440 44404 04444444 3 4 4 4 0 4 410 0 4'4 6 0 0 4 4 4 0'410'0'0) 0) 4 , 44 4 4 0 410 0 0, 0 ) 4)0 4 4 0 t4 L0 0'0' 0 4' 4 44 4 4 4 ' 4' Fluorescent Minerals or Franklin and Sterling Hill, N. J. A 1987 CHECK-LIST BASED ON OBSERVATIONS BY RICHARD C. BOSTWICK Gtossaity: FL = guouac e4; PH - phosphotesces; SW = shohtwave utttaviotet tadiation; LW = longwave uttta viotet nadiation Ftuotescent cotot desctiptions ate apptoximate, as 6.ectotes cent mine/cats vaty conzidetabty in actuat hue and intensity. Many minotats tbsted here do not away's guoteAce, noa shoutd lituotescence atone be used .to identi6y a minetat. Albite: FL red SW Margarite: FL blue SW Apophyllite: FL, PH white SW Margarosenite: FL blue, red SW/ red, cream, orange LW Aragonite: FL, PH white to cream LW, (FL green SW) Mcallisterite: FL cream SW Barite: FL cream SW; FL, PH tan SW, LW; Melonite: FL cherry-red SW, (FL pink, yellow-orange, yellow, cream SW) Metalodevite: FL green SW Barylite: FL violet SW; FL is much mare conspicuous under iron arc Microcline: FL blue, red SW Bessanite: FL, PH violet SW Mimetite: FL orange SW Bustamite: FL cherry red LW Minehillite: FL pale violet SW Cahnite: FL cream SW Monohydrocalcite: FL green SW Calcite: FL red with brief red-orange PH SW; (FL pink, orange, Nasonite: FL cream, yellow SW cream, ten, green, blue-violet, etc., often PH) Newberylte: FL cream SW Canavesite: FL, PH violet LW Oyelite: FL violet and white SW Celestite: FL cream LW; FL violet SW Pargasite: FL pale greenish blue SW Cerussite: FL yellow LW Pectolite: FL, PH orange SW Charlesite: FL pale blue SW, but usually coated with SW-LW cream-FL gypsum Phlogopite: FL yellow SW Chondrodite: FL yellow SW Picropharmacolite: FL white LW Powellite: FL yellow SW Clinohedrite: FL, PH orange SW Prehnite: FL .peach. SW Corundum: FL deep red LW Quartz: FL cream to yellow, green SW Cuspidine: FL pale orange-yellow SW with brief red-orange PH Roeblingite: FL red with brief orange-red PH SW Datolite: FL cream SW Scheelite: FL yellow SW Diopside: FL blue SW/cream LW Smithsonite: FL, PH white SW; also reported to FL Dypinglte: FL, PH blue LW, SW yellow, orange-yellow LW Epsomite: FL cream LW Sphalerite: FL, PH orange, blue, yellowish orange LW, (FL yellow LW) Esperite: FL lemon-yellow SW Svabite: FL orange SW Fluoborite: FL cream SW Talc: FL cream LW Fluorapatite: FL orange, blue SW Thomsonite: FL cream SW Fluorite: FL, PH green, blue-green LW, SW; FL violet LW Tilasite: FL yellow, pink-orange(?) SW Guerinite: FL white SW Titanite: FL tan, orange-tan SW Gypsum: FL pale blue, cream SW Tremolite: FL blue SW, (FL yellow LW) Herdystonite: FL deep bluish violet SW, LW Turneaureite: FL orange SW Hedyphane: FL orange, cream SW Uranospinite: FL green SW Hemimorphite: FL, PH white LW; (FL green SW) Unite: FL yellow SW Hodgkinsonite: FL deep red LW Willemite: FL, PH green SW, (FL, PH yellow, pale greenish yellow, yellow-orange SW) Hyalophane: FL red SW Wollastonite: FL orange SW, with brief red-orange PH, to Ft. Hydrotalcite: FL cream LW yellow with longer yellow PH. Hydrozincite: FL blue SW Xonotlite: FL violet-blue SW Johnbaumite: FL orange SW Zincite: FL yellow LW Magnesia-hornblende: FL pale greenish-blue SW Zircon: FL orange SW Manganavinite: FL red SW cer ryymermermaarmaarriarmaszrzeii-sTaryremerrimeirm-remcr 4 00 0 00000000 0000000000000 00000000000000 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES OPEN: TUESDAY - SUNDAY
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