The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society ofofSoil Soil Zoology Edaphelogia, Ne,70: 21-32, August 28, 2002 21 TheEast Asian Species of the Ant Genus Acropyga Roger, 1862(Hymenoptera:Formicidae:Formicinae) Mamoru TERAyAMAL, John R. FELLowEs' and Shanyi ZHou' i2-12-29, IVdka-cho,lwatsscki,Saitama,339-O054 Jbpan iKodoorie FZirm and Botanic Ganten, Lam Kdm Roaa 7kii Po, New ferritories, Hong Kbng, China 'Department Nb'nnat Guangxi, 541004 China cV'Biotosy, Guangxi University,Guilin, Received: 14 April 2002; Accepted: 4 Ju]y 2oo2 Abstract The East Asian species of the ant genus Acropyga RoGER, 1g62, are revised, Ten species are recognized of which three are new to science: one species belengs to the subgenus Acropyga, six species te Rhizomynna, and three species to Atqpodon. Acrqpyga (Rhizomyrma) guangxiensis sp. nov. is characterized by the mandible with four teeth, the distinctly incised metanotal dorsum, and the small eye consisting of single facet. Acropyga (Rhizomyrma) septemstruma sp. nov. is characterized by thc antenna with seven articles, the absence of eyes, and the small body size (tota1 length 1 ,3 mm), Acmpyga (Rhizomytwna) yunnanensis sp. nov. most resemb:es A. sttangxiensis sp. nov., but is separated from the latter by the very weakly incised metanotal dorsum and the eye consisting of four facets. Acropyga acutiventris RoGER is recorded from China for the first time, A key to the East Asian species is presented. Key words: Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Aerqpryga, diagnostic characters Recently, we have examined 125 specimens, including Introduction the types, of the Acropyga ants from various r.egions of ・East The genus Ac,epyga RoGER, 1862, is represented by 58 Asia. After careful examinatien, we recognized ten extant species. According to BoLToN (1995), those are species and found that three of them are new to science distributed in the Neotropical (27 spp.), the Indo- and one is new to the East Asian fauna. In this paper, we Australian (15 spp.), and the Oriental (8 spp,) Regions, revise the genus Acrzv)yga of East Asia, and a few in the Ethiopian (3 spp,), the Palaearctic (2 The following abbreviations fbr morphomeuic charac- spp.), the Nearctic (l sp.), and the Australasian (2 spp.) ters are used. Regions, Six species have been known from East Asia: A. HL, head length: maximum fu11 face view length frem the nimponensis TERAyAMA, 1985, A. yaeyamensis TERAYAMA anteriormost. margin of clypeus to the occipital margin of and HAsHiMoTo, 1996, and A, kinomurai TERAyAMA and head.HW, HAsHIMoTo, 1996, from Japan; A. sauteri FoREL, 1912, head width: maximum full face view distance across from Japan and China; A. baoduoensis TERAyAMA, 1985, head excluding eyes. from Taiwan island in China; A. jiangxiensis WANG and SL, scape length: length of scape excluding radicle, Wu, 1992, from southem China. CI, cephalic index: HW x 100fHL. with SI, scape index: SL x 100/HW. Acmpyga engages in trophobietic associations myrmecophile mealybugs (Homoptera) of the subfamily WL, Weber's length of alitrunk: maximum diagonal Rhizoechinae (SILvEsTRI 1926, 1927; WiLuAMs 1978, distance from the base of anterior slope of pronotum to 1998; TERAyAMA l988). Honeydew provided by these the propodeal lobe. insects is a major food source for the ants, The mealybugs PL, petiolar scale length: maximum length of petiolar live within the subterranean ant nests, where they are scale in lateral view. protected by the ants. They feed by sucking sap from the PH, petiole height: maximum height of petiole in lateral rootlets of plants accessible there (NIxoN 1951; WAy view, measured perpendicularly from apex of petiolar 1963; BuscmNGER et al. 1987; TERAyAMA 1988). node to venter of petiole. NII-Electronic Library Service The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society of Soil Zoology 22 M, Terayama et al, TL, total body leng,th: outstretched length from the Key to the East Asian Species of Acmpyga mandibular apex to the gastral apex. (worker) also The fo11owingabbreviation of institutionsare used: ICKH, the Insect Collection, Kadoorie Farm and 1. Eye large, consisting of more than 20 facets................ ・Botanic Garden, Hong Kong, China; ISYC, the Insect .,..,.......,,...,...,.....,.A (Acrqpyga) acutiventris RoqER Collection, Faculty of Resources, Southwest Forestry -. Eye smal1, consisting of less than 5 facets,,..,...,..,,,,..,2 College, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China; MNHA, 2. Mandible with 3 or 4 teeth; basalmost tooth triangular, Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo, Japan; with acute apex (Figs. 12, 18),",,,.H,.","H,,H,------・・-3 NIAES, National Institute of Agro-Enyironrnental -. Mandible with 5 teeth; basalmost tooth tmncate of apically Sciences,Tsukuba,Japan;RFBC, ResearchInstitute (Figs.28,31).,,..,".,-,,"",".,"",,",,-,".,,,-,.8 Forestry, Beijing, China, 3. Antenna consisting of 7 articles; eye absent,..,,,.,.,..,,.., ・J・・・-・・・J・J・・・・・・・・AJ (Rhizonryrma) sqptemstruma sp. nov, -. Genus Acrqpyga ROGER Antenna consisting of more than 9 anicles; eye present -・m,,,",mH,H,,m.,".,NH,,-,,",.",,,",,"",.,.,-,,-,".,HH,,.,,4 4. Mandible with teeth 12):-ii--i・・・-・・・-i・-・・i-s・i・・・i・・・s・・・s Acropyga RpGER, 1862: 242. [Type species: Acropyga 3 (Fig. acutiventris RoGER, 1862] ,.,.,,,..,,,.,.,...,.,,.,,..,...A, (Rhizomyrma) sauteri FoREL small ants. -. with Diagnosis.Workers: formicine Totallength Mandible 4 teeth (Figs.15,18),...,...,..,,.,,,,.,.,,.,,.5 of workers less than 4 mm. Antenna with seven to 11 S. Head distinctly wider than long..,,,...,...,...・・・J・・・・・・・・J・・・・・-・・ articles, Eye small, its maximum diameter smaller than ,,..,,,.,.,..,,,,..,A, (Rhizomyrma) kinomutui TERAyAMA t.: ,'.,i.maximum width of antennal scape (with a few excep- and HASHIMOTO tions), or absent. Ocelri lacking in worker, Maxillary Head longer than wide or as rong as wide.,..,,,...,..,,..,6 palpus 1-3 segmented and labial one 3-5. Alitrunk 6. Antenna consisting of 10 anicles; mesonotal dorsum compact, and short in preferring to head and gaster; strongly convex in profile (Fig. 19)・・s・-・・.・・・-・・・Ji・iJJ・ss・・・ metanotal groove shallow; propodeum short, Propodeal ..,,.,,.,...,.A. (Rhizoaynna) yaayamensis TERAyAMA spiracles 1arge and oval, Petiole scale-like, thin and low, and HAsHIMOTO -. Gaster disproponionately large. Body cQlor yellow to Antenna consisting of more than 10 articles; mesonotal yellowish brown. dorsum weakly convex in profile (Fig. 22) .............7 ・7;TEye・ "e'f"siirigle'"facet;・"fnetano' Remarks. The genus has been divided into'four consistirfg tum' di'stih'c' tlY subgenera, Acropyga RoGER, 1862, Atqpodon FoREL, incised dorsally (Fig. 6)-,,-,"--・・・-・-・・・・--・----・・・-・-・・-・ 1912, Rhizonryrma FoREL, 1893, and Mblaconrynna ......,,..,,,...,..,.,,A. (Rhizomyrma) guanxiensis sp, nov, -. EMERy, 1922. Acmpyga is characterized by the antenna Eye consisting of 4 facets; metanotum very weakly with 11 articles and the mandible with five triangular incised dorsally (Fig. 22)".."..H.HH..H..m..H.."..-"..-. teeth, and is distributed in the Oriental and the Australian .,.,.,..,,,,,.,...,,..A, (Rhizomynna) yunnanensis sp. nov. Regions. Atopodon has also the antenna with 11 articles 8. Propodeum in profile without distinct dorsal surface; and the five-toothed rnandible, but the basal tooth is posterolateral margin convex, not forming angle tmncate, and is disnibuted in the Oriental, the Australian, (Fig. 34),,,",.-,.,,,,,-,m,,,m,-,,-,".",-,,,,",.",",,,,H,".,.- and the Palaearctic Regions, Rhizonryrma is characterized ..,,..,....,,.A. (Atopodon) jiangxiensis WANG and Wu -, by the antenna with seven to 11 articles and three- or Propodeum in profile with distinct, near-horizontal four-toothed mandible, and is mostly disuibuted in the dorsal surface; posterolateral margin foming dull Neotropical, the Oriental and the Austraiian Regions, and angle (Fig, 33)",,",,.,-,-.,-,,..,,,.",".,,,-,,H...."."..H.."9 a few in the Palaearctic and the Nearctic Regions. 9. Head in fu11 face view with paralell sides; petiolar scale Mblacomyrma has the antenna with 1l articles in which in profile thick, with obtusely angulate dorsal margin the terminal article is rernarkably long and five-toothed .,...,..,.....,......A. (Atopodon) nipponensis TERAyAMA -, mandible, and is disuibuted in the Ethiopian Region. Head in fu11 face view with slightly convex sides; Three subgenera, Acmpyga, Rhizomynna and Atopodon, petiolar scale in profile thin, with acutely angulate are known from East Asia, - dorsalmargink.,H.."-.,"..,.-,"・.--・-J・-・・--・・-・・-・--・・-・- .....,..,,.,..,...,.A. (Atopodon) baoduoensis TERAyAMA NII-Electronic Library Service The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society of Soil Zoology East Asian Species of Acropyga 23 Acropyga (Acropyga) acutiventris RoGER Ng Tung Chai, West Central New Tenitories, 12. xi, (Figs.1-3) 1996, J. R. FELLowEs leg.; 1 worker, Green I,, 30. viii, 1993, M. LAu leg,; 3 workers, Victoria Park, 7, xi. 1993, Acropyga acutiventris RoGER, 1862: 243. M, LAu leg.; 3 workers, Siu A Chau I., 13. viii, 1997, M, PlagioJepisflava MAyR 1862: 699, LAu leg.; 3 workers, Nam Fung Wood, 9. viii. 1996, M. Acropyga flava: MAyR 1862: 769. [Synonymized by LAu leg,; 3 workers, Green I., 22, iv, 1998, J. R. FoREL 1894: 418.] FELLowEs leg, Agmpyga moluccana var, australis FoREL, 1902: 477, Distribution. India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Acmpyga moluccana a"stralis: FoREL 1911: 286, Singapore, China (new record), Papua New Guinea, the [Synonymized by TAyLoR 1992: 58.] Solomon Is., Australia. Remarks. This species is separated from the other East Diagnosis, Worker, HL O.83-O.85 mm; HW O.83-O,84 Asian species by the shape of
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