arp PARSHASPARSHAS MISHPATIM SHLACH, פרשת ohypanשלח JUNE 16 ‐ JUNEFEB 5 17,‐6, 20162017 כג ca, סיון תשע"ohfrcnז 2723 SHEVAT SIVAN 57775776 zf שבתu"ga, ycaמברכים SHABBOS 20 ADAR MEVORCHIM II 5774 שמיני PARSHAS SHEMINI MARCH 21 - 22 2014 SHABBOS PARAH WELCOME TO ALL OF OUR MEMBERS & GUESTS We are pleased to welcome Professor Eli Avraham from the University of Haifa to BAYT To this Shabbos. Hadassah Strauss Professor Avraham will be giving a lecture on Tuesday, June 20. On The Occasion Of Her Bat Mitzvah Please see the flyer on page 5 for more details זמני שבת | SHABBOS SCHEDULE ערב שבת | EREV SHABBOS PLAG MINCHA/MAARIV Main Shul 7:10 PM SHABBOS PROGRAM CANDLE LIGHTING Not Before 7:25 PM Not After 8:44 PM MINCHA/KABBALAS SHABBOS Main Shul 8:50 PM High School Minyan West Wing Library 9:15 AM Middle School Minyan Jarvis Freeman Library 9:15 AM שבת | SHABBOS Teen Minyan & Shiur Moshe & Mania Gruda 9:15 AM HASHKAMA MINYAN Rebbetzin Judy Taub Hall 7:30 AM Bais Medrash BAIS MEDRASH SHIUR Perlis Hall 8:20 AM Early Drop Off Nursery‐Grade 3 9:00‐9:45 AM with Rabbi Aaron Eisenberger Classroom 7 BAIS MEDRASH MINYAN Perlis Hall 8:50 AM Parents & Tots Classroom 5 9:45 AM PARSHA SHIUR with Rabbi Ziring 8:50 AM Nursery Program Classroom 2 9:45 AM Turk Family Bais Medrash Kindergarten Classroom 3 9:45 AM SHACHARIS Main Shul 9:00 AM Girls Grades 1‐3 Classroom 1 9:45 AM NO FRILLS MINYAN Turk Family Bais Medrash 9:15 AM Boys Grades 1‐3 Classroom 4 9:45 AM YOUNG ADULT with Rabbi Aaron Greenberg 9:15 AM Jr. Congregation 10:00 AM & UNIVERSITY MINYAN Perlis Hall West Wing Classrooms 2 & 3 MINCHAS CHINUCH SHIUR with Aron Korobkin 9:30 AM Mom‐and‐ Tots Classroom 5 10:30 AM “Should I Kiss The Mezzuzah, The Sefer Torah, Or My Tzitzes? ” AFTERNOON PROGRAMS Rabbi’s Classroom Father & Son Learning 5:20 PM WOMEN’S SHIUR with Ariel Erani 6:00 PM Turk Family Bais Medrash "Diving Into Neviim: Personal Failings Of Our Leaders" Moshe & Mania Gruda Bais Medrash with Rabbi Yair Spitz 7:05 PM SHABBOS ‐ TORAH/HAFTARAH READING שיעור בעברית Simcha Suite Torah Reading Soncino Page 860 Artscroll Page 798 TA’AMEI HAMINHAGIM with Rabbi Neil Cohen/Rabbi Goldman 7:05 PM Haftarah Soncino Page 873 Artscroll Page 1184 (for Men) Dr. Stephen Speisman Board Room MISHNAYOS (for Men) with Rabbi Eisenberger 7:05 PM For safety and security purposes please do not leave West Wing Classroom 1 packages etc. outside the office. DAF YOMI Rabbi’s Classroom 7:20 PM Office hours are: בבא בתרא קמו / Bava Basra 146 Monday: 9 AM ‐ 5 PM PIRKEI AVOS 8:05 PM Tuesday ‐ Thursday: 8 AM ‐ 5 PM MINCHA Main Shul 8:35 PM Friday: 8 AM ‐ 2 PM HAVDALA After 9:48 PM Please Note: The office will be closed Kel Maleh: This Shabbos YES, Next Shabbos NO Monday, July 3 for Canada Day Mara D’Asra Rabbi Daniel Korobkin Assistant Rabbi Rabbi Zev Spitz Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Baruch Taub President Melech Tanen Executive Director Mordechai Bookbinder Youth Director Richard Winkler THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE & ANNOUNCEMENTS :MAZEL TOV TO זמני השבוע | WEEKDAY SCHEDULE For Sunday, June 18 ‐ Friday, June 23 Nathaniel & Rachel Benarroch on the birth of a son, a grandson to Steve & Marcelle Goldenberg and Rabbi Yamin & Rivka Benarroch DAF YOMI* Rabbi Scot A. Berman & Esther Meiersdorf on the birth of a granddaughter, Lital SUN with the Rav 7:15 & 8:45 AM Gila, a daughter to Rabbi Benji & Renana Levy MON with Rabbi Spitz 6:00 & 8:30 AM Howard & Roz English and Anatoly & Lena Lidsky on the birth of a granddaughter, TUES with Rabbi Spitz 6:00 & 8:20 AM Talia Ora, a daughter to Mo & Naomi Lidsky THURS with the Rav 6:00 & 8:30 AM Hillel Kernerman on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah, and to his parents, Yuval & WED & FRI with the Rav 6:00 & 8:20 AM Michal Kernerman, and grandparents David Kernerman and Amy Camille SUN ‐ THURS with Rabbi Chaim Gross 9:00 PM Steve & Alina Mayer on the upcoming wedding of their daughter Leora to Ian Mark, * Men Only son of Steven & Tammy Mark, and to grandparents Susan Jurkowitz, Frank & Eva Mayer, Sophia Mantin and Harriet Mark SHACHARIS The Mayer family is pleased to welcome Rabbi Elie Mayer, Mashgiach Ruchani of Tiferet MINYAN 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th A B B B A Larry & Susan Shilling, Mike & Lynda Perlin and Barbara Albert & Alan Vinegar on the SUN 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:30 birth of a granddaughter, Shira Tziporah, a daughter to Steven & Elana Perlin A B C* A B Hadassah Naomi Strauss on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah, and to her parents, MON & THURS 6:20 6:45 6:50 7:30 8:30 Shana & Ronnie Strauss, and grandparents Aaron & Bertha Lang and Ernest & Magdy A B C* A B Strauss TUES, WED & FRI 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:30 8:30 A ‐ Moshe & Mania Gruda Bais Medrash C* ‐ West Wing Library NACHAS & POT POURRI B ‐ Turk Family Bais Medrash (Men Only) Mazel Tov to our Mara D’Asra, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, who has been elected First Sof Zman Krias Shema: Sun ‐ Fri: 9:27 am ‐ 9:28 am Vice President of the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) MINCHA/MA’ARIV SHALOSH SEUDOS EARLY MINCHA Sun. ‐ Thurs. 2:00 PM This week’s Shalosh Seudos will be held in the Rebbetzin Judy Taub Hall: PLAG MINCHA/MA’ARIV Sun. ‐ Thurs. 7:15 PM MINCHA/MA’ARIV Sun. ‐ Thurs. 8:50 PM Shalosh Seudos speaker TBA MA’ARIV Sun. ‐ Thurs. 9:45 PM CONDOLENCES EREV SHABBOS ‐ Friday, June 23rd The Congregation extends condolences to: PLAG MINCHA/MA’ARIV 7:15 PM Lloyd Chazen on the loss of his father, Michael Chazen z”l CANDLE LIGHTING Not Before 7:27 PM Not After 8:46 PM Chana Schlam on the loss of her mother, Esther Bucay z”l MINCHA/KABBALAS SHABBOS 8:50 PM Weekly Halacha ‐ Parshas Shlach QUESTIONS FOR PARSHAS SHLACH BY: THE RAV R’ Mordechai Torczyner – [email protected] First Aliyah: (13:20) Why does it take “strength” for the spies to bring back a sample of May I sit on a tree‐swing on Shabbos? produce from Eretz Israel? There is a biblical prohibition against severing any part of a tree Second Aliyah: (13:30) Why did only Calev contradict the other Spies – where was on Shabbos. To prevent accidental violation, the Sages prohibited Yehoshua? any use of the body of a tree (although one may touch the trunk Third Aliyah: (14:17) Why the large “yud” in “yigdal”? ?mean“ויעפלו” of a sturdy tree if one does not shift it in the process). Fourth Aliyah: (14:44) What does the word "Any use" includes placing items into, attaching items to, or Fifth Aliyah: (15:15‐16) What is the difference between the words “chukah,” “torah,” removing items from, a tree. The prohibition also includes use of and “mishpat” in these verses? items which are attached to the tree, such as swings or Sixth Aliyah: Why is the sacrificial service of a congregation that has sinned listed here, treehouses. For example, one may not remove a frisbee which after the agricultural tithing laws? lands in a branch or treehouse, even if one could do so while Seventh Aliyah: Why is the story of the “Mekoshesh,” the wood gatherer, followed by standing on the ground. the law of Tzitzis? One may use items which are one step removed from a tree. Therefore, one may lie in a hammock or sit on a swing which IMPORTANT NOTE TO PARENTS hangs from a peg which is, in turn, attached to a tree. However, Parents are reminded that they are responsible for their children while on Shul even this use is prohibited if it would shake or shift the tree. property. Every child must be in a Minyan or with a parent. This is essential for the (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 336:13; Magen Avraham 336:2, 15; Aruch safety of our children and the protection of Shul property. The Shul will demand haShulchan Orach Chaim 336:16, 339:2‐3; Mishneh Berurah 336:63; reimbursement from any parent whose child is found damaging Shul property. Shemirat Shabbat k'Hilchatah 26:11‐17) SHALOSH SEUDOS SPONSORSHIP WOMEN’S TEHILLIM GROUP If you would like to sponsor a Shalosh Seudos in memory of someone, or to celebrate The women's Sunday morning Tehillim group meets regularly on an occasion please contact Avital at Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM in West Wing Classroom 1. [email protected] or 905‐886‐3810 ext. 133. All women are encouraged to participate. Cost is $180 HATZOLOH EMERGENCY LINE ‐ 416‐256‐1000 ANNOUNCEMENTS MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL It's that time again! Membership Renewal! Statements were recently emailed. For those who do not have email, your statements were mailed on Friday, June 9. If you are requesting a seat for the Main Sanctuary and wish to be included in the lottery, the deadline for submission of payment arrangements and seating forms is: NOON, WEDNESDAY JULY 5. If you have any questions or are experiencing difficulty with the online renewal, please do not hesitate to contact: Leslie ([email protected], ext 143) or Sylvia ([email protected]) DURING THE RABBI’S DRASHA During the Rabbi’s drasha, parents are requested not to allow their children to approach the Bimah for candies.
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