northernintroducing the expressway expresswaynorthern info What is the Northern Expressway? and regional communities. People who commute between Gawler and the Port of Adelaide, and the western and southern The Northern Expressway will be a new road initially joining the suburbs of Adelaide will also benefi t. Sturt Highway to Port Wakefi eld Road – and then linking to the Port River Expressway. It will involve: The route will reduce truck movements along Main North Road and Salisbury Highway. The expressway will improve access the construction of a new, two-way expressway standard to Adelaide for freight transport travelling via the Sturt Highway. road between Gawler and Port Wakefi eld Road (approximately This includes freight coming from key areas such as the 23 kilometres), and Barossa Valley and the Riverland. Once linked with the an upgrade of Port Wakefi eld Road from north of Taylor Road Port River Expressway, there will be predicted travel time savings to the Salisbury Highway (10 kilometres) to cater for future of up to 20 minutes between the Sturt Highway at Gawler and traffi c volumes. the Port of Adelaide – South Australia’s main shipping port. The Northern Expressway project is a joint initiative by the The Northern Expressway contributes to AusLink’s key Australian and South Australian Governments under the AusLink objective of assisting national economic and social program. It will be the largest road construction project in the development aimed at improving the effi ciency, safety and state since the 1960s. reliability of the national transport network. This includes improving freight effi ciency and reducing travel time between Why do we need the expressway? Gawler and Outer Harbor. The aim of the Northern Expressway is to: It will also contribute towards the following targets in South Australia’s Strategic Plan: improve the northern regional economy, and improve safety and reduce the environmental impact of promoting economic growth freight transport and commuter traffi c on suburban areas expanding export potential for the State and regional communities. providing strategic infrastructure The Northern Expressway will reduce driving time and providing infrastructure to support communities increase safety for travellers from the Mid-North, Riverland in regions. Upgrade to Port Wakefi eld Road section What are the key features? (Taylor Road to Salisbury Highway): additional traffi c lanes on Port Wakefi eld Road in some sections Gawler to Port Wakefi eld Road section: improvements to some junctions four lane, two-way expressway with divided roadway install new and upgrade existing traffi c lights to speed limit of 110km/hr increase capacity improvements to the Salisbury Highway/ full speed connection at Gawler, linking with the Port Wakefi eld Road bridge Gawler by-pass improve safety by removing some right turn access entry to the expressway via interchanges points by: closing some median openings, providing overpasses across the expressway left in/left out arrangements for connecting roads, changes to the road network and adjusting U-turn facilities. Northern Expressway Planning Study Process Investigation of possible routes and preliminary environmental, social and economic investigations 2003 TO 2005 Route selection workshops held with key stakeholders, industry representatives and government agencies What are the benefi ts? 2003 TO 2005 The Northern Expressway will: provide signifi cant economic benefi ts to the state improve traffi c conditions for local residents in Angle Vale Preliminary concept design of proposed route and the northern suburbs near Main North Road make roads safer by reducing freight, in particular Angle Vale 2004 TO 2005 and Heaslip Roads provide a quicker and safer connection with suburban destinations such as Adelaide Airport, shopping centres, Environmental, social and economic sports stadiums, beaches, residences and businesses investigations. Ongoing consideration of community feedback connect to the new Port River Expressway, allowing drivers SEPT 2006 TO MARCH/APRIL 2007 to use on-off connections at South Road and Hanson Road WE ARE as well as Port Adelaide HERE allow travellers, and particularly freight traffi c, to avoid any traffi c congestion along the existing Main North Road Community engagement period seeking feedback on proposed route help to reduce vehicle pollution emissions due to smoother traffi c fl ow along the Northern Expressway and Main North Road. NOV 2006 TO MARCH/APRIL 2007 Where will the expressway go? The proposed route for the Northern Expressway is shown on Public consultation on environmental report the inside of this brochure. The proposed route was developed as MARCH/APRIL 2007 a result of a planning study which has been ongoing since 2003. The study considered a variety of routes and looked at how to: improve safety for all road users Environmental report improve freight effi ciencies supplementary document reduce effects on local and regional traffi c networks MAY/JUNE 2007 consider the needs of landowners and local residents reduce effects on land productivity reduce effects on indigenous and non-indigenous heritage sites South Australian and Federal government approval of proposed route avoid splitting up communities reduce environmental effects such as changes to noise, JUNE 2007 air and water quality. Contributors to the planning process included State and Australian government departments, local councils, industry and local Land acquisition business organisation representatives. Community consultation on JUNE 2007 TO 2008 the proposed route is an important next step. The proposed route will now undergo an environmental assessment. Following this assessment, a fi nal decision on the proposed route Construction will be made. The proposed project is subject to the fi nalisation of agreed funding between the State and Australian governments. 2008 TO 2011 expresswaynorthern proposed Typical road reserve width 70m Northbound Carriageway Southbound Carriageway Vegetated Median Drainage TYPICAL CROSS SECTION OF THE NORTHERN EXPRESSWAY Two lanes each way LEGEND Northern Expressway U Gawler River Railway Upgrade of existing intersection New traffi c signals Arterial roads B Arterial road closure New traffi c signals at Ryans Road N GAWLER PORT WAKEFIELD ROAD GLOBE DERBY PARK D A O R H T R O N N I A M Modify Salisbury Highway bridge Y A SALISBURY W H IG H Y R U B IS L A S ORT P SALISBURY H RIVER IGHWAY EXPRESSWAY ADELAIDE route New traffi c 1 signals ROAD TAYLOR Y A Expressway AILW Upgrade to traffi c R bridge over railway IN signals at Waterloo W & Taylor Road AR P E Corner Road N E – D F I E L D ELAID R AD O A D WATERLOO CORNER DIREK D A O BURTON R D EDINBURGH L IE F E K A W T W R O A P T Upgrade traffi c signals E R L O at Bolivar Road O C O R N E R R O A D OLIVAR AD 1 2 A RO OMM ED W LIGN REA TA YLOR ROAD E IN L Y A D WO W A MM IL O A R A O R R AD IP L S A E H VIRGINIA + TWO WELLS ANGLE Access to/exit from VALE Northern Expressway from Heaslip & Womma Road overpass PENFIELD ROAD HEASLIP 2 W O M M MACDONALD A 4 R PARK O A D A N G L E VA 3 L E R O A Overpass at D Angle Vale Road C U R T I MUNNO PARA S R O DOWNS South-bound access A D onto & north-bound exit off Expressway ANDREWS FARM KU DAVOREN PARK SMITHFIELD PLAINS AD RO HY AC PE 3 4 CURTIS ROAD ANGLE VALE ROAD MALLALA N M T A W L L O A W L A E L R L O S A R D O A D 5 WARD BELT Northern Expressway Overpass at connects at Two Wells Road Gawler bypass BUCHFELDE Two-way access to Northern Expressway 6 from Gawler bypass via interchange WILLASTON UDLA GAWLER WEST EVANSTON TH ROAD MAIN NOR GAWLER 5 6 AY EXPRESSW GAWLER BYBASS TWO WELLS ROAD ROAD expresswaynorthern info How will environmental effects It will be available for public comment in the fi rst half of 2007. Comments received from the community will be considered? be considered and inform any revision of the concept An environmental assessment has commenced and will design. A supplementary report document will also continue during the community engagement process. be prepared. It will identify and quantify the environmental, social and economic effects of the Northern Expressway proposal. What happens if the proposed route The investigations will relate to technical areas such as: goes through my property? noise water quality Some properties will need to be purchased by the Department air quality and hydrology for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (DTEI) so that the socio-economic impact cultural heritage Northern Expressway can be constructed. The Department fl ora and fauna land use and planning is authorised under the Highways Act 1926 to acquire land visual effect traffi c and transport required for road development purposes. and landscaping infrastructure Approved guidelines will be followed when contact is made Project team members working in the area will be clearly with potentially affected property owners or occupiers. identifi ed. Their presence will not mean that any particular Staff of DTEI will individually contact these people. property is to be affected by the project. Information about property owner rights will be provided. The environmental report will describe the Northern If you believe that your property might be acquired, Expressway, summarise its effects and describe the and you have not yet been contacted directly, then please proposed ways to avoid or minimise any adverse effects. contact the Northern Expressway team on 1300 658 621. How can you have a say? Community engagement during the environmental assessment and response process will occur from November 2006 until mid-2007.
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